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Page 6 THE GOLD BUG March 6,1972 Newsbrlefs :(Dr. Case, prospective teachers' exams, NOW Dr. H. S~muel Case, assistant. professor of Less than two weeks remain .for prospective The National Organization for Women will be physical education at Western Maryland College, teachers who plan to take the National Teacher holding meetings on March 9th and 23rd at 7:30 Westminster, has been elected to the American Examinations at Western Maryland College, P.M. in the Delt clubroom. College of Sports Medicine. Westminster, on April 8, 1972, to submit their The organization started in February with two The organization, made up of physicians and registrations for these tests to Educational Testing speakers. On February 24, Jackie Finch, county physiologists, disseminates physiological and Service, Princeton, New Jersey, Dr. L. S. coordinator for Carroll County Day Care Centers medical data on man. Dr. Case's doctoral research Bowlsbey, Chairman of the Education Department, spoke on day care on the local, state, and Federal was in the physiology of SPOitS. announced today. levels. She told the audience how day care centers A graduate of Western Maryland College, the Registrations for the examinations must be come into being largely out of necessity and about educator received his master's degree there and forwarded so as to reach the Princeton Office not the unsatisfactory conditions in many. the Ph.D. at Ohio State University. He joined the later than March 16, Dr. Bowlsbey advised. Two weeks before, on February 10th, Miss Nancy Western Maryland College faculty in 1965. In ad- Bulletins of Information describing registration Winkleman spoke on the role of women in business. dition to teaching, Dr. Case is coach of the wrestling procedures and containing Registration Forms team. may be obtained from the education office, Western Maryland College or directly from the National SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM APPROVED Teacher Examinations, Educational Testing CLASS OF 1975 Service, Box 911, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. The Council on Social Work Education has ap- A note of thanks .to all who made our Slave At the one-day test session a candidate may take proved the program at Western Maryland College, Auction a great success. Total profit for the night the Common Examinations, which include tests in Westminster, it was announced recently. was about $200.00! Professional Education and General Education, According to the sociology department at the Other things to look for, think about: and one of the twenty-five Teaching Area college, the group began approving such un- March a-Coffee House, 7:30 P.M. (First in a Examinations which are designed to evaluate his dergraduate programs only in the past year. Prior series of events to make the student center a understanding of the subject matter and methods. to that the national, standard-setting organization student center) applicable to the area he may be assigned to teach. had been concerned with accrediting graduate March 17--Marathon Basketball game (to put the Each candidate will receive an Admission Ticket programs and worked with undergraduate sophomores in thier proper places) advising him of the exact location of the center to programs on an advisory basis. March zs-Easter Party for Westminster kids which he should report, Dr. Bowlsbey advised. In the last two years, the sociology department ApriI9--Western Maryland represented in March Candidates for the Common Examinations will spokesman said, concerned organizations realized of Dimes Walkathon sponsored by the freshman report at 8:30 a.m. on April 8 and should finish at that most holders of graduate degrees in social class' approximately 12:30p.m. Dr. Bowlsbey said. The work were going into administration. They noted Possibilities to think about; Teaching Area Examinations will begin at 1:30 the need of better training for those working directly with people. Card Party and a PJ Party in the Grille p.m. and should finish at approximately 4:15 p.m., Olympic Day according to the time schedule' for these In 1970the Council established standards and in Car Wash examinations which has been set up by 1971 started to accredit programs. The standards Off-Campus Party Educational Testing Service. include such provisions as that the college itself Mixer must be accredited, that course content must meet Trip to Hershey Park agreed levels, and that the major direction of the Hay Ride HARGRAVES ELECTED TO CEASD- program be not just academic, work but also include The class team, the "75'ers", battled their way some supervised field experience. There must be a through Intramural Basketball with a 5-7 record Britt M. Hargraves, director of the program for broad, solid, social science background. while the freshman Psychos took the fourth division preparation of teachers of the deaf at Western Western Maryland College submitted its ap- with a 11-1 record Maryland College, Westminster, has been voted to plication for accreditation during the past summer full membership in the Conference of Executives of and was reviewed this fall. The accreditation which it has now received will not have to be renewed until HORST DISPLAYS LOCAL SCENES American Schools for the Deaf. June, 1974. In recent months Mr. Hargraves has been a According to Mrs. Mary Ellen Elwell, who directs consultant to the Helmbold Educational Centers in A one-man show of paintings by R. Charles Horst New Jersey and the Pineview Training School in this part of the sociology