Page 22 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 22
SCRIMSHAW New Security: Cleaning Up for Your Parents . Is It Any Better? Nancy Menefee By this point in the school year, many students have Every year at about this time we totally begun to wonder what has happened to the corps of suddenly find our lives invading by an outside disrupted Pinkerton men who guarded our ivory tower. Last week's force: parents. This year, for those Scrimshaw stated that they had been reptaced by Western freshman who have not yet learned Maryland's own private security guards for various how to make their lives presen- reasons, including the fact that it would be considerably table-between Friday night and less expensive. It seemed like the students complained a Saturday morning, we have the' follO\yil!g tips. lot about their questioned abilities, but the Pinkerfons were always around. They were frequently and routinely Let's first deal with those illicit to clip a found checking the security in various buildings. and materials. It's advisable five-leafed iii off those leaf funny always seemed to be around somewhere. The fact that plants on your windowsill. We they hedbeen hired in the first place must have meant that realize that parents probably don't they -were reasonably competent. Their very uniformed know what they are, but you never presence seems to have been a deterent of some sort, for can tell what they hear on Walter the number of incidents on campus appears to have risen Cronkite. If there is beer in the tape just your since September. refrigerator, name on the cans. This roommates As-stated ln fhe September 28Scrimshaw, the three new not only convinces mom you don't guards hired in addition to Mr. Robert Fasano were put drink, but it keeps dad from through a training class, which will help, to a cer-tain drinking it. Take the textbooks out Dirty laundry is tricky. Leaving with a caption reading "Oh Shit." extent. But only one has had previous experience, which from under the bed and put them it lying around and explainin-g that For moderate parents: Leave posters the "Oh shit" was as an ex-Pinkerton. They do not wear uniforms, but on the desk. Take the Playboys the off you didn't have a quarter may lead that advocate but remove chemical and putting mom the cash. under dad to flash the desk and put them are '{sually seen in jeans, with walkie-talkies in a back bed. (Note: be sure to dust the However if any of the parents work substances into your body. pOCket..Therefore, a very large percentage of. WMC cobwebs from the textbooks and for the Board of Health the school For liberal parents: Take the stui:te'ntsdorrt know who they are, much less how to get) try to put a crease. or two in the might find itself in an embarassing Che Guevra posters and replace" ahold of them. binding.I position them with McGovern stickers. The following is a list of things to We're sure if you just follow the They seem to spend much time checking on the student Underwear from the opposite be removed from the walls. above details you'll have no center, which is commendable. It's a beautiful building sex is a nono. They'll never believe For extremely conservative trouble. Oh, and be sure to leave a and requires much attention to stay that way. But sodo the the Clorox people were doing parents: everything, including the Scrimshaw lying around, it shows stupents on campus. ~:~ry commercials in your ,PO:;;';;'''';;;'..;o;,;'';,;t::"::::in::::":::U::::in~g:::o':.:f':.:b::.:":::dg::e...:;yo:::u::.:,,:::":::on::!':Q::.ft:::it:;:ec.:::'t;,:W'::;e.~.. I~eems much harder to reach security this year, partially because of the new phone system. One head - w~~a~v~en=~ ~~~etht~~:,O!~~~ Letter to the Editor realdent cal led on several Western Maryland males to help evict an off-campus man :from a dorm, where he was ~~t:o~w,~:!~':,:~~~;o~i~t~~ Now Do SomethinQ for Us This is very close to How true. disturbing residents. No one could get hold of a security funny corners) and then a top sheet Editor, Scrimshaw: conversation' being the very argument J used to (the other one). It's wise to follow Ihad an interesting guard when they were needed.All four tires were stolen off with a blanket, and a bedspread wnh a member crvour sterr cwho's get the new computer in the first of a new 1978car parked in Whiteford's back lot one night (not to be confused with drapes, name Ididn't catch) the other day. place. The equipment was ob- recen'tly. Although the job was deemed professional and curtains, or pup tents.) A pillow Seems that one of your writers taiped precisely because com- estimated to have been done very quickly, if the security case is optional, since it doesn't submitted a copy of the WMC PDP- puling faciJities for the students to be run a-s filler force had beenclose enough to give police a description, it show. Still, if mom faints at the II login message This was dime at my were inadequate. Given increased by in the paper. sight o(a clean room she may want on the existing demands system would have beenmuch easier for the student