Page 16 - TheGoldBug1974-Jan1975
P. 16
Page 4 Friday. January 17 A MODERN RED RIDING HOOD- The following screaming from the cottage. grandmother should be considered sen defens "A woodcutter, working nearby, heard her cries is_a "Letter to the Editor" which appeared in the and rushed to the rescue. He killed the wolf with his since she was over 30 and, therefore, couldn't b Waynesboro, Va., News Virginian. It was written by ax, thereby saving Red Riding hHood's life. All the taken seriously because the wolf was trying t Mrs. Laura McCracken of that city. It makes a townspeople hurried to the scene and proclaimexd make love, not war. point. the woodcutter a hero. . d~~~dt~eer~a\~~S ~~ ~~~~\~~i~s/:re~~~~~:~ ;~a~~~ . "Onceypon.a time, in a faraway country, there "But at the inquest, several facts emerged: lived a little girl called Red Riding Iw:d. One day The wolf had never been advised of his the wolf. Moreover, the woodcutter was indicted for her mother asked her to take a basket of fruit to her "1.) unaggravated assault with a deadly weapon. "Several nights laler, the woodcutter's grandmother, who had been ill and lived alone in a rights. was burned to the ground. cottage "2.) The woodcutter had made no warning swings cottage in the forest. before striking the fatal blow. "It happened that a wolf was lurking in the "3.) The Civil Liberties Union stressed the point "One year from the date of "The Incident at bushes and overheard the conversation. He decided that, although the act of eating Grandma may have Grandma'S," her cottage was made a shrine for the wolf who had bled and died there. All the village to take a short-cut to the grandmother's house and been in bad taste, the wolf was only "doing his officials spoke, at the dedication, but it was Red get the goodies for himself. The wolf killed the thing" and thus didn't deserve the death penalty. ~randmother, then dressed in her nightgown and "4.) The SDS contended that the killing of the Riding Hood who gave the most touching tribute jumped into bed to await the little girl. . "She said that, while she was selfishly grateful "When she arrived, he made several nasty grandmother should be considered self defense for the woodcutter's intervention, she realized in suggestions and then tried to grab her. But by this ~!~~;~~~o~=~yover 30 and, therefore, .couldn't be retrospect that he had overreacted. As she knell time, the child was very frightened and ran and placed a wreath in honor of the brave wolf, "4.) The SDS contended that the killi~ of the there wasn't a dry ere in the forest." Voicebox--------~ Dear Editor excuse to refuse him the opportunities you have; cooler than you think. I don't waste my time trying to figure out who is A.C. or D.C. I don't think too I attended the homecoming activities of another the opportunity to express yourself as an un- many people- care. Most annoying about your stereotyped human being and the chance to display ._ ~~~1aeli~ec~~~~a~! :o~~s o~~:ee~;~rfe~~~sa~~t~ your ability as a member of society. You may ~omment~r~ .was your big finish in which you cry, you. , someday be in a position as an employer. Don't come out, show your uniqueness'. When I write When I arrived on Friday afternoon, the students deny yourself the opportunity to allow someone to something I sign my name to it. My name is a part were busy with preparation. Football and soccer produce for you, simply because you haven't taken of my identity, it establishes my uniqueness. You, players wearing their game jerseys, cheerleaders time to examine the objectivity of your own at- dear anonymous, need to 'come out'. male and female and porn-porn girls also in uniform titudes. . Most uniquely, plus a myriad of other students all rushing around David Janzen Jack Tracey In an atmosphere of consuming importance. The pep rally after dinner would have frightened me had I been a member of the opposing team. The Dear Editor and Anonymous Contributor and self- Dear Editor; entire gym shook with the noise of cheering and appointed spokesman [or 'campus queers', . Ibelieve that it is lime for attention to be called to fool-stomping; the enthusiasm was deafening as the deplorable stare of affairs in Whiteford Hall. Individuality at Western Maryland is well ex- students roared their approval while the opponent's pressed. I fail, after three and a half years of being Today I was given to understand, (by a rather mascot was destroyed in effigy. a part of WMC, to find any norm set or constructed distraught girl.) that a male had entered the inner Then there was the party. It was at this point in sanctum of Whiteford, unescorted! While in the weekend that. I began