Page 3 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 3
The Gold Bug, Oct. 8, 1965 Letters to the Editor: Controversy RDges Over Artif/e _Six RegulDtion Are You Con- uve. Most people who do not present, the SGA sets itself up ion on matters of importance to most of the social activities on the dance. The Student Gov. attend these dances are finan- as a supreme, infallible body, the students. this campus are now fraternity- ernment must consider the 3tU- To the Student Body; dally able to do so but do not which is certainly not the case. The above leads to the formu- oriente~,. and that i,n the past dent body as a whole, not mere- e ~:~~s;~ f;~!rz: On Monday, October 4, the ;;i~~e~db~te~e~a;:att':o~O~ae:- The Executive Council. has lation oJ dcer~~~n reio~dm~ ~~t i::~~~;l~:l~;::_c~n~li~t~~~:p~~~he:e f:;~e~el~:~:e~odu:~~r~~~:~ ~!~d:nO~edG~~e~~~e:~~ ~c~~~~~=~~ea;J:~~ t~e~r ~onOeb:a:~e~th~~ ~~:t::dr~e:~:d s~:.ev~l:·::S t;;;:;; ;GA~ee.e WI regal ~~ce~~~~~ i(~;eekt;:d !~:r ~~jo~hr1s~~:: I~g procedure for this orgamsa- ways. Neither will the lack of is responsible for antagonizing (1) The SGA. should act.8;3 preference on the new :alendar. dance beg-ins vacation) can be 1 ;~~~la::~s ~~~p:~dt \:e;:tru;~: ~~::eni;:~p~~i~lh:ce~~;l~ ar~~;:; !?e 3~~d~nt. body t\~ith l:iS~~~ ~:~reb~!\\~e~oo~~~~~:;r ::: ~~= ;~:~~~~r;~:e~f~~:r~e~:~:gpl:aC';d ~i~~~ :~ 0~~:rt~~7:; ~r:pa~:; designed to enable the more effi- pursue their unplanned but I,?n h a d \cO~tlar~h \e dents and leave the Administra- on this year's calendar, seven events without encroaching on cient scheduling of event;s. more enjoyable impromptu rec- ~~s t~e aanmende~:nt' to :ho~~sh tion Of the campus to the so IFC-ISC social functior: week- the fraternity functdcns. ~~:e~:rinikiio~~~ no~m~~~~~ reations. article six ended in a tie (11- named body. . . ~;::iti~;Ete~~~dS sOO~O~~~i~:f::~ Narrow-minded people have with the rest of those on the Not only will the proposal 11) ', Three of the eleven votes (2) ~ven though It IS almo~t guaranteed that they have pri- claimed this past weekend was Jist. This article states: No not achieve its aim but it against the amendm~nt were a certainty that (1) above Will ority and may schedule func- one of these so-called "dead" ~~:s~~ni~~c~~ns~;i~ri~ ~~l~no~~ rankles. in a person's gut whe~ ~~~~:~:nOft~:e !:ees~~!t~: ~~~;~ f~:~~'{e~~~~~~'6~~n~~m(~:I~iu~~ ~i:::)'e:o~.~~~:~ r~~~r dr~t:~ ~~:~k:~~~ Sh~~~~;YWi~~g~otca~h~~ ~:e:ka~~r p:~oro~th~r f~~;~:~~;:~i::a~~~~c~lll~itst~:Yi~~AtoE::~_ ~~et~:' ~~::~;;.v~f ~~~~~lm~~~ ~~.~~!~e:rl"~~~~rnt~o:;.o~~dc~~:t~: ~:~~~: da~~ t~~ y f~~~r~i~jor ~~~s:~ ;~~ ;:;;r f~~:;~~yCSo~ve:~ dances. Thi~ regulation neilh- t~ol the spendmg hab~ts .al.ld so- vote? were agat.nst the mov~ to tutl?nal amendment In order to tradition~ll' d~ted events :Jd had at least temporarily set er incre:ses .~chet~1ingt~fficien= ~~al\~~~~~arT~~sthts ma~Vt~~:~~ ;~~~S~s !~:ino~I:P~;:~1 tw~rt~.~~~~;~i~~~ef~~o~~I~~~~~~e~dl~sen- ~t~er dac.tiv?t~~.WhiCh h:d' he~n ;~i~uer~=~ty:;t::e;on~~y ~!Usab~~e:~ ~~,~O!"~:~;;h~:::: d,,~g~~~::'Pt\'.~ogE~:'~~;~:'C~~m~~~P~\t~:::; i:~:,~t~:;;~!~~;n,"~.~i(3)H""ire,. m~",to'.nt.':'~~d;n~~;on::;t~"'th."·Il;C;~:ro~'~n"t:::'; a~:UCt~~~.n~:~: . Proposal six is supposed to though the clai~l is that thiS bel:s \\:ere already represented ~~~i~~ms~~~~ ~~~ t~l~c:~n ;~~:~~~r~1~1:~!:~~/~~~h;~!:Rat Cou~.t anl the~ the fresh- ~~~~ea!