Page 18 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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page. 6 Scrimshaw Thursday,.October 5,1978 Ball of Fame Introdueed Some time last year the Alumni of East-West. Shrine Ga'_fle. Harold W. Kopp - Class of 1933 Elected to All-East team. Played Association wanted a way to honor Profess.or Emeritus of Physical in East-West Shrine game with ex- Richard Cresson Harlow the great athletes, coaches, and Education Penn State Captain of undefeated in 1932 President Gerald Ford in 1935. Deceased 1961 friends that made Western WMC football team. Only AII- Played pro football with Old Maryland Sports so enjoyable over Maryland selected in two Boston Redskins and later with the years. They came up with the positions. Played in first annual championship Detroit Lions WMC Sports Hall Of Fame, and North-South game. Head line named All-Pro two years running nominations were accepted. coach at Brown, Harvard, Yale Nominated to Collegiate Football Selections were made from all and for N-S Shrine Game and Hall of Fame in 1966. those nominations and tommorrow College All-Stars in 1951. Head Western Maryland will officially football coach University of Rhode Sterling "'SheriH" Fowble - Class enshrine 11 members of the Hall of Island and named to its Sports Hall of 1936 Fame. S_ Dennis Harmon, of Fame 1977. Designer of football chairman of the Hall of Fame equipment. Played four sports on Hill Committee will make the outstanding in soccer and baseball presentations and Dr. John will William Shepherd _ Deceased Played semi-pro' baseball in unveil the permanent plaque. Class of 1935 - Baltimore. Founded Carroll The 11 members are: (with a County Oldtimers Baseball brief description of their ac- Association. - Pivotal role in complishments) Considered by many the greatest developing and counseling 15-17 football player Harlow ever coached. Stellar back, runner, year old amateur baseball teams passer. Numerous selection on AII- over 33 years. Baseball Scout for Carl Cleveland ""Molly" Twigg _ Maryland teams. Captain in J934 ~~~ :~~br::. ~i:~:~t6~f~:I~:~, All-Am.eri~n ~ckle and. light . Deceased - Class of 1911 and high scorer in the East. Bas.ket?all Refe~ee ~:~:;w;~~: b~~li:~~~am~~on h~! of his class. Out- , ASSOCiatIOn. Active m commumty, college career. Former head standing college football and i- ....r,1'"\ I'~'V-V churcha.ndShrme ...MemberofHali football coach at Penn State, boxing career. Co-captain football ~ "'~ ,--_i. l f'.... of o~ Oldtimers Baseball Colgate, Western Maryland and team and won every in- I -==-------.' - .~Associattontn galumore. Harvard with record of 150_~ic- tercollegiate boxing match in three years running. Eastern In- J I tm-ies, 58 def~ats and 17 l}~:;'. tercollegiate Boxing Champion I George Leo Ekaitis • Deceased _ Master of the single "Y;~ngofft;;ns~. 1942. Coached Westminster Class of 1931 ~~~e~e;n i~en~~ndat~~~~;. a~~ youngsters on boxing. Outstanding ROTC OfIic~r. Classmates Triple treat signal caller, run- enriched ...,th~ lives of those he , dedicated WMC Squash Courl,)n ning back ~on football t~am:aJld ~coached. H'3l.d football, boxing his memory in 1969. J\.fissing in high -ecorer in 1930. Lightweight 'coach.and.Dlrector ~f Athletics at Action Korean War. Awarded NCAA Intercollegiate boxing title. W.M.C. 1927-1935 With three un- Silver Star post-humously. Best all-around college man defeated football teams. here Married WMC alumna. Played lacrosse. Past head foot- Named Coach of the. Year m 1936, ball coach' and Director of and elected to the. Nal~onal RobertJ. GilJ-Classof 1910 Athletics Washington College Foot.qall Hall ?f Fame III 19;)4. A Scholar, athlete, attorney. Distinguished military career, :ct~:~i~oa~~y, N.J'. football high ~~~!I~~~t:~~g~~td ~~~~~:de:on~~ retired Brigadier General Rated among the alltime best Philatelist of note, W.M.C. sup- porter extraordinaire. In- Alfred A. Sadusky - Class of 1934 ~~~~~ndi;r \~e~~~I~trywa~a{i. originator of v forward pass. strumental in bringing Harlow to Father and grandfather of WMC Director of Athletics and coach at the Hill. Chairman emeritus-WMC Member of undefeated 1932 alumnae. W.M.e. Semi-pro pitcher, Board of Trustees. r-----:------, .l\-~:ryland. Athletic Hall of Fame. Charles W. Havens _Class of 1930 ~ football team Named All Captain career. LI e-long Illsu~ance of all. Father defeated-Untied _ center Football 1929 team Un- of alumna. Friend l Charles A. "Rip" Engle - Class Of- Four sports of Athletics on Hill. WMC • man head and Director 1930 Outstanding coach defensive end with an undefeated" team undefeated 1929 football team. Won of football in 1951. Winner of Alumni i!Cochep's m:abern 8 football conference titles in 11 Meritorious Service Award and years at Waynesboro H.S. Head Community Service Award 216E.MainSt. coach at Brown and Penn State Distinquished air force career in Westminster.Md, 21157 University with a 104-48-4 record at WW-II. Onetime chairman of 848·4202 latter. Believed in developing the ECAC. Named to Rome, N.Y. total human being. Received Sports Hall of Fame 1978. A truly LeeCambas Amoss Alonzo Stagg Award. great Western Maryland College Headed Ea" "',,';onCommittee',on-·---------------- ......r-G-I-E-S .....S-E-R-V-I-C-E-C-E-N-T-E-R--" FRISCO UP Offe" UP REC.RD FAMIL Y PUB Student, Faculty, and Staff GALLERY Pizza Carrol1 Plaza Shopping Center Salad Bar *SpeeiallO% Discount * -Parts and Labor- ...~ 135 West Main St. Sandwiches Cold Beer ,,""" Please call for weekly speCial B4B·2122 Call Ahead fo, Takeo~t O,d ... 876-3550. V" Oi' Change $6,99 +FREE LUBE Tapes' STYX Pieces of Eight AI Stewart, ·Time Passes· Lynard Skynard ·First and Last 5.19 LP; and Tapes 876-6700 848-3939
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