Page 1 - Scrimshaw1975
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~~~~'f?:!!1!~~~~~::-".:~; - Sh~:'~~ ~~i~l~n;~~eC:i~nl~~~~ the sun is setting." Volume I Issue I Wednesday, February 12, 1915 Nathaniel Lee Crime on ca-mpus shows poor security Little room to argue Rope prevention Cindy O'Neal Gene Funk The serene quiet atmosphere their place, one 'unarmed, Rape. Of all the oft used four- way into the building. themselves and their fellow of Western Maryland College is unaided Pinkerton Officer is to letter words our language The problem of crime ob- dormmates. If you choose to 4 nice to look at, but if one peers guard the whole campus alone. provides including the in- viously comes not from an )augh this off as definitely r: a little deeper into this three- The Pinkerton Security men tentionally crude, there is open house proposal since we uncool and overconcerned, just have potential remember to keep on laughing the already doubtless none with a more grown utopia, serenity is on campus work alone on six to serious and -sickening Im- problem but we do not already if you or a friend of yours is replaced by larceny, assault, eight hour shifts, spending plication than RAPE. Next to have the open house. The suddenly stripped of her and vandalism. The college what they themselves call murder, many would place problem likewise does not stem pseudo WMC immunity. CO finds itself plagued by an ever "most of our time" just rape as the worst possible from inadequate security-for a increasing rise in crime. The making one door check around The storm guys over in Albert Norman campus. This campus is 160 crime. It is the violent and couple extra Pinkerton men or Ward know what I mean. The acres large, and there are 29 blatant violation of an un- hall monitors will not deter Albert Norman stereo r.ip-off buildings. That is one big job consenting woman's personal anyone who has crime as an after the calm this December is just one of for any five men, now you tell rights. There is no accomplice intent. over 45 crimes that have been me how one can do it correc- in this crime; it is done to Th.e cr~x to. facing and For the sake of identity, call committed since 1966 here on tly. someone, not with someone. de~lmg WIth this p:oblem. of me an editor. Some time ago, the college campus. That is an WMC, although it's easy to ~rIme--rape specifically-Iiea never mind how long precisely, .. average of one every 6 wee~s m~~al~~~~~r~~~;f ~~~S~~~~!~ ~~e:~~~~ei~ ni~t~m~~~~i~~ ~e~Seel~:~~N~{V~~yeiss~~~e~~~ ri~~l~; ~~tt!~teo:es~o~~n~np~~ of school year, and that IS inexcusable. Stolen items rise in campus crime, (there the rest of the world and its not if it me_anssetting ~p one's dorm, I -thcught I would sail include stereos;" cameras, have been two assaults and problems. It is not immune to se~f or ~rlend~ for VIOlence. about a little and see the active microwave ovens, school three larcenies here in the last theft. Likewise it is not im- Without intending to c?me off and interesting parts of jackets. athletic .equipment, NINE WEEKS) and what he mime to rape and other per- 8!> a crash ~ourse. m s~lf, campus life. Looking around money, and even telescopic had to say was quite sonal cnmes., WMC cannot defense, and Without intending for a suitable craft I chanced rifle sights! I~would seem that enlightening. I found that not expect to shelter her students to a wave of J?a~anOia(so upon the Gold Bug-worn by ,... WiMCee is real easy pickina', only is he expected to watch from a world they will have to take .It fo: what It lS worth) many years of service yet folks. the whole campus alone, but cope with in a matter of four ISa hst o~ common sense nonetheless apparently sturdy. Actually the 'fact that the lhat there have been periods of years or less. It is time to crime preventlO.n. After dark, At warning from the previous campus is being ripped off up to two weeks in length when acquaint the student body with (and mose sc (ISIt gets-war~er captain, towards my in- regular-like isn't all that he hasn't even had a radio! what the world has to offer in and more people move outside) tentions I was a little shocking. In fact I'm surprised Standard procedure for radio the way of crime. women should not wonder off staggered but go I must and I that the situation isn't worse repair involves taking the set Currently, a large per- across campus especially back would; and the Gold Bug was • than it is. But I'm not worried, to a commercial shop, without centage of the student body is or around em~ty as good a ship as any-I thought r if things stay the way they are, bothering to issue a seeking the privilege of za-hour bUlldlDfs ~lone.. Despite the best-and all this I repeated it will get worse; a lot worse. replacement for the duration of open house. No doubt various women s. IlberatlOl_1, n: en to a couple loyal partners who In the Spring of 1974, a set of