Page 12 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 12
S.G.A. Introduces "Catonsville Nine" Trial Evaluation Poll Opens with Opposition The opening 01 the trial of the They also kept counter pickets It has been increasingly evi: poll wUl be based on the programs "Catonsville Nine", Monday, Oct- and pickets separated. Many bus- dent that the students at Western of Course Evaluation In other ober 7, attracted 2500 peace de- inessmen and "tourists" lined the Maryland College are seeking schools. monstrators. The "catonsvme streets to observe and jeer. There change and Improvement. Under- It must, be emphasized that the Nine" are the nine clergy and lay- were no Incidents or arrests, how- graduates want tbeL- collective results of this poll are not designed ment who are charged with the ever. opinions to be considered In the to serve as "hire ancnrevcrruc- burning dratt records at a catcns- A march leader commented on shaping of the college currrcm- isms. Rather they are meant to ville seteen ve Service Otnce May the marchers saying, "We were urn, It Is toward ttns end thr.t the serve as constructive aids to guide 17, 1968. Among the clergymen is dignified, yet militant. We de- SGA will introduce the Course those faculty members seeking Rev. Daniel Berrigan, who spoke I1vered our message to the peo- Evaluation Poll. self-Improvement. It Is not expect- In Chapel last year. ple of Baltimore. Our purpose Is Course Evaluation .bas a solid ed that the Course Evaluation Poll Monday the jury was selected to try to set America on a construc- foundation In many colleges, es- wUl produce any Immediate or re- and conspiracy charges were tive path, We feel that the Courts pecially the Ivy League Universi- volutionary changes. The Immedi- dropped. The place demonstrators are not the place [or debating the ties, and results are published by ate concern Is with Its institution marched from Wyman's Parktothe war Issue." the Ivy League schools, a prac- Federal Court House at Lexington KeIth Thacker, one of the 6 WMC tice that will not be immediately and Calvert Streets. They picket- students who participated on Mon- instituted at WMC. Considering of constructive criticism. Frat Sweetheart ed the Federal and state Court- day summed up his Ieettngs as fol- tne high academic standards onthe houses as well as the War Me- lows: "It was beautiful! The whole HUl, It is rett that the stuoente.ror Members Paint On Thursday, 3, the moria) where a mid day rally took thing was so relevant to everything the most part, are weunuannedtc october place. I believe in. It was perfectly non- In answer .to many of the pro- Preacher Room nlty serenaded their 1968-69 helmets with visors, gas masks, peace march gives me room for evaluate their courses. brothers of Delta PI Alpha Frater- Police equipped with blue riot violent, which isusual.Goingtothe fessors' questions concerningcou- Preacher Sweetheart, Miss Nancy and night clubs lined the streets hope, knowing that 2,000 people her with L. Higdon. and presented rse Improvement, the poll will con- The members of DeUa Pi Alpha, a dozen red roses, ' surrounding the Courthouses at in- cared enough to come out and com- sist of a cbeckfjst relating totext- after three days oIhardwork,have Miss Higdon is a senior from tervals of 10 feet, mit themselves," books, lecture" methods, labs, and given their clubroom a new look. Catcnsville , Md. and is the pin- tests. There will also be an oppcrt- Over the past weekend, the mate of senior Dick Morgan, She unity for students to make their own Preachers turned to varnishing the is a SOCiology major and a mem- critical suggestions. The Poll will walls and doors, painting windows ber of Delta Sigma Kappa. be designed to discover exactly and ceilings and converung a room what the student was able to get out ~cross the hall into a stag room, Photographers .wm be In the of a course. It will be taken during complete with T.V. New Ught fix- SGA Senate Room Tuesday, Oct- the firstweeksofsecondsemester, tures were Installed, and when ober 15 to take senior pictures so that final exams will come under materials become available, wood- for the ALOHA. Any senior who consideration. work will also be replaced. either wants a retake or who has Although the Preacher pledge never had a picture taken for the The idea of the Course Evalua- class contributed more than their yearbook, and who has not arrang- I tion Poll has been well researched share to the repairs, they have ed a ttme rcr tbetr plcture on'I'uea- by the SGA in connection with the willingly agreed to put finishing day, should contact Ginny Brace National Student Association. Our touches on for Homecoming (New Women's Dorm or Box 1104). ~ SOS Sees Success in Field Projects Action in the Philippines SOS Active in Both He mispheres From May 25 to June 25, 1968, going around with the people of the the Student Opportunities Service barrio and getting a better under- PhUlpplnes team, one ofelghts".O.s. standIng of their way of Ufe and Student Opportunity Service in- field teams this summer, lived in their aspirations. On just about itiated its program 5 years ago on they think the Indians need on the time in BoUvla, four students aid- the agricultural barrio (vtllage) of any afternoon,· after our work was WMC campus. The main purpose Indians unless the Indians feU the ed