Page 28 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 28
0he Gold Bug, Dec. 15. 1966 Come Out The Wilderness EqualityUntler The law? by M;;h}~~' New w,~a~nV:~tapp"valof thee Last summer while riding across Indiana with a group of Originally, the Umted States syste,m. Everything I~ t)le. The first issues of the GOLD who "outwardly conform" Job Corpsmen, I turned to the big Negro sitting on my right and was based,on fed~ral, state, and world .I~ being do~e ,to Insure BUG showed that there was in; (whatever that means). Man, asked, "Well, what's happenin' Jackson 1" The big boy eyed me loc17 1 In the Inter,:st of the the rights of cr-iminals and ertla from last year's urn-est. thafJs the kind of obscenity humorously for a moment and then quipped, "Maaaan, I'm tired majority. However, In recent ot~er law-.breaker~,. even t? the It is wrong to doubt that these Malcolm Boyd was t a I kin g ~tt;t~~~~e~nd' ~i::~s::~r~~s~1n:hfsa~:~:s:;:S~d'~a:p:~~~:r i~~ rseV;_,~~n;~~~dg~~~; ~nai ::~~~~I~!:~r~~~~;~:~:~~::i~:l,f~!~ ~~:~~~r~ve~ie\tetdb~yth~:I~~: ~b:~~'at ~~: ~~~ ::~~!h~~h~~~ ~~~e~a~~t::i:;,IU~~! ~~sb:rodt~~rIf::ki~on:~es~~~~mte::ta~~~s~'v:;! ~:~I~!~~lsfi~T~: ~~~~!~~,~:~~f!ad~~~t~~~O!alk~~;s~V;a~~nf~ ~rit~rI~~: ,:V;~~:~er~;ffi:~.n~o~=;;~r:!Ua~:d g~rngt,h:o f~~i;rn;~~ ~~~h:n~a;~~~:~lS; ~~~e~o;il~r~~~~n~~: f~~h~i~~p~:~~:o~ ~e;~~ ~anr~e~~g;~rt:o:; ~~:tr~~t;~f~t~:~ ~~~a~~j~~~~~dfor what benefits ~~~~ ~~~~' c:~~ad~~fo~!eo~~ ~~~~et~eo:~;;_;~~~;~~~~;!~:n~~ tenttally creative environment and secondly the opportunity to for the bene,fit of ~nd:v~dual Even in the school Bible-read, blinded by their burning effigies ing that will bring a viable con- involve oneself in it---and become a creative part of it. freedom, .Gran,t:d, individual ing and prayer cases, the in- or by starvation it would be elusion to the Vietnam confiict? , To say that this semester has been the most eventful in ~reedom IS e~ph?ltly set forth fluence of one quasi-intellectual wise to come to grips with the This same fraternity, system re- ;~r~:s~~v~~~1:~~:~~eo:e~~~~W~g:n:e~~~~~i~~,~!~l:t~i;;~~r;::~:: ~:mt~,eOfC~~:tt:!~? h;~~ ~:e~~ ~e~e;U;~:do~u~h:ig:i~St:;:~PO~l~ ~~~tn' :~~o~~a~!. criticism Bill ~a~~e~h~~~;;~~~:r s~~~!~I~~! There are at least two kinds of reaction to the existing conditions curtailed to the pomt. that It IS the general public has the right It was point No 4' th to provide help for the pilot at the college. Among some students on this campus and other unsaf~ to walk the str~ets, ----:-andeven that is being qu~s_ sketch of ills per;adin~n thi: pr?jects, that have become Oper_ ~~:~~::~, t;r~s~::t:d~oan:;:,i~~dS~~~!i~~~Ct~y~nae~e:ti~ec~~1c~on~i=ar!,~Osl~~~.1:~~~~~~~ti~~:~~~~~I~os~~~e~~on~~~:ri!~~~~~~ ~h~~= ~~~:~~~saa~~~~~ui~d~:p~~~~yt~~~ a~~~s~~,::;. that won't give ~ve i tions. The personal frustrations that some students experience fessed killers. and r~plsts-the ?Ver I.S done must be "do,ne tween what is taught In the hours a week of its time to help ~e~kt~:~s~:r;~~s i~~:vi~a~l~~~:~~':ob~u~a~ha~y~~:t~~u~~~,sa;udn~!~!~~~;r~~=:;;::~h:~reaos~df~~ ~~:::d~fte;;~s:!~r~u~~e~es :~~ ~~~~gr::lli~~:;o:h~~:~~r!~~dc~,::~, ~~:s:i1~:~~_d~:ro n~~~h;~~Si~f mental creative faculties, Granted that a lot of the complainers ~epeat their crimes, becaus~ of pletel~. Few poilcles have been, confines of the campus, I don't Western Maryland College, For_ :~!r~ i~n~h~n~~~:~~oemin~~t::~~in;n~u~r:y~~~i:!