Page 25 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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wl1i ~nlb See , . ' ...~ C'T-'RteI'l' .~-. ."' .... Terrors Library jtar-vl.and CoLl.e ae Take On ~U!J Phi Alph Towson Ad p.6 p.3 t J Vol:;t. No,5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND December 3, 1965 Party Atmosphere Heralds "Blue Christmas" lepp, Smitll Produce Ploy; Trumpeters Hold Juniors Elect Hearn, Psaris; ~anta ~Iaus . (lloir Heralds YuleSeason Yearly Banquet Aloha Plans Centennial Format osts nnual This year, the annual Christ- Hooper, Trudi Omansky and B f D F t ~obe~t ,H,eal'll was elected this. B~ working with this Xmas Dance mas Vesper Service will be pro- Linda Sofonowski will assist e ore orm e e Editor-in-Chief of the 1[.o~u for year-s editor, Sandra CaIlRI,lder,,, . duced by the Dramatic Alt De- with costumes and properties 1966-67. J:Ie plans to .JnltJate a Bob plans to study the business Blue Christmas," the 1965 , partmcnt in collaboration with An offering will be taken nt Wednesday, Decembe,: 15, the new idea In Aloha editing next of planning a format, meeting Christmas Dance, is being pr-e- Dean Ira G_ Zepp. Dean Zepp the end of the program for the Trumpeters will present the year. Starting early in 1966 deadlines, and of organizing the sented by Alpha Gamma Tau will do readings which will be Wor-ld University Service. traditional Chrtstmas banquet, Bob will work closely with this many committees under him, on December 11, 1965, frcm illustrated by "Stained Glass The program will take place The theme will be "The Spirit year's staff to learn the prob- Theme Is Centennial 8:~0 pm to 12:00 pm. The Windows," conceived and di- Sunday, December 12 at 4:30 of Christmas," There will be lems of editi,ng a yearbook and 1966-67 will be the centennial PI'i.,1/CctfJ'llS, a ten-piece band, rected by Miss Esther Smith, pm in Alumni Hall, two meals served, one at 4 :45 hopes to gam experrence from year for Western Maryland and WhlC,hhas h~d engagements for B,ackground music will be pro- Carol Program Televised pm and one at 6 p,m. At t~e Bob hopes to work the format Baltunore high school and "col- WIll '69 EI t 0 I· . vided by the Collcge Singer-s The Carol Program will take 6 pm m~al, e,;tertalllmcnt, ec s un evy, of the Alohn around this theme, lege dances, WIll offer the fin- a~d a,brass quart:tte under the place on December 5 at 7:15 ?e ~ ~ro:lded oy the walter.'>, He has expressed hope of en- est In the ,?lodern rhythm and direction of Mr. Ohver Spangler, pm in Baker Memor-ial Chapel. There, wII.1 be selected .Chrlst- Plans For Future thusiaatic support from WMC's blues sty!e, \va"tle5se~, and the Trumpet~l's, Mrs. Joan ~, MacDonald will Under the direction of Projes- graduating class. , Tickets Are $2.50 be the organ\s~. _ SOl' de Long the choir will sing mas Ieadmgs ,~Ild ,~USI~" ,and Bob, a pollt.lcal science-edu- Tickets are on sale for $2.50 . 