Page 64 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 64
The Gold Bug, May 19, 1967 Diomondmen Toke MA ( By Wide Morgin; Get Any? Great Party! ~rink Another Draft; A.U., 1.H.o., Lyeo FoIlAs Season (loses Dear WMC's Omnipresent Answer to Perle Mesta by Mike Herr to baseball, would the Terrors Ias A.U. picked up two more in The place: ~ne of the many w.alk up to the Dean and show M_ovethe seat aU.the w.ay b~ck. The Green Terrors dosed the have defeated Shepherd Col- their half of the ninth. rentable halls In the rural town h~m ~our booze. Hey, t~at oth~r KISS; pet. Pet; kI~S. KISS,kISS; baseball season in fine fashion lege? If the pitching.staff had Jack Bentham took ov~r the of Westminster, Maryland. The ~n~t~~r ~:t~~~rt~; I~:llh~v~~ ~ct, ~et. Th;.wln~07s ~~l~ ~:it~li~:~e t~oens~~!r: 1~~~~~~~~=d ;~:ld se:~:i~ ~~di~e;~~ ~~U~r.i~f~~:~~~~~-~~~k~~~~l~ a ~riday or Sat~rday the h~ll invited hi~? Sh~t up c~~;e~v.. ~~ ti~:e tom;;I~.esTu~n Conference cham ionship and records be so much better than was the second Terror victory mght, Spr;n g , ~all, or Wmter. ~nd kiss me. Good party. St~d- t~e engme over. Seat forward. push their record~to 11_5. ~re~r~;,s ~~!~p~;~~~~n'~it~-~ ~~a:h~~:. da.{:~ ~~;ro~~a\rSaci~:~ ~eest::~a:;~~~l;~;tp:r~y~ the r ~~~:~r~~~~~r~~~tsr:~~~t~~~~.o~~m~r~~~ro~~ir~n gear. ca~~e a~~~e ~o;~d~nolb~~kh~~~; 3-1 reco.r~? . 1-0, un:H ~oe Anthony singled ~o they sit there. Three or ~~~;;~n!ea~~;:t ~~~u~no~r:ahd~~ They just b:in~ed the lights. College. The four remaining de- It's ~Idlculous to question or Earl DIetrich hom; I~ the ~ot_ four couples to a table, fifteen Aren't the otber frats throwing G.ot to get l~slde. Engaged, ~i~~n '~;~~;~:;:t~~ob~u:~::~:d ~;m:~~~~,~:!f;;a~e!~~ ~~~~~=~~:~oih~i:e~~~~n~n~f;·OfD.~~~ ~rnc~w~;t:'!~~II:!St~~ytfe~v~o~~~ h:~!ie~v!~;!~;t l\~~:~la~~~' ;~a~ ril~:~~:"~:e d;~~g to~~rr~';~:~ ~na~~~;e th~~:~~r!rt~m::;t~~~:~~;~of a conference champlOn- ~:Yt~lt~hi~dr~~~~~d~~~~gs!~:~~ ;~~~~;~~~n~e~~~I7a;~etk:o!~~~: ~~:knt~r~!:~so~;av;s U,St~~other ;~~~~be Bl~~n!~tl~~:O~O~:~:~~ the crown and the ballgame Three Closing Victori~8 Greg Getty. keg, or maybe just the john. play in Alu~ni :C;n~g~t? ~~o~ at lunch." First or last date: against the Terrors. The final two weeks of the Jerry Tegges a~d Jerry Borga Work out, come bac~, drink an- party. I'm not studying 'for the "~ee you around." AU: ".Good The 1967 season was a year season gave no cause for com_ scampere~ h?me In the fourth, other draft, (~r sw~pe some ?f psych final. . got a B now. mght. I had a wonderful time." of ups and downs, marked by plaint as the men of Fern ~~dtb.yhth~ t~~e sto~n bases by the other guy s whIskey:) FIll Don't mind getting a C. What Great party. early hope, late-inning clutch Hitchcock pulled three close SI~n\'d:' onY'd~:ges, an~ th~ mug, comeGback, dnnk.an_ time is it anyway? Gotto leave So they hash it over. One guy hits, and Bio Labs. Midseason ones out of the fire. t;e e~a as' Is~r~ve T~ ar,; 0 ot er draft. 0 to t~e Joh~, an hour early so I can get some. broke his mug. One couple In up or the :hP evaluations saw the Terrors It all started at American icked ~p ca c er. d e a~s (make sure t?at the zlpp~r IS Yeah, I'll be back for clean-up. pinned. One couple de-pinned. thinner on the mound than last University with a 10-8 victory ih fifth a :~ u~ea:;.e tun k not shOWing), Christ, I'm out of beer again!" Someone threw-up. Whose girl year, an~ equal ~o .last year's ~or Ral~h Wilson. The Terrors in\he se:ent:ofr:~:~~a~ r~: come back, . rin another dra£_t. Good party. puked? Man, am I crocked! champs In the hitting depart_ Jumped mto a three run lead in the score at 4-4 Conversation? "The guy In So, they leave the party. Hey, get any? Great party. ment. Howev~r, th; grandstand t?e first inning. as Gary Ruda- The score sto~d until the bot_ the corner, he doesn't go to Some sick; some horny. Depar- The place: one of the many n:tanagers ne'iCr failed to men_ cllle followed Singles by Jerry torn of the ninth when Buck Western Maryland does he? ture at 11:00: pinned, engaged, rentable halls in the rural town hon Scott