Page 32 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 32
o The Gold Bug, Jan. 13, 1967 FROM THE EDITOR: On Schlesinger: Somebody Up There? Shall We Be "Pawns hi Their GameT' 0" lt SO" " to Ignl y ans mnlsclence It has long been tho practice wields is that of assigning of the American people to one of the nine Justices the task Questions charge one man with the failure of writing the majority's opin- by. Cary Wolfson . Ir~cy, must respect the men b~- or success of the group, org'ani- ion. Knowing this, to name Earl In turm~g over the pr.ov~rblal hmd the scenes - the Bram zation, or ideology of which he Warren "the man who took leaf for this New Year ,It l~ sad Trust of our ele~ted pawns. is a representative. President prayer from our schools" is a to find that. the same dlr~ IS on And, surely, here In our pr.es_ by Dean Ira G. Zepp Kennedy took the brunt of criti- gross fallacy. the ~ther side.. And despite the ence was one of those guiding cism for the poor showing at the In addition, it is the respon- holiday ~ote of op- hands. . .. When does patriotism become idolatry! Bay of Pigs. Senator Joe Me, sibility of every citizen to un· fr~m ~ashmgton, t~e The man to!d It like It was. Why does the U. S. have the odious facility of so often being Carthy is the only man blamed deratand fully the Court's deci- dl.ft IS stll; piled deepest .In For the first time, many amo~g ~n the wrong side, i.e., Batista, Chiang Kta-shek, and Diem! ;o~ot::l~~~ee~~~;:e~~i~teml~~: ~:~nN~~~::I~=s::a;~mc~~~c~~~i~ ~~=in~~. W~~Ie:e~~\~;c~i:t~~~~ ~~a;e::e mq!:p:ta1~c~~d[:;h~~ Asia\:~:~h:i~a~~~n:~;!~Jh~~t~~:tr::uf~~1 :~:o~:i~e; iO:~~~tt~:~si 1950's. Chief Justice Earl wer- oua pressmen who sit in the I~ peace talks any place, any LBJ (or the ~OTC departm~nt, When will we stop making absolute distinctions between the ~~nt~/~~~~!~:Cno~~ t~~~e~~~ ~~~7;Ot~:t ~~eeSt~~iho~~:~~;l~: ft~~'e!O~he;r~:~ ;~~o~~:e~~~~~~~n,ih~eA,!Haw;ss i~n:o:haed~~:!~~re from the traditional doctrine and prac- been threatened with Impeach, cations of the opinions are often mg out of the White House at all sensitive he must be sed- tree of the U. S. to wage war without a declaration of war? ment. ,. distorted. The only way a cif.i- lately carry about as, dened by the blunders of the Would it not be a joy to say of our country, "It is both right Equal Vote zen can fully understand the credulence as Ralph Houk s mid- U. S. Gov.ernment .and th? great and just?" ha;~e 1~7e~:a~~i~~f;e :~~mt~ :e~~!~g t~! ~e~i~r:~ ~t:~I~i~:~: ~ua~~e~~ ~~~~~~ra;;: ::a~e!~~ ~o;~~i~~nJa:e~;~t ::r~~~~I?~ ~~: ally :~~ ~~I~~eSr~~da~~~~it~fo:o~~e~;t:~:a:!~~~~~~~~~rches usu_ will to understand the workings will find that it is very rarely from m .the penr;ant, race. da~k about thl~ war h h b Why. does America, conceived in revolution, have such a diffi. t ~;st~mde,:rr:!~~r~:!~i:' f~o: :a~i~ai~:~td:ct~;~~' ~:n!:~~'ri!; re~~~:d 1::;i~~;:li~a~ ~o~::th~! lem: t~:t r~~htle~?~:er t I:fr~n: ~~!l~:~~bne~~i~nsse~sitiveto and appreciative of revolutions in the ~:r;S7d~~i:~,a~~~osn!~~U;~v!O:~; ~~~~:~; ~~~n~:~~u:t~:e ai~~i~:~: ~:e~' .!rt;~!si:ec:~:.sllif:;~ ~~~ ~;~~::~~~,n~~tt~~~~~~e~:r ;~~!~peop~ho~nt~~ j~i::i~r:bi~~;eot: !:!