~ tf~~~:;e:hoe~~ i~;,~ei~eSt~ae~~~~~~~IJ;~~~S~~~ ~~ts~~~~ssh~~~n~te;~~c~:d' b!h:;: f~rt~e ~~~u~~to~el~~:ei~~:~ti~~: f:!n i\r~~:~~1 ki~:IO~:~~ m;~~ of the college experience what they put into it---grief. They never can any CitIZen he. pJ.:.o~ectedballot box. Th~lr Ide~s, while of many dedicated teachers or Huggy-doll you need another open up to the giits of the college experience. ~vhe~such a ~allacy m 10~lc ex_ ?xtrem?, are Ideological; bt;t of the idealism that brings trip outside. The lethargy of An increasing number of studen~s, however, are growing IStS III our highest cQurt. Ideol~gles have ,never ~orked m many fre~hmen to college. Yet the conformer is not the inno_ through the static limbo of complaint an.d are utilizing the gifts The Supreme .Court has hand_ prac~lce. I don t" say Impeach there is no question that the vator-'s problem; it cripples only of this education while going thrdugh the undergraduate pro- ed down a stnct se~, of rules ~ustJce Warren, as e~phat- college experience has twisted a the conformer himself. For the gram, I don't mean they are unaware of weaknesses, but that that police must follow in han- ICallyas some. Howev?r,.lt has great store of dedic\'tion and creative man to beg for accept_ many are not paralyzed by them, I'm speaking of the Hinge dling suspects. Police must have become apparent that It IS ne?_ idealism into absurd disillusion_ ance is obscenity and prostitu_ project, the S,O,S, project in Washington, D. C., and the handful a warrant before a.ny evidence essary to tread upon somebody s ment and cancerous cynicism. tion at its worst. Jesus bathed of students viSiting Springfield. These individuals are receiving can be taken. Any evidence toes. What we have lost is the crea- another man's feet to show his more education through this involvement and exposure than all taken before such a warrant is David Harper tive thinker thru a lack of the acceptance of the other man, the complainers put together. They are being taught by children obtained is ruled inadmissable autonomy necessary in any ex_ not to beg for his own-an ac- and other teenagers as well as passing along a few skills. They in state or federal court. Police "The Fountainhead" perimental or imaginative pur- ceptability' he realized in the represent a movement toward liberation and _gro:vth for the~_ must .wa~n susp~ts of all the~r "The Fountainhead" will suit. deeds of his life. , ~:~~~sa~: ::irca::U~~s.~hey aren't satisfied to walt around With ~:c~Ss~!~~, a~= '~~ule~ets~::i~it~ Ct:~m~t~e~ di!~~~)o~~a~e~ut~~o~~ ~~iif~r su~~, ~;e~~~ei~o~:e~h~~ f~~r~~! . ,Th?se people who P?mt their fingers at Peace Corps workers, tor~ey before. Illterrogat~on may on January 6 at 8 pm in lack of autonomy permitted the the way we operate, But to CIVilRights workers, Hmge volunteers ~r S,O,S, workers and an- begm, Also, If at any ~Ime, the Decker Hall. Admissipn is 35 college itself (and don't think what ends? Are we just going nouz:ce t,ha~ they have no sympathy Wit? these do-gooders who ~uspect do~s ,not feel h~e tal~_ cents. The movie, based on getting that degree is going to to find more efficient ways of are Just m It for selfish re~so,ns and self-righteousness forget th~t mg, questIOning mus~ Immedl_ Ayn Rand's popular novel, free you-this society is now producing slaves _ you'll find ;h::~~~:, ~~~j:c~~~e?rs6~~~~nsfyb~~~r:ta~~e~~m:e~:~~s~e~!~~~;~ ~;~~eka~!~nT~~!~i;~~~~:sinw~~= ~~;~, ~:?R~;;:'PO~dif~:~~~~;an~~a~?o~~pa:;p:t~a~i~!