~j~~ed~~~;sdab~cedeac~e~~~j~:~~aS:~esb~~~~:~~!s~~et~~e~a~i ~~v:f: d~r~h~.e:l~e~:~l~at\~~~ea~~ ~nt~ht~et~o\~e~ thai isft~~ S~~ f~r~:ti:~. gThis bis·no a~temi~ to ~:~y h:~~e:Cla~~~e:~ I:al!h~~~~ f ~:le t~em~~~:n!~u~~~p:rs ~~: i~~P~:~S:id~nn: ;o~i:~'it~~~\~~~ ~i~~e);bYSi~~:il~h~;s~e~~~:~~n~~ d~llt ~ody ewl;;le;::ll~ °be s:r!e~. :~~Rter~it~U;u~ o~, i~u:e~~~~ f~lt it was beneath thei~ dig- weeks before and after this ma- organized boredom?), this hard- unique goup and the represen- Wa.yne Porter as.s~res them of havm~. t.hls mty to attend a frash mlxer- jor social phenomenon of the ly justifies the blatant disre- tatives of the groups of which 0..Pro? ~Im~um nu~b~r of afct~vlt~es. and they felt they owed their ~~fc~~~'s~~!~OU~~t ~~t ~~ i~~ ~~~r~:/h~~~~h~ ~~et~~n:~:: !~!n:~~n~, ~~~~l" v:::: \~~~ ~~~ - '. ~o;e %n~~~o.n;,s~~~~sh~ve :;~~; allegiance elsewhel"~I. believe plicit in intent, the SGA Exec- of weekends infringed upon is ~ repl'esentative but a personal Dear .Edltor. nght to petItion ~Ol"any oth~r th f~eshmen got out utive Council hopes to increase smail as maintaihed by the one. The second is the fact ThIS pa~t Monday at the open dates. A.s lih~ral a;: thiS of It. They were given a dance attendance by so starving egalitarians of the SGA, the that the Executive Council was SGA meetillg. the n.e~'ly pro- system ~ppeRled, it \'.'a~. felt chance to express themselves-- the campus of desired activi- simple fact is that the SGA unanimously opposed to what P?sed scheduling pohcles were l?at thele woul? be no mdlgna- a chance to work together with *:s~~~t A~:~';l:~~~o~:::e pOrfo~~~~~~ :~~c~e &~~e~s:\~ °c~a~~~~ho~m~i~jo;~~;nb~~'snOf:-~~.:~~ti'i~ ~~~t:~ts:~~.llI~f~{.w~~l~~~ed d;~ ~I;i~r ~o~~~d t~l: \\~;e~e~~ee~:t~~ their classmates. They haven't will provide a hope of relief on The protest is not so much it had not been for the Exeeu- ~dopt these poh:les: However, thr four maJor dances. were i".eally met the rat raCe of Greek the weekends. The most unfor- against this one act as it is tive Council's casting of four It seems that thiS .dld not solve kept. free ~r?~ fratermty or hfe whet'e everyone splits into 'tunate outcome of the affair is against the !ligns of abusive vel'y biased Yotes, proposal six t~\e problem. The I.ssue at qu~s- soronty actiYlties. differing factions and moves off that neither of these attempts l2 0wer which it manifests. With would now he campus history. bon was one Arbcle 6 which First, this would protect the along his own merry way. at coercion is likely to be effec- no separate body of appeal ~~i~v~~'~~:sa~t E~~~ti:~t~O~~~ ~!~~~:/h~~ thse~:O:i~~b~p:~ fr:; fraternity ~olding the ~ance-,.-. !hese .weekends would be an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=.-~- people thatgit is supposed to be closed func!ions scheduled one for fl:atermty men dont have Ideal time for them to sponsor r benefiting and a SGA that is weekend prior to or one w,e~k- the Midas touch and they would events. Phone TI 8-5565 14 West Main St. ~:o~~~~~Vi~~ ~~s:·~~~~:~~t~~\~~ ~~~C~!te(i.~~yUot~ ef~~rm~aJ;' ~:e~kerb~;O~ :rcl:~~/:~;n t';: As it stands now, of these THE Flow E R BOX ~~~~====::;Ig~~i::~~snd D:r~~e, D~;)e~th~~~~ the. dance, if given the choic.e. ;~~:: \::~ckhena~~!~:~e a: ; ::!