Page 25 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 25
Decker Center Plagued By Theft $50.00 each, have disappeared Debbie W~oden from the student government Of all the var-ious problems that office. 'rtiree stocte from the game have plagued the new Decker room, totaling about $75.00, are College Center, the most missing. Approximately $100.00 disheartening is the theft of college worth of plants and a IOx15 carpet, property. Joan Nixon, Director of from the conference room, com- College Activities, estimated that plete the list of known stolen items. at least$looo.OO worth of goods has The first hint of theft came about been reported missing from the three weeks ago, stated Mrs. college center. Nixon, when some plants were noticed missing. None of the The thefts have centered mainly college activities personnel has in the lower level of the Decker actually seen anyone take the College Center. The lower level items. Unless someone has been contains the game room, mall and "caught in the action," there is not various student organization's much the college can do. offices. This area is somewhat remote and not well supervised at Over breaks, residence halls are all times due to lack of staff. Some routinely inspected for health, of the rooms, especially the offices, can not be locked because their maintenance and fire hazards. doors were put on backwards. As According to Dean Mowbray,.if in soon as possible these doors will be the course a of the inspection, item not a is search, questionable turned around and fire doors will found, the student will be notified be installed on the lower level to will oe . keep persons from wandering prior to any action that through after the center has taken. If some of the missing items closed . from the college center are found, they will be taken back in the According to Joan Nixon, the student's presence from his room ~i~s!~g it~;noS~av~ ~!ner:~~ db~~ ~~:l~~:~~r~~~~h~t~~~~:dv:;~ organization's offices. An of th~ item is $100.00 'or more. If estimated ~umber of ten vinyl ~~~~~ct7!~f t~!el~:iht tht~ s~:e~ covered chairs, at a cost of roughly .. graduate school, lose his right to hold a public office and even lose to Dean the right to vote, according SGA Discusses Alcohol, Vandalism Mowbray. WMC has prosecuted a in the past, but Dean few students does not like personally Mowbray to do that. He would rather teach the concert was estimated to be in organization) must serve as a those students with problems. the ~tudent that he was wrong by Bill Bymt:r·., the neighborhood of $8,000 with communications link between the Elaborating on the idea of disciplinary action of the college helping Allhough other issues were individual tickets expected to go on administration and students. Only students expressed students, Mr. along with the culprit's setr- when these two groups understand his hope _that Meyers discussed, debate concernng the sale for $5.00. one another and work together can most students that have problems realization of the seriousness of his Jon Myers (a representative of actions. But if thefts continue, the will be able them. The second ~~c~~~p~~ddO~r:~~U:h:~~tl:~~ the Student Affairs Committee) progress be made. was the need .wnue simply to deal with the bums college may press charges to set "kicking point he emphasised isui meeting of the Student discussed with students some for peer pressure to play an im- out" is the most obvious reaction to an example to others. Government Association suggestions as to what should be portent r~le ~n improving the recent campu~ di.sturban~es, the Representatives from the Social done about the misuse of alcohol on current sttuauon. The student real solution lies In trying to win If anyone has any information Committee reported that the campus and its relation to the community knows which of its your antagonists over to your way about the thefts, please contact student body had approved destruction of school property. He members can cope (or more im- of thinking. Jon Meyers explained Dean Mowbray or Joan Nixon. Any through a special referendum, the explained that if the problem was portantly, cannot cope) with the administration's desire to work and all help will be appreciated. plans to have The Dirt Band for the to be dealt with effectively, two alcohol. This knowledge brings with the student body in the Remember tuition costs go up to Fall Concert on Wednesday, things should be done. First, the with it the responsibility to help ,.;,~",,~;::;:":.::'m:::':."::;to::.f:::lh;::;,:;g"'=:;.t '_ov_'_' .;;IOS_,_,,_lh_,,;,ou..;g,;,h-lh-, ..Its... _"I November eighth. The total cost of SGA (or some other student Deaf Ed Program Grows .Jan Term Problem - Overpopularity Sue Frost halfway." year. 'Fhis year, he said there was Lee Maxwell before last, the faculty agreed to ., WMC' s Deaf Education These factors have built a well only four or five. Fifteen semester The early morning opening of each teach a Jan Term course Department has been in operation known program, seen by the hours in Deaf Education are Jan-Term registration was the every other year. This increased since 1967 preparing certified distances graduates travel to available to undergraduates but scene of an incredibly long line, the amount of courses offered from teachers through a unique participate. Dr. Prickett men- they must be taken as electives. roughly 300 strong, who waited for about 30 to well over SO. Very few program headed by Director Hugh tioned a Iull- time student from At the present time there is a news of closed courses and the courses have been deleted since Prickett. India and a summer-student from shortage of teachers for the deaf slow but steady movement of the then. When WMC began its program, Sweden as examples. The program These teachers are needed line. As the throng moved, the Not Much Can be Done deaf education was usually taught has also had many students from nationwide. Graduates in this field positions of courses changed from Not much can be done in tn- on the elementary level. WMC was Africa, Canada, and a large have high job placements, if they third to second to first on creasing the number of new the first school in the country to number of states in our own are willing to move. Certified registration cards. courses to a great extent, since the have a program for teaching on the country. teachers are placed in many The long line, along with the number of courses depends on the secondary level also. A portion of WMC's un- states, yet there are times when disappointment of not getting the number of professors teaching Dr. Prickett said .WMC's dergraduates interested in deaf not enough are available. On course that one wanted, is typical However, when an overflow oc- program is one of three in the education continue into the Friday, October 13, a man from of almost every Jan-Term of the curs, usually the. instructor can United States that encourages deaf school's graduate program. Ac· Kentucky called Dr. Prickett last few years, according to Dr open up a course for a few more students to enroll. It was the first cording to Dr. Pricketl, there were asking for two teachers. Dr James E. Lightner, Director of the students. In this way, most, if not in its area to actually enroll deaf twelve undergraduates who went Prickett was only able to January Term. The main reason all, applicants C:l.O get into some students. About one half of the into the graduate program last recommend one. for this is that most of the courses course that appeals to them. that if feels Lightner However, both students. in. the prygram are offered have and priority a maximum to the student can't get the course he given enrollment he;~~ng~~1t~~cation Program Want Home-cooked Meal? first enrollees. wants, he should not blame it on was also the first in the country as a E
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