Page 36 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 36
2 The Gold Feb. 10, 1967 From the Editor: Hidden SOUL Next Door? Somebody Up There? Force Fed Indigestion A Few Off·Beat Impressions On The Coffee House Scene The New Puritans freed::;s:h~~;ti::~~t~;, t~:o~n~~~h s::t:~~ I;ree~~n~,l~~~ ;;O~i~~~ her children with privileges of immeasurable length and power. by Ellen Von Deksen ~~~rb~~~~~i~iy~u:h!~:~~::;~~i~Sit~o~~nn!~~~d~:=~::~e~e~eb~~!~ A guy named "Woody" wa-s ~e hadr~~~ohis painting, by Dean Ira G. Zepp been times in our short history when the freedom of speech was sitting on the stool clutching at or \ I. e t taken for granted; today is not such a time. Living in an age of his guitar as if waiting for it to ~~~o~y~~? g 0 express to II recent lI1AD MAGAZINE, is not our managed news and two-faced foreign policies, we are starved for start the next song. There were 0 e m · 1 f tl fresh insight into the frustrating situations abroad. all these eyes staring at him mig~t a cO~Pte 0 I tlm~s , ~~~h~~ri~a;~:i~~::J~~t~~~::i~:t~: There is dom~~es~:~~n!~\~~!YI{s~;~~~e~og~:t~~;~~i~:i~~::t::~~a~r::d ~:o~e~~~~: ~~eCake~v~~~a~il::~~ ~~w~ :r~~n~n.~hi~ ;Iac~ Lurie,.wri!ing in LIFE last year, said that in Hefner- that our country has become deal and insensitive. Schlesinger scotch-taped to his guitar e an.terbulY House .. . IS simply another aspect of .the status-symbol threw off the constricting chains of current American foreign the smoke with a-Iit, you go Ill. and find som.e . IS stamped all over Playboy. She IS ~ot mo;e or less policy and told us the story that should have been told twenty House of the Rising Albee being thrown mto than the sleekest sports car ~r most ex~enslve bott:e e rs ago "As the United States continues to foster 'justified a few bad lap or coffee or whatever A woman becomes depersonalized, an obJect for mans i"o: the o~inions of other nations, it loses a vital element to na- . a few good jokes and ~~~~il~Off gesticulating figures .. to pour his dr!nks, inflate .his eg~, and look tional and world power." From the Revolution of 1776 there . everyone was busy few ; rom play boo~s. A his an~ as he parades l~ front. of his pals. ~vo~vede~er~e~:t~~~iI' r:vno~u~~~c~:i~~t~e:o~r::;eas a!~e~~J.ed to :a~~y~~he:eat~aetrh(a;~~ a ";r a:~t~o::~~~~~~;! . at I~:n;:~:;:~!:,s c~~e:n~0~~:/;;1:e~ t~~~ ur ~nperson who has reaped the benefits of democracy will most prevented him from play- out with a troubled look on the~r·· is "that Woman is an. object, and that the Object certainly sing its praises. But there are those in foreign lands the guitar) and all about faces even though they left their She has no other funetton than t? be lusted after ~~~~rt~~il~~~~:t~~!e~V~~e~~e~;eli;:o~~ea!~e~tc~~~e~~de:;t~~da~~~ i~:o~f:ssh:n~r:t~~~:d ~~ay1~~~~ i~o~~~e:~~a~~a~~the t~ble next . . Th~::~~ns;r:;:~~~l~;e :;!ie~~l~~i~~~mli~:r ~~~ ~::~~er: t:~!~e a~~m~:::dt!ct~:~::~~:T';::h=;: ~~~~:~::!~:~~f:~h:~~~~~a~:~:, We~~~~~~~;~ sto~~m:t~~e~re~d:UYpo~~tr~o~n~ kno;;;ot~~~: !~:~;:·~f Pe1"spective, says that Henr~ work i~ss~~\~~i~~tJ~~~~i,e~\:eotou~n:~s:!~S ot:~~~:~~le~t ~~::~ ~to~o~~~h~li:!~ ~:~~~~::~ :~~ ~g~~e~~rno:s:~~~~~~~r~el~~t~! and genitalia, sist~~~,I~:t~:o~~r:e!~a~fmp~~y~~~~ ~11:~~~~eo~~o~~ l ;~~:e:sfullY in n strange land. ' audience· started "interacting" talks b I~ te~ms but month." keep~~ti~h~~; ~:;;~~~ i~t~!::n~~r~i~~:~St~~ ih:a~~~:~~_~:j~~:tc;; :x~:fc~:h,~~r~h~~~u~~t~:re~o be ~~;t:h~iaih ~: sme=~s ~~;a~:~ Puritan at Heart for justice, and prevents large U. S. indu.stry from ex?loiti~g Then there was this sixtecn- al::oug~ mo~ts:~e:y~~~e~:~c~ matter of fact, Carroll in a February 23, 1963, issue of ~eople an~ land, ~em~cracy.