Page 33 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 33
Seminar Deals with Mideast Problems Dave Cleveland tinued. Representatives of various of the The Egyptian is expected to factions in the Middle East will speak on the current peace arrive on campus to present their process. The Palestinian is ex- views on the situation there next pected to speak about the week. Palestinian revolution and its role Ali Mansour, from the Egyptian in the Middle East. Both Arabs are embassy, and Dr. Hatiem EI- expected to mention the Arab Husseini, Executive Director of Summit conference held last week. the Palestinian Information The Israeli is expected to speak on Center, will present two different Israel's past and future, and the Arab views of the situation in problem from the Israeli Decker Auditorium at 7:30 on viewpoint. Tuesday, November 14. On Ali hopes that "the people will Wednesday the 15th, also in Decker respond and ask hard questions of at 7:30, Ycsur ccu , from Israeli. the speakers. We will have the embassy will present the Israeli third day so interested students point of view on the Middle East. and faculty should meet and These speakers, and a third open discuss the problem after they discussion period on Thursday the have heard and listened to the 16th at 7:30, make up a Mideast speakers. We will look at that third Se~inar which. has be~n dayasatesttoseewhatthequality engineered by Dr. William David, of understanding of the students head of the Political Science was." department here. . Dr. David explained why he was Explaining how he came to start interested in the seminar, "I really the program, Dr. David said, "J think it is scandalous how little the' was interested in the discussion of American people know about the the problem in the Scrimshaw last world. Most Americans I think year. So Italked to Ali Alzatari and have no idea on what basis anyone we mentioned the. possibility of a has any claim to Palestine. I think program like this one focusing on we need to know a lot more about the true historical background of the situation. I am looking for a the Mideast problem." more aware and enlightened Ali, a Palestinian student student body. studying here, said, "I have Ali's views are much like Dr Discussed worked for this program it will come' David's. "We are we having the since last hope I really seminar the May. because feel was to T. Lee Maxwelt The subcommittee is mandated last point, and stresses the im- through. just Our first intention speaker, college and the community around the college need to know about the a Palestinian have The first meeting of the SGA by the original motion that created portance of student response to but we have broadened the Mideast problem, since President Alcohol Policy subcommittee was it to "organize campaigns what the committee will be at- program to three speakers." Carter is spending most of his time 'held last Tuesday night at 6:30 at necessary to affect abuse of the 'tempting to do. He hopes that , "The seminar attempts to go dealing with it. It will accomplish a the SGA offices. This committee (college alcohol) policy, and to students from all areas of the over the problem, its origins, how better understanding of the was set up at the Oct. 16 meeting of recommend SOCiological and campus community. including it developed, the problem of the Arab/Palestinian cause. And it the SGA Senate. It's purpose is to judicial measures to aid the members of fraternities and refugees and why they are will give students a chance to meet look into the problem of alcohol situation." Jeff Robinson, the sororities, will become involved fighting, the establishment of people from these different states abuse and vandalism on campus original sponsor of the motion - with the subcommittee and keep it Israel, and Israel's legitimacy and organizations, and make a and to do whatever possible to help explained rbat the t erm a representative body. from both viewpoints," Ali con- judgementforthemselves." alleviate the problem. "sociological measures" means some use The com mtttee will be the committee should effort as a Music Student Dies Overnight; examining the problem of alcohol sort of public relations students I abuse on this campus by talking C. way of educating its extent, and about the Cause of Death Unknown - the problem, with Dean of Student Affairs to be done l Wray offices at other colleges of need for something agrees with and Mowbray, student with Dean Mowbray affairs the fact the emphasizes that similar groups Wl\1C, size and and with experience to problem is not only one of van- Nancy Menefee John Koontz stated, "He was a From His professionally involved with the dalism, or fraternity parties, but James Ray Hendon, a helluva nice guy, nobody disliked Friends ••. problem. According to Rick rather the widespread misuse and sophomore at Western lVIarylanii him, and he didn't dislike anyone. Roecker, co-chairman with Ralph abuse of alcohol by many students. College died Friday morning of He never had a bad word for - Jim was one of the