~i~sn~~=:~x~~~~in;r~~~ ~~ sW~~; ~~ So w~at IS new about people?, There are als~ ~e!fish'reasons !or co?edo v. Jlh!"ols (1964) and all of whom have received man, spirit-killing death grip, Orwell's 198-'., not to mentio,n work~ng on the yearbook, plaYI~g .bas~etball, ~ollllllg a fratermty, !'Ihranda v. Arizona (1,966). . Academy Awards for their· and the sad, ugly fact is that the proeedure that selects t:o- workmg on the GOLD BUG, stICkmg .It out With R.O.T.C. A per- The Supreme Court IS maklllg acting ability. nearly 'ev:ery organization from day's college students 1 son wh~ sits around .and points his fing~r at inv~lved individuals a complete farce of our judicial . the top down to your mortal What our new world needs is can be Just as, self~rl~hteous and have Just as big an ego as the body is being made in this sac_ a new and renewing man and !~-~~~~e~u~et~:i~~~:~~fy a:;d~~~n~:r~h~~U~he C~:~ii~,e7::01~:~ Somebody Up There? ~~~~;a~~~si~~~e~t; ~:i~he~~~ro;~~;i~g~O~n;t~!~?~~ ':~n~:a~~; ment has _not reslg~ed themselves to the paralySIS which comes to this rigid structure, and in. being imprisoned by his cultural !:~~~r~k~~~lO~~~~Jt~~~~:~t:s a!o~~t~~~~~~i!~;e~1~~,: !!:u:t~~~~~ ~~~~f~!t~~:sen~~:~~~ 1~~~erSa;! ~~1:c~~;v~~d;:sstob:~~e~:o ;:; They are an attempted .Yes to many frustrating No s m hfe. The,y blindly coded into the Holy build his own life, not have it ~~~,;;eta~~:~ ~i~~r:~~n~f t~~ ~~~~~~7:'i:~:h,~~0~~:n~:ara:dl~! "Unto Us A Child Is Born" :,rii:o~_j~~e~r~~~~~o:~:~~ ~~~ ::~~r:o~orhi~he !~~C:anrv~:~ more than complamt. On some occasIOns gratItude. . are. This is why the lessonsIbut you can't eat the manure. The first and last chapters of the book Come Out the Wtl_ that could be gained in the W'II 11th' t t ·WMC dernfis8 are entitled, "this is where. I belong." It i; a book .about by Dean Ira G. Zepp .classroom just don't mesh with Ibrin~ aanew ~a:v~rs~sorawill we young men and women .who went III and became lllv,olved In the , 'the hell that's going on out reap more Vietnam, racism, ~~~nk:~::~a~:~I:efna~:::~ :: o~::!c~:r~~~'p:~e:: !r~~:~ ~~~~ A-IIthings are now reversed; the that the baby ,could be found in there; , , ,a nom i,e, ~l,ienation, battered to that situation, But wouldn't it be great if more students castl?'s in the cave. Brown's ~at-infested ten~me~t, ,Thls,ls why I can t acc,ePt the Ip;"yche, cy_mclsm, wa,ste:(ul,effi_ g ~~~~g~~y sometime during their four years, "this is where I Th:ig~~bb~~~~~~~r~ht~~~n~~!~e :v~'a%:ae:g~nc:a::. , ,~~d lymg I~ ~~:~s~l'lnt~a~ro~~~:~a~:r~lll~~~t~~~~cr' deified expediency-less ============";,Da;"v;,,id,,;C;,,";.";.';;"=Thr~;!~~i~:deaSr:/ child; 0 man! allHt~i:.asHaes~:~d~~!~f:U:~.i~:~~ ================",,;,= At Center Stage Thr~~e~::~\:nedv:n!a;ust be ~i!hS;~i:~~i~~!'t:%~ ~~?~: Book Review: The Hobbit by Harold Marks upo~ him ?ecau~~ ~eLord (Angelus Silesius) L d A dl ' S ecre t b.een ,living toget~er Brown some ~~:sb~00~:~h:!~:t;~':!~?~~6~a~ lab:le~ ~~~!rs\:~l '~~~der;ro:~~~n were great artisans 'who' 'were 'th t knownfar'and'wideforthj!'skill 't had anoillted him to,b'nng, good tJd- Eliza L'k and Ben u ey,s a y the .fashio~ing of' gold ,and for by S,uzanne Pratt Iha;h:l~::~rtor~o~~l:?~t~Y'~~l~h ~l~e~ra:n~;:no~~~ti~~r~~r~~~ liber!y to the cap~ives~~a:ndthe ~~e~~i~~:; ~~s:h;u~~i~te~S'i~'t:~ ~~~~:~,Illto obJects wondrous to The combilled efforts o~ Doug_ ability, is ~o~ called upon t! soon, Eliza's pregnan~y, ~ow- opemng of the ,~rlson to those 1930's and hasn't been read Not at all anxious to aid in las Seale, George Goehring and! dis I a its sin in talents. ever, forced -the m~rrJage. and who are bound. widely until recently, His books the adventure, the Hobbit was John, Kuntz have produ~ed Bi I Som~ me~bers suc\ :s