Page 23 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Nov. 19, 1965 The Golden Age ;i~n~,~ ~~"~ni,~~';:~n:~:llg~~;n~ 'Bitch-In On The Mutiversity' to go to Hell Just like you're doo,(.c~~:reue~o~ro~e~:g~e:~'in; ~~I~i~~I~l~n~y~~ ~~n~:l~'iS~~~U: ~hat:s this? ,Anothe~' lar~e bared student can sound D.ff-in Johnny's grubby little hands is your tight little mind or else umv:rslt y prote~t.s .agalnst 1~-1"good taste"-for five nunutas loose from the latest installment that guy tacked onto that cross self. Yes. Now It IS the um-I on his gripes. of the PlayboyPhilosophy. It's up there (You see it, chile? It's versity of Colorado at Boulder ~ ~ h.el:e now In. living- c?iol': fuil, about a mile above that cloud that is calling attention to its living, retching, pukm¥ colo;" over there, the one that's all festering sores. At about this I ENDICOTI OPEN AN ACCOUNT ~~Ud::~l;~~ t~~:;::b~~!~~~at~\:~~ry~~~~~~d~~n~;b~~~w~~~~~ f:;e ~el~oC~lhre~e:.en~~;l ~~n~:~1 DAVID'S JEWELLERS ~~'~~~~et~: ~)Q~~:1~\OC1~~U~la~~=;~fi~~ :a~hc:o:~pa:~~te;~h~~n~~ ~~~tc~~lno~~h~h:c~~~t:~e~~i~~~ I JOHNSON 19 East Main Street When Tom Wolfe writes about finds that there's nobody up out what students think is! SHOE COMPANY Westminster, Maryland the West Coast "nudie a-go-go" there but him and Mother wrong with the university why I that is spawning the cult of Goose, he's gonna open up his and what can be done ab~ut it: I "the wonder- Breast," people mouth to scream, but it's gonna Each student will be given a mumble and belch and go back be a little too late. And then numbered IBM card as he enters: 10 W. Main Street ~a/'a!~~n!!c~~~i .:~~f~~~o:~s~ f:auc:o~~~adl~~I~~I!h~!\:~'ht~nll~e~ ~~~:~~~to~~umben~e i~illf~~ e~~j Westminster, Md. When Eequire wr~tes bltm~l'y they don't want to learn how to mutilate, do all manner of evil II Compliments of: ~:n: $li~~~ct~~: 1~1;:;anb~gs~~l~~;l~tf!:i~~c/o~~e:~~e~ll:Oo~~Ss~a:J ••,g~ai:·n'~t,::it~m:':':lic:i':U':IY~.~T:h,:..:n:um:-:__L::========:: GEIMAN'S FURNITURE breasts, people snicker and strangling those Methuselahlr" their ties and drive out to the babies who never die in infancy veterans' Day Parade at the you're gonna hear somebody XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING Dog Cemetery. laughing up on the fourth floor Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper All right, then-to He:l with sundcck of Happy House Senior Tom Wolfe and to Hell With Es- Sunshine Hom e. We'll be From Bound Material Or Single Sheets entre. But when Life starts laughing our toothless, senile Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates QUALITY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS s!ly~ng ~nd when Time starts heads off-Buster and Froggy, ~~~~n)gY~~'d(a~e~te~h~r~te~l;.e:~~ and Soupy, and Tom and MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. 1 So. Center Street, or Engler Road when Soupy Sales and Buster me. 257 E. Main St. Tel. 848·7155 Westminster, Md. LAUNDERING - DRYCLEANING - TAILORING Brown and Lloyd Thaxton SIGHT II' Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service stal'tl~~~~~~~~~,I~================~1 DAMN it YOU saying BF:TTER LISTEN, or it's all over now, Baby Blue. Service for Students in WMC Student Center Onl~l you know you ain't G. C. MURPHY CO. Phone 848.2848 Monday through Friday 85 W. Main SI. Westminster, Md. 21157 COMPLETE 9 :00 O'clock UnW 3:00 O'clock Daily Gifts for All Occasions V ARIETY STORE ANGELO'S NORCROSS