~ so unable to convince our individual the right to disregard ual Justices. "Concurring and Washmgt~n at o,:r doorstep ent, th~y unanswerable. Does our power give us permission to act willy-nilly? the opinions of the people whom dissenting in part" are by·words ~nd, a.s ~vlth a .prevlous speaker ,Flgh1mg Wrong War How long can we afford to ignore Afro.Asian opinion '! he represents. However, ignor. of our High Court. One must In a Similar vein (a U. S. Here is Uncle Sam riding Has the U. S. ever heard of the U.N.? ance in the field of governmen· read all of these opinions to un- tor)! I expected the usua~ veiled through the swamps and jungles Have you ever heard of so many bridges in one little coun. tal affairs can, and often does, derstand completely the real pl.atltudes on the subject of of Vietnam likc the White try? lead to one man's opinion ruling meaning of the final majority ~Ietnam. My glooJ?r expecta- Knight, when he suddenly real· Does not study of political science in general, and Vietnam in ;~:pl~~~~b~fit~e07a~~e:~yItC:~i;~! ~~::io~f i~:r~i~s~o ~~~be~~~~! ~~~n:de:er;~hl:.~r%:~~:n~Wh~uu:h ~t:s a~~a~o!~i!~rf~! ::I~ O~~a:f r::;~c~lar, imply a concern about what is actually going on to understand, to the best of his judicial opinions have come in aloof from hiS. surrou,;dmgs, Harrison Salisbury and the rest How does a nation solve another nation's social problems ~~:~~~\!h~~~w~~m~~~~ture in the fOr~I~!U~~:e~~~ent was fraf~~a~:n~~~i;i:~~e Sincere. f; ~~~n:af:~g~~i:~ t~~u~~a\r7e~~ with ;~~\t(~r~el\~~~:,rs6hina so near our border! The Supreme Court of. the It might be well for those who . Thro~~hout, the ?verwhel;n. nam-not ·against Chinese (who Has our sensitivity to human agony been so dulled that pic_ United States, for example, is a find themselves absolutely op. Ill~ brllhance of this man Ill- lire not the same as Vietnamese, tures of atrocities, daily displayed in the newspapers, nQ longer power structure that few of us posed to the outcome of the eV.ltably had to pervade the even though they lOOKalike) bother us? fully understand. Nine men of school prayer case to read and mmd. For all of. us, no matter but against the Vietcong (who How tenable is John Foster Dulles' "domino theory" today! justice sit on the High Court's study Associate Justice Stew· ho~ .great our dlst:rust for the are tbe same as Vietnamese be· Is communism still a monolithic conspiracy? Has it not bench; each Justice's opinion art's eloquent dissenting opin. pohbcos of American democ_ cause they are Vietnamese). proved itself capable of change? carries as much weight as the ion; it is filled with religious Yet here is the U. S. telling Is Vietnam really a test case of "wars of national libera. next, barring none. When the sentiment, but, at the same . us that there are good Viet_ tion"? Court is in session, Friday time, is supported with a deep After such II thoroughgomg namese and bad Vietnamese, but To what extent is our Vietnam intervention an expression of mornings and afternoons are re_ understanding of the Constitu- s~udy, only a fool would con- you can't tell them apart and the old "gunboat diplomacy"? served for conferences. At this tional question which the case ~mue ~o de~,ouncethe figurehead the ones we eat dinner with to. What does it mean for this nation to be "under God"? time the cases are decisioned, raises. A knowledge of both the in c~ymg, Impeach Earl War· day may slit our throats tomor. How is it that the Viet Cong are engaged in "terror attacks" each Justice having equal say majority opinion and Justice ren! . .. row. And here is the U. S. tell. and our