most con- Preisendorfer of the new sub- Dean . Mowbray feels it is un- what may have been a heart at- anyone. He was quiet and shy, and siderate people I ever met committee, these will be groups fortunate that alcohol abuse is not · tack. The official cause of death is once you got to know him he was a - He kind of managed to find the like AI-Anon and Alcoholics regarded as a problem by a not known at this time. great guy and a good friend." John good in people, never had anything Anonymous. majority of students; in fact, that Al Burk, Jim Hendon's room- also expressed gratitude on the bad to say, as a rule ... With a lot of Mr. Roecker said the sub- kind of behavior is condoned and part of the jamily for those who committee will be collecting much reinforced rather than condemned mate, returned to the room at attempted to help Jim. professors tha t other people kind of relavent information from these by students. The Dean feels that about 8:45 a.m. and found him hate he would say, 'Well, he's not sources about the problem. This student attitudes will have to lying on the floor. He had a lump on so had.' information will then be spread in change before the problem im- his head and appeared to be un- - I never heard Jim complain, no a public relations campaign aimed proves in any way; and to change concious. An ambulance was matter how hard things were. at educating students about the these attitudes, students will have called by Dave Sutor, and Dave Never complained and never quit, aspects of alcohol and vandalism to learn about alcohol abuse. and James Grove, Jr. attempted to just kept trying. abuse. The long-range goal of the However, said Dean Mowbray, no revive Jim with mouth to mouth - It he wanted something, he did it campaign is to create peer amount of education can change resusitation and CPR (Cardie for himself, and never expected pressure among students against student attitudes if students refuse Pulminary Besusitattonr. any praise. abuse of alcohol and school to listen. The ambulance crew arrived - He was always putting more than he had to into things ... more time. property. Rick Roecker agrees with this and rushed Jim to the hospital, but more energy, everything "Mime on Campus" could not revive him. Assistant - Jim was funny, and he didn't act to be - always like he was trying John Koontz, Resident in Rouzer said, "as far as I'm real subtle and straight . besides introduced the other artists who concerned, I don't think there was that, he was a real good trombone Mime Keith Berger, who has appeared in the Foyer Concerts. anybody who could have done player ... soundedgreaL spread his art from the streets of He diverted, entertained and anything more." - He was just a kind of guy you New York City to performing arts guided crowds of over 5,000 could not dislike centers throughout the United Actor, director and writer, the There were rumors that Jim had - He was very dedicated as far as Slates and Canada, will bring his young mime's accomplishments lost a considerable amount of music goes, always the first to set show to Western Maryland College include the creation of a full-length ,weight suddenly on a diet for up and one of til e last to leave. at 8 p.m., Monday, Nov.13 in the mime screen play. Also, he has wrestling. John Koontz denied - Whenever I asked Jim to do Forum.Decker College Center. been involved in advertising these rumors, saying, "He had something for band, I usually campaigns for everything from been losing weight on his own since found that he'd already done it Berger has controlled audiences cars to back-to-schooi clothes. the beginning of the school year - He was a dedicated musician. I with mime on the street, at rock A figure in black and white, There was nothing sudden about think he practiced more than concerts, at country concerts, at a Berger includes appearances his weight loss, although he had anyone else in the department. '. lost 20 Ibs. in over 6 weeks, he peMorlnO,~mo.',nndce,-.f,·Oti,l?ni-i,P,""I_n.SghGt"pe,e,~!-w he r ev er- stlr~~.nt.s. may - Jim had a real strong moral and '- ... c;o.rtgregate acr~" campus in •,,~," ..~~igh.tqUickIY.'" honest base; that's his greatest vigifin .Qle second largest church ';1\>Ijmeon CampUs',?as')Vell,as, his wae'descnbed contribution. Anywhere he went he in the wor'Ja..-Cathedral of St. John rormatstage presentation. " • · "jim as quiet and would take that. . The value of his the Divine-in New York. For tickets or' fllrthet in- '~onsiderate.· -Da v e Sutor life is an example. We have a big Invited to serve as "symbol" of formation on Berger's appearance remembers him as "quiet, and i responsibility to use the example the pe:rfonning arts at Kennedy at Western Maryland College,' really dedicated to what he did; he of (his) good points to help our Center during President Carter's contact -ccllege activities at 848- wasn't a quitter. He was an ex- lives. He had a lot 10offer. inaugurat~on, Berger ~lentIy 7000ext. 265, or 876-3752. cellent musician."
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