Page 32 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 32
2 The Gold Bug, Dec. 16, 1965 Dissent Hos Its Ploce Ever Wonder About Christmas Traditions? two hundred members of this campus lest Mond" Here,"nAre Answers to Hol,"dayQuestl"ons Carey Macwilliams, editor of The Nation magazine spoke to on the place What better time approximately of dissent in American society. for dissent than during the current Christmas season? stree~:~~~e~~~o;:e C~rr~s?~~~~a~~:.~ :~~~~/~;C~~;:i~~So~/~~;~ hoK~ua~e~or~~t:at~;s~~:eu~v~!~ ~~~e;~~e~herry tree figures in ~o~~~~'v(i~~~u~rs:~~!'~~:ib':da~h;~;~I~~:tre~~a§t. ~fc~~~~s, ~::sto:Ylt~ gr?ups to promote bulgmg pocketh:ooks for. businessmen. Just the mistletoe ... toast your Kissing under the mistletoe think for a minute-how long has It been Since you gave some- friends with a Christmas mar- is said to have begun with the thing personal .to a friend-material or Spiritual-rather than tini ... take for granted that Imcier.,!; Romans, who viewed . an expensive trmket? Christmas was always calebrat- the plant as a symbol of peace. Laurence Ferlinghetti expressed this rebellion against the ed on December 25. . and even Enemies, meeting under the growing spread of commercialism in his poem, Ch1;st Climbed if you're past believing in Santa mistletoe, were SUPIJosedto em- Down most eloquently: Claus, expect to see him drawn brace and declare a truce. The Chri8t climbed down and painted as a jolly, bearded Romans were also first to use From his bare tree elf. But did you ever stop to holly-at their December Sat- This year ~ think of why you do these urnalia festival. But Chris- And ran awtltlJ to where things! ttons also find holly appropriate There were no gilded Christmas trees McKeseon & Robbins, import- because they see in it the sym- And no tinsel Christmas tree8 HS of Liquore Galliano, a pop- bolism of Christ's blood (the 1:~:~~~f,;)1'~f==~r!::es ~~~r ~~1se~Ov~~n?;ri~!~~~a~:~i ~·~~r~:.rri;~e a;~n~~~i:~·o~~not~~ And no gold Christmas treee ~~~sti~~~v~c!~o;t:~:we~~Jid~~~ ~ex~~~i.da~~:oo~Oi~~~~: f~~~ And no powderblue Christnuts trees should tell you a lot about Yule- American Minister to Mexico, With ha1!ging electric candles tide customs and traditions. brought it here in 1836. The ~:~ :,:~:;I~I!~1!:8.tin electric train Kiss Me, You Fool! cherry tree according to the .' . Excerpt de~~~~~!:~o~~~~!~:h~h~~:t~i~: ~~~,~I-~en:t~s'~~~~;,: s~rteheatC:;,~ Think on thIS small excerpt over the holidays: It's time to under the mistletoe who Virgin Mary could pluck its dissent against the trades~en and b~sinessmen who are taking was first to usc holly in' Decem- fruit. over one of ?ur mos~ meanmgful holidays. We need to put the ber.,. what holly symbolizes to Santa Has Long History sacred back mto Christmas and take the X away. Christians ,. from which 2. Which settleJ'S b r 0 1tg h t LMS country the poinsettia came .. Sallta ClaM to the New World, By the Rivers 01 B1I611/onWe Sot Down: ~i:\l;;ot~;;e~OU name hIS real- ent C. Moo~'e desc~'ibed Santa ~~I~ee:t~:i~~r~~~erosity and his ===============~~==========I~;dday:~h~~hpuj~;e~m;~:notS:l~~ ~:~~~!el~~I;:~:~1:~~g~~ieSd\:m~ ~~~~~l'~ ~~~~~hinbi~7~po\~'~0Ii~:: , ., J /J ~ ThE'Dutch brought San Nico- as fat and Jolly, With a snowy Here's to You! .0 'Son '''''Q*e,rt'S W4 ~~ A .1 II :,. oS;Ol'lety s el'ft enl'e laas (Sinter Klaas for short) to toonlst Thom!'.s Nast drew him Both were started the b=1 Chri8t1M.8 3, How didJ beard, in his f:;mous poem "A C,,·· '0"" N,w Wo"d,. ],te, hi, Vi,it f
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