Page 9 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 45 No,'2 WESTERN MAR YL:AND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND OCTOBER II, 1968 SGA Bills Concert, New Foreign Students Party For Weekend Discuss College Plans An open p.arty and a concert, both in the traditional Homecommgroot- Uday Shetty of India; Ra mlt Bin '~' sponsored by the SGA,plusthean- ball game at Hoffa field. The time Kassim, MoM, Taba Bin Hajl Aaa- nual footb.'.II game are thehl.ghl.lghts is 2:00 P.M. There will be noadmls- hari of Malaysia, and Farhad Hagh- I. of Homecoming Weekend..!.be sron tothe game, although a parking Ighat of Iran are new foreign stu- events being torugntjand continue fee of $1.00 wUJ be charged, Stu- dents on the Hill this year. .. through tomorrow night. dents and alumni are invited to uday, Ramh, and Taha are econ- . Activihy cards play an Important come early and have a "Tailgate omics majors and hope to oo grad- _ part In the open par tywhtch will be Picnic" preceding the game. The uate work in business administra- held at Frock's from 7:30 to 11:30" halftime show will include a par- non inthiscountry,Ramli and 'rana P,:'I!,Onlycoupleswilibeadmitted. ada of floats and the presentation are being sponsored by Mara Those having at least one activity of the Homecoming Queen and her (Council of Trust for the lndlgen- card will be adrmtted rr ee, The cost court. ous People), an organization cr tne for all others is $4.00 per couple. Concluding the weekend's acttvr- Malaysian government which sends No tickets will be nn aalej you rnust ties w ill be a concert featuring the students to studyabroadinthehope enner payor show your card atthe Mitch Ryder show, The perform- that they will return to help bulld up door. The foUowlng restrictions ance w1ll begin at 8:00 P.M, in their native country. Farhad IS for open parties, decided by the Alumni Hall. Admission will again majoring In pre-engineering, and President's Joint Committee will involve activity cards. Those stu- also hopes to attend graduate school enforced: 1) coat and lie or dents having cards will be given in the United States. Like uuay, equivalent, 3). 3,2 beer for those reduced rates: $1.:'0 per couple or Farhan is not sponsored by any or-. to Western food. The Mataystan r tcurar-s , but "nrs too soon to ten' students 21 or over; 3). no hard ~1.00 per head, students not having gantzatton. but applied andwasac- students and Uday ctrrer , however, which ones. liquor; 4)solt drinks for non-drink- the cards must pay $:).00 per couple cepted at W~1C in the usual way. In their opinions regarding rellg- The Malaysian students to re- er-s. Musj cwi ll be provided by "The or $3.:)0 per head. Cards must be American life has been much the ious prohibition of certain foods turn to their nat! ve country upon Hun's Review," a lO-piece band. shown to be admitted at the reduc- way they expected. Ramli remark- served in the dining hall, While completion of graduate school, Lycoming will face the Terrors ed rates. ell. that he had been told that the Ramli and Taha feel they cannot Taha to teach, and Ramli togo Into Council Lists Holthaus, Jackson Americans that he has found this to eat the forbidden foods, Udayfeels India and gof nto banking and Insur ; rush peo- were "rush, Uday plans to return to custness. that he can conn-om to the Amer- ple" ann Tips to Help To Speak at WMC be true. men has had any Ican way of eating. me unrver- ance field In which he worked before to coming to WMC. On returning Ramli, who attencec None of these Dr. Reunen Holthaus, in an add- real problems adjusting to nre on slty of Singapore, fir:ds the major Iran, Far-had hopes to go truo angt- difference the who has "no pro- to be the neertng, in education Hlll, Dining Plan Hand Clapping," will1Je the speakeI' hlern s so fal''',saldthathels''very liberal arts currtcurum. In Malay- Uday, "The Sound of One ress entitled sia, he noted, one takes onlycour- Youth Group The Student Life Council held a to follow Rev. ~lartin Chandler's adaptable" and has "everything ses specifically relevant to his good to say ahout the college." Far- meeting MomlaY,the 7thofOctooor. manyhanded "Night of Soul." The had's only probleom Is trying to major. "Courses here al'e some- he added. Aids RLC In Its purpose was to draw up a list title of the chapel address on Sun- ie:l.rn English. For the present, he what more ditflcult," of recommendations concerning the flay is a koan in Zen Buddhism, A is spending his spare timereadlng Uday is interested in all sports, cafeteria. koan is a philosphic statement in E-ngllsh. particularly flying, tennis, and bad- Voter Drive After these recommendations which has :IS its purpose the intent Taha and RamJialsofindthestu- minton, and he hopes tojoinafrat- were passed by the Coullcil, they of confounding the rational mind dents I'ery friendly but are having ernity. Ramli and Taha also hope Monday marked the close of the were sent to President Ensor for (i n th at it has nu il\tellecl ual ~;olu- some problems becoming adjusted to become inVOlved in extra-cur- voter registration drive promoted his Immediate consideration along tion), The prohtem is one to he under the cominbed efforts of the the exer- Advisory with a statement stressing the ur- mulled over "~oIhat man may gain Board 4jjects Policy ReUglous Life Council and the gency of the situation. enlightenment through Carroll County Pioneers. The Included among these recom- cise of his ment:;! faculties. The Administrative Advisory fall centered on midsemester Pioneers Is a Negro youth group mendations are the following: The use of a koan sets the stage Council was created