Page 60 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 60
The Gold Bug, May 5, 1967 WMC Thihclads Drop Four Consecutive Meets Weather Figures in Three Meets; Robbins" deWitt, Klinger _Exeell the frustration of scoreboard. key performers Track coach Jones is sprout- the team. To make ing a few of his own lately. worse, two more got Steve Pound got a bad start off off for cutting practice. the blocks in the 100 yard dash uphill to the tennis but nearly caught first place in a pair of starters are the last few strides. Impressed out matches for by this second effort, 1'111'. Janos -in,'obo,diM,tion and commented that it came from to party-going. The running the quarter-mile in lose both Barga practice. "But coach, I never wednesday.Ya, run the qua r t e r," protested 01' not there Steve. "That's the reason, nev- , because of a certain ertheless," was the reply. lab. This really Cary Wolfson scored his first defenseman I so bad, except for goal of the season in rather an fact that these two are the odd way. Smitb shot for the net hitters on the team and are but the en em y LES CARLSON key to the infield. Although picked off the ball. As he ran A ball t Lee Car/son-Co-
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64