Patrick they settled down I';' a dlmly_ So they w?nt to congrat~l~te are sweeping campuses all over convinced by the golden tongue fresh and clever a,daptll;tlOn,Ofl Tovatl and Donald Symington lighted, crudely furlllshed tene_ B~n and Ehza and to. reJoice the nation, and his work has of th~ wizard tq join the quest. May E. Brad,doll'~ Victorian show that the are accom lished ment. Wit? them over the birth of been recognized by critics as Startlllg early. t~e next day, the novel, Lady A.utlley s, Sef;ret, at in this field. ~onna CurSs who Ben trie~ to get work and their new baby, On the way to that of a modern literary gen- troop began their march fJ;om ~t:~~e~s~~;~~, ~nm~::~l;::r:d c~~~ has ~oined the company for this :::t O~iYt~~lgt~~~ ~~~~e~;~~:~ :;~~~:r;:~~~irten;~;:;~ t~~~ ius. , . ~~ldS~~~a~~s~ht:eD!:~~t~tn.t~~ ~;~~~sT~~t~,U~~ti~fi~~a~~neg'fi~:~I h:;~lc~~~ser:lefo:ee:::~ t~in~f:; ::~fa~:~y B~~~ig~vOe::~~it~~:i~~ ~~~~t:~d" and Freedom, auI~~~I~~~~b~!b~~t:;d :s t;'~l~ ~a~:ngTh~n~P;~:g L:~:lju!!06~~ When so abl,hty: Yet there seem~ to be regularly the' Sunday and Wed- curtain one wonders why ~~ ~a~~;;I~:r:~~!:~~t s~;i:~~~ !~:~;Sdt~:i~ve~i~r~_i;:~:r ~e~t!ncg~ r::: heard ogy, The Lord of the Rmgs. In ginning but before they would :~~~ e~~~~t~to p:::I~eJ~!1 t he ~~; ~~~~~~~~k\~~r~~,e~!~s ~a~~ao;; ~:~:h s~~ei~ountains, winter w111 an antique nine hundred page ~ore :u~~le stYI.~Oftthe maJor- called The Very First and Only ossibil_ which bears stnkmg resem- It was a long trek with many novel. ~lore:ver, ~e;e:~~~us ~:~:t~~~Apost?lic Assembl~ of God, ruse! to be a ~~:n~:r;~ :~i~c~~:!d a;:e u~;::~ exciti,ng a~ventures: t h r 0 u.g h s:g": ~~~ste:~d~~~~~~t~~ei~~~n: ~~:p~~~:~~~ ~~:: ~;\hhear;~t on~~~l~~ea:e:~isct;s~I~~o~ee~~a: !'Itayor Consults Wise Men f~rtablYt~ami\iar, ;s .~nhallegory ~~~~s:n~:~I~~~a~;r~~o~:~!~~I~~~ replica of a horseshoe play_ who emphasize their acti~g voice say to him, :'You need not So he called ,together the wi~e ~ou~~rrel~~:~cea~o :ur t~~uhr~d imagination ?f men who I!ye ~~:S\;!r~hs: ;~:;n,C~~~t~;~~ l}~= ~~:S;~ri~% =d:er~~i~~~ds~~~t1:~ powers over their vocal ade_ ~~~7,f~~o~'~u~a~~~~~ilIm~;r! ~r:~e~or~h: ~~t;;J ~o~~!~~~~: age. .., man lights the footlights and qU~y Audl y's Secret h' h s p e cia I child. In fact, you Dean of St. John the Divine, a . In T_he Hobb~t, Tolben's bnl_ lum (the monster' who lived, in fi the accompanist is attired in will eontinue throu h ja:u~~ should call him Joshua, which city counci,lman, and the urban hant mtr~ductlOn to the Lo~d the lake below the goblin tun- wbite tie and tails lending the 1 provides amusi~g 'f ~ means 'God saves.''' re-development ex per t. The of the ,Rings, he. presents h~s nels from whom the hobbit got proper touch of Victorian for_ ~hat h II an vening's I so~e At a subsequent prayer meet- council advised the Mayor that hero ~Ilbo Baggms, a ~obblt the ring) all added peril and ad_ mality. . i fittin; t~e°';e:son. romp e_ ~~g~~~~~aS~i~dt: ~e~~;~: :~!c~ ~~~:~twi~ :~effi~~~;t;r~~~d t~~~ ;~~e:I:~~~el:~d~~o °t~~ ~a~~! ~~~~~:~ !~u:h~~~~Urney of the How Smang was dealt with THE GOLD BUG privileged 'woman, Eliza, be- the excitement over the birth of t~e Rings ,in his trilogy, Hob- :~:irhi~~e;~t:n:a:f~!~ ~~!a~:~~ ~:u=eu}~~~~eU~~~P~~t~do~~!ldwill !~~Pt~~g:fd thd:l~e::fty \~~\h: ~~;Sn~r:,a~~!~ :~~P~~~eS;:~~:: Official st d tn' f W t' 1'11' I d C II This culturally deprived, so- problem, This nativity just may wear br,lght clot,hes but seld?m tIe of Five Aimees is left to the ~~~~:~ddasb~~1~~I~I:iW!~!~~ !