the repair period. This of persons of influence will sight should stili. take the Incentive expressed their willingness to master keys was stolen from course means that the officer is such crimes as rape as sul- to. walk their dates or. wOf!le!l ship with me. the college, keys that admit the required to go to a telephone ficient reason to kill an open fnends home late at night If It Continuing with a bearer to any building on this for assistance should he need house proposal. Perhaps, IS apparent t.hey.woul~ have to paraphrase of this well-known campus. The thief who stole it. That's not really so bad, at however, some other con- go a~one otherwise. Right n.ow American college classic, it those keys has access to the least HE knows where he is; ditions should be sighted. With (until the ordere.d self-locking was not 101lgafter we shipped student center, the class room but no one else does. If he is to open house, only invited guests steel doors are installed) the that it became evident that the buildings, Elderdice, and yes, be reached, I guess -we could should be in the dorms after m?st dangerous accesso~les to Gold Bug was headed for some even your dorm! Feel any call the Police and have them hour.s because the. curf~w dO?r cnme are the dorm reSIdents awful and insignificant mission safer? I don't. come look for him. lockmg system will still be m themselves. N~, doubt m.ost in the confrontation of the When Chief LeRoy Day of the I think it's about time we effect. Being escorted through womeil are Sick of bel_ng Great Grey Whale. Un- Westminster Police "advised took a careful look at our the halls. to a perhaps ragged on to leave the SIde believable stories about the the college to change all their priorities. (I know that sounds suspiciously empty room by doors alone and use only the destruction of countless locks," the college's reply to cliche, but when the "expense one'~ date seems 10 be lo~ical!y front doo:rs after su~set. Yet stud.ents pored in from seamen personnally of locks" prevents MY safety, than bwlt 10 almost nightly the Side ~oors who had either no~hmg less the Chief was that, "They decided that this (a complete somebody's priorities don't protection from any "uninvited are used, the locks either faced or chased the monster. lock change) was too ex- jive with mine!) Is it our desire guest" who might have found a ~Iocked or broken. OK, get Evidence of what he had done pensive at that time." Too to invite every thief and . thiS: the person ~ho have and symbols of what he would are Locks expensive. but how expensive t~;y~3~h~;!::~:~:~~~~~E~~!~~,:~~:~lts~elr~~~;;~~~~~:~~r~~OCf~~e~n:~~5.~~~~u~~~o~v~eri~~~~!~de~~~,~!t ex- pensive, willit be to the students and the college if our well-equipped those 45 crimes have been I'm sure that ~fthe problem criminals into the bUildings-- ~~~p~~ldtl!~; ~~~~:gSah:~~ friend decides to start using ~:~;:~on~y N~th~~: what is ;~~n~;c~leS~lu~fon a~Ouladd~! ~o~\~naf~l~e~~it~~?Iy.and un- despite her dwindling crew. those keys? Who stands to lose ThIS c?l!ege, both students found..Chief D_ayhas told me In the event of actual NO~ ~ ~a~~ a G~~ p~ge most? The students that live and admmlstrators have made' that hiS door IS always open, criminal confrontation, the nove s or , e ~ ug here. it policy to keep the City Police and that he wants to see the most basic defense techniques ~~ppe~1? Ito(m~et t~lS kGreat Meanwhile, we -have a completely unworkable, from patrolling this .campus. crime on our campus stopped. include simply such things as r~ ~py ~ e t~trw~~enow~ In an interview with the Chief screaming, That's fine. I like the freedom and the effective as pa. ~ 1.n e sea 0 almost laughable "security that this policy represents, but last week, when asked what he use of a key or pin or a "well- dueshO':lableb~').1qUlty.The .all system" on this campus. While that freedom is fast becoming considered the security placed knee." P~rhaps it is· ~stroy~ngt U !uhnc°Gon1~ermg thousands of dollars of damage d is done, while people are the right to be victimized. If we situation on campus to be, he time for lecture in Decker on w tIe at e~e. t.e I .~~ don't City Police w~nt the replied, "It's my opinion, and practical defense. At any rate un I concenpc. CIrc es sel:.!: assaulted and raped, while around, let's work out a good I've told the people at the there is a real problem to be her and spm.mng...all round property is destroyed at an security plan of our own. It" college this, that the security is faced and as long as women and. round In o~e. vortex alarming rate, the college has may involve expense, but how poor." I am left little room to continue to feel immune they ·carned the smallest chip of the decided that the police shall many people have to become argue. will continue to endanger stay off this campus and that in cant. p. 5, col. 5
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