Page 27 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 3, 1965 ·~~~~,~~~:.~;~:~~:,~~~~;:!~::.~.Izz:B:B::!~e~~;:~J (Pttt t::c~~t:;:~~,;':tfafter ~~cltsnuf~~el~h~f ~~S!i;~~~tst~ te:~i\~u~~~~~;~~t~Yl~:Su:e: I~:; _Those students' who arc avid cize the lack of SCOPE'?f this 1VQ'I~en'B.Col~c[Je8 in Ihe East. 1. ,President. Johnso? ,recent- the l!nited States ~.rom Western in New Orleans .. ---- ~;:~:bl~n~reN:~~~l~:c~f ~l~~~:~ ~~~;bet~i;~e,~:~.:t1~~;1~;:~~i:~:1~~i~l1fh::I~Ii.e~~~:t~71:~s:~.: ly signed a bill provldmg. for Hemisphere coun~lles.. 1). The Los Angeles. Dodgers ton undergraduates' "girl guide" at all. And why not? There worth more attention than those ~S:~~~:~i;~n~orOfth: A~:stI°anna~in5h~~I~.~~:n~v~:i~a~~t~eal~~l~~ ~~~~~~:o~.6;,~';~~~dsenes,to the ~~!~~a:~s n~!~~~~edIv~heLe~:~! ~~~s~vO!;~':~>ehe~e,ct~_:~lujc~~~o~:i~~t g~I~ls,t~,>:~o~i:t~~:ed1s~t:sasl~~: Humanities. __.__ p.ubhcly advoc~ted the admis- 10. ~unnlf the .President's women. Goucher College was institution doesn't mean we so in all fairness we can say 2. A bill giving the District sion of Red China to the U. N. op~ratlon Vice President Hum- highly offended by the lampoon should be ignored. We have they aren't ALL Ivy League, of Columbia the right to elect ._.__.- phl_'ey was c~lled on to act .as they got from these self-styled just as much Ivy in OUi' (bushy) just most of them. The cir- a municipal government and 6. Fidel Castro announced Chief .Execu~l~e ~nd deal with experts. Those who missed League as anybody else. :rhe enter says "even central tele- run its own local affairs was that any Cuban with relatives a major crteis In the Near reading about this particular exposure in a highly publicized phone numbers and campus passed by Congress .. in the U. S. may leave Cuba East. affront can consult one of the piece of literature would have maps are included to aid the at!d ;h~r::l~~Si~v~~~hh~:C~:i:~~ an~. ~~~~~:::n:o t:~SC~~C~:d a Answers: ~:\~~~U~::fq~~~E;he;U";:~u~~I;; ~ve:~enm~~ t~~~eficc~~pu~~~~I~~1:'~~~~1~~Ol~~g~'eI;;~l.'~urt~:; Panama's sovereignty over the 15th century map which seems a 'ot here because this article was alas! We have been overlooked told that a revised edition due a '6 not intended to review the lit- again! out soon will include "all major V '8 erarv merit (1) of this publi- Our Dial Press circular tells women's and co-educational uni- V 'L cati~n. After all, the Gold BIIO us that this harangue from the verstues in the country." Still FINE V a '9 has its uride ; if the Dial Press offices of is the selling "Daily wildly Prince- no chance for WMC. petition Perhaps the if and women WMC (which sent us a circular which tonian" DEPARTMENT STORE W1TR V '9 'v we are using as a basis for this widely. Hence Dial Press, being "Daily Princeton ian" (a paper V -e lartiCle) wants advertisement wise in the ways of publishing, which is first next to ours in quantity of Audacity),'we can COFFMAN· AM . FM 8 V .(; in this paper it will have to has agreed to publish this men- it cot the attention we need and etrous pay [or it. (remember, work '1 FISHER CO. This cUl'ren~ events quiz was We wi.ll not comment on lit.el:- ~::~s fo~~;~CinWt~:~n~ol'iI~h:a;~~i~eserve. released by Tillie, IncorpOl'ated. ary mel"ltj but we WILL cntI- of 1966. The name? JlIhC1"C the In closing this newsworthy ____ Girls kre: A Social Gilide to (Continucd on page 4) 11 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER Westminster, Md. MARYLAND Serving Yow Charles Lindsay's ROTC HAIRCUTS Maryland Hotel~ BLOW YOUR MIND HOMESTEAD INN RHOTEN'S 15 Washington Road BARBER SHOP Supply Co., Inc. Westminster Westminster Shopping Serving the Finest Foods Center - In Arcade 225·227 S. Hanover Street At The Pizza· Sandwiches Hours: Mon. - Wed. 9 - 6 Platters Thurs .. Sat. 9 - 9 DOUG RHOTEN, Prop. Baltimore~ Maryland STUDENTS WELCOME Phone TIlden 8-3620 Phi Alph Open Party The POULTRY - MEATS ENGAGE-ABLES FROSTED FOODS go for February 5, 1966 I.ECKRON KE>E>P-Sa.KE>· ELDERSBURG GULF SERVICE RADIO W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. - AMERIGAN RCA VICTOR W('stminster. Md. DUMONT - EMERSON TOURI STER Fast Radio Service TT 8-6929 TI8-9876 185 E. Main -Road TI8·3066 LUGGAGE Eldersburg Shopping Center (W,li_ 795·0210 Service Each Keepsake setting is AS BRIGHT AND a masterpiece of design, re- WHAT'S NEW IN THE BOOKSTORE??? flecting the full brilliance and beauty of the center dia- CHRISTMAS IS THE BIG NEWS, OF COURSE!! First of all- EASY·TO-TAI
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