Page 69 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 69
March 6,1972 Page 5 RLC plans The Lenten book Inquiring 'by Miriam Smith & Mary Lou Hutchinson Investigator The Religious Life Council is interested in compiling a booklet of short devotions covering each day of Lent. We want all contributions to come from students here at W.M.C. who would like to share their thoughts, experiences, and feelings about the Lenten season. The booklet will be published and distributed next year, but in order to have the booklet completed by 1973 we need con- What is the SGA really doing?, tributions now. Before writing about Lent, students must have some general idea of the reasons for celebrating this season of the church year. Lent is commonly by F rancois Derasse . defined as the period of forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday during which When I asked the president of the Student open to students who wish to express their ideas, Christians fast or sacrifice in some way as a sign of Government Association, Bryson Popham, what he opinions, and comments. penitence. But fasting is not the only way of thought about the fact that many students say the The Student Life Council is composed of six celebrating this season. Lent should be a time of SGA is not doing anything, he answered that faculty and six student members. The function of new awareness, a time to look again at the socially, the organization had done more than any the council is to review and recommend progress in teachings and commitments of Christ and to try to other previous governments. He added that he the quality of student lifp; according to its r-hair- make his example more meaningful in our daily thought the association made most effective uses of man Bryson Popham. Bryson added that any existence. What is the nature of our commitment to funds which he termed as limited. stressing the fact change which affects studentjife passes through God and our fellowman? What are the rewards, the that all programs such as films and concerts were the Student Life Council. consequences, and responsibilities involved in free of charge this year to increase student at- This spring, each SGA senator will take a poll of loving and caring for others? These are only a few tendance and interest (this succeeded as all films his or her dorm 0001' to find the general student questions which should be asked in thinking about presented by the SGA had capacity crowds-this views on alcohol being allowed on campus to Lent. It is a time for the re-evaluation of our per- being unheard of last year when there was an ad- students 21 years or older, and the kind of open . mission feel. sonal relationships with God and man in the light of house policy students prefer. Bryson said the One reason the SGA may appear inactive is what Christ's example. Bryson Popham called "much red tape". The results of the poll are for Dr. Ralph Candler John's A poem, Bible verse, quotation, prayer, song use when he comes on campus to replace President verse, drawing, parable=these and many other legislative body of the college is similar to that on Lowell S. Ensor. Bryson stated he thinks the at-. items may serve as starters for an original essay. the national level. When a motion is passed in the titudes toward the open house have changed since The entire devotion can be no more than 250 words SGA it is then discussed in the Student Life Council. last year, because of its over-all success. He, and must be completed by April ist. We plan to list If it also passes in the council it is sent to the therefore, believes .most students will favor the 24- the names of contributors at the end of the booklet president of the college for his approval. Bryson hour open house. rather than after each article. The purpose of the stated that he would not say this system is inef- In the beginning of this article I. said Bryson booklet is not to collect literary masterpieces on the fective, although it does take time for anything to Popham mentioned that the funds under which the subject of Lent, but simply give students an op- happen. SGA is operating are limited. The SGA receives portunity to share ideas and feelings about this An important issue that is presently being $22 per student enrolled in the college. Bryson season of the year. discussed in the government system pertains to stated that this was not much in comparison to Those persons interested in sharing their women's curfew. Under the presenfpolicy, women many other colleges- some colleges give as much thoughts in a brief meditation or in helping in any cannot leave the dorms after curfew. The SGA is as $100 per student to the student government. This other way with the booklet, please contact Miriam trying to extend key privileges to all women. This money is used for publications, films, concerts, Smith in Whiteford 324, Mary Lou Hutchison in matter will be discussed further at the next SGA class allotments, mixers, the coffee house, and Whiteford 102, and Mike Mahaney in McLea B42. meeting on March 20, to which students are invited. many others. Incidentally, SGA meetings are bi-monthly and are Some of the money will be used on May 6. There will be a carnival during the day with booths and Record. at night there will be the Spring Concert with games opened to everyone at a minimum cost, and several musical groups and Dennis Stoner, who came earlier during the January Term. Much of the man-power and ingenuity for the carnival will New Traffic album beautifully blended be supplied by Dr. Tribby's IDS class. The SGA to par- would like all the campus organizations ticipate in the carnival which would involve the There is no way to classify anything Traffic does beautifully controlled, Wood's sax lines run in and town people (children) and the campus, thus in- as anything but Traffic music, and a Traffic album out without ever becoming overwhelming, Kwaku c~easing town-campus relationships. can be compared to nothing but another Traffic Baah's syncopated hand-drumming fits beautifully, album. Their last studio album, John Barleycorn and the overall effect is subtlty stunning. It is Must Die was .a classic album. Traffic music is probably a song about being a rock 'n roll star, always definitely Traffic but it is always different "The percentage you're paying is too high price ~2J!~y~s . ived. There is no while you're living beyond all your means new direction, it and the man in the suit has just bought a new car j , with the profit he's made on your dreams." .The main difference between John Barleycorn Capaldi sings lead on Light Up of Leave me alone, ~tl'\__..~ and The Low Spark of the High-Heeled Boys is that his composition, and the Grech-Gordon piece Rock the former started out as Winwood's solo album, ยท'n Roll Stew. Both songs are less intense and more Mad Shadows. Low Spark is the effort of a six man "fun" than any that Winwood leads on. I can never band, the Welcome to the Canteen crew minus Dave understand why anyone else would want to sing Mason. Bassist Rick Grech, best known as the when Steve Winwood is around, but that is another-- fourth member of Blind Faith and drummer Jim aspect of this album. Winwood's presence is more Gordon, one of that group of American musicians subtly expressed, Light Up contains some fine who have played with just about everybody, have guitar work. since left the group, leaving "Reebop" Kwaku Man~ a. Mile to Freedom is another Winwood- Baah and the Traffic core. Winwood, Capaldi and Wood, As on John Barleycorn, Low Spark contains only especially like these six pieces, which brings up another of Traffic's song lyrics, unique talents. Most groups, when straying from "And if you should ask me to give you the traditional nine to twelve song album format, the reason for life as we know can see the long song only as a vehicle for some then together we flow like a river, pictures egotistical guitar, or boring drum solo, or other and together we melt like the snow," worthless bulls hit. The title cut of Low Spark is over followed by Capaldi's eerie flute. The building and collectables twelve minutes long but there is never any feeling of too much. fading in this cut is deceptively simple. As in Low china suddenly Spark, are different many sounds The album opens with a Winwood-Capaldi life remakable ...for a moment the guitar is out- song, Hidden Treasure. The feel of the song is standing, then the organ, then the flute ... glass flowing and graceful. The play-between Winwood's This is Winwood's first solo attempt at producing, voice and Chris wood's flute is beautiful, one of the and he does an excellent job, Everything is con- outstanding merits of the album. The Low Spark of trolled, beautifully blended, subtle. There are no the High-Heeled Boys, the 2nd cut is without a doubt rough edges. It gains, rather than loses from 186 WEST MAIN STREET a masterpiece. There is just enough of everything. repeated hearings. Like all Traffic albums, its chief If you buy wisely, antiques can be an The increasing urgency of Winwood's piano is flaw is that it ends. excellent investment! - Star
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