Page 66 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 66
Page 2 March 6, 1912 One Man's Findings: Youth vote ************************ by Terry Smith or Independents. Reflections Here's a bit more about the impact or the In this group of 105 students, 49 percent-half- efghteeen-year-old vote on the 1972elections: preferred Nixon over ANY Democrat. An ad- --The only group in America which votes less than ditional eighteen percent preferred one particular Help Bruce those younger than 25 is dead people. Barely more Democrat (usually Muskie) over Nixon but Nixon than half the 21-25year group voted for President in over everybody else. Only one in ten favored any 1968. Democrat over Nixon. --When young voters do make the effort, three of Even among respondents who called themselves There is good news ~n campus, and th every four vote like their parents do. Democrats, forty percent either supported Nixon "save the children" cry "is not being heard i -Although the college activist voters get the outright or leaned toward him. vain. The Religious Life Council, in can headlines, they are a substantial minority of the 18- Sure, WMC students may be a bit more con- junction with the Save The Chi ldre 25 year electorate. Two of every three voters in this servative than their counterparts at College Park Federation, is sponsoring an eight-year-ol bracket are not in college. or even Towson. But if this is the case, then they are --The largest support for Wallace in 1968 did not far more representative of their age bracket Navajo boy named Bruce Begay. come from the 45 and older group (it backed nationally than would be a sample population from This child lives in a one-room wooden hous Nixon). Neither did it come from the 30-45 group the aforementioned campuses. The only difference in the desert, along with his father, mother (Humphrey). (Never trust anybody older than between WMC and a national sample would be cousin and three brothers. Bruce attehds thirty--he's too liberal). about fifteen percent supporting Wallace, rather boarding school during the school months --Among new voters, two Democrats are than the two percent I found here. where he is an average student. Through th registering for every Republican. If half these I would speculate that these findings bear a good contributions of the RLC, and also throug voters turn out in November and vote in the above resemblance to present political realities. I might ratio, Nixon would lose rather badly, but, add that I was astonished at first to find support for donations of the Sunday chapel "offerings --The most recent experience we have of the Nixon so high. But then he has done a pretty good Bruce can have adequate clothing, and, mor influence of a newly-enfranchised 18-to-21year old job during his tenure, especially at ripping off importantly, encouragement to keep trying group comes from England, where in 1970 young issues from the Democrats. With additional support, more members 0 voters helped elect a Conservative government in a There's plenty of time for him to do something this tribe could perhaps be educated, trained stupendous upset of the Labour Party which had dumb, but he always has his ski nose to the political and fed. Wouldn't itbe a worthwhile gesture t been confident of overwhelming new-voter support. winds, so unless Fate decides that 1972isHer year, have more organizations on this financialf I recently conducted a poll of three political Nixon should become the fourth two-term solvent campus science classes, asking how they would vote if the Republican President, and only the second in the sponsor a child? To do it out 0 election were being held now. Ninety-five percent of past 65 years. Did the respondents to the poll agree a feeling of guilt would be hypocritieal ;' bu the respondents were younger than 22 and two- that Nixon would be re-elected? Seventy-seven of why not out of a feeling of genuine concern. thirds of them called themselves either Democrats the 105 did. This is the same campus that gave out ove $700 in three days last year to the Pakistan' Relief Fund? These people are your coun Now.. Experimental art decorates library trymen. Save the Country. is available throug Information on Bruce Dean Zepp. But feeling and concern are by Cindy Thayer available only through you. Help this little bo If you haven't been inside the library yet this which the student was to express his inner feelings and others like him. He deserves a chance a semester, you've missed seeing the products of Jan. or personality. Try to figure those out! The much as you do. term's Experimental Art class. Mobiles, paintings, students were also to incorporate a piece of clothing and collages now decorate the library'S walls, into a work of art, and examples of these can also be provoking the observer to use his imagination in seen in the library. It's amazing