CARDS ITALIAN DINING ROOM YOU?' Portrait Photoorcpher Main Street I ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD SORORITY MASCOTS Westminster Porterfield Studio of Photography COCKTAIL LOUNGE Hamilton House 77 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. Opposite Post Office BOWL Order Your CREPE PAPER. Always Insist on the Finest in Meats and Meat Products GOOD HEALTH With Ask fo;r TO ALL DECORATION and OPPORTUNITY Chief PARTY GOODS MYERS' from in A Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked Meats For a future with a well Pokomoke Frankfurt.ers and Cold Cuts REXALL DRUGS known Midwest Maim- Your Club Colors Made from Finest Meats facturtng Firm. We are SCHMITT'S now offering exclusive Tenpins at distributorships for a WM. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. patented product. No WESTMINSTER P. G. COFFMAN 1'18·8710 Russell Stover Candy competition. Factory, LANES Westminster, Md. trained personnel will as- Company in th~ Shoppin.g Center sist you in setting up a Students - Unhl 5:00 p.m. tried and proven adver- $1.053 Games Times Bldg. Sandwich tising and merchandising Including Shoes PATIO program. 100% mark Mon. _ Fri. 848·6570 Westminster, Md. THE CANDY BOX up. Investment guaran· SHOP teed. Minimum invest- Wesl Main St. 848-6860 ment $1,000. Maximum Featuring Slti,OOO. All replies con- Westminster 15e Hamburgers fidential. For informa· Thick Milk Shakes Pizzaa _ Subs tion write Director of Finest Homemade Candy French Fries - Shrimp Boats Marketing, P. O. Box Homemade Do·Nuts 14049, SL Louis, Mis- Salted Nuts Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches souri 63178. Mints Rt.. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 UNITED MARKETING KELLY'S SIEGMAN'S ~OMPANY TEXACO SERVICE 6828 Bartmer Avenue THE TIMES STATIONERY STORE Westminster Shopping St. Louis, Mo. 63130 HOME, SCHOOI~ and Center OFFICE SUPPLIES Westminstl'r. Maryland Westminster TI 8·3,160 47 E. !\fai.n SL 848·5553 TEXACO HAVOLINE EXCLUSIVE Westminster, Md. GASOLINE OIL FRANCHISE GENEHAL COMMERCIAL PRINTERS Amazing new liquid plastic coating used on all fypes of surfaces interior or exterior. Eliminates waxing when ap. plied on Asphalt Tile. Vinyl, 'I'hi)< ])llblic:llion is from Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Hard 'Vood, and Furniture. our presses Completely eliminates paint- ing whE'n applied to Wood, Metal, or Concrete surfaces. This finish is also recom- mended for boats and auto. IS OUR mobiles. Game gcYesbetter refreshed. Carroll Theatre Ana Coca-Cola gives you that big, bold taste. BUSINESS NO COMPETITION As these are exclusive for· Always just right, NOV. 17 . 19 mulas in demand by all busi- never too sweet _.. refreshes best. "WINTER nesses, industry and homes. Minimum investment - $300. A·GO·GO" Maximum investment - thing. go Welcome 10 Ihe $7,000. Investment is secured by inventory. Factory trained personnel will help set up WESTMINS your business. b~~th NOV. 21 - 23 For complete details aud de- scriptive literature write: "SABOTEUR" TRUST COMPANY CHEM-PLASTICS CQ).{e & PAINT CORP. NOV. 24 - 27 In Weatmina'el1 71 Eaa. Main-S,,:_;TJ"S ..9300 In Union Milisl Phone FI 6~711S 1828 Locust N~Toll charge from Baltimorel PhoneS76-2112 St. Louis 3, Mo. "BILLY" BDttIld undertll,luthorilyofThe COca-COlaCompanyby, M-ernber Federal Depoalt Insurance Corpcuatlan WESTMINSTER BOTTLING COMPANY
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