Page 12 - TheGoldBug1974-Jan1975
P. 12
Terror« lose their grip Bob Toner On Saturday, October 5th, the W.M.C. football choose from. It will be interesting to see who comes squad traveled to Chester, Pa. to play traditionally out calling the signals on Homecoming day, 1974. hard-nosed Widener College. While the Terrors did not have to face the dilemna of-Billy "White Shoes" Johnson as they had in the past, they did meet with a large, strong, quick & well-balanced team that Hockey gets was ready to play good football. Consequently, W.M.C. returned to Westminster on the short end of a 28-0 score. down to ea rth Anyone who saw the game witnessed the total collapes of the pass game that had been effective in both the Jersey City victory and last week's 20-17 Though the hockey team has suffered defeat in defeat at the hands of Bridgewater. the first few games, prospects for the remainder of the season are promising. The most recent first string game versus Hood showed great im- The reason for this collapse which amounted to 20 provement over the first games of the season. pass attempts,S completions, and 4 interceptions appeared to be on the surface due to the massive Defensively the team worked well together with size and lethal pass rush of Widener's defensive line breakdown in teamwork occurring only twice averaging 230 lbs. or more per player. But while (resulting, however, in two Hood goals). First they did sack Terror quarterbacks Bob Cahill & Jay string was offensively in control for approximately Rodstein on numerous occasions the Widener front 75% of the game but the forward line could not put four were being held off by the Green Terror of- the ball in the goal Coach Joan Weyers has been fensive linemen on numerous occasions also. working on offense with the team. The team is Couple this with the fact that pass. receivers Rick certain that the games on Oct. 12, Homecoming, Leitzel and David Severn were continually open on will be victorious. First string team members in- their patterns ar.d a problem is evident at the clude co-captains Sue Wagner, junior, and Mary quarterback position. Cahill and Rodstein, both Gemmill, senior, senior Michelle Swain, juniors proven, competent passers were seemingly inef- Sue Rudrow, Rhoda Williams, Barb Vose, Karen fective Saturday, though Rodstein was impressive Merkle, Dale Torbit, Karen Aardall, sophomores on several passes to Sophomore Mark Mechak. Coach Ron Jones will no doubt face a dilemna this Janice Newcomber, Margie Roberts, and freshman Sally Stansfield. coming Saturday when he must choose a starting quarterback for the Homecoming clash with , I Moravian. He has the two aforementioned passers WMC Terror runs into a sli!llt obstacle on the Widener field. and Dave Bushey. a cannonarmed freshman to The Girls' Volleyball team both Varsity and J,V.I I played University of Maryland last Tuesday night, October 7. Varsity lost the set, losing the first game I Soccer slips into slump coming back in the second game to win 17-15con~ tinued to play well, but lost the third game. J.V.lost the first game but won the second two games. , , Western Maryland's soccer team has 3 wins and 2 contests. Last week both teams took both matches in twol losses record to date. They have notched wins over The team might possibly have to change the games. They look forward to one more home game York, Moravian, and U.M.B.C. The team is formation as w'O!Uas make some changes in the on October 30 vs. UMBC. Morgan. I presently in a slump and has dropped its last two starting line-up. The new formation would consist games. Both games were lost by a 1-0 margin to of a 5-2-3 which will give their offense an extra M3~~~hs.~::nrha~nga~u~~~~~~n~~t U;i:i~~Sii%; his player to help generate some scoring. Loyola and travels to Maryland Western defensive backfield which has given only 6 goals in Havenford this week in 2 key games which must be 5 games. Defensive standouts have been Steve' won to bring the team out of its present slump. In Schoneberger, Charlie Wagner and Denny the Middle Atlantic Conference Western Maryland Duquette. Howzver the offense has only scored 7 has a 1-0 record which gives them a first place goals and has failed to ~core at _all in theIast 2 standing in their division. Solid team showing Runners makes the difference Off to their best start in three years, the Western U.M.B.C., winning by a 24-31count. Steve Vaughan Maryland cross-country team finished the initial and Pete Wagner finished 1-2in the race, this time two weeks of their fourteen-meet season with 2 getting some strong support from Paul Schlitz and wins and 2 losses. This year's team appears to be co-captain Lee McConnell in 5th and 6th places. much improved over last year's, as the Terror. W.M.C.'s fifth scorer was junior Jim Dan, who runners are looking for a respectable winning. finished lOth. Western Maryland lost its opener to season. Franklin and Marshall 23-38; WM.C.'s best places in that meet, which was held during a drenching The Terrors defeated Susquehanna 26-31. A rainstorm, were Vaughan's 2nd, McConnell's 5th, solid team perIormance made the difference, and Schlitz with 6th respectively. as 4 Western Maryland runners covered the hilly 5.3 mile:' distance under 30 minutes. Steve Vaughan led the jway again, with a record- With the addition of standout freshman Pete setting 28: 18 time.' Wagner and Schlitz finished Wagner and senior Paul Schlitz (who was Ineligible 3-4, followed closely bY'1j\1"cConnell in·6th. last season after transferring from weshlngton College because of N.C.A.A. and Mason-Dixon Despite juior co-captain steve vaughan's out- conference rules), the Terror coaches and runners standing individual effort in the season opener on are optimistic about this season. However, the September 21, the Terrors were defeated by team consists of only eight members, and is often Messiah College by a 21-40score. Steve established outnumbered by opponents. This lack of depth tests each man's durability, especially with the dts~~;i'~f~=it!ck°:r-sle;t~-~ro~t i~~~~, c~~~c: . demanding SChedule of two 5 mUe races per week. for the win. Messiah course record in 28:42, but a' This year's fall semester break may provide the sew up the victory. Freshman Pete Wagner was Terrors with enough rest to face the second half of Western Maryland's olher bright spot, bringing their season, which includes two tough opponents in home the number 6 slot. Dickenson College and perennial powerhouse The Terrors got their first victory 4 days later at . MoUnt Saint Mary's.
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