Page 11 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 11
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 11, 1968 P~GE.3 ------Letters to the Editor------ TO THE EDITOR: his repeated joining of the "age of or religious organizations. Wewill ment of his fellow man. There IS Georgetown was crisp; full of Since the end of the 1967-68 the verbal overkill." (This Is a fail- depend solely upon mankind for more "life-forced" manifest now mock turtle sweaters and football academic year, the college has ing foundthroughouttheGOLDBUG: support. than ever before. This force ts ex- and beer permeated spirits. Walk- established two extremely impor- e.g., Nixon and Humphrey as Perhaps ~'Ol1 would like to be pressed through Love; It ts evary- Ing down Pennsylvania from the tant committees in which students "bloodsucking vampires.") I be- one with us. If you cannot come where and it will be aboard our Big House, noticing the V.W.'s, have representation and vottng re- lieve that a valid criticism, where you might like to help us. There ship. McCarthy fiowersand all, [uxtapos- sponstbntttas, it exists, can he better made without is much to be done. We will never reach a world of ed on the r.inccins with Nixon- The Committee on Student Per- the use ot vanom and gr-oss exagge r . We will try to get a government love through violence. Many who Agnew stickers. Like WMCpeople, sonnel Problems, comprised of two anon, ship---perhaps one of the moth- feel despair and bitterness now, they were all glad that it was Sat- students, two faculty, _andthe Dean Belive it or not, the discussion balled Liberty shtps= -and adapt may turn to violence. In one way urday; everybody walked about of Students, ex-officio, will adjudi- did spring from the subject or sta- her for our purposes. We will this violence and hatred is a cor- three steps a minute slower. Some cate all Incidents of serious mis- tistics, when I noted that the aver- change a "Ship of War" into a ruption of their desire to love and of them had the same dark circles conduct, exceptthoseunderthejur- age I.(~. at WMC is roughly 12S-~ "Ship of Peace." The ship will be loved. Because of feelings of I saw at breakfast before I armed Isotctton of the an-student Honor hardly a vacuum: This brings me be painted in beautiful colors by futility and frustration In finding myself with my white-student- Court. Consequently, all instances to the second point: the topic of the artists. On her sides she will avenues for the expression of love, liberal knapsack and took off down of suspension at this college will "article" into which Iwas dragged carry messages of Peace and this loveturnstohate.Ourshipwlll Route 97. involve peer judgement. --unwillingly, if notvobviousf y up, Gooriwiit from anyone who wishes be such an avenue. Coming out of the Georgetown Comprised of nine faculty and set" when my original comment to send them. In the course of We are entering a "New Age" Tobacco Store, I noticed a crowd three students and the PreSident was made. (I believe 1lI0:;t of the preparing our ship, we will pre- for mankind. It will not be an age around the doorway of a local pub. of the College, ex officio, the Ad- class wcutd attest to Illy lack of pare ourselves for the journey. of conflict in politics, economics, The object of interest for the thor- vlsory Committee on College Pol- real upsef.} The topic was vant!- Before as well as during the voy- and religion, hut an age of "Un- oughly hip crowd were two Green icies is able to constoer and ex- anti-intellectualism." May I age, it Is planned that seminars iversality" in which we realize Berets. "That's Right, Its calleda amine any policy or procedure and suggest that a tetter definition of be held to explore and express the that all men are urotber-s, That the beret; what's your name? Barbara? Is encouraged to recommend ap- the stem word is needed, Contrary attitude of Peace, non-violence and greatest joy in life is loving one Well my name is Bill andJlmhere proprtate changes and improve- to the prevailing definition of in- love through dtscusston and med- another, and that we can never Is my buddy." Bill and Jim here menta, tellectual--it doasn't mean one who itation, benefit at the expense of another. were both a little tanked up, but I The fact these committees were is "antagonistic" or incessantly None of the persons aboard out In this age we will have no cause decided to find out whether my Initiated by the college without complaining. (Otherwise HOTC ship will be "passengers." Every- to fear or mistrust anyone. This feelings about the movie which I coercion, overt or covert, indica- should appeal to Mr. Rudman, for one will have some sort of duty will come about as we overcome tes, In my view, this institution's for the soldier is famous for this however small it may seem to be. our doubts,guilt,fearsandselfish- ~::I::ne~~ob:;~k:a~g:i:~~: ~~lli:~ commitment to impr-oveand change , --although he has a more colorful We shall all have an interesting ness, These barriers separating of the film. "It was a f••.tng lie, it with student Involvement at mean- word for it.) Along the same lines, and enlightening experience. man will be removed aboard our was terrible." Well, do you think Ingful decision-making levels. I-·like Mr. Rudman-o-havs long ship. We hope this will be true for we Should be in Viet Nam? "No, Students, individuallyandthro- felt that those who disagree with When our ship is ready we will people all over the world. Wewanl we are murdering lots of Innocent ugh their organizations, are urged me are antt-fntellectual, christen her the "Mankind." It everyone to identify with our trip, people, dropping all that napalm." to communicate their concerns and Now to establish myself clear- Is a good name--forthewhole pur , and what we are trying tocreate,a "Are you serious? How do you feel hopes for Western Maryland Col- Iy in the anti-intellectual group, pose of our trip will he to expre ss pure gesture of love. about It