Page 61 - TheGoldBug1966-67
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The Gold Bug, May 5, 1S67 Ferners Establish2·3 Mark in Latest Efforts Sport/ight on "Hey, Fern!" Stickmen Drop Pair to Owls; Terror'sPlay Inconsistent; W:i;':~::::~::::::'ha:n~~:::::d;~n':ia~fi;hG':d~o~:~i~a,~Kempske Shines As Goalie WeakBatsHurtM-DHopes infected hangnail, to whom During this short five year by Cary Wolfson stick-shy attack proved the Ter- by Mike Herr (Jack Bentham gave up two runs would you turn? On the Hill span, Fern has won [our divls- The freshly hatched G~een rci-s' undoing. The statistics The baseball squad received" and struck out 14, while his there is only one answer-c-Mr, ional ~hampionships - Middle lacrosse team was given told the story; WMC-12 penal, at the hands of Dickinson Col- i teammates collected nine tallies Fern R. Hitchcock, Jr. ~f~~~~~)~~~~e:~~c~9~:;0~~~:~~ the ~r~t~i~~~ ~:~or~~~s:~r~~ :~:ts~'~~gc --__5;28~'b~~:u;;' ~ ~~f:;l1!h:t~I:::i~ S~!~:~e!~e th: ;~e t~:rr~!~nn~:~;:;i~~!'un~eli~ Known affably to all students D:x?~ Conference (Northern be sent back to the shell. In a 10 goals, WMC - 5. 7-4 loss on their own diamond. the top of the first. Bill Fun- as Fern, this unpretentious ~;:~~o~~e 1:~~ p~~ier~9::~h~: ~ome-a_nd-home series, the epir.. . The Terrors scored only on~e Dickinson drew first blood in n~~g, Larry Suder, Jerry Borga, man has become one of the Ter- Scott Joyner (MVP, Middle At- ~t::k sJ~~:~~na:Ut~:r~~n~~c~f t~ ~~ailt:de5~r~~ t~~lfhal~~dTh~g~~~~~e:~iredr~~;i~~dw~thsi~';;~e~al~~:~late ~~eiiv:c:rrcc:os:oe~r :~~ rors' greatest assets, a~ a coach, mol' e experienced Gettysburg ly tally was a lon~ overd.ue one Terrors picked up one in the le~d. Suder lashed a triple in trainer, and P.E. 113 Health Owl team. by attackman WIl.l who bottom of the fourth. Earl Dlet, this frame. teacher. In his five years as T?e season op~merwas played came around the l"l¥ht side .and rich stole second after Tipping The Terrors added two in the trainer, a whole collection of April 21, on a r-ain-soaked corner fired one over the stick of Seidel. a two-out single to left field. fifth inning, and single runs in ~;~i;ll\ledi~et~~:~~:: t~a~~~;~~ th!nT!~I~Or:e~~~~eS~~'t~o~:~v::~ ~~~hA~~~o~~c~~~Ugo~t~~~n~~;.:: ~~:m:~~t~ot~i~rt~~kl~:d& ~~:~~ spu-rts, but made for some ~lop- gether some sem.blance of an ?t- safeties. shall runs came in the sixth. n r: ~~~.~~u~h~t~i:m\~:~st~bevI~~:t~)~~f~d~~~e ~~t~~~bl'::e s~r:~~~;~ Dickinson added. another in the This followed on the heels of game experience for many) and down the' field, scoring an un- top of the fifth with a solo hOl_'1ea mid-week loss to Shepherd ~:s~ c~~~,le;~r ~~~~la::!~n o~t~ ;~~.iS~~u;:~~utl~,I~~~:d~~; :~~~~ ~·~~I.b?~ ~~~t~~~~!~ro:!~: ~~~~~fool~~:f; 1~~:S;~~~r:O;:~r~f h:~~ standing play by our own net_ mouthed on the edge of the the Terr.ors took the. lead on a Season with a 6-2 loss on the minder, Al Kempske, prevented crease, was awarded the third Borga sIngle, s COl'I ng Jerry Shepherd diamond. The Terror ~\~Oers~~~:~Y5_;~orefrom being ~~~~~nb~ef:~:~~a~fac~~doe~:i~; ~~~g~~~~~~l~hei~hb~h~:~gh~~t; ~~~~.~~~::~es~na~~e h!~~rda ~~~ The stickers gained a bit of kicked an errant shot into the the thIrd and fourth runs. lead until the bottom of the composure in the second half, goal. The Green. and Gold held onto fourth, when Shepherd knocked but sloppy passing by the attack Larry Blumberg, who just re_ t~e l~ad untIl tbe seventh, when in four tallies. The host team prevented further scoring until placed this reporter, took a feed DIckinson sent two more runs also scored in the fifth and sev_ the fourth period when Gold_ fTom Joel Smith to score on an ~~~~:sd~hpeth~~!