back-country Aymara Indians Imalnod, whlchlssevenmilessouth done, we would be mvueuto some- of the S.O.S., an organizatlonstart- same way. In communtty development gener-. of Legaspi City (about the size of on'es house to enjoy some sticky ed by the students themselves, with This volunteer", however, hopes ally and building projects spectrt- Frederick, Md.), and 330 mUes rice with a family, and to drink that in some small way, her team cauy, southeast of Manila on the Island and eat of the delicious young co- Dr. Griswold as advisor, was to did accomplish something. Her de- Puerto Rico provided the sites of LUZon. Imalncd consists of a conut. Then at night, after the dill- enable people to serve others, sire would be to awaken the con- for two projects; a continuation of clump of bamboo houses around ner in camp was finished, we were placing emphasis on community serous of the white Ponca City the YMCA oriented recreation and development. improvement a grass plaza, and has noetectrtc- free to sit outside with the folks, "snobs" who remain entirely un- program in Ensenada as well as tty, water, or sewage services. and we'd get our longest exposure This summer teams of students aware of the problems of the-Pen- a new project working within the Ralph WUson (team leader), to the daily language lessons as visited Bolivia, PUerto Rico, Ap- cas.· Alber-gue de Ninos, an orphanage Steve Jones, Richard FUller, Claire taught by the children. Alter they the Philippines, and Okla- Also working with Indians, this "o_P_o_o,_,_. ......, Gimbel, and Julie Rogers joined were In bed, we would go across patacta Two teams journeyed to homa. thirteen F1lIpino college students the road to the barrio captain's Oklahoma to assist and operating BlowYourself Up the inhabit- In participating In the wcrkcamp, house and talk politics, play pool ants by establishing Busy B's which was sponsored by the YMCA by the light of the Coleman lan- a library at White Eagle, a small o! the Phlllpplnes. The goal of the tern, or just shoot the bull with rural town near Ponca City. The TO POSTER SIZE Studio camp was to Inspire the attitude of some of the men of the barrio. Poncas are treated by other In- ) self-help among the barrio people. On some days, we were with the dians condescendingly. The poor- Send any Black and White Among the material achieve- people aU day, and they showed est tribe in the area, they tend to or Color Photo from 2% X Knitting, Noodlepoint, ments of the camp were: a com- us how to plow, harrow, plant, be very close to each other. Their 2% to 16 X 20". We will Arts & Crafts StJppJi8$ plete survey oJ the area, a nsn- and many other tasks essenUal to land, especially their burial gro- send you a 2 ft. X 3 ft. Free Instruction pond, a basketball court, a cem- Ufe there. unds, remains precious to them. BLO-UP ...perfect POP ART wlm Pureheses ent floor for the chapel, new drain- During the project, the barrio Here, culture and rituals are close- poster. age ditches, nine pit tOilets, and a people asked us if we woUld back ly Integrated with ancestral herit- 4 Spruce Ave. 848·4968 ftrst aid course. next year. They told us of several age. Extreme discrimination crea- $4.99 Another facet of the camp was needs they had, wtllch the local tes many problems, especially living in the school house with the politiCians had promised for years those of housing. One advertise- Add 45r1 for postage & other thirteen FIlipino workcam- and had done nottllng about. These ment in a local newspaper read - handling. Send Check or pers, who were college people. inClude the need of a central well Money Qrder to: BOWL They helped us to learn about the (water must be obtained from a Apartment for rent - no pets, no HASTINGS PHOTO CO. Indians, no drunks. more advanced part of FUipino mile away), repairs to the school- P.O. BOX 607 Wllh culture, and shared with us their house, which was damagedbyTyP_ UtUe is expected from these FREEPORT.N.Y.11520 experiences of growing up in the hoon Dading last November, the people, consequently ambitious CIder young republic. Naturally, the re- extension ofelementaryhealth ser- and determined Indians are few. latlonshlp was one of give and take, vtces to the outlying areas which The teenagers succumb to habits which meant that we Americans were surveyed this summer, and such as glue sniffing and drinking. were often asked questions about some assistance to the resident STRETCHED CANVAS everything, and there were any school teacher, in the form of a The main difficulty of the Ponca misconceptions to clear away; the small reference library and tutor- workcampers thought all Amer- Ing Servtces. The YMCA of the ~~~:~n:~ :~ijt~s~::~a:~ :~c:~~:AND CUSTOM FRAMES Icans lived in big houses, owned Ph1l1ppines, the local radio sta- When given the chance, the Ind- bIg cars, threw money around as if t10n in Legaspi, the major copra it grew on trees, and that our poor- dealer for Albay province, and !=s~~ ~:~e:~~~~s~:::a:~~ Reasonable Prices est person waswealtheirthanmost Ph1llpplne AirUnes have promis- tng athletes. Filipinos. ad aid if SOSdecidestosendateam Probably the most Important back to Imaln~ next summer to In~:. ;~tl:::o:r i~h~~~ a:~~et~: 848·1311 aspect of the project was the op- help the barrio people help them- IWrtuntt¥ the ~~I0~:~~~~.:~~9{TSt~~~f;.~~{"1·.!~:~:~·~:~7'??~'~I'"