by President grades. In the interest of attempt- who typify the increased Interest 1. Clocks Should be installed in fol' the discussiun ofthedicholomy Ensor about fifteen years ago. For ing to I'educe grade consciousness of rationalityandirraUonalitywilh_ most of that lime it has consisted, and break up pre-midterm-grade in Involvement with social and 2. :'Iiilk or an imitation flavored in the society of which we are now as It does now, of the President of lest concentrations, the Council re- political concerns among the youth of CarrOll County. Under the lea- fruil drink should be served at a part. The revelance of the topic the College, The Dean of the Fac- commended that the facuIty con- dership of John Lewis, a Negro dinner. is In part due to the recent civic ulty, The Dean of Students, and five sider at Its November meeting a community leader who works for 3. Breakfast hours should be ex- disturbances. In the BalUxore- faculty mem1Jer:;, three elected by resolution to abolish all mid-sem- the State of Maryland on the Car- lended to 9:00, though only a cold Washington area. In Ihat this is an the facully and two appointed by the esler reportsexceptlUlsatisfactory roll County Community Relations meal be served after 8:00. election year, the topic has its President. The existence of the grades (D and F) for freshmen. Board, the youths were able to get 4. There should be an extended implications in the political fie!d- Council is a recognition of the con- The resolution was circulated at some people to register who pre- over-aU reduction in rates of at many youth and minority groups cern fell by the instructional staff the October meeting; the vote will viously had not been registered, least 50~ per meal. have increaSingly turned to viOl- for problems of all sorts encounter- not be taken until November so to vote In the coming elections. ence as the only solution to contem- 5. Coat hangers should be pro- porary problems. Dr. Holthaus ed In the College; it is also a re- that student and teacher opInion Bolh the Religious Life Council vldeod at the far end ofthecafet- cognition of the value of faculty can be heard and resolution per- will dIscuss Ihis and several other and the Pioneers had been planning aspects of modern society's turn opinion. haps improved. activities of a similar nature. On from the Greek belief In a society The Council will consider any This is a characteristic pro- finding that Ihey had the same ob- goverened through the use of rea- topic relative to the well-being cedure fol' the Council. A topic jective, they pooled their resour- 7. The cafeteria serving line of the College, no matter who pro- was identified by a concerned per- ces-the Pioneers provided the should be better organized. Ap- son rather than force in the solu- poses It. Problems from individual son (In this case a Council mem- names of Inter estell. persons and the tion of SOCietal difficulties. petizers, salads and desserts The following week the chapel faculty members, from faculty ber), 11was discussed at length, a Religious Life CounCil provided should be separated and labeled. speaker wlU be Dr.JonathanJack- committees, from the President resolution was phrased, but delay transportation to and from the re- 8. Because present portions are or one of the Deans. from student was introduced into the _procedure gistration center. The drive Itself InSufficient, students should be son who is the associate professor committees, from individual stu- to allow for expression from all was not confined to Westmlnser allov..ed to receive extra amounts of Philosophy and Religion, as well dents have all been discussed. the parties involved. Hopefully, by alone but extended to the area of the main course on his first as the college minister, at Clark It should be noted that theCoun- midterm in the second semester, communities of Winfield. Sykes- time through the line and at any College in Atlanta, Georgia. cil is not an action committee. It an improvement in coUege pro- ville, New Windsor and Johnville Hme during the meal. A member of several profes- discusses and recommends, but it cedures will result from the Coun- wIth the RLC concentrating their It was then decided the Council sional organizations, includIng the does not enact or enforce. It may cll's action. efforts in Sykesville). WOuldmeet again In two weeks to Academy of Religion and Mental Although the total number of evaluate any Improvements made Health, he has served on many :~dn:n~,e~~~h:e~d:~~:~~ ~~~hf:~~l~; The above was written by voters registered was not great, r!uringthattime. special committees in the Atlanta committees ortotheentirefacuUy, Dean John D, Makosky in reo the mere fact that the groups In- University system and other lUlIv- but Us proposals must be imple- sponse to a question made by a VOlved were able to aid a few SENIORS interested in FUL- mented by the groups. The recom- ,reporter about the purpose and BRIGHT, WOODROW WILSON, erslties in the Atlanta area. The people to register to vote shows MethodIst minister Is the author mendatlons 01 the Council are, activities of the CounciL The a defInite rise Inclvlclnvolvement however, undeniably influential. Dean said that he would prefer through the combined efforts of A pertinent sample olthe opera- to submit a written swtement so interested youth In the commun- tlon of the Council Is now on dls- . that he would be able to defend ity. The promIse of future inter- play. A good deal of the discussion his position if he were misquoted action Is definitely good. and In of the Council's first nieetl~R: this or quoted out 'of context: ' 'tbe be"stinterest althe community.