Page 80 - TheGoldBug1973-74
P. 80
PAGE 4 May 2, 1974 GOLD BUG PAGE 5 Fiddler dances "CAJfPUS tories of lust and laue ~LYG~?topcomments on life and love into Big Baker nr greens and hills "thedramatic arts department from April 26-28on tried to make it big in a Kansas City night club and William Inge's play "Bus Stop" was presented by ch apart of the myth play~d by Rhonda Dahl. Cherie w~s very much ich we ali exisl. malnstage of Alumni. "Bus Stop", was a story admired by Bo Decker, a, hea~strong ts, andlww many are true; about a group of very different people stranded in a c?wboy tha~ asked her to marry him and lived on by larry lazopoulis mid-western bus stop-cafe during the mid 1950's. ~s ~nch 10 Montana. Bo played by Bob so, what passion magic sessed by you? Lisande Bissonette played the head waitress of the ec am. On May 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 & 14, Fiddler on the Roof cafe, while Daryl Neighbors played her young & "Bus Stop" was directed by Max Dixon and a will be presented in Baker 100. "Fiddler" is based roviding the best sleigh riding naive teenage assistant. Harvey Doster portrayed a beautiful set was designed by Christian Wittwer. on stories by Sholem Aleichem vI the Jewish wise old, well-liked, slow moving sheriff-the kind The production staff consisted of Joan Bailey as the peasants and immigrants of Russia in the 1890's unnter while lays cool ill moonlight typical of small country towns. The other stage manager and Rose Idzik working with and early 1900's. The play itself is the story of a cellighls characters were from out of town and arrived on 'costumes. The paint crew consisted of Sharon Jewish-Russian family in the Russia of 1905, and the bus. Included was the bus driver, Carl, played Wood, Rab Drummond, .Wendee Doster, and their joys, struggles, and heartbreaks. The head of sl balls where do Ihey!;o"! by Scott McCreary who was quite well known by the Harvey Doster, Kurt Herwig, Torrie Armour Pat the family is Tevye, a poor dairyman, (played by ohat do you know people living in the town. Riding on the bus was also Gunther, and Pat Nicholson were the light ~rew Chuck Long of the Westminster community) who faded wilh years? an older professor of a college who had been while Wendee and Torrie operated the lights. Props works as hard as a horse to feed his family of five Warlellrs? married three times, knew how to orate his were supplied by Sandy MacKenzie and Joan daughters and wife. The first concern of the family knowledge of Shakespeare and wished tn be free of 'Bailey. Sound was taken care of by Bill Vogel and is a "match" for the eldest daughter, Tzeitel (Pat and its blossoming any ties. The professor was played by Derek Neal. Joanne Brocklebank and Ruth Shanaberger were in Nicholson). However when Yenta (Debbie Ideflowering There was also Cherie, a small time talent who charge of publicity. Robinson) "matches" Tzeitel to Lazar Wolf, the wuy flouring butcher (Demetrios Mallios), Tzeitel refuses to IIs/lOwerin/!. marry him. Tevye after listening to his daughter's ower/rIg J. T. pleas and the pleas of her intended, Motel (Kurt Herwig), gives them his permission and blessing to marrying Lazar Wolf, but rather Motel. Mark Law, Scott Law, Nancy Palmer, Auyson marry. Yet Tevye has another problem, how to tell The story continues as one tradition after another Palmer, Michael Stewart, Lauren Tribby, and his wife, Golde (Cathy Nelson), that Tzeitel is not is put aside or forgotten, until Tevye can no longer Charlie Wagner. bend with the new changes. As the play closes, the Jews must leave their village, evicted from their Choir homes (an all too common incident in the pre-World 'I've been hogged' War I days of Europe). The choreography is by Judy Galloway; the The cast also includes: Torrie Armour, Michael Barber, Rick Barnes, Dan Bitzel, Jon Blankman, music direction is Jim Paxton, assisted by Linda welcomes spring Sixx: the set and lighting design is by Don Ehman. by Jack Tracey Deborah Buck, Louie Chambers, Bill Corley, Fiddler on the Roof tickets are available in the Debbie Day, Mark Falharty, Mary Frank, Tom WMC's showing of Bruce Lippy's prize winning Galloway, Lori Grimes, Kim Grove, Karen Keller, :;i~~~t.or.e or at Scharon's Black Eagle at $2.00 film short, Attack of the Hog People, was extremely well received by large and enthusiastic Decker audiences. The film was shown as a fund-raising WMCchoir presented their Spring Concert at 7: 15 project for Contrast, the school literary magazine. p.m., on April 28 in Baker Memorial Chapel. Some of the comments from the crowd included: "I've been hogged." Argonauts induct new members "I thought it was a cute flick." The 65-voice choir, directed by Oliver K. "I felt the most relevant social comment made Spangler, associate professor of music, gave a was the scene of the wanton destruction of the three-part program which included the following peaceful country town by the vicious cardboard pig- selectio~s: "Ye Servants of God," arranged by figurine." ;!