Page 18 - TheGoldBug1974-Jan1975
P. 18
r ~ PageS· Friday, January 17 commenfary----- you walk down the hill, knowing, of course, there'll be nothing there. you prepere your face, the casual, nonchalant look, Mark Katz result of cigarette smoking is that once one has "t don't care. " i start smoking cigarettes is because they need a started, it is hard to stop. A lot of smokers want to but deep in the back of your head One of the most important reasons why people crutch. They can be nervous, tense, worried, or just stop after hearing of the dangers of the habit, but a voice that's almost dead they cannot because they are hooked. Cigarettes still whispers depressed, and they need something to take their may not be technically addictive, but if asked if it is "tettersl" troubles away. For many people, that something is easy to stop smoking, the many people at Smoke cigarettes. They think that their problems will be Watchers and other such clinics would say no. maybe one from tereet or [rance, over by just smoking a cigarette. That idea is not' Another unhealthy result of the habit is mainly or that long lost friend in california, quite right. The cigarette itself does not possess aimed at the non-smoker. Many times in and your feet begin to dance magical-healing powers, but if someone is down and restaurants, buses, stadia and at other public in anticipation. looking for an up; he will believe in whatever he is gatherings, cigarette smoke usually drifts to a non- "stop!" you say. taking so strongly that he will soon begin to feel a smoker. For most people, the smoke can be an- there was nothing there yesterday; little better. noying, but for others is can be worse. Some people there's nothing there today. One reason for teen-agers and younger kids to can be allergic to smoke, for one thing. Smoke can start smoking cigarettes is to satisfy their also make their eyes water, make them cough a lot witff your face so carefully arranged, curiosity. They've probably been told for a few year and can give some people a hard time in breathing. you look into the box of dreams. that cigarettes weren't good for them and that they if the smoke is constantly blowing in their faces. then, diving in the stream of people supposedly caused cancer. But the children wanted After one smokes. he usually has bad breath, and flowing from the mailroom, to find out for themselves what cigarettes were all that can be annoying to the person he is talking to. you walk up the hill, about. Some kids might start smoking just because Those are just a few of the reasons why some not knowing where to go, all his Irlends do: He might feel rejected or left out, restaurants and other such 'places have already knowing that they know, so he will start smoking just to feel "in." The banned smoking. situation, however, could also be a little differ.ent. because your smile is very careful, His group of "friends" might call him a baby or and your face, tease him because he doesn't smoke, so he'll begin There are a few more effects of cigarette so very carefully arranged. to smoke cigarettes to keep his "friends." smoking which are probably less important to the Sometimes, the parents smoke cigarettes, and smoker because they are not thought about often. they will let their children smoke without telling Some people can become poor while supporting this have been started by a careless smoker. them of the alleged dangers involved with habit. The average price of a pack of cigarettes is Too many people have started smoking cigarettes; their parents do .not want to be i~- - - forty to forty-five cents. For the smoker who only cigarettes for the wrong reason. Actually, all consistent. Also, parents might be glad that th.elr smokes about two packs a week, it would cost about smokers have started for wrong reasons because children are just smoking cigarettes and not taku~g ~4~~6~k~~:a~;!~~~O~~aey~.~~~~~oos~e{l't6~30s~t~p there are no right ones. Unfortunately, a lot of alcohol or drugs. In this instance, the parents will people do not want to stop smoking until some of the not even tell their children of the hazards of per year. Another hazard of smoking ts fire. Many harmful' effects have already shown up. This is cigarettes arid they will continue to smoke. fire have been started when a smoker has fallen usually too late to kick the habit by just snapping One of the worst and most deadly effects of asleep in bed with a lighted cigarette. He can also one's fingers and unfortunately the person will go cigarette smoking- is the tremendous chance the carelessly drop hot ashes on a chair or sofa he is through many pains to t~y to stop the habit that he smoker has of getting such diseases as lung cancer, sitting on. Not all fires started by smokers have at one time wanted so badly to start. emphysema, and various heart diseases. Another been in the home, however. Too many forest fires I~ News brief~C'-'------------- Western Maryland College in Westminster David Losinsky, a senior from Bel Air High,- is 21 received a $30,000 gift from the Chesapeake and winner of the 1974 Western Maryland College' 2:00 FILMS: Atomic Energy Decker Hall Potomac Telephone Company of Maryland, it was Poetry Contest. 