what a little Included in this issue is a response to the figuring them out. But for many of the examples, imagination and experimentation can do! Reflections article on voting (February 21.) It only the artist himself knows what meanings he has Mr. Bachmann of the library says that he "enjoys was written by Terry Smith of the political concealed in his work. the library" and would like to see more works science department, and should be read. We The students of the Jan. term class made mobiles, constantly coming in. He appreciates the using anything they could think of. They were' cooperat~on of the art department, since he has maintain the equal-time policy, and we encouraged to try and use things from their rooms been trying to decorate the bare walls. Anyone welcome any questions or criticism with an or any other junk available to them. Some of the having work they would like to contribute is open mind (that is to say we don't cry until wall hangings are "non-objective self-portraits," in welcome to bring it in to Mr. Bachmann. afterwards). So, Terry Smith, the soapbox is yours. Please wipe your feet before you step down. ( This goes for everyone) the Gold Bug Dean Zepp: March 6,1972 Questioning quietism Volume 49, Number 4 by Dean Ira Zepp Editor';n-chief Cathy Nelson The sounds of the sixties have given way to the stable and left it by way pi an executioner's stake!) Associate Editor Francois Derasse silence of the seventies. This is true locally (witness On the one hand, I think I understand this react- Copy Editor Nellie Arrington the demise of SOS) and nationally. Isuppose, given of ion. It is necessary, now and thn, to take a step the natural order of things and the dialectics back and get our heads together. On the other hand, Robert Ramsdell history, this was to be expected. Just as an in- I have some serious reservations. Sports Editors Tom Trezise dividual must regularly take a break from a hectic These are the questions I have for those getting pace, so a society must go on a retreat after a high on drugs and Zen for Hare Krishna people and Photography Dave Korbonits particularly volatile period. That is the way both Jesus freaks, and for Richard Nixon and Billy Art Ed~or Ji~ Sollers maintain a semblence of sanity. Graham (the patron saints of the new quietism). Busineu ManaAer Cindy Thayer To have the upheaval of the sixties as a steady How is it possible to be God-conscious without at diet would drive us all up the wall. We can stand the same time being socially conscious and are you Specil.' thanks to Miss Naney Lee Winkleman only so many assassinations, body-counts, willing to have the former tested by the latter? Can we afford to trip on love and peace while for press releases. demonstrations and Kent States in a given period of there is still so much suffering going on around us? time. The sixties, then, cannot unilaterally be blessed. Do we forget that while we are being a-political Hard work: Becky Williams, Julie M~llen, Many of us luxuriated in our sheer animal vigor, (there is, as of now, an alarmingly low rat~ of voter Suzi Windemuth, Chip Rouse social activism and self-righteousness. What registration in the under 21 bracket), people in passed for neighbor c_o,ncernwas often concern for political power are continuing to use that power to Entered as second-dass oteri.ln the Westminstllr, self-fulfillment. But there was an interest to alter maintain the status quo or to exploit and to oppress Maryland poSt. o!fict, !_1151. Second dl. postage systems and structures which dehumanize people. the disadvantaged? Plid It -Wntrnin!rter. Published by Ind for the However, the reaction that seems to have set mto Is not holiness an ethical as well as a spiritual students of Western Maryland Colfege. this admittedly chaotic and disruptive era is a polar reality? The opinions expressed in this PIper do not opposite, i.e., quietism, silence, turning inward, Perhaps we can combine the neighbor- neccessarily reflect those of the .dmi~istration. Potomac piety, grooving on God consciousness. consciousness of the sixties with the God- This current mood, strikingly similar to the fif- consciousness of the seventies, and transcend the ties, reflects a form of cop-out. Since social change poles by moving into a responsible tension between Address mairto Box 394, Western Maryland.College, is going to come very slowly if at all, we will throw W",!"i_'. Maryland21157 conscience and structures, prayer and suffering in the towel and concentrate on our individual humanity, and faith and ethics. And out of that perfection and salvation and keep ourselves un- tension (remembering the Cross strung out be- spotted from the world (strange for Christians who tween heaven and earth) may be created a new follow one who came into the world by way of a world.
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