\a~h~f ~~~r~~~ enth frames. ning with a double by Jerry Split With Mount Borga followed by a walk to Greg Getty. Then, with one out, The Terrors split a home dou_ Gary Rudacille sma she d a ble-header with M 0 u n t St. grounder down the third base Alary's following the disastrous line which was speared by a div_ loss to Baltimore University. ing Torn Phillips and turned in_ John Johnson yielded three runs to a double play. while winning the first game, The Terrors were not able to 8-3. Larry Suder, Greg Getty, cross the plate again as winning Joe An!hony, Buck Jones, and pitcher Larry Pearson took com_ Jerry Borga were the batting mand of the game after the heroes in the first game. John_ seventh. His teammates touched son aided his own cause with a loser John Johnson for two more home run in the fourth inning. moves. Winning baseball games in th_e.ninth. The was The second game turned into Conseque_ntly, the key to Fern's only delight. "A !-4, Wlt~ all. the DIckInson sc?r_ a sluggers' duel as the Mount WMC tenniS fortunes focus on mile-from-Westminster I~g commg In odd numbered 10- triumphed 14-8. The Mounties the l_lctivity during and after he enjoys trout mngs. scored all their runs in the first the dlsastro_us loss to Gettyburg. and gardening. Bentham Kills F & M and fifth frames. They collected The ~rst bIg scare. can:te when ing a trainer and five in the first on four hits and captain D~lVe Chnsthllf was owned and operated a Tuesday's loss was preceded three errors, and added the last for.ced to Sit. out the match due TiI'e store in Westminster. by a victorious encounter with nine with five hits and two Ter- to Illness. ~IS absence was sore~ fore that, he was a fair Franklin & Marshall College. 1'01'errors .. ~i::i~ ~:~h!e~~;;!::r:: !~~~i:::~b~a~~e S~~~:u~s to successfully dodged the Bullets. Dave recuperated in time· for So, what philosophy does· .. ~~ hti~~e:~rn~~~k~~~!~a~~h:~~ ;:;:~ ~;:r ~::: ~~ea ~vi~~~~~ 1 blatt got ~nother unassisted Iextra-l_'1an.adva~tage, and Car_ QUALITY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS 1 So. Center Street, or EngJar Road , ~~~se~!r~;~ ~l~~e~~S:i~~:r f~!~ ~~~~f;;~t'~nno:r~~~: ~:r~T~~! ~~~~.c~~o':r ~~!hgO~~r:.s~~~u~~:; ~~.lldi~~~f~~~~v~~!~i~ ~~:~e~:~~ the team. This left somewhat for Th~ Coaching Clinic (Jan-) and Into th.e nets. As the clouds tOIrC, brought .horne the final LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING· TAILORING ~!s~t~~~~,a:n~h~:~:o~~aac~d;:i:!~~~!ba~~~~~ ~·~s~ ;~~:e ;~~~~~~I:~~r~lo;:~ 1~~I;~e 8~~~:;0~r::n~~ .tw;h;e~~~~d~~~leSs~far fo~ the Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service bray the titanic problem of piec_ Of course, you must keep the I Last Sat,:r?ay the sbckers T err 0 r s has been goal.le Al Service for'Students in WMC Student Center ~:1g~og~~~~r :a~ke~!~~e t~~r;.~ ~~:~n;~~s d!.~?mSos~~~~n~r::;~~;I ~:!?~t~~~~!:I~~~e~:r!~d c~~~~ ~:~~~~~ti:n,co~~~et~a~o~~:n:~ n Monday through Friday Sf;i: :~nl:~dt~ t;heet~~tt~ ~~d ~~m:~e'eff!~tyeitfO~:larof:~n t~ ~f:~:r!:at~~.rO~~hCo~~~ ~~ ;~~I~e;po!;eOn~s,~~~ha ~:~~:~~:~ g , . q h ed h Case emphaSIzed the tea rn as somewhat of an Andy Etche- 9 :00 O'clock Until 3 :00 O'clock Daily :~~.Te~oar~kt~~~r;~~~~l~hl~;:;t ~c~~s~v~o~:s::~~attn ~i~o~~_ ~~~wr!:n~O~::I~mf;i~vee~~~:~~:~ barren of lacrosse. ~;;;:;:;;;:;:;;:;;;::;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;- __ I the match, 9-0. ponents. Igoals by Gettysburg) and a ;p Tuesday afternoon action saw I,------ ~=_.:::___:::=-=::.:___::::....:: a sound Dickinson team carry a convincing, 7-2 victory back to Phone 848-2848 Carlisle. The results were quick, two-set contests in all but the 85 W. Main Sf.. Westminster, Md. 2115? first doubles match, which was finally decided in favor of the ANGELO'S visitors after three gruelling sets. DINING ROOM The WMC victories came in the singles competition. Dave ITALIAN' & AMERICAN FOOD Christhilf flashed past his Dick- inson opponent 6-2, 6-3. The COCKTAIL LOUNGE other victory, in the third posi- PIZZA in a long two sets, 6-4, 8-6. ~~;;;;;;~~~~~;;;=========: tion, was taken by Ken Nibali GOOD HEALTH TO ALL from REXALL DRUGS SCHMITI'S IS OUR WE APPRECIATE BUSINESS YOUR BUSINESS Russell Stover Candy IN WESTMINSTER WESTMINS'f SHOPPING CENTER SCHARON'S TRUST COMPANY BLACK EAGLE In Westminster: 71 East Main St.: TI 8-9300 MOTHER'S DAY In Union Mills: Phone FI 6-7115 CARDS In Winfield: Phone 848-1162 No-Toll charge from Baltimore: Phone 876-2112 Phone: 848-2760 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
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