3:00 COFFEE HOUR McDaniel Lounge announced today. Two hundred fifty juniors and seniors from 7:00 EVENING WITH DR. JOHN SGA - Memorial 2n. Two representatives of C&P met recently with Maryland high schools entered the contest, spon- 8·11 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Gill Gym college president, Ralph C. John, to deliver news of sored by the college comparative literature and the pledge. Mr. James J. Schwartz, commercial English departments. 9:00 OPEN PARTY· IFC Grille ~ manager, and Lawrence C. Card, community The winners and the contest judges, Beth Joselow 22 • relations manager, presented Dr. John with news and Bernard Welt, gave special readings at the 1:30 FILM: Grapes of Wrath Decker Hall that the amount should be added to the college's second annual Western Maryland College Poetry , 6:30JV MEN'S BASKETBALL Dickinson Gill Gym ..... capital development fund. Festival on Saturday, Dec. 7 7:00 FILM: Interview with Solzhenitzen-Mem 106 Western .Maryland College, founded in 1867, is a liberal arts college of over 1200 undergraduate Western Maryland College has received the 8: 15 MEN'S BASKETBALL Dickinson . Gill Gym students and over 1100 graduate enrollees. The approval of the American Chemical Society, it was college annually awards B.A., B.S., and M.Ed. announced by Dr. Ralph C. John, president. 23 degrees to worthy candidates. The American Chemical Society is the national 9:00 FILM: Atomic Energy It is currently involved in the initial stages of a association for chemists and chemical engineers. 9:30 SPEAKER: Calvert Cliffs/BGE Lewis 206 $12 million capital program which calls for Approval by the society means that Western 10: 15 SPEAKER: Hugh Batten Lewis 002 doubling of the college's endowment, renovation of Maryland's chemistry program has met the .3: 15 SILENT F.ILM CLASSICS Davis Room, Library existing structures, and the building of a new group's standards. 8-11 INTRAMURAL SWIMMING Harlow Pool students' residence center, students center, fine The society sets minimum standards for cer- 8:30 COFFEE HOUSE - Soph. CI. Grille arts center and athletics facility. A lhree-mcdule tification that include requirements for the residence center, part of that program is nearing college's library collection, the number of 24 7:00 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Loyola - Gill Gym completion along Pennsylvania Avenue in West- laboratory instruction hours, and the inclusion of 9:00 FfLMS - DPA Decker Hall ...... required courses. ..... 25 1-5 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Gill Gym minster. It houses 96 und~rgraduate students. certain curricular elements within the college's During the week of January 20-24, the Omicron Eta Chapter of Delta Omicron Music Fraternity Ms. Patricia A. Teyker (Class of 1974) has had 7 & 9 FILM - SGA (?) Decker Hall and the Western Maryland College January Term her article, "Integration Can It Work?" published will sponsor a workshop for making dulcimers, in The Deaf Canadian, Vol. 3, No.4, Sept-Oct. 1974. 26 kalimbas, and other folk instrument.?_. _ Ms. Teyker is presently in the Education of the 1-5 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL The representative of the Hughes Dulcimer Deaf Graduate Program here at Western Maryland 7·19 Gill Gym Company of Denver, Colorado will give a short talk College. 27 on how these instruments can be applied to the CALENDAR 1:00 FILM: On The Beach Decker Hall (5(}tj) classroom at the first session of the workshop, 7:00 FILMS' beginning at 7 p.m. in Levine Recital Hall. 17 Anderson Platoon The workshop itself is free providing the par- 8-11 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL GillGymn I am a Soldier ttcipants are willing to buy the instrument kitts) 8:30 GIF'IF - AGT Frock's Decker Hall they wish to assemble. Each session will last up to 18 8-11 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL two hours and may be scheduled in the evening to 1·5 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Giff Gym Gil/Gym make attendance more convenient. • 2:00 SWIMMING - Lycoming Harlow Pool For any additional information contact Thelma J. 7 & 9 FILM· SGA (?J Decker Hall 28 Kelly (telephone 876-1772), Box 669/Western 19 12:00 FILMS: Atomic Energy Decker Hall Maryland-College, Westminster, Maryland 21157. 1,5 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Gill.Gym 3:00 COFFEE HOUR 3:00 CONCERT·OBOE AND HARP Levine Recital Half McDaniel Lounge 7·10 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Gill Gym 3:30 SWIMMING - F & M HarlowPool James P. Osu-ymec, oboe virtuoso, with Kar~n 20 8:15 MEN'S BASKETBALL Muhlenberg·Gill Gym Lindquist. harpist, and Arno Drucker, pianist, will 1:00 FILM: Dr.Strangelove Decker Hall ($1.00) 10:00 PARTY - IFC - Grille present a recital at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 19 in 6:00 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Frostburg - Gill Gym 29 Levine Hall at Western Mary~and College. 8:00 LECTURE: Montessori Decker Half 5:00 JANUARY TERM ENDS
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