Page 30 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 30
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor ~ttention Please Boredom isn't in the School, it is in You By; this time, you're probebty wondering why this interesting This letter than I have here. editorial is so short. Although it might not bother many week's editorial is in response to last of was mentioned thai In the article, being it have been (documentaries and lectures, "sit- movies after on the "Sense students, we'd like to explain our predicament to those of frustration." I felt very disap- here for a few years, even the backs"), numerous parties and you who are interested. pointed to read that some WMC available diversjo~ to boredom dances, games, etc., etc .. There First of all, Scrimshaw has been plagued this year, as in student has such negative views on "become as t,edlOus as the are over thirty clubs to join, program. the past, by a lack of writers. Our sports staff has dwindled the school activity so frustrated To be routine." Isn't It true that no ranging from religious to in- oriented. to sports As tellectual so bored and matterwhatyoudo,nomatterhow on a to a single reporter. Although he tries, one person can't campus that offers as much as this exciting and int.eresting it is, ~ou was said in last week's article, cover six sports events a week. There are a few who write one does is really a shame, and I will get bored WIth it after awhile? Baltimore and Washington- are when the mood strikes, but a newspaper can't depend on feed sorry [or the person who is not You could '!I0v~ to illustri?us close by [or when that need to people's whims. capable of or willing to take part. I Hollyw?od, WIth Its n~ver ending escape from campus arises. The News is another department that could use some new may be new to the campus this e~tertamment, and stul be h?red game room and provides cheap en- is always there tertainment faces. Here there are three or four fairly dependable year, but I have spent enough time stiff after a few years. Co~ld It be the good old Library (in case you has of the article on other college university and that the author people. But readers tend to complain about overuse of the campuses of equal or greater size had too much of a good thing'? are really' 'desperate) that is same writers. There are plenty of articles to be written, and have found myself with T.his school has of.fered much to stocked with books. many of which and we're glad to help anyone willing to try. "nothing to do" many more times do in these past two months, There have never been read, The school sports Many people on campus don't realize the reason behind has many excellent participate teams in that one could either the unusual number of four-page papers this year, or the Sports Worthy, Bring it Back or be a spectator of. Intramural increasing amount of ads in each issue. The cause of our teams are presently being formed problem is a $1,100.00plus deficit from last year. In order Dear Edilor, dismayed by the _ Invitational Team? winners 0r maybe the a for those sports which are not I was greatly Volleyball to print every week without running over our budget, these disappearance of the Sports Page paragragh or two on all the JV usually included in the athletic Many of these school compromises are necessary. With the combined income in last week's issue of Scrimshaw. sports, some of which must have a curriculum. require no money and no activities from ads and our SGA allottment, second semester Western Maryland College is winning record? '<, other strange demands from their promises much more for both our staff and the Western currently having its biggest year in Rather than complain 'about the participants .. Maryland population. sports since I arrived, yet sports lack of school spirit, why not Just in today's W]I;lC Today seems to receive less coverage publicize the events we can be (Tuesday), there are numerous Does Absolute Power ... ? every week proud of? Let us not ignore those activities including two concerts, a people that strive so hard to bring I realize there are only 4 pages (1 pumpkin decorating and 'n of ads) per week, but victory to our teams! Bring back dance marathon, a contest. a Halloween BARa~r('~~v;;nt}:re at WMC we judgement, or .in some cases even couldn't something be cut to make the sports page. please! _ party, a feature film. an open labor at our studies. This is an. from simple mls~kes. The present room for our Princeton- Bill Spring smoker, intramural football, and institution of higher learning, and sy~tem does not l?Sure that we be we have come here to learn high fairly ~nd r~pon:'lbly graded. Fo-rFemales Only :~n~t~:u~j~~~I~~~ i~I~~~o~~~~~ knowledge. Only individually can My intention IS_~o change the we judge whether we have been I present grade review system. I From the Other Side ~~~h;;~,t~~~ i~o~f~€~~~~;l;°~e~n~ successful or not but the rest of the hope to make It more responsive to world does not j~dge us on our own our needs. I hl?_peto in,sure tha~ we Tommi and Jeiii: for a while but will soon get ;~~ ~~~~:ra~~ ~~e~fyU~tjo~~ \~W~~ evaluations. We are judged by our have adequate protecuon. I believe This _a.rticle is intended for discouraged and look on to better had. . the system must include some- females only. Males-haft, cease, possibilities. Also, when a guy is I do not disagree with everything __Per.onal.~ means-tot changing a student's desist. MALES READ NO FUR· interested in you, try to refrain in the article, however, Some very - .Yletcpolnt ~~j:Cetio~~enO[ar~;n~tro~so~iO~~~ THER! For a year now, we from foolish babbling and giggling. fine suggestions were made. I.. been many grades. Although we trust
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