Page 27 - TheGoldBug1966-67
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Library TH;E~:?'GOLD BUG Terrors college "leer-~erl1Maryland Happening Baltimore U. VB. P.4 . . at Civic Center Tonight MERRY CHRISTMAS five main areas of achievement. be elected to membership a must have attained and AND performed well in major leader. ship position such as: scholar; Student Govern- ship, athletics, ment, social and religious af- fairs, publications and speech, A music, drama and other arts, RC_ Rick Boswell has a strong . record as well as leader; responsibilities. Rick was field team HAPPY NEW YEAR became an adopted son of worked on the Coco project. Wilson, Richard McCall, and Salinas, Puerto Rico. sports He has edt; just been appointed Omicron Delta Kappa's preei- founded in 1914 at Washington tor ,of the GOLD nyc:, and is FROM Washington, D. C., . . . nounced David Carrasco has an- and Lee University for the pur- Chairman of the Buildings and the names of four new pose of recognizing and encour- Grounds Committee_. He is a The members. a party for fifty children. The campus leadership. It member of Alpha Gamma Tau new members aging S.O.S. volunteers have been are Richard V. Boswell, Gordon now consists of one hun.derd and and FAC. working on Saturdays at Logan B. Shelton, Ralph Wilson, and thirteen circles around the coun- THE GOLDBUG Elementary School in tutoring, Richard McCall.. A!I four new try .. The Western Maryland cir- juniors. They cle IS one of the more recent are recreation, and arts and crafts. members . The main Trumpe~er Banq~et. the . C. project objective in the were presented to the campus at having received its char- is "to establish las~ ter . III ~9~3. a::\~ii'~~:mw~~o!h::; ~~~tWed:Sl~af:k~lgp~~ceT;:I~a'::~::; K~~':li:s~~nes t~em~.f;~~s:Dhe~~~ ""'''''''''''__ '''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''~"'''"''''__''''''''''''''",~""",,,,,,",,,,,, ,Ji I ectb~st::~tiends." This ,i~·~~I;::========,:r~;::;,:;v-;:=;- Delta I~c~~ev:as~ndhis Kappa was ~~~le~e~~~e::n Student Teachers ordination Urban League and Vista V . W k F II teers. Santa Claus will fly to The production of the Dra- BId or arewe Organ Recital Jan 8 D. C. after the Hinge party. ~:~icf~:tJ~~~:~m~~~1~h~!~ ~or most p~ople, the Halle- On S~nday January 8 at"7:15 ha~e ,h:e:~fU~s~!in~tu~~~~~g;!~ been re-scheduled for Febru- lujah Chor:us signals the advent pm, organ virtuoso Vi;gil Fox State. Mental H.ospital tWic~.a ary 1-4 at 8:15 pm in Alumni of.the Christmas season, but for will present a recital in Baker week to spend ttme and partiei; Hall. Plays being produced the forty-voice choir that will Memorial Chapel. This will be in ~ctivities with patients are Bertolt Brecht's The perform it tomorrow, it indi., Mr. Fox's second a~~ holdmgT~ part Y to.m07°~ ~~;e~~;k~g_~~l~~?o~!~ l ~,~g~.n~i,~.ti~.o~n·;;;;:;J~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~ll:~~~]::~~ cates a holi~ay of a different ~r~~~n;;:;:e~e :t ;;~~;field :r:~O! ~:~v~/=n in a Cool Dry Place. ~~~'te~~:r~I~~! ~~~~~~~:I~~~the college in 1958. been called seniors can now resume mester Fox Mr. has ~~:a.~ore fa~iliar role as stu- ~s:,.er~cr~=kf:;a;~:t ~~.~::fv~~= IS,Gj~-~ipO~ISI)rS held four at W?t~~.dr~~a~~t:S~o~:~ I' At approximately 3:15. pm, :~~~o~~eO~t~~:n~s::t ~~n~:~v~~= ~hi~-:i~~~ r~~."A~~~k~:s ;l~~ stud~!'t tea~herls l~ave ~~elrIre; sial musicians of his day. His ~f:e.IV~tSCa;;r~xi~:tel/ ~:~?,f:chani~~~bf~~~i:~n~f tote~~~ii~:i one of his class' top students, th.e ,Homestead and Spauldmg s mastery and impeccable taste is editor of "Happening" and as_ , del~ged by the mass of with a keen sense of showman_ sistant Head Waiter in the Din_ semors tr~mg t~ drown the. sor· ship. -Virgil Fox has played ing Hall. He is presently resi- ro\v of bemg fimshed teaching. every important organ in the dent director of the Noname "I'm reaBy going to miss it," world and has been in concert Coffee House. laments one teariul English with the greatest. symphony or_ teacher, "the high heels, the les- chestras in this country. son plans in triplicate, the sur_ Admission for the general SLC, Library Personnel Attempt prise visitors and their little public to this recital is $1.50. notebooks, and, .my beautiful Tickets will not be sold' at the Improvement of Study Conditions bulletin boards - .all six of -:1oorbut may be obtained from them!" . _ the college Alumni' Office until 'There i~ one large problem December 30 or in person at the At a meeting between the I consist of a set of encyclopedia that arises from the end of stu- same office. Hours are 10:30 Student Life Council and library and a dictionary. They will not dent teaching-how to fill t!1e am to 4:00 pm weekdays. personn:I on Monday night, it bel.:~s~e-~~~~i~~kS~eportedthat empty hours (and hours and was declded that a small num_ the last inventory revealed a ~~~:si~ ~~~~~!~~t~:r~:~: J~~~ Schlesinger Speaks On ber of carrels would be placed loss of 750 books since the li- opened. She asked that in room 102 of the basement of brary a~~6a~:!1::~~db:~~;; 'The World We Want' the library. "The purpose of students co-operate in checking f:~~:~t~ 1 out and returning the move," said head librarian books. to .do. (A good teacher is al- Dr. