Page 67 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 67
March 6, 1972 THE GOLD BUG Page 3 Profiles "Minds grow a little bit"-Nakleh_ by Nellie Arrington Dr. Emile Nakleh. part-time political. science sists of a unanimously elected faculty member as a professor here, seems to be totally immersed. in non-voting chairman, and student, faculty and teaching. administration members as a panel. according to "I suppose you have to have some ham in you to Dr. Nakleh. He is also on the planning and zoning be a good teacher and 1 think I have that. I just love board of Emmitsburg. teaching." He explained, "You can't put a specific Because he enjoys research and because of his number of hours into it. ...Minds grow a little bit.-I speciality in Middle East affairs, Dr. Nakleh has love that." done several papers about the area. including one Dr. Nakleh is a full-time professor at Mount Saint Mary's College in Emmitsburg. A Palestinian last faU for the United Nations on the legal status of the Gaza Strip He relations. in international native, he came to the United States in 1960for his presently awaits final approval for a Fulbright higher education. He received his B.A. in political Fellowship which will send him next year on sab- science from St. John's College in Minnesota, his batical to study the political and economic M.A. in political science from Georgetown development of the Bahrein, an island in the Per- University, and his Ph.D. in international relations sian Gulf. with specialization in the Middle East and North Students of Dr. Nakleh are familiar with oc- Africa from American University in 1968. He casional wit about the Middle East. On the serious meanwhile began teaching at the Mount in 1967.Dr. side. he feels there is no conflict between his Nakleh has taught political theory, American background and his U.S. citizenship, especially national government, international organization, and politics of developing areas here at various since he came here as a student. "There are certain things r do not like and certain things that ~criticize times in the past few years. in the relations between this country and not only To Dr. Nakleh, teaching seems more than the the Middle East, but other areas as well. But r do classroom aspect. "I enjoy more than anything else that after, I would like to think, certain in- my close work with students and mv relations with vestigation, academic 01' professional." crisis situations on campus up ~at Mount S1. Besides his academic interests, Dr. Nakleh likes Mary's." Veteran of several representative reading. traveling, gardening, playing with his two committees at the Mount, Dr. Nakleh is presently children. and. lately, collecting antiques. He hopes on the faculty affairs committee, the guidance to travet by carto the West Coast one summer after committee, the college planning committee, is the he returns from the Bahrein. He would also like to pre-law advisor, and is the chairman of the judicial see some plays, "but this- is one of those cultural board of review. This review board serves as the deprivations one sometimes encounters living in a MSM higher court, over the student court. It con- small town like Emmitsburg." "The small college appeals to me"-Sapora by Suzi Windemuth Teaching English in the same college as your college appeals to me." husband does - "It hasn't bothered me - it's nice to She claims "the theory of my existahce is being have lunch with him!" smiled Mrs. Carol Sapora. busy," but skiing and figure skating are her Wife of English professor Dr. Robert Sapora, Mrs. favorite hobbies. "I don't ride my bike to school, Sapora also teaches English at WMC. She has two afternoon classes of freshman composition, while but Bob does! The Saporas plan to go mountain spending her mornings teaching English at Francis climbing and hiking this spring. Mrs. Sapora reads Scott Key Senior High School. "I think it's good for extensively, with modern American drama being her favorite. Their two-year-old daughter, Jennifer, me to start here. The freshmen seem to be alert and keeps the household busy - "especially since she's eager to do things. Teaching how to write is a dif- starling to talk." ficult thing to do - the student has to practice. I don't When asked her opinion of the woman's role on like a required course. The students may feel "why this campus, Mrs. Sapora showed an avid interest must we take this'?" If they didn't have required in NOW. She plans to attend NOW meetings and courses, they would relax and enjoy it more." Mrs. Sapora received her B.A. degree in English become more involved, especially since she has a 'I. ."", daughter. "Men all around you are competing. At from Cornell University in 1966. After graduation, Cornell, I went there because it seemed like a she taught English and creative writing in a Con- ., ':, i}i~IM!h>~~ necticut high school for three years, and completed place where you could do what you wanted, but as her Master's Degree from the University of Con- girls, we were just shuttled along." She believes ,'Ii)' ~< / necticut in 1971.When her husband got the teaching that the present woman's role doesn't make them 1!!lr,~'p, / satisfied with job at Western Maryland, the Saporas moved from aspire, that they are becoming women should present social menialtty. "More Connecticut. They like the town and are impressed . ,ยท1 l\ ! with how friendly everyone has been. "The small become aware of how society puts the thumb on :I iii:( i if girls." New breed of chemists concerned-Smith by Tom Tresize The traditional picture of the chemist-the small whelming problem in relation to the amount ot man with thick black glasses, dressed in a white knowledge needed to understand it." coat while surrounded by miles of glass tubing, He is very satisfied with Western Maryland, concerned only with his research-Is changing. A . because it was what he wanted, not just because new breed of chemists are rising. Dr. Richard there is a job shortage in the chemistry field. Ac- Hilton Smith is one of the new breed. cording to Dr. Smith, a chemist has three choices: He received his education on the wave of He can go to industry, a big school, or a small technology created by the space program. He did school. Industry does not allow much individual his undergraduate work in Hagerstown, and research and the large schools have come to the Washington College in Chestertown. From there he point where it is "publish or perish," emphasizing a went into a special program at the.Unlveraity of great deal of individual research. He likes small Virginia and four years later was awarded his schools like WMC because of the freedom of doctorate. In' addition to this, he did some post- research, and because he can be much closer to the doctorate study at Ohio State University. students. He feels that the chemistry department What makes him so special to be counted as a has good equipment, good students, and a good member of the New Breed? Hecares. He believes faculty, so it is almost certain to grow. too many people criticize scientists as being too Dr. Smith is presently teaching chemistry for interested in their research and not interested in its non-science majors, and the organic chemistry lab. consequences. Commenting, "I would like to Being an organic chemist, it seems somewhat change the idea that chemists don't give a damn," strange that he is teaching beginning chemistry, Dr. Smith added, "This simply isn't true. I would but he says that he is very interested in the non- say that the vast majority are extremely con- science approach. He wants contact with people cerned." other than science students. "Non-science majors Dr. Smith came to Western Maryland during aren't interested in theory but in how chemistry January to teach a course on pollution chemistry. affects them practically." This is what he wants to He appears optimistic on the problem of pollution, convey: practical chemistry. feeling it is serious, but "Pollution is not an over-'
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