~ r GRACE M. BENSON 'Vestminster, Md. sidering that there has.?cen ThiS problem has m not been scheduled. Why do LECKRON ~~11;~~l r:~~~en\~~~t~or.ett~~:i ~::se~ec:~~te P:stbitano~ ;~ct~:~ the fraternities need these three .. to me The r,ULF SERVICE that it is only fair that the sit- :~'~~ram:~~ dates? these It would appear policies for explained that the ~h~~ti~;:bl;ra:~~~ scheduling uation be W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. benefit of the student hody. jor dance. A second, and more are overly fair to the fraterni- ENGAGE-ABLES Westminster, Md. died scheduling of events in a that, no matter how much prep- fraternity-dominated l"alendar? In the past the SGA has han- important Must this be a completely aspect to consider is ties. go for TI 8-6929 TI 8-9876 ~':~~\~el~a~~:~az;~~s ~:~r .~~~ :~~aet~~~dwde::c~n~ ~~t~e~;o~Z Many long .hours. ar,d much Road ~s~C\~ti'::id~~~~c~r:~~Jh: I:e?; ~~~:b::n:: i~h~~;u~h~a~~m:'de~ ~;~:fU\h~::Sld;;::~:re:~e w~~ ~PEJa.k:e· Service set of scheduling procedures. nite effect on the opportuni- we allow a vociferous few, who freshmen are so involved in their respec_' Included in these was the set-up (who have .limited ~!r~n:n~ffi~~~Si~~~~d~~t~Odun~f f!)~t~:r i:~~~a~nJ~~t~~i~~!:l~~~ ti~e organizations, that. th~y --========:Jcontrol of said calendar and ni who return, faculty and ad- fall to see the total campus Blt- r definite written down rules to ministration who come, as well uation, to dictate to the student exhilarating follow. lli!alizing full well that as the fraternity sponsoring body?? Have the fraternities elegance I".":=======::;~=======~ forgotten that there nre fresh_ for MEN II men and independents to con- FINE Charles Lindsay's !!ider on this campus? Do the fraternities wish to revert to DEPARTMENT STORE HOMESTEAD INN past methods of scheduling events where everyon~ gets fair COFFMAN- 15 Washington Road crack at the open dates? Or do Westminster FISHER CO. they simply wish to have their Each Keepsake setting is Serving the Finest Foods cake and eat it it too? I fail a masterpiece of design, re- Pizza - Sandwiches to see where anyone has been flecting the full brilliance 11 E_ Main Street discriminated against in this and beauty of the center dia- ,. Plalters issue. The SGA has acted mond . _ . a perfect gem of Westminster, Md. with all fairness in this respect flawless clarity, fine color and STUDENTS WELCOME -acting in the best interesu meticulous modern cut. The name, Keepsake, in the ring 1=========;I~=======~lof the student body. and on the tag is your as- Ir Allan S. Ingalls surance of fine quality. BUY YOUR FLOWERS FOR Your very personal Keepsake WTTH is now at your Keepsake HOMECOMING Jeweler's store. Find him in the yellow pages under AM - FM . "Jewelers." Stewart THE TIMES DUTTERER'S WESTMINSTER 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Westminster, Maryland MARYLAND Westminster, Md. 1'=========::'::========;11 GENERAL COMMERCIAL II PRINTERS Servin.q You: Maryland Hotel This publication is from our presses Supply Co., Inc. The Right Look for Fall line scent ofJade East .•. worlds 225·227 S. Hanover Street SWEATERS and SKIRTS apart fromthe ordinary. from HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING pricesplu.!n; MAJESTIC and Wedding" ond new 12-poge full color folder, both for only 25¢. I·, SWANK,NEWYORK Baltimore, Maryland COLLEGE TOWN Please send new 20-page booklet, "How To Plan Your Engogement Also, send speciol offer of beautiful 44-poge Bride's Book. 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