'Vorsh,lp Bervlee Christmas Carols from around ~~:~Is for ever ~ one S parttcipa- . The, f.l"~shm~n class started cation major from Willards, per couple and party dress w!ll ThiS new Idea changes the the world, Poland, Lapland, . . ~ts activIties WIth a, class meet~ Maryland, is presently serving be worn, The Bachelors will pro~ram ,to a C~ristmas wo~ship Austl'ia, and England are among Sunday Dress Requited. lllg on November 30:.w~en some as the SGA parliamentarian d~corate Blanche Ward Gym service. m whIch the audIence the countries which will be rep- The Tru;npeters are LOlllse of the planned actnvtles were and. serves as manager for the WIth outdoor snow scenes, will have a chance to partid- resented in song, The soloist Nelson, DIane Bennekamper, announced. The fl:eshmen offi- football team James Hook heads the gen- pa~he cast of characters in the ~:~.y r~~~~S' ;~i~1 ~~';:n~sta;:i ~i;ydaCo~~::~, ~~~c;u:f;;~~~~~, ~~1~~j\721\~,~~~t:h~;'x!~,u~:e~~~ Psaris Ser'ves as Manager :~~:C::i~te~Osm~;~te:n~~~ i~: wi?dows are: Abraham, Clayton the program will be Oliver K. F?llowing the ?anqu~t, a cem 4. Freshmen hope to be Th,e jUllior. ~Iass e!eeted Mi,ke dHection of Paul ~ehnke, tick- Leister; iBaac, Michael Robin- Spangler. Katherine \Vatson Chnstmas CommunIOn Will be able to sponsor an 'open party Psarls, a politlCal SCiencemajor e~ sales; Earl MIller, decora- son; Isaiah, Dennis Sisco; and Sharon Spangler will ac- held in Bakel' ~emori:,l Chapel. sometime in the futUre, from Baltimore, as Business tlon; Steven Blum, refres.h- lI1icah, John Balderson; lIfary, company the choir on flutes and Sunday dress IS l'eq·..nred. Dunlevy Elected V.!). Manager. He also plans to ~ents;. John Emens, pubhc- Suzanne Pratt; Angel. of the Barbara Schwartz will b~ the Dorm Party Entertains Girls David Dunlevy was elected work closely with this year's Ity; :rt~lch~elWard, tables; Ca:- AnnuncintiQn, Carolyn Seaman; percussionist, The annual McDaniel-Blanche freshman class vice-president A.lolla staff. Th~ new edit?rs 1'011 Ymglmg, clean-up; and ~1,1- Joseph, Thomas Stanton; Inn_ WBAL-TV has made a video- \Vard Dorm Pal.ty will be iteld in a run-off election completing plan to choose the))' staff during ~ha:1 .Sc,hlee" b,and. PatriCia keeper, William \Veaver; First tape of the choir program which on Thursday Decembet' 16 at the slate of officers, Dave, a pre- the coming summer, t' n rews IS. asslstl~g the decora- Shepherd, Gerald ~atters~)ll; will be broadcast at 10:00 pm 11 pm in ArcDaniel Lounge. n~ed major, is fl'om Pleasant.. ---- s:~ c;~;m~1t:e, affa~~ul;~e SP;I~'- ~~1~n/r~:i~;na~~'ov1¥~se~:ert~~~~ vII~heN~~s~~~s~~9plans to deco- Col. Anderson Earns ~fl~~ndT~~1~;h~~~p~a:.