~o~e ~;s~:~tru!:~ii~~f!:n~\!~: ~~~li: ~:;;~ ac~~pr!rt;o~~ i!~~ ~;e:d s!;~ ;~~P~~S;~il~;Vt~;~!~~~~::~t~l~ea~~ ,gil~~a:i~d:ecl~:~ ~~~~e:~ica~~::;;' p;~::~t :~ ~~ Maryland 21157, under Act of Mareh 3, 1879.' , incredible', but their child-like vent future exploitation of hu_ c~lIed the Shl~e, between the Hobbit, in relation to our time. faith enabled them to receive manity. River Brandywme on the Ear There are fantastic analogies the message spoken by their The Mayor then deeided to Downs. The reader finds the to our soft ways.of comfort and --_::::=:::::::::_':':'::::::_:_::~~~:_::"::'::~~ __ I"voices." send representatives to the ~ob?it cOTI_Jfortablyhaving tea. leisure, to courage brought to Brown's flat bearing these gifts m his. hobbit hole, when ~andolf the fore, to brotherhood among No Room in Scarsdale DAVID CARRASCO In due time, a mid-wife was for the entire community.----equal the wlz,ard kn?cks ?-ponhiS door men, and to the moral nature of Editor-in-Chief called in to help with the birth, job opportunity, decent rent, and brings Wlth him adventure our time, Describing the Hob- Eliza's first b 0 r n son was ,better education, and open hous- and an unexpected party, bit, "There is more in you of JOHN DALY wrapped in an old rug and ·ir::g. Much to the hobbit's surprise, good than you know; child· of Advertising Manager placed in an orange crate in the At the next week's prayer he finds the party to consist of the kindly west. Some courage DOROTHY A'ITRIDGE corner of their room in a rat_ meeting, the preacher read from thirteen dwarves who, need a and some wisdom;-blended· in Business Manager infested cold water flat because 'the prophet, "The Spirit of the fourteenth to travel with them measure. If more,-.o£jus valued Paulette Arnold Joyce Ferguson there was no room for them in Lo~d shall give them beautY' in- to the Lonely Mountain, past food and cheer and'sOl'lg, abci'Ve Harold Marks Cary Wolfson Scarsdale or Larchmont. stead of ashes, the oil of glad- the Misty Mountains and the hoardeq gold, it would be a mer- News Editors Features Editors In the same block, there were ness· instead'of mourning, , . Mirkwod, in the Desolation of rier world.", Furtherll-<:ll!.the Walt Michael bums, addicts, prostitutes, arid they shall repair the ruined cit- Smang. Smang was a dragon, Necromancer (evil), ':'Yet,.1 Sports Editor beatniks. One of the latter, who ies, the devastations of many a great winged dragon with wish he were banished from the Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. had just resturned from a pro- generations." fiery breath, that destroyed the world." On the i,n9-ividual,_"You Assistant Editors: Susan Mason, David Harper, Carol longed LSD trip into the realm And they all began to sing ancient home of the dwarve~ at;'e a very fine person, Mr. Bag_ Piezonki, Rick Boswell, Gordon Shelton. Typing and Copy Editors: Susan l\-fawby.Larry Whitney. of reality, related to the group jubilantly in the streets, "Free and now sat in roost upon gins, and ,I am very-fond of.:y.o_u, Photographers: Sam Phillips, Bill Chasey, that the son of God was to be at last, Free at last, Thank wealth uncountable that the but you are only quite- a 1~~t1e Exchange Edftors: Margaret Weis, Carolyn Henson. born in their very neighborhood, God Almighty, we are free at dwarves has amassed during the. fellow in. a w,ide. ·world, after Distribution Manager.:· Gail Gracey, - The psychedelic voyager said last.". j long reign, In the past, dwarves ail."
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