Page 15 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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Thunday. October 5; 1978 Scrimshaw Drama Fellowships Offered. The Danforth Foundation, Inquiries about the Danforth process is November 1, 1978. established in 1927, is a national, Graduate Fellowships, to be The Foundat.ion is currently educational, philanthropic awarded by the Danforth Foun- dation of St. Louis, Missouri in making a special effort to bring organization, dedicated to ......... April 1979. are invited, according qualified persons from racial and enhancing the humane dimensions of the Foundation of life. Activities to the local campus represen- ethnic minorities into the traditionally ha ve emphasized the tative, Bill Tribby Department of profession of 'teaching. In recent theme of improving the quality of Dramatic Art years through vigorous recruit- ment of qualified persons, the teaching and learning. The Fellowships are open to all number of Blacks, Mexican- Currently, the Danforth Foun- qualified persons who have serious Americans, Native Americans and dation serves the following areas' interest in careers of teaching in Puerto Ricans in this fellowship higher education primarily colleges and universities, and who program has been dramatically through sponsorship of programs plan to study for a Ph. D. in any increased administered by the Staff, field of study common to the un- precollegiate education through dergraduate liberal arts The Danforth Graduate grant-making and program ac- curriculum in the United States Fellowship is a one-year award but tivities, and urban education in is normally renewable until Approximately 60-65 Fellowships completion of the advanced degree metropolitan St. Louis through will be awarded to college seniors or for a maximum of four years of grant-making and program ac- who are nominated by Bac- graduate study. Fellowship tivities. calaureate Liaison Officers. stipends are based on individual Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dan- Another 40-45 awards will be made need, but they will not exceed forth, who established the Foun- to Ph.D. gra-duate students, $2,500 for single Fellows: and for dation, along with their daughter nominated by Postbaccalaureate and son, Dorothy Danforth Liaison Officers marr-ied Fellows with no children. Compton and Donald Danforth Fellows who are married, or are maintained active leadership role~ Applicants for the baccalaureate "head of household," with one ill the affairs of the Foundation awards must be college seniors child, receive up to $3,500. There throughout the~r lifetimes. Family and may not have undertaken are dependency allowances for members continue to be involved graduate level programs of study. addiucna I children The in ~oundation activities through The deadline to seek information Fellowship also covers tuition and participation on the Board of about the campus nomination fees up to $4,000 annually. Trustees.