~~ ~har::~ g~~::~~~::~:~,.an~h~:O~r:gn:a:' Ja~e~, Lig~t~~r, ~~':th'~enner: ~~~~l~;::;~\~~7~~ C~\~~'=~~~~;~~~;d~:~~~r~ffr~~:'i~~~:~.s,~~:.~~ :~~ts, :~~h s;~it~n~fau~k~~~ll~~~ ;=!~io~~l~h~r2~~'i~~ll!s.\~;~if~~ Vietnamese Cross an ~sa:~a w~:iAr,~iv:lsPoon, e ~~~!~~d~i~~~t~an;:~~~hi~~;:;:' ~::~. collegcs and will last one ~~:;~mt~ntt~~1l o~t p;~~~'ed Rb ;~~~el:Y'thar~~:e~i~ss e:~~~ss~~ d~o~~te~iet~~m~:l. g~~~l:~nc~: ~I~uusr\~gSC~~~UI:~e;~!rri~~n~ Dons Chambers, Lynnis Jame- the sophomore gll'!s. some Christmas caroling and Anderson a former facult ~~me to lead. the .,hltch-hlke son,.Deborah Sturdevant, Karen The GOLD BUG staff apol_ On SUllday, December 12, thdlJIOld a SIIOW Carnival this member ~t \Vestel"n MarYlan~ j)n~, He WIll ~Illlg candy, ... Criss, Margaret Nauton, Donna ogizes Extra the copy has been McDaJ,iel girls will decorate season. Girls to Clean Dorms College for outstanding br~very c~ IC.~ ~~ta~h chips, ~retzels, h pictllreless for ~~;;~~J;:tb:'n::::n. and:~~;:,;;:;£:~i~~:::::v~~?E~:,:€il;~~~r.';:~;'~:l!~;;,~~~~I~£tf~::'~i~;~~ :~~:~P~::~~1~i~:d:~::1'::' G:l.h~:, p"'''. ;::~~:i;:i1~;~~2~~~;t~~~~1 Christ- heroic ~ervice and expert Thomas, Carolyn Hcnson, Nancy their tree with original ek,gues : h issue, tech~ an,,\~1 el o~, T~chlllcal dlrec~r, dOI~g the mmster and Philadelphia. loratm g then' tree boys' rooms fOI' a modest fee. . ,Y. . a rock and ~oll b~nd y and bg ~~~IT:~~1airt~~y ':I~~O~~~,.I~e~~~ B I 't' t cer~~~~~~ a~ t~~lo~~~:na~~~~~i :~!~s~h:r:ath~~ein:~r:~~ p:r~~ I.t "~ege ureDUInl 10es ~urvey Solomon is in charge of the ft'lA VDOY "0 II r. Corps Tactical Zone Headquar_ d' th" d b t . a / lighting, Linda Sullivan, Carol rj I D t~rs, locate? in the, central p~:~: to I:, ;~im%m, e:,~~g p~o~ Collel?e Bureau has . P~ayboy • • to serve in the nation's ~~~,~I:~d~o~l~an~~n:I~I~~~el~~I~ pie will be able to attend." gated dent-s and faculty members. MagaZine Editor ~:S~~U~~d.~p~~'il~~ OfS~II~~:t;~~ca~~~se~:·s:ot~u;'::~e ~O~:l":m~~f ~:'~~!:~~:I~S~n~V~,7t~ft;:i; g:~~ ~I~~~ea;::(;' go~~e::~de;'~~~ \~j~~ Cole Attends Music Cross C "DIgs" DI'ssent Through I~ network of student The results have been drawn crnment's policies. percent of With Gold Star .. The G,ovcrn- onfel'ence For WMC per- th,e VIetnamese Gallantry • (90 ~ent of students-82 representabves,. the bureau ':in- from the rcsponses of approxi- tends to prOVide a soull(llng mately 1100 students from all faculty) ment of the Repubhc of Vietnam G Id E C I ' Carey ~rcWilliams, editor of ~~:~'dOfo~i~:lmi~~sO;~~~~na~~i~~classes, ;gos, llnd backgrounds. Jndica~ive of the support 0: ~~~i~a\~e :~:il~~rtO\;~~ ~~dericaaf~ the e:usic 'de;a~t::.