involved. to lie down. and its wise to be suggesflon, 10 promote some rriore the. Ad"!i!.li~tration: student access Although two people cannot be in allplaces at all times while watching the Western Maryland campus, it seems prepared ~~~~e~~~n 0::1J~07:~~~~~n;~~~ ~~a~~~fr~~~fo~~~~~d have beevr- Be sure has The , that a number of incidents this year could have been board. Parents to clean your memo that I must pay for such "ad- therefore Computer Center a con- take already vertislng." a very dim put eliminated by more frequent coverage of the campus, as since I told well as by a quicker method for head residents to reach view of messages like: "So and So usage of him the that computer student siderable portion of its budget - as at didn't well as the neck of its Director - on 4 a.m. just wondered called 1 these people by. Granted, the guards are new, as is the where you were." That can lead to generat~ revenue lor the Computer the. block for the students by force itself, but now is the time to get working on these embarassing questions. If you ever Center, It was not profitable for me getting the second computer. It bugs, not after something happens that might have been get those little letters that read to use my budget in that fashion. would seem that a little gratitude your you examine for the that if it weren't avoided "we suggest from the dean, be sure He replied there WOUldn't by any in the form of support for the priorities" students, facility i§ not too much to expect. to remove those as well Scrimshaw Computer Center. w~~'G~::~~~~~!~I)l Editor·in-chief Managing_Editor Megl10yle Decker Center Dedicated Nancy Menefee News Editor Sports Editor The Decker College Center, of the college's board of trustees, Hall, and the Englar Dining Chris Sohask. Business Manager Jim Teramani Western Maryland College's new Alonzo G. Decker, Jr., chairman of Hall/Harlow swimming pool Sue Quinn $2.6 million, three-tiered student the board of Black and Decker complex. The structure houses Feature Editor ~d Manager center, was formally opened-in Manufacturing Company. and Tim several lounge areas, the offices of Ti.m Windsor Cover photo Jim Wellman ceremonies held Saturday, Oc- Shank, president of the Student the president and' the dean of . Scott Dahne tober 7 at 5 p.m. on the college (;.overnment_Association. students, guidance and counseling layout Photography Editor Bm Spring center's upper level. Designed by Peter Christie and services, the college activities Scott Dahne . Participating in the ceremonies constructed by-Charles J. Frank, office, bookstore, post office, snack DaveClevelal)d Inc., Decker Center is built into-a were Dr. Ralph C. John, Western bar and pub, and multi-purpose Maryland College president, hill in front of Elder-dice Hall and is room for movies and plays. Wilbur D. Preston, Jr., chairman linked to that building, Rouzer Injuries Terror Field Hockey Jim Teramani The Terror field hockey team is unassisted and tied the game but F scoring in the first half. ~l~ve. and kicking. Hampered by & M scored three unanswered Travelling to Elizabethtown, the IO]UneS, the team is sporting a 2-3- goals to seal the victory. WMC only Green Terrors lost 60-0. JV also had 8 shots on goal to F & !\f's rr. 1 record for their games through lost 3-0. Facts about the game were Homecoming while Goalie Becky Cassilly had 13 unavailable. Their first game was at savestoF&M's4. Susq~ehanna on Sept. 22.-They won Returning home the women 2-1 With both goals scored by Mary WMC came out better in the next engaged in a nailbiter as they lost Lally. Goalie Becky Cassilly had game by defeating- Gettysburg to Lebanon Valley in overtime 3-2. only 2 saves and the team College 2-1. All the scoring was Mary Lally scored both goals for registered 14 shots to done in the first 'half as Linda WMC, one in each half. The first Susquehanna's 12. JV won 2 HI Sorrentino scored the first goal goal was from an assist from Barb with the lone goal scored by Katy assisted by Patty DeCola, in for the Braais, the second was scored by a Dowd. - . injured Leslie Mosberg. The Lebanon Valley player and the second goal was by WMC's Mary They then tied York away on score being credited to the closest Sept. 26. Mary LaJJy scored on Lally assisted by Phyllis Mc- player who was Lally. Goalie Pam W!\fC's only shot on goal. The Mahon. Gettysburg tried to come Hudson had 7 saves and they had 15 teams went into overtime but no Mary Lally steals ball from opponent as Ruth Seman and Linda b~ck as they scored once but that shots on goal. The next games are Sorrentino watt to assist. wasn't enough as the Terrors held both home. Saturday at 12:~ the ~:~~.g~~~IM~:?e~~O:;~ by Linda Sorrentino were both Terrors play UMBC and on Wed On Sept. 30 the women lost to F & credited with hall a goal because Marcie AI~man assisted on the ~;s~~;g th4~ W!;~i!V ~~t ~~I G~~ they play Dickenson- College at M by a score of 5-2. Mary Lally and they couldn't decide who scored. play. Juhe.,Vaughan .. !i<:Qr.e,d... , , k 3:30.
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