~~~~:di~S Ri~~:~~ ~~~~~n~,I~~,f~:d~~:~~~ Juniors and Seniors who qualify will be inducted James B. Sherrard, Richard L. Steel, Mrs. Janet This reporter was able to talk with Hog People into the Argonauts, the honor society at Western Strickler, Ronald E. Thomas, and Ruth Gayle and William Boyce's "Oh, Where Shall Wisdom Be Found." starlet Carole Clarke, a quick and bright young Maryland. on Sunday, May 5. Junior and "Senior Vaught. The new senior inductees join the seniors come on to the artsy world. Clarke had this to say of fellows of the Argonauts are selected on the basis of who became fellows in their junior year. WMC keeps on changing her work with creator and director Bruce Lippy, academic achievement. A special induction The second part of the program included "Lip was a trip." And a trip indeed, not only for t~e ceremony and reception for new membe ..·s was held Crueger-Wolff's "Soul; Adorn Thyself with Hog People, invaders from a far off planet. A tnp on Sunday afternoon, prior to the Investiture and JUniors who have been selected Into the society Gladn~ss;" Handel:s "How Excellent Thy Name, 0 indeed for Jerry Hobbes, whose performance of Honors Convocation that evening, at which the are: Joan E. Bailey, Priscilla D. Bair, Peter B. Lord; Beethoven s "Kyrie" (Mass in C)· and Beppo the inept janitor had audiences rolling in the members were recognized. Barr, Francis C. Chaney, Deborah K. Day, Mrs. ~~:~:~~ ;'.How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place" aisles. A trip for Robby Bobby whose make out Marjorie A. Espenschade, Sandra L. Gordon, Nan Two administrative changes at Western scene was better than those of Redford or O'Neal. M. Hamberger, Edythe R. Horsey, Kurt E. Maryland College ha ve been announced by Dr. Achievement Board of Directors for Carroll But most of all a trip for the viewer in which the Jacobson, Beth E. McWilliams, Jeffrey G. Mid· William McCormick, Jr., vice president and dean of County. He is a former resident of Easton, Maryland. The final portion of the program featured three existential questions of Rod Serling's actual height The following seniors will be inducted into the dleton, Mark D. Miller, Stephen R. Mosberg, Julie modern anthems by Dana Wells; "Didn't My Lord academic affairs, effective July 1, 1974. Getty was graduated from Western Mr. and Lorne Greene's monalisalike smile are brought society: Barbara L. Anderson, Belinda L. Bonds, A. Mullen, Linda M. Spence, Elizabeth J. Whipple, De.liver Daniel," arranged by James Miller; H. Hugh Dawkins, Jr. has been named Associate Maryland with a major in history in 1969, and he to the head. Hog People's valiant soldier Sgt. Rock, Mrs. JoAnn C. Clark, Richard K. Clement, Scott B. Nancy W. Wilhide. Prichard-Jones' "Love Divine" (Welsh Chorale)' Registrar and Gregory H. Getty has been named received his master's in guidance from WMC in Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Lance Kroner best sums it all UD. Cutler, Donald A. Dulaney, Jr., Laurie V. Ennis, Aid. Judith E. Gardner, William Geiger, III, Cathy "Amazing Grace;" John Gardner's "Fight The 1973.He has served Western Maryland since 1969as Jenkins, Scott H. Kreiger, Gerard W. Kurek, Gary Good Fight;" and Peter Lutkin's "The Lord Bless Mr. Dawkins was graduated from Western an admissions counselor and an assistant director "I had this vision in the afternoon, there was this The Argonauts were established to bring together You and Keep You." Maryland with a major in mathematics in 1969,and of admissions and financial aid prior to his recent big, huge Eat at Joe's sign and I followed it and scholars from the various departments as well as to he received his M.Ed. from the college in 1971. He appointment. Mr. Getty was active in all sports __ damn if Attack of the Hog People wasn't there. I promote scholarship and recognize academic Soloists were Debbie Bott of Baltimore, Scott has served WMC since 1969as a residence director, especially baseball and basketball, and now serves have to say it was the best thing Iever did, I was the A. LeGates, Sandra J. Leidy, Timothy E. Meredith, achievement. Although not affiliated with th~ Hancock of Pokomoke City, Md., and Robin an asststant to the supervisor of data processing, a as golf coach '. He .is a member of the College En- greatest." Brien E. Pierpont, Alan R. Rabinowitz, Linda J. national honor society. Phi Betta Kappa, there is an Cumberland of Hillcrest Heights, Prince Georges special instructor in computer science, and an tran~e Examination Board, College Scholarship The end of the Hog People? Pardon us while we Reeser, John E. Reynolds, III, Roberta C. Schrom, effort being made to establish a chapter of Phi