Page 69 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 69
Campus Ministry Funds Discontinued Teresa Baker archdiocese is, in effect, saying Funding for the Campus that students here are not worth Ministry program at Western the time or money involved. This Maryland will be discontinued has naturally upset many students. after this semester, Catho1ic Neither Sister Rose or any students were recently informed. member of the WMC Catholic The Office of Campus Ministry of Campus Ministry Council were the Archdiocese of Baltimore aware of the plans being made notified Sister Rose, the current until the decision had been made campus minister, by memo on February Zl, that as of July 1, 1979, They were allowed no say in the all campus ministry services and matter. masses atWMC will not be funded, and as a result they will be The elimination of funds not only discontinued. leaves Catholic students without a but also with no weekly minister, This elimination of funds con- Mass in Little Baker Chapel next cerns only Western Maryland and year. The funds enabled the Hood Colleges, None of the other ministry to provide a priest for .. colleges in the area will be af- Saturday special programs holyday Mass, night fected. for the Masses, students Most Catholic are small students, Rick Powell and Lisa SprankJe practice getting close for the upcoming production "Ten Nights in a confused about the reasons for this similaractivilies. get-togethers, and Bar-Room: or the Traffic Must Cease in Carroll," to be held at Western Maryland March 16-18. elimination, and quite upset, The Several options open Action Comm. Curbed by Apathy There are a number of options open to CCMC at the moment. The Paul Hogsten Shank said that the committee students indicate a definite serve the- students. "People come Council has asked that students "The reason the Action Com- has done some things anyway. The communications gap between the to us and thereby the Action and parents write to both the mittee can't do anything is because biggest thing that the Action Action Committee and the Committee gives Chern a hearing Bishop and the Archbishop. The the students are apathetic. Either Committee has been involved in Executive Committee. and discusses their ideas. It's one cut has also prompted the Council that, or they're content," stated this year is the alcohol and van- Davis said that although the way to give the SGA input," ex- to ask for parental financial Tim Shank, president of the dalism problems. But this in- committee has dealt with no big plainedDavis. support. Western Maryland College Student volvement has taken place only issues all year, people do come to The Alcohol Problem and Even if these tactics fail to bring GoverrunentAssociation. recently. At the beginning of the the meetings and bring up smaller Vandalism Panel which was held any amount of support from the Thefts Relate ii:~ f~~~ti~Og~~~~~ t:e~!f~:r~: problems. "It's kind of a small yesterday, Committee's work from on this archdiocese, that there is still a good the resulted may Mass forum here. 'phtngs come outor it," chance be con- Action from getting rid of orange juice. Davis stated. problem. It was held in McDaniel tinued on campus next year, - to Un oc e Ct~~~ dealing with big "We should be Lounge and was open were Dean all through the volunteer efforts of to Davis continued: I k d m~~::Dc~V~~~~:~, A~t!~~ but students. The panelists problems, 'Doors ~~~:~o~e~~~~i~~~~~ut~~ nobody comes to us with them. It's Mowbray, Dr. John, a represen- several Mass priests and the deacon who With their say this year. help, the Council is trying representative Jenifer Ulrey they have not gotten much of a frustrating because want the people on tative from from the the SGA, frater- a ways to subsidize Mass 'for to find the committee to do a lot, the Within r~ent months theft has response. they are active, involved students:' nities, and a representative from estimated 450 Catholic students become a major problem at The committee has jurisdiction The com,mittee"s main goal is to the faculty. next year. Wesfern Maryland. A question over the Grade- Review-Board, facing Mr. Fazano, Head of which has not been set up yet. The Prof's Work Displayed at Hoffberger Security at WMC, is whether or not committee also has joint students are fully aware of this jurisdiction, with the Social problem. Almost 90% of the thefts Committee over the radio station; ~~::v~a~;~eend ii~ ~~~:~~~ w~~ht~eno~;i~~ti~~ y~~~ year Wasyl Palijczuk, associate ~r~~r a~~I~eC~~~U~!I~~~r:.H~~~ hi~i~~~~s:f ~a~;:-O~Sa:~~i:: students left their doors unlocked. Davis was interested in using the ~~:.e::~:t~t~~~::~a~~aa:J exhibit will run 10 a.m-s p.m. works at over 70 shows, often the According to Mr. Fazano, "There committee to oppose teachers College, is presently exhibiting a Sundays through Fridays through' annually, ~i~he w;i~: ~~~1~~:~~ locally and around has been only one case of forcable smoking in Memorial Hall, which collection of recent paintings, March 30. ~!