curriculum, the im- will open Sunday, March 5, in Gallery One, Western Pennsylvania. The assistant professor of education portance of such accreditation is in a graduate's Maryland College, Westminster. chance for employment. There is beginning to be, Mr. Horst's work features marine life and also has supervised practice teaching in California, she said, preferential hiring by some agencies and Baltimore street scenes. He has exhibited ex- New Mexico, Illinois, Maine, and North Carolina. even by some states to graduates of such programs. Teachers of the deaf working on certification tensively in the United States and has won several through Western Maryland's graduate program The field, she thinks, will move more and more in prizes for his impressionist paintings. this direction. In other words, Mrs. Elwell explains, The artist will show paintings of lighthouses, can practice teach in their home areas. - agencies will be doing less hiring of persons with an oyster boats and other Chesapeake Bay craft, and The program which Mr. Hargraves directs undifferentiated bachelor's degree. boatyards. His Baltimore scenes r.ecor~ the recently has received the approval of Council on The sociologist points out that the Western vanishing horse-drawn carts and their drivers, Education of the Deaf. Maryland program is very solid, adding that "it known as Arabs. Mr. Horst also does design and meets standards with nothing fancy on top." Mrs. illustration work for publications and television CHARLIE BROWN RIDES AGAIN Elwell also thinks it is interesting to note that The artist is a native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Western Maryland is one of a few approved colleges and received his art education in Lancaster and at which has not had federal aid in this area. Other the National Aft Academy and the Amercan The cast for YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE state schools which have received accreditation and University. -Mr. Horst is a past president of the BROWN, the winter production of the New Windsor which have similar programs have had federal Maryland Federation of Art and is president of the Community Theater, has been announced by.the help, she says. This usually means a state-federal Maryland Chapter of Artists Equity. show's director Bill Tribby. Billed as "a musical matching grant program. The reception for the artist on March 5 is from entertainment for the entire family," the show Mrs. Elwell, who is in her third year on the two to five o'clock. The one-man show will be on follows our hero Charlie Brown through an average faculty at Western Maryland, says that the display until March 24. Gallery hours in the Fine day -- from school to a baseball, game to the sociology department has an extremely good Art Building are 10:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. psychiatrist's couch (5 cents please) to suppertime relationship with social agencies in its community. The public is invited. and the realization that it hasn't been such a bad She says this was true when she came to the college day after all. and she found it easy to build on. Now agencies are Charlie Brown will be played by veteran per- calling her and asking for graduates of the former Bill Fleagle; Lucy, his nemesis, will be program. . played by Ellen Sautter; ~inus, her blank~t- There will be twenty students graduating from THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT PRESENTS: carrying brother, by Neal Hering ; Jane Davy Will Western Maryland College this June with a con- Junior and Senior Recitals play Patty; Neal Fitze will play Schroeder; Snoopy, everybody's favorite dog, will be played by Arnold centration in social work. There were 45 in field Hayes, who has played numerous comedy roles work experiences during the recent January Term. with the New Windsor Group. These students were placed in about 16 agencies in KalhleenShannahan Much 7,4:00 p.m. Baker Meni. Accompanist and musical director will be Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Beth Trott March 10,8:00 p.m, Levine Hall Marjorie Blair. Recently Mrs. Elwell has been elected chairman Bob Whitney of the Commission On Bachelor Arts Social Work Monikavande(Berg March 14,4:00 p.m. Levine Hall NEW WINDSOR COMMUNITY THEATRE Education. Membership of the Commission is made Susan Homer March 21,4:00 pan, Levine Hall up of all those faculty members teaching social Katherine Grist April 9,4:00 p.m, BakerMem. Louise McCabe Aprilll,4:00p.rn. Levine Hall ~~ work courses in Maryland institutions and SallyTarr AprilI6,4:00p.m. Baker Mem. representatives of employing agencies. The Patricia Baker April I!, 4:00 p.m. Levine Hall Commission is an outgrowth of the Task Force on Deborah Buck ~~ Social Welfare Manpower, appointed some years Richard Haftung April 25.1:00 p.rn. Levine Hall ago by then Governor Agnew, which was concerned Donald Hohwieler a rrvsiml entertainrrent for the entiretam/y with recruitment, utilization, and education. March 10, II, 12, 17, IB, 19 When the Task Force ended its work, those in- The music department of Western Maryland College is Dinner Theatre: March II & 18 volved in education felt it would be wise to organize urging students to attend these FREE concerts. Much For ticket information call 848-3278 and continue meeting. The group is at present lime and effort has been devoted to the preparation of Tickets on sale now at SCHARON'S BLACK working in the area of employment with the Civil these~ams. EAGLE, NEW WINDSOR PHARMACY Service Commission.
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