Joyner whenever the Borga and Greg Getty with a Jones came in to pinch hit with Gu~ss we ought to tell him it:s or dating for a long time. De- of Westminster, Mal'yland. The Te;:-ror .bats began ,to make clout over the left field fence. two out and the bases loaded. alnght to get drunk. Just don t parture at 11:30: been dating time: one week later, a Friday nOise. The f~ns weren t the only The seventh Terror run came He proved the coach's reasoning for a while. Departure at 11:50: or Saturday night, Spring, Fall, ~~;~e~~h;~IS;:~r;~ein~~~~era~J ~~l~h~;i~~hr:;a~;r;: as~~;gB~fI :~~lt h:~~t bt;'e~e;_t-;~~~~rs;~~ Charles Lindsay's fir~~~s\~a:tg~~~e~lace. It's dark. ~~o~~~~t~'es~~~ ;fc~:::~~~ ~~~~ ~~;~e~~ft~~:u:~~r~~~s~~~~~n~~~ ~:~n~~;maC:a~~~edthf:/~~~e;r~~ ~~I;nO::r;~e; ,~~~i~~~d~~wever, HOMESTEAD INN Key ~ff, lights off, brake on. ty. i~c~h~ pc~r~~nitn~e~i~~~e;:11f~~ ~~et~:r~~~h:~t~~~~:d t~~~ea~~~~ F~~:l s~:is~::~~~t ::sc~r:~~y 15 Washington Road ,--------, c~:tBio Lab would have yielded ~~o!~:e:oi~~w~:r~~a~;, v~~~~~ ~~~~ho'ii~~~o~~~~s~~ft:g~a~i Westminster ELDERSBURG SIEGMAN'S =======~~~;;;;;;;;;;;";:::::';::::;;:::::"':;;";;;;:::::;;IWilliamsport. The Terrors had Serving the Finest Foods RADIO TEXACO SERVICE THE GOLD BUG Pizza - Sandwiches Westminster Shopping ~fn~O~ef~~r~:~~n~:!t~r:t~; Platters RCA VICTOR Center DUMONT - EMERSON pUbl~~e~aL~!~~k~; ~~w~.~a:; f;o~s!~~~m~~r~~:a~g~OI~ge, ni;'~eru;~rrors struck for three Fast Radio Service ~~~e;1~~t~lS1e~7,~nd~~sA~a;ie~f:r~~h3~i8~:.Office, Westminst~~; ~a~~;n:r:~ fi~~~in;~~~e~n ~~~~s~ STUDENTS WELCOME 185 E. Main Westminster TI 8-3460 TI8-3066 Bill Fanning, Rick Diggs, and Eldersburg Shopping Center TEXACO ~ HAVOLINE r ===SU=B=S=C:R=I=P=T:IO:N=P~R~IC=E=$3:.=09=A=Y:E:A:R==:::;IRaIPhWilson scored ior the HEAGY'S 795·0210 GASOLINE OIL Green and Gold. picked up two The Terrors LECKRON more runs in the top of the SPORT SHOP XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING J GULF SE~VICE CARRIAGE HOUSE ~~~~!~~c!h~ssu~'i:!:~ t~:::~d~ Full Line of tire and Jack Bentham came on to stop the Warriors in the Perfect Copies On Ordmary Paper W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. BEST of SPIRITS eighth inning. The final score SPORTING GOODS Westminster, Md. was 5-4. From Bound MaterIal Or Single Sheets TI8-6929 T18-9876 W. Main & Penna. Ave. 16 W. Main St. Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates Road FINE 848-5515 MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. Service "AT THE FORKS" DEPARTMENT STOREII~================;lr==25=7=E=.=M=a'='=St=.===T='=I.="=8='7='5=5====W="=tm='="=t,=,.=M=d~ COFFMAN- FISHER CO. WITR QUALITY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS Always Insist on the Finest in Meats and Meat Produds 1 So. Center Street. or Englar Road Ask for 11 E. Main Street AM - FM LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING - TAILORING MYERS' Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service Westminster, Md. A Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked MeatB Service for Students in WMC Student Center Frankfurters and Cold Cuts WESTMINSTER Made from Finest Meats Monday through Friday BOWL MARYLAND 9:00 O·clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily WM. F.. MYERS' SONS, INC. With Westminster, Md. TIS-8710 Chief 'Phone 848-2848 Pokomoke 85 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 ANGELO'S Tenpins DINING ROOM WESTMINSTER LANES ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD in the Shopping Center Students - Until 6:00 p.m. COCKTAIL LOUNGE $1.203 Games PIZZA Including Shoes Mon. - Fri. 848·6570 GOOD HEALTH TO ALL from REXALL DRUGS IS- OUR SCHMITI'S WE APPRECIATE BUSINESS YOUR BUSINESS Russell Stover Candy WO';;1I15&1 SHOPPING CENTER IN WESTMINSTER SCHARON'S TRUST COMPANY BLACK EAGLE In Westminster: 71 East Main St.: TI 8·9300 CANDY LINES In Union Mills: Phone FI 6-7115 In Winfield: Phone 848-1162 No-Toll charge from Baltimore: Phone 876-2112 Phone: 848-2760 Member Federal Deposit Insuranee Corporation
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