Page 21 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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Tragedy Strikes in West Virginia Chris Bohaska so they would not slip as their . weight carried them diagonally Patti Stoner, a nineteen year old across the river. The second rope junior at Western Maryland, died was secured to the first rope by a in a fall on October I attempting to metal clip called a carabiner . perform a slide-for-life or Each student watches the suspension traverse on an outing procedure from two angles, the with the Reserve Officer Training beginning point and the ending Corps in West Virginia. It was her point, before they actually do it on first outing with twenty six other their own. When it comes time to cadets who were also on the trip. perform the voluntary exercise, A standard investigation has the cadets are coached through the now been completed by Lt. Colonel process prior to actually leaving Olsen, Professor of Military the bank. "They talk you through Science at Georgetown University. it," said Roger Bair, senior cadet He must file a report with General at the college. Major Thomas William Barnes, the ROTC corn- Martell and Major John Shoop mander for seventeen states, by were on the bank along with John October 16. General Barnes will Blum, a sophomore cadet. Mter then decide what, if anything, will clipping the carabiner on to the be done. rope, they show the cadets to lean Passes Physicals out over the bank and walk off. By the beginning of the school Bair said the entire process, from year, Patti had passed a ROTC side to side, took less than fifteen physical at Fort Meade. During the seconds. first few weeks of the semester, Less risky way she passed another physical, According to a report in the consisting of push-ups, sit-ups, an Morning Sun, at least one of the Honor Board Convicts Six obstacle a mile course, a shuttle minimum army officers on the trip and one course suggested cadet use a Patti that run within and method She weighed times. 130 pounds, pounds less than she did last year, 95 less risky She resisted of crossing the and they gave river. Chris Holmes meeting the maximum weight in. of confidentiality all name,s have 3} On February 13, 1978 a student allowed by ROTC for women of her "There were no equipment Each year the Western been withheld. in Dramatic Arts 113 was found height. failures," claims Bair. Consensus Maryland College Honor Board 1) On December 22, 1977 a guilty of plagerism on several The slide which she was to use among the cadets was that she just has the necessary responsibility of student was found guilty of counts, and received an F in the was set up the day of the accident. let go. She feU approximately 40 to handling violations of the Honor soliciting information on a Self- course. The slide rope' was stretched 50 feet into shallow water, and was System. Last year a total of eleven Scheduled Final Exam. The 4) On January 13, 1978 a student across the river and anchored to later pronounced dead on arrival hearings were held, with six of penalty given was, no credit on the was penalized py receiving a 0 on a two trees on each side. It was about ata nearby hospital. them ending in conviction first part of Question number one piece of work that had been 40 feet across the river. A second Patti Stoner's death was the Because our sole purpose is to (amounting to 30% of the score on plagerized ..The violation occurred rope, 12 feet long, was folded twice third since 1973 in Army ROTC serve you, the student, the Honor the exam). in a Spanish 233 class and the and knotted. This knot is what the programs at 275 colleges and Board would like to take this op- 2) In April, of 1978 a student was cadets gripped their hands above universities. portunity to report back to you the found guilty student's of copying from student appealed the case to the The exam. Problems Personal Student another pertinent information concerning violation occurred in an English Committee. After hearing the Poussaint To Sneak the convictions from second class, and the student was appeal the committee stiffened the semester last year. In the tradition 114 -penatty by lOWering the- student's- On Problems-of Blacks. given an F on the exam ,...;;;....,... -. final grade in the course, two letter Noted author and psychiatrist I mainly on black problems. He is Student Members Extension/Public Phone grades. of Alvin F. Poussaint will bespeaking best know~ as the author of "Why The Honor Board is comprised Ann Hackman {Jr.) 325/348-9872 six students, and six faculty ~~~r~ro~~~~i~cedt~~ bl:~~~~~ ~~~~~IY ~~I:heB:~~~~ora;fd"E~a~~ Bill Hearn (Soph.) 353/848-9798 members and each year is chaired Chris Holmes (Sr. chairperson) /876-2424 Tuesday, October 16, at 8 p.m. in Child Care," the first. com- Paula Markley (Jr.) 313/848-9835 by a student. We would like to Baker Memorial Chapel. prehensive study of growmg up Bev Miles (Sr.) /848·7191 stress the fact that we are not a An associate professor of blackinAmerica.Amemberof.the at psychiatry BobbieJean Saas (Soph.) 317/318/848·9878 group of "removed individuals" of School, Poussaint Harvard is also Medical the board of directors of People Umted (PUSH) to Save and Humanity that hang out in the basement Extension/Home Phone Faculty Members the Library. Rather we are a associate dean of students and treasurer of the Black Academy of Eulalia Cobb 468/346-7839 handful of students &_ faculty director of student affairs. In Arts and Letters, Dr. Poussaint is Kathy Mangan 433/848-6416 members who are concerned about addition, Poussaint serves as an active in many national and local William Tribby 591/756-2308 honor and who are here to serve associate psychiatrist at black rights organizations. Wasyl Palijczuk 596/828-6922 you and the Honor System at Massachusetts General Hospital in A native of East Harlem, Dr. Joan Weyers 575/821-9693 WMC. If you have any questions at Boston. Poussaint attended Columbia Peter Yedinak 482/730-8355 all please call one of us. A noted author, Poussaint writes College for pre-med requirements before receiving his degree from H Cornell Medical later College. at Studying psychiatry UCL~'s U St den S 0 I t Pa. .ouses ~Z:s~~fnn~i!;;~~i,~n;~~~;~h t T M ove n 0 in the field of psychophar- Bill Bryne macology. An intense study of the If it is true that absence makes manpower to perform these tasks Southern Civil Rights struggle the heart grow fonder, then the was not available. earned him the Michael Schwemer residents of Pennsylvania House Decker vs. Pa. House Award, while it punctured many 195 cannot help but fall in love with When asked if the administration old myths about the movement. their new home. Five weeks after had misplaced its priorities in Dr. Poussaint's lecture is free to the beginning of classes, it appears switching workers from the WMC students and faculty. There that the controversy surrounding remaining Pennsylvania house to is a charge of $2.00 to the general the openings of the college's other jobs, Dean Laidlaw gave her public. Pennsylvania Avenue houses is interpretation of the dilemma. One about to reach its long awaited side of the issue saw the need to conclusion. make the school, apd most im- Unforseen Delays portantly Decker Student Center, Due to unforseen delays in the look its best for the visiting alumni renovation of the Pennsylvania and contributors. On the other Houses, the freshman girls hand, why should students have to assigned to these residencies were suffer yet another delay before required to move into furnished moving into their perman~nt storage closets in Whiteford Hall. Note the comfort and the wide wide residencies? The administration As the renovated houses were aisle space of this temporary dorm and former storage closet. faced a frustrating choice. completed, students were allowed Three students were housed here for a time. The administration decided to to occupy them. The residents of concentrate on polishing up the Pennsylvania House 195, the last Homecoming weekend and the occurence. She pointed out that to campus and the new student house to be finished, had been Decker Student Center dedication. prepare a house for students to live center, instead of moving the than work scheduled to move in on Thursday, Thestudentsweretoldthatmoving in is more House cleaning one might students. It may nol have been the day was postponed and assume. again, this time October 5. Unfortunately. the until Thursday, October 12. selection and placement of fur- finished, but at least it looked neat Dr. Alvin Poussaint to speak workers needed to clean the house While not excusing the delays, niture are activities which require and tidy. Hopefully, the st~dents on black problems in today's and bring in the furniture were Dean Laidlaw explained some of time and effort. With the demands will be able to move into their new busy pr epa rjng for the the factors contributing to their of Homecoming weekend, the home on schedule. society.
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