personally, do you want it lege to Advisory Committee on I am not alarmed at being listed the attitude that we are all one, a Wherever in the world we stop, to end? "Nope, its the only war College Policies and to the long- with DonElIiott--outstandingcom_ seemingly reluctant br-other-hood, we will offer flowers, music, sing- got." Well, what Is your job, standing student-faculty Commit- pany-o-or at being grouped with with only one word to live in. We ing and dancing. We will have gl!ts what do you dothere? "I'm a killer; tee on Student Life. Dr. Clower is the "dull stupor" "plodding" set are convinced that our one and for children made by other child- say would you l1ke to have a drink chairman of the Advisory Commit- of upperclassmen at this msutut- only hope for mankind to survive ren. We will express our feelings with us?" Straight answers would tee; Dr. Griswold, chatrman cftna ion. This is an excellent school; is by love expressed through a as a group as well as personally. be nice but If our politicans aren't Student Life Committee. the upperclassmen are hrith and gentle attitude and kindess shown After ourshipleavesHiroshlma, giving us any, it would betoomuch Although not claiming an Ideal imaginative; and I love it and to_our brothers. we will go where we think we can to expect from our soldiers. condition, the present situation them. That places me with Mr. We intend to leave San Fran- best express our theme of brother- There were lots of people at the does permit student inIluencetobe Wiggins, our new U.N. ambassa - cisco in June 1!)6!), and go to hodd; but we wlll consider the safe- party; mostlydrinldngbeer_rather exerted on any Issue of college dor, who made a Similar state- many ports. We will sail first 10 ty and well being Ofeveryone on the like a WMC GIGIF; but lacking in activity In an orderly and effective men! about the country. It was Hiroshima. There we will say that ship as well as the people In the warmth. I listened to lots of little equally anti-intellectual, I'm sure. we are sorry for the terrible bomb- ports of call. We would liketostop conversations about exam Sche- JAMES E. IWBINSON I shall now stage a unilateral ing that happened. All of us, In- in China, Vietnam, Atrica, India, dules, law review, and watched Dean of Students withdrawl from the topic. I am cluding the Japanese, are res- and Europe. everyone gradually reach the TO THE EDITOR; on foreign soil, though not in an ponsible for allowing it to happen; As we mentioned before we plan common denominator that isn't to I am embarrassed: In the last immoral war. Can we now de- and our apology will be from man- to leave in June, 1969. If you wish be called drunkeness or sobriety. issue of the GOLDBUG I got caught escalate the rhetoric? kind, not just from Amertca~ to go with us, or to contribute In Questions about school were ans- wtth my foot in my mouth! The Dr. Alton D. Law By going to Hiroshima, we will any way please write to MANKIND wered and I found that many knew error was my somewhat uncalled call attention to the specter of .••BIG SUR, CAI.JFORNIA•••9392D. of us, if only because of the late for remark In class regarding a Dear Friends: hydrogen bomb warfare, a spec- Those who wish to go with us will George LincolnRoclcwell.Interest- criticism ofWMC. Beforetwomis- For centuries man has sought ter we have aU but forgotten ex- receive aletterexplalningallofthe 'Ing week here In Foggy Bottom; a quotes, Mr. Elmes' statement had political, economic and religious cept for a nagging fear in the back details. If any school organization fire on campus and more suspect- originally been that there was an solutions to his problems. These of our minds. or Interested group of Individuals ed - the nature ot a revolution; "Educational vacuum of the middle attempted solutions have been at wishes to take on as a project help~ and I can't help feeling that the class" at WMC. Unfortunately, I times helpful and at times harmful; Hiroshima will remind us of the ing us in this endeavor, we will be trappings are biggerthanthemoti- indicated that nobody forced him In any event they usuallyweredir- possibility of nuclear holocaust; pleased to send a speaker from our vations. Complaints aboul their to come here. ected toward symptoms ot man's but it can also be abeginningplace group to talk with you. bookstore and my thoughts of our In tbe first place, I assume his problems rather than to the real for a reaffirmation of the nature We will be supportedenlirelyby new one. More Bourban and water point was that there is something source and shape of his conscience. of God in man. There is much des- donations from passengers and to be gained by cross·fertiliza- We propose to do something which pair, Bitterness, and Cynicism in others who wish to contribute with tion of ideas among the different is directed to the conscience of people now, but there is also much their messages. We are willing to socioeconomic classes. If this was mankind. reason tor hope. We feel that our take passengers who cannot afford his intent, I agree. Secondly, In We are going to acquire a ship ship, "The Mankind," cando much their own expenses. However, since about two sentences--all I devoted that can transport approximately to symbolize this hope for all. we are funded only by donations, we to the topic--I left the mistaken three hundred people and sail The world now is full of violence hope that everyone will make an impression that I believed all those around the world as a gesture of and conIlict. Forces of both con- effort to offer something. In jA~ who enter here mustforfeU all right Peace and UnIversal Brotherhood. cern and hatred appear to have final analysis, the only ticket you to point to limitations. This I by In order to do this we have form- become polarized into opposing need to come aboard the Mankind camps. We feel a closer lookre- is a lOving heart, good vibrations, veals that man is more than ever and afeellngofOnenesswithothers. ··-Alan Webb