napalm bombing does not hurt anyone? as to the outcome and verdict of Stewart's dissent could not help But, the American public 1S ing us that once we get things Since we are, in fact, the only nation to have used the bomb, the proceedings. The only extra but lead to a keener insight into too laz~ to search for the truth. straight we'll set up a republic is it not hypocritical of our president to say after China's first power that the Chief Justice the case and its implications. We tWiddle our thumbs as the and have free elections and all detonation of a bomb, "This is a dark day in history"? ================== ~:t~;!~g~r~~: P:,r:i~cu~;~ent~! ~~~~~ryo~:n~~~e Pp~:~;cal~h~:~ inde~fn~~~! ;ffect is bombing by the U. S. in a guerrilla war of Contrast Expresses Creative Talents ~a~rur~~i~l:t:~ ;~c:r1~~~er~~~ ~t;~:ted \;~:~e sU~~~~e!~~~o::r~ cent!~:se ~:~or::dr:s~~::~~~ ~~~~~:n;;O;I:d t~r~:V~~i~:re of the Contrast is many things. Above all else, Cont'mst is an cx- tlOns. \Ve care not to under_ So what happens if a commu- Why did not the U. S. sign the Geneva Agreements of 1954----- pression of all the students of Western Maryland College, all stand wh~t really makes our nist should win the elections? the one sensible proposal for the Vietnam difficulty? that they think and wish to contribute to the general world of country tJc~. We care not to Do we tear things down and When will citizens of the U. S. become citizens of the larger our college. ~evote .our l~le moments to en· start all over again? And why world community? A stark whjte dot against a black sky . A hg~temng, bits ?f study. We didn't we .agree to.J;his over a When. will Christians obey God and not man? • The conformity in talk of rebellion pomt tne ftng:r_ at the .figu~e_ ilecade ago at Geneva?" And the following questions from a recent Christian Century The dream of living with the realities of existence heads, forgettmg all. the whlle It has been said more than editorial- The humorous afterthoughts of an embarrassing situation that three fingers pomt back. once that a White army may "Who has declared our goals legitimate! A world court? Paradoxical questions with many answers and no solutions Walter Michael conquer Asia, but it can never The United Nations? The puppet government we maintain in a Everyone has ideas, from per- M. rule it. The difference in cui· mythological South Vietnamese capital? The scorched fields and sonal dreams to social criticisms M. L IJ J tures is so overwhelming that, charred bodies left by our bombers? The God we summon to ~!h~~~Oe~:;~fo~r~~iSjt:;c~h!~lIn,,,eSter lIeDpS IXeu ~:nn!a~~~e ~~~~e~n h:!~S~o~: ~~:s? O~y b;~t~~S:u~V:r~t;~~~h;: t~~:e t~:;t~7a:~r g:;~ ~~d~~;t~ ~:a~O~~!t~~~e!~~~~SS~~~h~~: BeneFits From SensDtionlllism ~i~~ t:e :~~t~n;~t. r1Ia:~~~~n;;_ ~~:rem~~:~r:g ~~;~t~a~O\V:~et~:s;r!~ntt~; m~~~e;Se?,~lImad? Is ideas which belong to the par_ When does freedom of the cither side to wage what would tion between Oriental and West- =================,;., t R p. R ticular form of society in which press become insensitive prob. certainly be a long and bitter ern value systems cannot be Id t f we find ourselves. Our theme is ing into private t~ougbts and I battle over freedom of the press won in a military victory. o~t the. worfthwe~~ts Aorg~ ev. OISt eturns ~::~:~lc:i~~rd~~f~:~i'~~~fo~~0:)E:~~rn;!::~~V:!