to feel helpless and un- for the student. In order to identify any individual general, the regulations in Whiteford are followed as such, all that need be done is to open your eyes, comfortable. I was a minority of one; I couldn't open your mouth, and start a conversation. Learn to the letter, this one breach of tradition could be an speak the .nat~ve language. Even more distressing indication of a subversive faction on this campus. was a realtzatfon that I, and possibly even yourself, If such a faction does indeed exist, it is to you that belong to a group of people that ignorantly per- J address these remarks. secutes these people with cruel regularity. We The laws in Whiteford Hall are, in general, make crude jokes about them; we refuse them the supported by the majority of the residents therein. jobs and human dignity they deserve, and we refuse The Whiteford girls, fearful of the possible con- to take a realistic look at their potential and ability. sequences ofa relaxation of these laws, (i.e. mass And now I found myself in their position as a rape and plllaglng.r want these laws as a protection minority. Fortunately, none of the people I came in of their right to virginity. Apparently feeling that contact with showed any bitterness towards me as I their own discretion is insufficient defense against might have, had I been in their position. the temptation of promiscuity, the Whiteford residents want curfews and regulations to save them from their own weaknesses. This, as much as This IS because most students at Gallaudet you may find it objectionable, is their inalienable College have grown up with the frustration of not right. being able to communicate with hearing people. So guys, if you come to Whiteford Hail, come And they understood my own "deafness" so much escorted. Don't throw the poor lambs inside in a more completely than hearing people understand tizzy by catching them in curlers, or, God forbid, the dea.fperson's inability to communicate audibly. , without their make-up! But above all, don't make What picture comes to your mind when you think of them uneasy at night, constantly afraid of deafness? I can only recall my own ignorance strangers roaming their halls with evil and lustful before I experienced' "deafness" (the inability to intent. communicate) myself and acquire some factual anonymous background through a, class here on our campus. The common phrase "deaf and dumb" does not apply well because many deaf people have very the Sold 8ug und~rstandabl~ speech and they are far from being st.upld. In fact, the mean IQ score for deaf children WIthdeaf parents is higher than the mean IQ for the normal hearing population. I was also fortunate enough to audit several classes at Gallaudet. Invertebrate Embryology and Physiology of Perceptual Psychology moved with an intensity comparable to classes here, at WMC. Staff: Roberu Tan Wayne Simoneal JII....... Vernon Mummert r..., Lee McConnell UP. Saturday the soccer team lost by a narrow something about the people up here. Everyone is Mark Bayer Lori Grimn .... margin but the football team won by a solid score very unique. Sure, you have to hack through some Bill Voemlln Bob T_ Debbie Robinson while showing good basics and a respectable defenses to get to know the person, that is true Bob o.n .k Katz: Keith Appler passing game. But their spirit was the most im- anywhere. pressive part of their game. Many of my previously Your comment concerning organizations and the a.n Lowe Lynn .",.,rison Sue OlliJ~ie unquestioned assumptions about deaf and other- loss of identity incurred by members is pure wise- handicapped people have taken great turn- bullshit . I have been an active member of Alpha .......... .,,_forthettlldentlaf.W_m..,.... abouts through experience. The Indian proverb, Gamma Tau since March of 1972, my sense of in- CohtL The~ in"is publication. er:m~ .. J pray 1 may never judge a man until I have dividuality is well intact. Do you want to meet some not -'Iy reIect _ of walked a mile in his moccasins," seems most fit- guys with a very strong sense of their uniqueness? ting. Take a look at the Preachers, those guys destroy , I _., 1IaOM._ยท_CoiIooo.I yourCOlllMlMltlllUOI ............... You may have asked yourself what my purpose the old myth of all aspirins alike for writing this is. I would like to offer the students J don't see the underground people, the 'campus _._'"&7. . of this campus a challenge: don't hide behind the queers' as you so flatteringly referred to them, as I . ignorance of another person's disability as an oppressed on this campus. Things here are alct
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