Page 34 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 34
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Excuses, Excuses Locked Doors a Great Hassle We, the editorial staff, were going to write an editorial Dear Editor, door to Whiteford Hall: the main 212 students who live in this hall on voter apathy in last Tuesday's state elections, but we There are four doors to one. The door to ground floor and are forced to use only the main really didn't give a damn. Who cares lf only 40% of the Whiteford Hall. That is, there are the two basement ones are closed entrance. dusk, at causing to lock them four doors to Whiteford Hall until student population even planned to vote? This fact was dusk; after dusk there is qnly one automatically. This means that the This state of circumstances is a revealed through an informal classroom poll conducted frustrating inconvenience not only recently by Scrimshaw. Who cares if we get stuck with Vendingltlaehines! to the students living on ground another bunch of weak politicians? Obviously, most don't. floor and in the basement. but 10 as well the other residents Western Maryland offers us a truly liberal arts doors are closest The basement education. Courses in Economics, Sociology, History and Dear Editor. student population"! to the parking lot. For this reason What ever happened to the row we get rid of Iam not suggesting or Political Science (among others) are required for of vending machines which once The Pub, it is one of the best things those doors would be more easily graduation; these courses should increase our knowledge occupied the old Student Center? J that has ever happened to the accessible to students returning and awareness of the political system the real world. But remember putting my quarters WMC campus. It is an informal from there to their rooms; it is it doesn't. Something is definitely wrong. Involvement in into the machine and watching rny- place to gather with friends (who much simpler to go in the college life does not negate responsibility to the outside favorite pastry, soda, or even my do not wish to study) where they basement doors and up the stairs than it is to climb all the way up the community. __ favorite meal come rolling down can make as much noise as they sloping lawn to the main door and I am like. Political unconcern seems to be the most se.vereof all the chute. For the first two months would that we suppliment advocating. into the building from there. has been nowhere of school there rather. the Pub apathies at WMC. Instead, political interest and par- on campus to obtain such mun- with some vending machine. Some Dusk is a very inconvenient time tlclpaticn should-beoneof our first priorities as Citizens. chies if you did not have either a room where we can go when we are for the three doors in question to be Really folks, it's not that hard to vote. The actual voting car or the time to walk to Twin studying and do not want to see locked. Now that Eastern Standard process is being revamped. Computers are being used in. Kiss The administration has anyone. since we know a stop at the Time has been reinstated, dusk is 5:30, a very early Pub will last hours by the time we time of around several nearby areas. Absentee ballots are becoming promised snacks, sandwiches, etc. meet our friends. Vending the evening. Dinner is still being easier to obtain with each suceeding election. Car pools from The Pub, if it is ever finished. machines are not a viable alter- served until 6:15. which means are easy to form by contacting friends. Or by writing But will their prices be competitive native to the Pub. They are. that the people living in the notices in various campus publications. with vending machine prices? Will however. perhaps the only sensible basement returning from dinner We know that some of you are studying so hard that you it be open as often as vending munchy stop for the studying are forced to enter through the don't get to see or hear anything of the candidates on machines would be available to the student Bill Spring main door, walk down a hall, and to two flights of steps descend television or radio. And we know that your hands ache so reach their floor which is ac- fill out an absentee ballot. We really pity you problem-torn WMC:On the Air cessible otherwise only through much at the end of a hard day of note-taking that you can't two locked doors students. And don'it let us forget those who have thirteen Maintenance of house security is the reason for the locking of these straight hours of classes on the day of the election. You Lee Maxwell doors at this time of the day. Fine. poor people probably don't even get toeat! benefits of colJ~ge radio stations. Many students heard last year This is the job we have to do to security should be enforced in all Maybe it is too late to vote now, but the problem af- possible ways. But shouldn't the flicting most students is one of attitude. Scrimshaw ad- ~~~~:o~et~~~ ~:~eg~~g\~~1~ta~~~ ~~t iiV~I~noe~t~: a~~~n~n;eer~:t~~ residence students' convenience be considered as well"? There is a way vocates student involvement in any aspect of the political many expressed strong interest in people to help. If you know that both of these ends can be system. Only in becoming aware of the political process .this idea. Because of this interest a anything about college radio, and achieved Simultaneously. If the meeting If you know where to find factual was called to discuss the can our liberal arts education be complete. problems involved with starting information on the subject. contact locks on the two basement doors and floor door were the ground station a Profs Continue Smoking, and running were radio discussed at me. Lee Maxwell Box 721. ex. :112. changed so that the dorm keys of (I live Several ideas B-16). The in Whiteford Whiteford residents would fit them Are Endangering Lives ,',' Per.on',II' ViewpoUat " as they do the main door's have lock. would students then 'the It has come to the attention of Scrimshaw that there complete. convenient