Page 15 - TheGoldBug1974-Jan1975
P. 15
Friday. January 17 Page 3 ~--Art departmentnews SMARTS underway depth between the superimposed map and . the' invited to take part in a unique poster design competition background. for cash prizes. The Second Annual Mr. Palijczuk. who has been at. WMC 10 years, Poster Design Competition, is sponsored by the Special art classes for children rangmg ,., . o~· makers of Darmon Yogurt, and the challenge is to from three through high school are sponsored by . says that the art department adds to the campus in the Western Maryland College Art Club. The other ways as well. For example over 60 paintings design a poster that reflects the "natural and classes, with students grouped according t.oage and have been framed and distributed to various offices fresh" qualities of Dannen. ability, will be provided on Saturd~y mornings for around campus with 30 more on the way. The two six-week sessions beginning III January and department offers visiting and faculty art shows as .Top prize in this year's contest is $1,000,and there lasting through spring. . well as student art shows like the one the -Ex- WIll be rune other cash awards, including $750 for Lynn Harrison, president of the Art Club, ad- periment. 3-D class will have at the end of January. second place, $500for third, $200for fourth, and six vises, "Students on campus will prepare and )V1r. Pahjczuk wants to get the art department "on honorable mentions of $50each. Last year, students conduct a variety of classes. 'l'here will be several the road." He is anxious to show the students that from over 100colleges and universities entered the different age groups with a maximum number of 15 art is important not only to themselves but to competition students in a class. II's our hope to contribute to the society as well. Further he wants to "make society child's artistic development am', at the same time, realize we're not just wasting time ...that we're gain from the teaching experience." making-life more enjoyable." In all cases the Dannen container must appear in the poster, and the poster must reflect the theme of "natural and fresh". Additional details on the Classes begin at 9 a.m. and run until 10:30 a.m. on Contest for artists contest and information regarding yogurt, are Saturdays. The first session begins on.Ian. 11 and available at the colleges' Art Department offices. runs through Feb. 27, with the second six-week Deadline_for this years entries is February 10, 1975. program beginning in March. Afee of $8 per session Art students at colleges and universities Top prize last year went to James Broderick of covers supplies and instruction costs. All classes throughout the Eastern United States have been the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. will be held in the college's Fine Arts Building. Parents should enroll their child by contacting Lynn Harrison, Box 527, Western. Maryland College, Westminster. Parents' name, home ad- dress. and telephone number-and the child's name HousingCouncillives:----- and age are needed. For further information, contact Miss Harrison (848·9862),' or l\'lr. Roy Julie Mullen Fender, assistant professor of art (84B-7000,ex- Preceding the Thanksgiving vacation the different hours. Rationale for open housing hours tension 241). Housing -and Conduct Council distributed a extention included students were matured enough, it questionnaire to the entire student body. The is presently being done, other schools such as purpose of the questionnaire was to gather student Frostburg are successfully using a 24-hour Mural begun opinion in order to formulate a new policy con- openhouse policy, present policy is outdated and it cerning the dorm closing hours. Listed were five is a double standard between the men and women's possible alternalives with space for additional dorms. Primarily in comemoration of the Bicentennial, comments and rationale for extension of present and particularly Maryland's role, art professor open house hours. The results were: Wasyl Palijczuk has been commissioned to design The Council invites any interested students and and paint a wall sized mural in the President's faculty to become involved in the attempt. Please meeting room. The project, already underway this contact a housing representative or the president, Jan. term, will probably take two or three months. 6% for ALTERNATIVE 1: Retain present hours. Julie Mullen, if interested in helping. Allhough it is basically Mr. Palijczuk's project, Dorms are open each week day (Sunday - 'I'huts- he feels that. this would be a good opportunity for day) from noon until 11:30 pm. Weekend hours are some students to share in and see what mural extended until 1:00 am. painting is like. He therefore has shared the 3% for ALTERNATIVE 2: Extend hours to 9:00 planning and 'the work with three student ap- am. Retain present closing hours. prentices, Bev Wilson, Ricky May, and Mrs. F. 27% for ALTERNATIVE3: Establish open dorms now tnev say Johnson. The mural will be painted directly on the on weekends. Friday and Saturday nights doors will wall with acrylics since a canvas large enough be locked at present closing hours, but escorted now they say would cost approximately $500. As it is supplies will members of the opposite sex would be allowed at all that parallels intersect at infinity. cost $200-250. If an artist outside the school were times between Friday morning and Sunday night. commissioned, a studio fee of $1,500-$2000would Retain present hours during the week. too bad LrVe'rejust segments probably have been charged as weU. 52% for ALTERNATIVE 4: Establish open n ain't got that long. . The painting will consist of a landscape dorms, subject to being escorted. Dorms would be convergence runs counter t my soul background to supply a feeling of depth sUI?~rim- locked at present hours, but escorted members of in a garden with death posed with a map of Maryland. As a ~r~dltlOnal the opposite sex would be allowed at all times. in every bleedin rose. painting, it will have a fantastic surrealistic effect 12% for ALTERNATIVE 5: Establish at all yes, I do believe with symbols and themes (eg. crabs, boats, black- housing untis open dorms at all times. Doors would it's time for me t leave • eyed susans, Maryland State colors) are floated in remain unlocked, and all members of the opposite you. sex would be allowed at all times. but vou're not alone. Relay 'center ranging from extending weekday hours until 1 p.m p In addition, students offered various suggestions and weekend hours to 3 pm, restriction of open (rwr) RT house only in the morning with open dorms otherwise, to no escorts during open house. It was In evaluating this·semester's efforts, Relay can further suggested to have different dorms for say.rwell Done". Things were a little slow at first, trying to find volunteers. for many community projects, but those problems were taken care of by 'The situation is getting worse' interested students. 'I'here are, however, many projects now and in the future which will need dedicated volunteers. Why not get involved next semester? Even if you can't spend an extended A video-taped interview with Nobel Prize Soviet Union is getting worse ..." period of lime, you can sign up for the task Force ~ winning author, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,.by em And of the upcoming visit of Nixon to Russia, he for one. shot deals. cornrnentator. Walter Cronkite, is being shown at 'i warned that Americans should not be misled by Some of t.he projects needing volunteers include: p.m. on Wednesday. January 22 in Room 106 of Soviet demonstrations of enthusiasm, for Day Care Workers at Dept. of Social Services J\1'emorial Hall at Western Maryland College. established plans tell "how many flags will be put Chaperones for Bowling for a group of Mentally The CBS special was originally taped in June, out. how many people will be there, and who should Retarded Adults 1974 just after Sclzhenitsyn's arrival in America stand where." Big Brother or Big Sister commitments from Soviet Russia. The exiled author of One Day in Members for the Carroll County Recreation the Life of Ivan Denisovich, The Gulag Ar- Council chipelago, and other novels about life in Russian Tutors for some High School Students prison camps, discusses his novels, his feelings for The taped interview with the author has been Tutors for some deaf students Russia, and his attitude toward the then imminent scheduled in conjunction wilh the January Term Slap by lhe Relay office (Basement of McDaniel visit of Nixon to the Soviet Union. course on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn being taught by Hall) if any of the above sound interesting to you. Of his novels he said, "What's so frightful is that Dr. Robert Hartman, associate professor of Also you can sign up for the Task Force if you want we don't know our own history; only the West philosophy and religion at Western Maryland. The to be Included in short-term projects. Relay really knows our history." public is invited to attend the special film without needs you for next semester! Of his native land. he said. "The situation in the charge.
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