Page 37 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 37
Thursday. November 9, 1978 Scrimshaw pageS ROTC Activities' Appalachian Trail Conquered Bill Spring On the weekend of October 28 cared at this point. With visions of and 29, twenty ambitious ROTC golden .arches (Mcljonald'sj in cadets and two semi-ambitious their minds, the wandering cadre members conquered 17 caravan ofWMCstudents was able miles of Western Maryland and to complete the hike in record Pennsylvania's Appalachian Trail. time. Once at the end, the group With a promising forecast of clear was able to look back 18 miles and and sunny skies the group decide that in spring they would departed from Peomar National not carryall those unessential Park with boots tightly tied, items-csuch as sleeping bag, rucksacks on and GORP (a clothes, underwear, toothbrush, nutrilious trail snack) on hand. toothpaste, food-just water and The first day entailed hiking nine moleskin Rangers Prepare :~~:-~~r~~n:~~:,~~:~~~~~ cadet Blane Clarke's dismay there This Saturday the WMC Ranger were plenty of "I can't go on" Platoon will leave for a weekend of bre~~s. Eventually the e~- tactical training at beautiful Fort pedl~lOn~ry force reached their Meade, Md., where they will 'be destination for the day-~bout ~2- joined by the rest of the battalion mile ~outh of. Rt. .77 m Penn- early Sunday morning. sylvania '. After setting up camp On Saturday the Rangers will ,a~d having a foot che~k (for have classes in ambushes and day . blisters) they were ~rmltted to orienteering, following which they c~t Most i Ple d ~~ed won C- will conduct their own ambushes: ra ons or reeze- n anton and follow a compass through Soup, but a select few were treated briars and trees and streams in to ~ gourmet meal of cheese fondue order to return to base camp: Story in Silence - Miming- deliciously served Chef ( Later that night they will again ~O~~!'::,compa!,into""Pi";h- Early Sunday morning the One of this month's-many of- shows for Princess Grace and at and performer", "Entertaining, Rangers will meet the rest of the ferings from the Lecture/Concert the John F. Kennedy Center for the unique, good ... ", "It's rare wtien ballalion on the firing range. Here Committee is Keith Berger, mime. Performing Arts, Berger has also" we can see both an artist and a .tne cadets will fire live am- appearing in the Decker College createdafulilengthmimeplay warm person in one per- munition from M-16 rifles at' the Center Forum on November 13, at This is not the first time we have formance", "I loved him, he was targets on the range. 8 p.m. Mr. Berger has performed been fortunate enough to have just great!". We can only assume Following a' hardy lunch of C- everywhere from rock concerts to Keith on our campus. He shared he has improved with time. rations the cadets will spend the New York's Cathedral of st. John his talents with us two years agoon Don't miss the excitment and afternoon - enjoying tactical the Divine, and is also interested in October 27. Some comments on his talents of Keith Berger. Tickets exercises (playing Army) "Mime on Campus". Midst these previous show are: "Technically available from College Activities, 'Carrying M-IS's loaded with L ,:,":::'.:::ied~pe~"o:::.':::m,:::.n:::c",::.:....~in::::c~'u~di:.'lng:,...;,;:!upe::;::.;'b::..• .;;w:::",;m... ,.:'::;;.n;'i:;.:tiv;;.~pe;;;"r.;0":;...;c:;::.::m:l:pu:;::,-;::rree.:::;;..o:::.rr~c:::.m::,::pu="::.2.;;:50:.._..! blanks the cadets will confront ""C''''a'r'l' D"" ie'·"tr' 'i'c'~"h';.t_";.ol·:CJ.'·a""'·m··'·'~·'··pJ_J~··"US't:r~ 'M", , -"us_..·i'c·"ia· 'n""''',.., , ,Gregory W.) was then>
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