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Miss Simkins, "is to improve the I The Student Life Council and ways one lesson ahead of his author of "A Thousand Days," study conditions for students." Ithe librarians have been work_ students. At least, try not to let will lecture on Wednesday, Jan_ It was further decided that stu- ing together for several semes- th~ student~ get too far ahead.) uary 1l, at 1l:30 am in Alumni dents would not be able to ra-' ters in attempting to enable the With all thiS ended, the newly- Hall. His topic will be "The serve the desks and that a small maximum utilization of the fa- ·.demoted students must fill their World We Want-and How to reference section will be placed eilities for the college commu_ ..time with such dubious activi- Get It." in the basement as well. It will,nity. "!~~~h~~:n~i::~;~~~e:~~;JI~~~~£~~::::~:~~~~~~r~~v~f~e:~ have to. adJust once agam .. '1 Pulitzer Prize for "The Age of Symbols of Brokenness and Healing Dr. Maek mareh in protest during George by it may be that it is hO~~=y~o~~~, :~$~~:~:~i ;::n~so~~iut;:e~a~tsz c~~~li~~~: appearance on campus. Joseph. A. Howell like the mountain fields fired HuPP1I Ohio Jvu1"7Ul-1J Istudy of the New Deal. A discussion of Rockwell's erally backed the students after By a paradox by a Far Eastern farmer CALENDAR 'OF COMING EVENTS speech and the significance of they had sent the invitation aI- we know all we know of heaven to save those lacking his presence at WMC was held 'I though they felt that it was un- from the man perspective, in the coastIands of their December 5th. who knew so much of hell: fortunate that it Waii sent. discussion was sponsored Dick Cline, a former student No cross-no crown. idolatries, ·~~::i~;~=n!~:~t~}'~~=~==--==~-==--==--=._~_e_::~:~~~-~::~:~~ ~ Student Activities com_I and now assistant treasurer of May it be so to see the tidal wave Open Party-Delta Pi Alpha __ .. ._._.. ._. January 6 . of t~~e~~hA·w~sU;S:y;! f~~~;t~~~~e\~h~~ss:~:~~ °r~~t:;t~i~u:r~:!~r::.:~~a~:;u;~e~~:d :~~chw~~fdU~!:~:~o~~tention. Virgil Fox, Organ Concert --..---.-.-.- ...--- ...--.-_..- ..... January 8 a small group of students the benefits of listening to Rock- body Even Lot's \vife Dr. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., faculty members. After. well came not from what he had to know and to speak the became hardened in her heart "The World We Want and How to Get It" .---.-.-- January 11 playing of the tape the to say, but rather from the way language . looking back only EXAMS .-_.--.- .-.. ------.--- ..-..-..- ..~..- January 16 had a chance to react. he presented it. Dick saw Rock- of the people most sensitive to the Sunday-school art ~~~;!~:::~!:;.~::~:.-=_.:~~.~~-====~=~~~~=:=-,:,- i:~~:;;i~ . centered around well as educational, but remind_ to the hells of our day- which had been good enough for BASKETBALL to WM~ftoi ~p:;~ iann~ ~ fi:~~~~eli!~~I~t:,ockwel1 was I th~~~~~~!~~~rs and jazz Th~erar~a~:~a~:;!e the :;~::~::~~:w~og~~:g~C~~:;:;t.~.~:_~= ..~ .__.. January 7 re~;;s:~~:~. the student body id! t~t:t:: h~~~u~h:reo~: f!~~ I~~: ;f~!e;i~h~n~n~a~:~:~~ts be:~~~ni~: world and the i:::sO~!~~~~s (?:::;)..~==:==:=:==::=====: ~:~::;~ ~~ th~r. in~t~~~ ~!~k~e~; !:s f:~ ~:l~ ~~~s:s;:~s::no;r~~~ ~o:~; I m:~: :t!~-;m believe God th~h;~ic:t of contact where Mount st. Mary 8 (Home) ----.- ..--- ..--.---.------ January 14 irresponsible action on the part of his ideas, than we do from I couldn't care less church and worJd can enter into J.V. BASKETBALL of the students. He said that he Rockwell himeslf. Dr. David for or about them dialogue. Elizabethtown College (Home) __ .. ._._ .._.... ._._._. January 7 felt that the students couldn't agreed and said that it might' for all they see of his body, the "Happiness," according to that Towson Sta!e College (Home) _._ .. .. ._ January 10 seem to grasp the fact that just have' been more beneficial to I church, little book, Johns Hopkms (Away) .. _ _.__ _ __ ._ January 12 a generation ago 10 or 15 mil- have someone speak who held caring for or about them-----or "is when you can reach the Stevens Institute (Home) .--.---.----.- --- ..".---- January 14 lion people were killed fighting the same ideas, but who did not I their work. doorknob." . \VRESTLING what Rockwell stands for. He call himself a ·l'fazi. The stu- If the work of some The arts can be the knob of the American University (Home) .. .~__.__ .._.._. ._ January 7 felt that having him here was dents generally agreed that it contemporary artists door Johns Hopkins (Home) __ .__. .. ._.._._. ~-~-..-_ January 11 an immature action. He went would not have been as effective may seem burning or' searing'- between the church and the Elizabethtown (Away) _.__ _ _._. __ ._. ._.._ .._.._January 14 on to say that the' faculty gen- to do so. or at least smoky- world.
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