County. Accompanist was Mrs. Evelyn S. Hering, assistant registrar, prior to his recent appointment. Se.rv~ce, and National Association of College Ad- build another super station. Gregory Scott Shanaberger, Ruth A. Shanaberger, Betta Kappa at the college. assistant professor of music. Mr. Dawkins is a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army missions Counselors. He is a former resident of Reserve and is a member of Rotary and the Junior Lonaconing, Md. Summer ;obs: out looks for US st ts abroad, foreign students here press release The Student Overseas Services (50S) which has student gets off to their job on the right foot. Jobs, Students can speed up processing by getting and Sio~.was intended to protect summer job op- been helping college students in Europe for the past mostly in resorts, restaurants and hotels, are not holding until requested, 3 J}assport size photos and a tumtIes for American youth, including Vietnam regard to any adverse change in financial cir- the United States from the presence of young cumstances. He expressed the view that this policy 16 years announces that the number of summer always plush and the work can be hard. But the fact letter of recommendation from a teacher or former rans and members of minority groups. is not warranted. foreigners studying in this country who later take jobs now available in Europe is higher than original is that a job is there, in Europe, and with free room employer. e said the decision was based on labor mar· .et But he emphasized that foreign students in need home with them not only academic knowledge estimates. The placement office of the service and board and a standard wage any student willing ·ce furnished by the u.S. Manpower Ad- of employment for economic reasons due to un- gained here, but also greater knowledge of this states that in an effort to bring interested students to work can see and benefit from a trip to Europe at istration. country. together with available jobs a speeded up mail a minimal or even break-even cost. foreseen circumstances which arose after entry "In balancing the labor market impact against application system is being used. Jobs are given into the United States may continue to apply to the the foreign relations aspects, I have concluded that out, as always, on a non-profit, first come, first '~or ~everal years the Manpower Ad- Service for work permission at any time. protection of job opportunities for young served basis to students only between 18 and 27 As time is drawing short for this summer, in- Immigration Commissioner Leonard F. Chap- mstratIon .has advis~ us that unemployment Such students, he said, are not limited to summer Americans, including minority youth and Vietnam years of age. terested students should obtain and submit their man, Jr., announced today that foreign students ong American youth IS of such magnitUde that work. Upon graduation, foreign students may also veterans, is the paramount consideration at this supply to the Service for approval to engage in applications soon. The forms, job listings and seeking summer employment will have to obtain ~er employment of aliens is depriving young practical training in a field related to their course time." descriptions, and the 80S Handbook will be sent to permission from the Immigration and ::t~~ns of needed employment opportunities," of study. A<1cordingto the U.S. Manpower Administration. Students wno have never previously worked or anyone sending their name, address, name of Naturalization Service rather than from school Mr. Chapman said that the Department of State, he said, the unemployment rate among youth ex- studied in Europe must undergo a brief orientation school and$1 (for printing, postage, addressing and officials. n reviewing immigration policies since taking which was consulted by the Immigration and ceeds the national average. A bill in the Congress, period at their own expense, after they arrive in handling only) to either SOS, Box 5173, Santa Commissioner Chapman said that his decision to ice last November Mr. Chapman said he found Naturalization Service prior to the decision to limit H.R. 982, which has twice passed the House of Europe. Among o~her benefits to stud~nts, the Barbara, Calif. 93108; or directly to 50S Placement withhold authority from school officials to act on t foreign students had been allowed to engage in Representatives and is pending in the Senate., orie.ntation is. designed to make certain every Office, i2 Ave. de la Liberte, Luxembourg - Europe: . foreign student requests for summer work. per- ployment under the summer program without foreign student employment, expressed the view would impose criminal penalties on employers of that there is an important foreign policy benefit to ~liens who are not authorized to work.
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