~;~:'m:enpr~~ :e~~,~~f;~1~~el;:g::in;1 :~~ ~i~ terest today,:' ~hc surve;rs re- ;Z~ti::C~ll~~id:ll~~~~;, ot~~(~~~~~:ti~~I,I~P~~~~c:o~'nt~ie~~~:l\ni:~ ticipat~! in ~h.e critical ;on- ::;!e~t \~I~:te;~I't~_~:~~an:n;uo~i Mo?day,. Dece;~ber 13, His flect the attitudes of both stu- cational fields, have pal'tici- the fact that 82 _percent of the ~~ ~~~~~~n;~lh~~~;De;a~o;I~~ M~eting of the National Associ_ tOPIC Will be The Need for - pa~e~1. ~t\1dents and 72 pel'Cent of thc t' h 'lte I . P, atlOn of Schools of Music, The Dissent in American Society," State Provides Aid boy sUI''',ey.area follows: faculty members agrecd that a lon~ toa.;e ~es,uth(,j,n tnUmel- general sessions were held at the on of the first Play- e results States in Chicago, the United I; llames~ Palmer Born in West· has an obli- ~~~e:~m~~~s :~ he House The. c_ountry's oldest. journal For W~fCStudents t ~ n~J~r;~y, of hU, oS. col.le~e gat.ion to provide acti".e military the land al~eas ~~v~in:~:~as~~ November 26 and 27, a ~;a~~m:~;, ce~~:lln%~tl~~ JC~:;~ Since,. Scptember 1, loans ~~u e~egoti~~~e \:t~I:~n~~~lc i:~ :~::~t~ncl~l~;etl~~!j~~i~l;n~f ~~~.~ Viet Cong influence, ' ::!~:~o~a:~~a~~~:Is s~~~~ Th6 Ncw York Tim.£s called the amountmg to $200,000 have Vietnam befo~e the end of thiS rlents-88 percent- and fa~ulty Serves as Advisor 1948, The NASM has been magazine contentious and icono- been made to l\Jaryland college year, the Umted S~ates should -83 percent- felt that use of Col. Anderson, who was pro- designated by the National Com- clastic and Ml". I1IcWilliams Te- students. through the new Mary- p~sh the war lIlto North non-toxic tear gas is justifiable fessor of military science at mission on Accrediting as the ferred to it as "unique, anomal- land HIgher Education Loan Vietnam. a.s a means of disabling the Western Maryland from 1960- responsible agency for the ac- ous and preposterous" when Corporation. The loans are An even l?rger percentage of Viet Cong without endangering 1964, is senior intelligence ad- creditation of all music degree discussing the 100th anniver- made to students enrolled in 50 students beheve we should ex- the lives of civilians visor to the :Vietnamese II curricula with specialization in sary colleges located IU 14 states, tend bombing raids to vital in Students, Faculty Re~pond COlpS HIS Wife Shirley and the fields of apphed mUSIC, The speaker was born m one to a student at '\esteln stallatlOns In HanOI .illd othel The Playboy College OpllllOll thcn daughtels ale now hVll1g musIc theolY, compOSition, musIc ColOlado and glUduated f10m Maryland College ~~~~~aml~:a~~~I:: o:~l~I:;:ve~; Slilvey IS based on lesponses III EI Paso, Texas therapy, and muslCology r:~;~r~~::::iU,:\:~~:~t~l:~'tu~~~:~:::~:~:'~;~~;;lil,;:~:~~:~~i~~~~::l~,~::hi:~~t;£y~: ;~Eo:;~:~;~?::tr~~f:~~~:~!:CAMPUS CALENDAR ~~ce;m~a:OI~~~~SI~~:~,~~h~;;I~ :~:c~'e~~J:n~~ ~~6~i::;I~~~~ ~~e~!~~le ~~I\Sev'~a~~~~ss~~~'l~~~;~~~~~::~en~~s,":~~n:I~;e b~:r~"Pe:~ December 3 - December 16 ~;;,tlO;\~7:e h~.