access at all times to the building in which they I are several professors who continually smoke in that meeting, were and several courses Un- more people we have. the faster live. And security would still be classrooms when class is in session.Most of the professors protected the job will get done. and we'H be of action considered. l who do this also teach in Memorial Hall, which has clearly fortunately, because no one really that much closer to a radio station SusanHubich posted "no smoking" signs. had any idea of how tostarta radio The reason for these signs Is explained in the fire station, nothing came out of that For Females Only However. meeting. marshal's affectionate reference to Memorial as a one particular mean the idea of a , ,"Let Him Squirm" doesn't that firetrap. More material than the philosophical question of WMC radio station has been the right of these professors to endanger the lives of all the abandoned for good; in fact, the Tommi and Jerri about your BHH t boytr'iend-back- This article home). Your dozen pictures of him people in the building, is the material question of fire in- idea is closer to reality than ever MALES. READ is for females only and your constant quoting of him NO FURTHER! surance. Memorial Hall is insured for fire under the before. Now that you and your man have have given away your secret. The requirement that no one smoke in the building, and if the This year, through the efforts gotten aqua inted, you obviously worst mistake you could make insurance company were to discover that professors and cooperation of Social Com- want to and have to spend some would be to tell him that your BBH smoke in the hall, it would raise the insurance charge. mittee Chairman Jeff Robinson time with him. Some males, at this was just killed in a trolley-car 'Raised in discussion on the SGA floor was the suggestion and Action Committee Ad-Hoc Chairman point in the relationship, want accident. Most males are gullible. Davis, an Mike Radio more than you are willing to give bUI wouldn't believe that. Tell him that, if the charges were raised, instead of raising the Station Committee was established him. Don't let him make. any quick that you did go out with your BBH student's tuition to pay for it, that the professors involved to research the feasibilty of moves on you. yet. Let him squirm but that has passed smce you have be charged for the extra insurance. . starting a radio station here on for a while. This tactic of .you~s met the new I.ove in your life. This There is another consideration involved, which does not campus, and to promote its may make him mad. but It WIll statement WIll surely Will him apply only to Memorial. This college attempts to teach establishment if che project is keep him coming back. Have him over. Now your major conflict has judged feasible. indeed J volun- and been resolved find and you may take you out on some dates complex ideas to the students who come here. Besides the teered to chair the committee and spend some money on you. Believe yourself talking more openly and obviously poor manners of any people who would inflict to oversee its activities it or not. some of our sources say comfortably with each other and their smoke upon people who may be very irritated by it, One of the things that did become that the "typical male" will now on less trivial matters. You now the smoke distracts students from the difficult job of un- apparent at that meeting is, before think of the relationship as an can feast from the fruits of your men. on campus derstanding the complex ideas taught here. Students seem we did anything else. we would investment that you ought to be BBH and your one knowing about Sorm.thlng without either to understand the difficulty of learning, when the have to look into the costs incurred prepared for soon is the question the other distraction of tobacco smoke is present, for Scrimshaw has and procedures involved in learned of no instances of such inconsiderate behavior by ~~:~~gO:~h~S~~,;;;~;gw~;:~:~David, Weinfeld Honored students. We hope that in this onecasethe teacher/student been David has teaching relationship can be reversed and professors can learn also have to investigate several the 1\\'0 Western Maryland College Western Maryland College since at other in important factors consideration and good manners through the examples of problem. such as the 'sources of professors were recently honored 1952. He earned his A.B. at Dart- their students. finance for the building and in their areas of study. Dr. William mouth College and his A.M .... nd operating of the station, student M. David, Jr., head of the political Ph.D. at Columbia University ~~~':i~~~hjif Scrimshaw Milnaging Editor interest and commitment towards science department at Western Weinfeld has been with the Nancy Menefee a radio station, and a radio Maryland College, was recently department of dramatic art since station's place in the college named governor of the Maryland- 1970_He earned his B.A. at Miami co~m~nity. This is wha~ we ~re District of Columbia Province of Pi Uni.versity in Ohio and his M.A. at ',doing .- !lL t~!3' w~nt, ,-.~ ,JI~ Garnrqa l\1u',,j.J)~ •.~ticihal Social Indiana University where he ha~ '1mqmpng: towards sev~ra1 dIfferent, Science Honor Soci~t . Tim . also. cO\llRleted all,' .b\lll' his :.soure~of ~n!orm~,ti~n~ ~h-a~ t~~•. \Wein"(t!ld: -asscctate prof!';s~~' 6f " d{ss~r·t.1tiMlfb-rl a-'Ph""n?He hat .,FCC, o~er college ~adlO.~taho!'5._ ~\ ~esterrtMaryland .served as actor. te~hnicia4t .'pro~esslOnal companies tnat s~t ~p 'Cdllege:' was' 'ihstalled as a '. 'director, house I ma"hager'. radIO stations or sell rad~o member of the executive board of production stage manager, and equipment, and non-profIt the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the instructor of drama, speech. and organizations involved wltn American Theatre Association at acting at countless theaters and college radio. aoout the costs and Lehigh University. universities.
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