~n~~heuA~e:l~~ntW~y of llfe w~ year-old from Baltimore who different incident in mind. Puritans a:~:~r~: ,~~;s~:!~ O~h~;g~ii~~~ga~~ei~:~~;~p~r:o~::l!; 0;V~h7:n~ ~~a~s~e:,~e'fo'r~o~s~, Si~ma~ 'khee'~ ~o;;a~n B~~f~t:'s ~::ep!?n:i~~Sco!e!~~~~~t '7~t~h: is ~:;: ~'hadPfiens"~t thi? a good Puritan would have done, the Miller hero exhausts and o Cuba, and Die~'s Viet has s~own the world t~e difference art show being held that day. the place b~t n:hesl;~~ple who punishes them in ce~seless, transitory, f~antic bouts. of copulation. be~ween Amel"l~an rhetoriC an? polley: ~he most p~mful part of Nobody thought he was much elicit its character _ therefore The ?outs are tranSitory because otherWise there m~ght be a com- r ~~:i~~~~ ~~ri~I;r~~~~t~:o~~eth:~t t~:~~n~~no~t~~~~~~:~mo~:t~:r:~ ;:~d'st~~t ~te:, ~~~~e~n~;hO~~ ~~:n~~~ee~~~e t1: ~~~~~ i \~ ;e~~~~~:h~~::;stt~.~o~~~~~s~~n~u~i~a~h:t~~~t~~.':nl(g~i~eb:~~:~h! gros~~o~ll~~~r~!~~~: :uac~ t~h~;:~noct;r:~:se;d S~:U~~I:~ !~~~ps~ ~~~~~;e~:~~~~c~eth~i~~;in;~~~ ~;u;~~ Being suc~ a pot pourl,i mter;~:~ ;::~olr:;~~e~~h~t a~at~·e~~n~;::fL;~:?tan anti-sexual_ long t.o admit that our omnipotence in foreign policy is .demonie, the math and English it takes help le:~inexp:'~~~lO~~~ZUo~a?tsity ,:"as ~ disgust with t?e female. She was "there" for sexual sel~ nghteous, and most of all, contrary to the revolutIOn from to get into a good art school. flavor. g gratificatIOn a?d _procreatIOn. There was, however, a fundamental which we were horn 1 If we are lucky enough to find the real lack of apprecmtlllg her as a person; she was a second-class citi_ American omnipotence is an illusion. Today, 1967, we are "peri- a ..1 t A 'II "itl.l ~ II zen and incriminated because of her direct association with sex. news, we will discover that story behind all of the managed Carroll recounts a pious New England legend. "I have joyous ~~:7::i~rf:~mor;~t~e~v~x~~~e~~ ~~~n~x~::eod~~s~~~~o~~::s~' we DuerSage n IIIU ~xport ~~di~;:~t~:~ ~~:a:~s~ ~~~~~~~~:av;h:o~~:~:~( ri~:i:e~u~;o:%ii~; free:o~~~si;~ee:n~:: ::d~:vc~v:~~~:\;~i~~ t~~er:~or:ti~:~t~:t ~~~ Mix Into T"eDter.on.t"e~Ro,ks~~~:~.~,Good Book, admonished, "Never mention tMt again, sponsibility is the bnrden of freedom. At the same time we must . So it seems that in the Puritan era, a woman was seen not as know that our responsibilities to foreign peoples lie not in giving by Cary Wolfson his three actors came up with a person, but as a potential witch, whereas, in the Playboy era, them democracy, but in allo,ving them the freedom to choose their The1"e are Jerry Solomm. brilliant, unblushing perform_ woman is seen as a "toy" for the games of men. So Wayne freedoms. Maybe then we can all work together for the dignity T1-ibby sitti71g tieless ance. The mature handling of concludes, "In their efforts to correct one form of Puritan_ of all mankind. now empty rehearsal sensitive lines brought out their and Miller develop a macabre form of their own. . This ha~ been their complete honesty and ·kept them the Puritans share in common the treatment of women lumr rather than persons in their own right." LITERATURE (1) scorched before these from b~coming what might have to be of Playboy is, in fact, not a playmate, but a hands, bee!).,. in practically les.s capable available in. an ir- simply a recital of smut. . She is not to be met, only "looked at"-an unhealthy A CI d Ph h I t 0 H rt ~.nd~~ov~!ra~7::!O:71:,;;r:a~ ~f!;s~ 10tw~hu~~eh:v~ob~,!,.'yp;:I::::=:"'::::"'::'::'::::"'~:::::::..L by the "bunnies." d·ialvgtle ,vldch actual- Equally important was the re_ perpetrated s n 0 ur ea· s y earp by Beth Baruch Pfarphdorfer enjoys "driving a d. Four