~:1\::i{::~::n,;::::::.:~.:::;~~;~m::':~:~~:ir~:/~:~£i~~h;~~f:~~~rl:~t~:,~:~n;:~As Chapel Speaker worth expre.ssion.. p.reclude a respect f.o.r the cmo- charged Manchester ,:"ith bre~cn desire in Vietnam and through. for t e Igm y 0 man In . Re~~ ~~~~:Y'P~i:~~u~::t 1;~:~,: be While we were lounging com· As an artist and historian, it is To The Editor- sEe~ err:: wi~ Zi;=~;~~C:~d:S I~t:;~or:s70ar~~ !~:~a~::a~~s~!n~ :~:d;;~~ ?has f; ~~i~ltr~~~d~h~~~sl~h:u~~~~; lack of information and under- Epis~opal k Chaf~n't e~ rr~h arr~ of literature and art. But---- standing of the cases he cites. re;, Contrast is not meant to be arty fortably during Christmas va_ clearly r.ranchester's job to find - He says that he believes that 1Il~\_]:ha ~r h er::o~la ~e .. 1 or way·out--it's meant to be cation, these questions rang information alld present it ob· I was surprised and disturbed "the Supreme Court is making :.u g 't~ ;MCnoh 0 CI: funny and serious, happy and through the halls of New York's jectively in detail. The sections to read in your columns on De. a complete farce of our judicial c07ne:. IOn.w~ , t~ m~ e S 1 r sad, critical of the good and the State Supreme Court The Ken. of manuscript under question cember 15, 1966, in an article system" This if it were true ~ ~s ~?nce on eh u_ bad. Make it so-all it takes is nedy family was ~eeking to reportedly deal with such per- signed by David Harper that would ~ean that our whole na: e~~th u;~ng ~s. ~~e ~e~r ere. e P'd new 01~.\ a little creative thinking and a block publication of William sonal topics as the Kennedys' "the Supreme Court has seen fit tion is soon to be completely ~;J~~:~;er:~~a;~~~; ~~~,:~I ~~~~~gthi~~~r~a;:ree~:~~ sa~~ ~;~~heBter's Death 0/ a Prc8i_ ~~s:ter~!g:~ ;~;~~~~~' iO~~~~:'I~~fon~s::~~;~:ti;;I~:e ~~:ge:~~~~t ~:;:il:Z::'o~;~a;;~! ;~eb:C~~: m;his year's staff con. ti~{~;~ l~;~ra;fa~a!~n~f a~~!:d ~;3d;~~ ~~s~:~ ~!t::res ~~nr::i~ ~~ t~:ctf:i~~~~tJ~nr~o~J~e~,~,ne=! ::~~inr~:st ;n;m s~~~7n~!~~ stu~~t~ ai~heCco~e\ hoUS~t~· e t ~t' sists of Aldie Lauterbach, edi. to delete or omit certain sec. father's coffin. though this is not exactly what has access to sources of learn. ~a I y s re~se t dec~mlD;C1iJ a~ er ury .. tor; Pat Shamberger, literary tions of the manuscript due for To say outright that Manches. the Constitution of the United ing including a course we offer e d a so editor; Ellen Von Dehsen, art publication which, according to ter's artistic integrity is im. States has meant from the very in Constitutional Law and the ~n'then~ourag: . s ~ e.n \~ a editor; and Lin ~in Chen, bus~- Jackie Kennedy, .i~vade her pri- pugned by his refusal. to ~one beginning. free opportunity to disc:,"sswith t~iti:s. 0 par IClpa e m e ac· nes~ manager. Give any contr~- vacy. Auth.or Wlll~am Manches· do_wnor cut. these sectIons IS a Mr. David Harper, your cor- faculty knowledgeable III these Until the spring of last year, butlOns to them, or to Walt M1_ ter and hIS pubhsher Harper tricky questIOn. However, there respondent should read the de. matters-would make such a Mr Poist was a deacon At that chael, Alan Winik, or Trudi and Row have not as yet agreed is great doubt as to whether cisions of 'the Court before he statement in print. His state_ ti~e he was ordained 'in Baker Omansky: Contributions can al. to similar terms. This out of tbe~e passages e~hance th~ na:. states as a fact that "Police ment shows lack of understand. Me~orial Chapel in a service S? be mailed to Contrast Maga,.. co u r t settlement with Look rative o~ make It more hlston· must have a warrant before any ing of the meaning of the fifth featuring a unique folk mass as ztne, WMC.. poihts out the unwillingness of ~~~~y~~:~d'o;-"\~~s~v~n~:~o~ue~f ~;~~e~~e~~~e~:a~~ykei~"o~~e;a;~ :~~ ci~~;:i~~~i~n,a~:nl~~;nj~ri~~ ~:r;s o~o;~~n;e~~tC;' co~:~~~~ THE GOLD BUG ~!