~~iy entry." Also, students have is "repugnant to students." Davis Deaf Ed. in the News Annual Show at the Baltimore City ~:e~~~rb~~~:~ p~::n;~~~~ ~::~~notgetenOughSupport~fhis easy entry for friends. The Action Committee has failed Hall Gallery. Proficient in oil, Mr. Fazano could not disclose to publish a student directory this watercolor, drawing, print, any information pertaining to year. According to Davis that has "Western Maryland Program in its kind to enroll deaf students in sculpture, even Bonsai growing, possible suspects for committing been one of the intentions of the Deafness," a recent arficle inv'The recognition of, as the article points Wasyl has served as judge for the theft. However, some committee since the beginning of Deaf American" by Jay Moore, out, "the importance of deaf many art events including the precautionary measures can and the year, but it was delayed. Davis '78, Sharon Lotz, '79, and Dr. Hugh teachers teaching the deaf." WMC Hampstead Annual Children's Art should be taken by students toheJp commented, "Now it's getting T. Prickett, reports on WMC was also "one of only a few Show in 1978 and 1979, and has against possible thefts. Keeping pretty late to put it out. I'm kind of progress in deaf education over the colleges to begin a new program given many public lectures and with no outside funds." demonstrations. ~;~ion~uor::~~~~n t~! ~~{;; ~~~ ~~:ae;~~ I~o~O~~~~tgw~~~ pa~~~~t~er things the article Having received various grants Wasyl's current exhibit-at the Office is very effective. The serial Davis' statement, Shank said, points out that the Western and recognitions over the years, Hoffberget Gallery features his numbers are kept on file with the "Last year, theSGA took a bath on Maryland program, begun in 1967, including accreditation by the Iatest watercolor series, "Sunrise- Maryland State Police computer it financially. There is no real :~~i~~edp~ag~~~~~ii~~eh~~ Council on Education of the Deaf in Sunset," that has to do with his system as well as in a locked file purpose for a student directory._ 1972, the program received cer- • dreamlike landscape as it is af- cabinet in the Security Office. Mr. Anyone who wants to know where prepare teachers of the deaf for tification from the State of fected by the daily journey of the Fazano also engraves student's someone lives can call up the In- secondary school-as well as for the Maryland in the spring of 1973. possessions for them. formation Desk." These different primary grades. It-was the first of Smithdas on Problems of the Deaf-Blind honorary Doctorate degrees from pointed out involves the seH- rehabilitation and education. services the center provides as Helga Hein Gallaudet College in Washington, centeredness a deaf-blind person These people have a sympathetic, well as developments it has made. Dr. Robert J. Smithdas, in his D.C. and Western Michigan must overcome. The deaf-blind first-hand perspective of deaf- At the center, each patient learns a lecture at WMC last Thursday University. individual expresses his own blindness. This work could also type of communications best evening, emphasised that deaf- Dr. Smithdas lectured on the needs, but doesn't understand give more fulfillment to their lives. suited to his needs. He develops the blind persons are human beings special problems a deaf-blind everyday kindness. He must Dr. Smithdas finished by capability to be independently who experience unique person encounters. He believes the realize that others also have wants remarking that although many mobile and participates in a frustrations and emotions, but who worst thing that can happen to a and needs that require sympathy deaf-blind persons have been physical therapy, program. Other can contribute to society if given deaf-blind person (or anyone) is and understanding. helped in the past ten years, there services include training in self- the opportunity. Dr. Smithdas, that he should become isolated or Dr. Smithdas also noted the is a long way to go before the help and occupational skills, and himself deaf-blind since age five as neglected. The person will begin to progress in rehabitational and average deaf-blind person can be social and recreational activities. a result of cerebro-spinal withdraw into himself, feeling no educational facilities, but stressed self-sufficient. However, - his The staff and other patients meningitis, serves as Director of curiosity or initiative and finding the necessity for further im- dependency on society does not respect each individual's privacy. Community Education for the no meaning in life. Dr. Smithdas provements. He cited the need for make the deaf-blind individual less Dr. Smithdas provided an in- Helen Keller National Center for compared the neglected person to funding of volunteer service of a human being. teres6ng and informative lecture. Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults. His a piece of machinery that hasn't centers. Furthermore, he iden- A film about the Helen Keller But, he also is a living example of many honors include becoming the been used for a long time; its parts tified the advantages of deaf-blind National Center, "Raising the the heights to which the human first deaf-blind person to earn a become rusty. agencies' hiring deaf-blind persons Curtain," was also shown at the spirit can climb despite Master's Degree and recetvtng two Another obstacle Dr. Smithdas who have been trained in lecture. It depicted the various whelming obstacles.
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