nights of plays had cal WMC-to say "Nice Pfa1-pluiorfer, a new literary 1923 Mack truck with twenty. see1~ JXLCked hQ'll~~~, a~ sent go ~ome and f7el that ~:~aZti~:'u;d~~;ro~~~b~~n~~~b ~neea~:~r~ik~~dt: ~~;~~: :~:ipae~'~~;~u;;:c~:o:~e ~::rr:us~:!t;;! ~:~lOt~et~orne:~:~~~o;a~ut last week. Mr. Clyde Pfarph- nual Zeppelin races held in acto1·S, the plays, and the di1" Wednesday night, dorfer himseli was present at Pennsylvania. acWrs .. in t.Mt O1"de·l". subsequent group that met the "opening" and spent the bet- Pfarphdorfel", the with that segment Old Export and sundry ter part of an hour sitting in was created by crowd" which is brews most of the night the grille to autograph copies of Douglas and Mike as "The Home_ early y?orning after the the magazine named in his turbed by the " at that self-same per;formance, can only be honor. of Contrast and of intellectual enlight~ scnbed as a healthy symptom Pfarphdorfer, the man(?), far this year, John . Unfortunately r was ,that there s~il~are.some in.ter- distance from Puritanism (in which sex was a dirty has a look of creative genius wished to fill what they feel is one who lladn't secn ~sted (an.d interesting!) minds Pl-ayboy (in which love is a dirty word) is a short one. about him. His bold black beard the "void created by the lack of so when our III op~ratlOn arou~d here. case both the man and the woman are de-humanized be- j;cte~U!~en-~~d~~~~~~:: :/ ~h~ :a~~~;~ry magazine" on our Toots . sit ~~k:: fie~':_f7o;"ues':::ns '::::.' inter- ao~un~:.mental hostility toward sexuality as a perso1Ul.l poetic soul that dwells within Pfarphdorfer differs fro a way to gr~ner. pastures- p-~etation?f Brecht and now ~Il One young girl summed it up well when she said to her yet his husky frame. Although both Contrast and Happening namely the pistachio nut ma_ s~ts cheW'!.1tg en a lemC11, skm uncommitted boyfriend who demanded sexual intercourse of her: there are many speculations as in that its primary style is chine and the bar-but with the u"!d all. Tribby l~a1t8 back on "I am a woman, not a toy. You can go as far with me as you are to his origin, Mr. Pfarphdorfer meant to be satire. The editors resolve that I'd catch the act h18 h~nds and begws to an~wer willing to take responsibility for having gone, because I love you told this writer that he is a poor hope to satirize our campus in one night. Saturday nig~t it the Jousts Q( the crowd gath_ and don't want to lose you. But I am willing to lose you if you but honest type-setter from future issues, but would like caught m~ .and the expenence ercd h~·e m the bow~ls of are not man enough to treat me as a woman and not a plaything, Baltimore. Needless to say, he remain uncommitted to was a drmmng one. ~llumnt H_all. After a while the to accept as much responsibility for me as I am willing to accept is also a folk singer, and works ical factions or causes. The first play, Brecht/Solo. ltg!~ts begm to fade out and for you." with a group known as "Bloody the first issue had a . mon, methodically. enacted the dnbble ell, leaving t,hem It is ironical, is it not, that Hefner, notwithstanding his ap_ Mary and the Black Plague variety (as well as a limited journey of RUSSian agitators alone, to giV6 a few and abundant correction of Puritanism (all 26 install_ Trolley Car Museum Funky and number) of contributors, the throug? China. ~~e play was almost evil, chlwkles. 1!), should turn out to be th(J modern Puritan? Non-Baroque Legal Encyclope- editors hope that interested stu- not written as legitimate drama I"-~-~~~~~~_=~_~===,;;:,;;;;;,,,;;;,;;:,;,;;,;,,;;,;,,;,;,;,;,;,;,;;:,;;;;;,;;;;,:;;:;:;..;,;:;;:;::;:.:.,=== SECOND ANNUAL COLD BUG AWARDS ~~i:;r 8~:d.