~::~:n;:rdr~e:::~~ar.?:;nc~~:~:; ~i::-;S~ras~:;:~re;V~: ~~;~7t~~~~ce~l:~::~r;::n~:e:t~~n:~~ ~~~ college students in Baltimore. . may be accused of a lac~ of a crime. But a person must be actual effects of Escobeda v. ========= pUbl~~e~abi~!~~kl: ~~w?rid:; f:O:S!;~~m~~r~~~~g~Olif:;: ~~~~~n~~sf::tt~~r f~~~!~:~r~:apprised of hi~ constitutional ~~n:~~ ~~: :~~;n~: ~df:~~~~o~ na~i~nal origin. A differen~~ of ~f~~~I~~r21s1e57.n~n~1:;A~a~~e~:~c~h3 ;8~~.Office, Westminster, that ~ven th~ a~uent Kennedy; ~~~~t~v;e~:et~: ~~t~r:::~~~:~t at th.e prayer case~ he should f:~~;o~n:l~s~s :~~ui~eo~o~~~~~:~ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ;3_00 A YEAR f:~s uUnj:s~I:: an~s;:::'s 7ee~~ ~:~:~~~s\t~~:~fsmn~~l;.i~::~~ ~~~n~;;~eo~h:ep~r:~~~~gOf~~u;~~ !i:nu~~~:d~d n°~o~~rl:a~:r!~~a~ ------------'-'----'------ ~~g:a!fSf~ei~~r~~~e:i~!~eni:x:~ ~~~~~:/ ~:~:;;n~i~~I~::hset:St:~ ~~do~:a!~c~~~.the plural nature ~~!;te:alil~ ~::!~~ DAVID CARRASCO ?un~~r fo~ gOSSIp,~.r torquench Mr. Harper will find, if he will I am also concerned about the the process by which our system Editor-in·Chief ItS t lrst or s~::it~~~~;;y i~:~~ha~i~~~i~l: ~~e~~v~:tin~~~ ~~il~~S~~i~;inf: ~~~ el~~es;;~~~ ~::~~~~:i::r:Fr~~' a;s~~~;i~e: ~~ JOHN DALY Phi Alpha Mu presents a evidence that voluntary confes· graph of Mr. Harper's article. good faith-the prelude to the Advertising Manager DOROTHY ATTRIDGE ~:~~~h~;~: ~;~~:;~i~,,,fe:~ ~~~~~edh~i~:e ~~;~~~~n~: A~~=~!;:o~:tS~~t:~~~e ot; ~~~;:!i~~: ~e;~~~;!~: l~y i~~~~~~io~~t~~ Business Manager February 3, 1967, at Frock's zona; and in some states they on our Chief Justice. After all, Supreme Court from Marshall's Paulette Arnold Joyce Ferguson Sunnybrook Farm. The cost have actually increased! Nor are we to assume that the other time to the present will find that Harold Marks Cary Wolfson News Editors Features Editors ;~~ :I~w$~!~r ~~n~ol~;!e~e!! :~oo:;dev~!:e~;e~:nt!hda~h~or::;= f~g~~ej~~~~~so~r~n~e~ea~~P';~: ~~~asd;~:~i~,b~7u~~1 ar~~:~;t~~ Walt Michael at the Phi Alpha Mu Greek est body of evidence needed for extremists' personal attack on and not a strict follower of Sports Editor Night, come again for a big. ithe conviction of criminals. Tne Chief Justice Warren is no less precedent. In this way the court Pubhshmg Editor Donald Heath_ ASSIstant Ed1tors Susan Mason, David Harper, Carol f::m:~~e b~~~~r ;:::;.at :::; I~::~e:s~~gcor:es~;;rt~~~e b~~~ ~::~eda b~ei~:r~~or:s~:)ul~n (:~; ~:j~~e~t b~~~tl~o~~~t~;~o:il!r~: Piezonki, Rick Boswell, Gordon Shelton_ sugar cubes will be given at years before Miranda. basic concept of our type of strument; it has made it a uni. Typing and Copy Editors: Susan Mawby, Larry Whit_ney. Photographers: Sam Phillips, Bill Chasey. ! you I pe~~:~v~;~. t~~:~e~;: s~~~:~:~t ~i~:~~~ut~~~ale~~:~rn~;~~ii~~ fying b;~~~:;hB. Price Exchange Editors: Margaret Weis. Carolyn Henson. Distribution Manager: Gail Gracey. , -' which concern me more than h~~ with~ut regard to race, creed, or Professor of Economics
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