~v~~:e~ng~~~Z~~~~dIP~;!e~tt~~~i~;a:n o:cC~.~~red ;~~~~\~~~~I~I ~:l/on(ined ~ 1~e::~~~s p~~'m~~l::;t p~~~l"e~tf Satu~~~t~;~:~~m::~s!n, 8:00 pm, Home ~~l~e ~~~W::l~;,~ ~~a~:J~ s~~~~ ~o:~:~e.are ehgible to apply for ~elie\'e in Oblig~tion ;~~e:t~Ct~~~ ~~el~~~~~~~:p~:~ SllndJa~,~eSc~~~~I~,5Gettysburg, Home ~;4~9;:,co::i~~ri:~so~~~~~::to: ca~h~e ~::;~~en~ i:n~lu~~Ot~:: sta~~~1etha~a~~e ~.~cc;~~sP~:~I~~~~~:;al~ii~~:lafie~::~e ~:~~et~e:! Ch~~~:a~f;:~~~!airogram, College Choir, 7:15 pm, year late~'.' an? assuming his year up to $15,000 over 'a period ~:~~~7st'~~~~~v:me~f~~n~iet:~II~ po~le,d, The survey, also reflects wedi:ss~itba~~c;~~~~I~n and Marshall, Away post ~sri~e~t~o~~r;;:!iany f: l;,,~r!~c~~:~':~;n;nu~~~ ~of~~; !r~t r~prel~entativb' ",on 11"in- ~~~?~~:~f~'Z~ils~~~np~~:s ~nas: Thursday, December 9 !'If M W'11' h d l ddt· "nl eSlma num er 0 r.o ege M'd SIS ' Holy Communion, 9:30, Baker Chapel m;n~'y,ea~'s,~~/~:\tua:y ?~v~O~_graS~uad~~~·Jl.lustBe Certified :~~denft:~UI~~e ~o~~~:l'Sst~do~r:~ ~~s;,est, outl, outhwest, and l"riday, December 10 troverSlal Issues. He IS the .To apply fO,r a Maryland estimated that they reflect the Analysis of returns on a re- Basketball, Baltimore, 8:00 pm, Home author of a ~o_zen b~oks, .half Hlgh~r Educabon Loan Cor- attitude of appl'~ximately 5 gional basis indicates a high Saturday, December J 1 of ,thcm on. Clltlcally I~poltan~ poratlOfl approved gran.t, the percent of the students on their degree of uniformity of opinion, Christmas Dance, 8:30 pm, Blanche Ward Gym SOCialq_uestlOns,:rothc~.s U7!deJ studen~ sho~ld cO,ntact hIS Col- campuses. The students and Noticeable exceptions occur on sun~~'~i~~~:~~:s~;r Service, 4:30 pm, Alumni Hall ~;;'sS~~dia~e~~~ e:~n~c l~iC;:r~~ ;:~f:e:'~i~;C~~le~;~d~~~e~t~~l~~ ;~~~lt-rhe~O\:~:~~~h:I~:tn;iy cl~~~ !:~id q~:I~~~~g l~~lit':~~oi~~~al~:~ Monday, December 13 !~~~~~a~al~n~e:ge!~a~l~~~klf~~ lI1~:;i~i;:~fmlr:;o~'~~~i~~an'on ]jeve that Americans are obli- ~~~~h ~7etn!~~;~l~~l~~a:~:~oi~~ f~r~s~~;:!~~~a~~~wlalr~~~o~~' :;~:~;u~~~ome Thc of the issne ~;':::1f~~~ed~a~~te~I~~:~~~I-~~~I; ~~~:r~~;:~ c;~n~~~~:r~~dfr~~ ':e~e~~o~U(l~ l~;~I.!o~.~tu~.;tZ: ;:~;~~::n~e~~~,~; ~~;~:n~~~:~! wed~~s~:[~~e~::I~:re~5 Dining Hall 1lext boo~s ,mclude. PrfJJudu;e, Fac- fi~er or from, the Maryland areas, 82 perccnt of students on Christmas Communion, Baker Memorial Chapel tones m the Fjeld, and III Fa?'es HI~her EducatIOn Loan Corpo- listed in "lVho's Who 111 southwestern campuses advo- Thur~d~y'CDccemb~r 16 !~~~hL::~~'!~:r~a~~;~'~~b~~a~~J ;.a:~~~',~t;ote G~i~~;d ~U;!~i~~ American Colleges and UlIi- ~:~~ ~~m~~:~e~~: ~~ly s~~t1~e~~~ B~s~et:~t~~~~~:~?Vi~mCe!~~r~r{~a~~, mechanized agTicultur~, Baltimore, Maryland. versifies." Don't 'miss it! campuses concur. L- __ c_;v_;'_c_'_nt_" __1
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