~0;s;iS a~~o!OI~~ ~;~~~s'~~IB~~b~~;.t~~: t~~~:a:~ ~~:r~~s: ~~~~~~pf~::te;~~i:~t~~: struggling young artists has you who are interested, the sec- mov.ed a bit ploddl?gly, but ef. THE N.C.A.A. "NOW-HELP·US-PICK-AN-ALL-AMERICAN_ achieved an appearance on Kir- ond issne of Pfarphdorfel· will fectively, through It, and Solo· TEAM" AWARD: by Scott's "Whing Ding," seen be a Classics Comics-type edi_ mon's chorus was handled excel- Westminster Jaycees for picking WMC coach Jones as man on U.H.F. television channels. tion of Henry Thoreau's TVal_ lently. The only drawback was of the year. And the Associated Press Scoop of the Year In his spare time, Clyde den. that too much sympathy was, Award: To Dr. Hildebrall for breaking the news at 9 am for the Young Com_ Sunday morning. have might been TOM DEWEY, WE LOVE YOU AWARD: THE GOLD BUG had playing his part. Jointly "Cleveland Williams Fan Club." Club" & P. Mahoney Fan the agitators given to the "George Official student newspaper of \Vestern Maryland College, the technical ex- PEPSI GENERATION PEOPLE-IN-THE-KNOW AWARD: published bi-weekly on Friday from September through May. To the members of the music department who signed the Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, \Vestminster, Fraternity Position Paper. Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879. TOWN-GOWN RELATIONSHIP AWARD: was shocker, as To Lee's Motel. culled a series of Megan THE GOD BLESS OUR COMMIE-NAZI-RADICAL_LEFTIST_ exerdses for the Open EXTREMIST-PINKO-METHODlST-COLLEGE AWARD: WALTER 1'11. MICHAEL into a compelling, co· To our benevolent Alumni who shut off their funds because Editor-in-Chief herent look into the human Rockwell's speech. mind. Working in their own THE TEDDY ROOSEVELT TRUST-BUSTER AWARD: PAULETTE ARNOLD transitions between very loosely To Delta Sigma Kappa on swiping their pledge class. Managing Editor scenes, Tribby and THE SOS COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD: a Service (SOS) for starting To the Swahili Opportunities WILL DAVIS Business Manager Swahili library in the depressed community of \Vestmin_ sue. Anyone interested in F. DAVID WEBER ster. buying, selling, or merely Advertising Manager AN EXCOMMUNICATION FROM THE METHODIST STU- wishing to see his writing in SUE MASON CARY WOLFSON DENT MOVEMENT: print is invited to submit his To the Women's Council for its sinful extension of curfew News Editor Features Editor until 1 o'clock on Saturday nights. ad to the student newspaper. DAVE HARPER The price will be one dollar "CITY NEW YORK L E C T U REASSOCIATION Layout EdHor THE CLASS" 'AWARD FOR HANDLING OF A PROMINENT for the first twenty words. CAROL PIEZONKI RICK BOSWELL GUEST SPEAKER. The next issue's deadline will Inside News Editor Sports Editor be February 20th. Tbere will Publishing Editor: Don Heath The one regrettable aspect of Idid not exactly constitute roll_ . Copy Editor: Diane Bailey Dr. Schlesinger's appearance I ing our the red carpet for our be limited space allotted for the ads, so they will be print_ Photography: Anne Cooney Assistant Editors: Gordon Shelton, Bill Roj, Larry Whitney, was his official recep.tion hy the ~~:u~~~an~e~:~t. ofSurely some ed on a first come, first serve Carol Berger, Dave Dunlevy college proper. Sendmg 11 mem_ committee could have_ . basis. Send all ads through Circulation Manager: Gail Gracey 1 ber of the~-fanitorial staff to some of his precious class time the U. S. mail to the Gold Photographer: Sam Philips Bug, WMC, Westminster, Md. Exchange Editor: Rich Matza meet him at FriendShip Airport to greet the man.
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