Page 21 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 21
THE GOLDEN AGE: Love, Man, Love from page (Continued 2) Lile, Deot", New Jesus Imoge an ireedom. when you think you are pigmy, undeserving with all boxed in. .t.,)othbr~sh ~i\'e ~·ears. ago would, you have ca;~~~t:;~::b;~a5W~~Ok~\~as:)Ya~ by Cwry Wolfson i,lIto.~the electr-ic th; W~~l~~'ot~;~i~m~a)~~~e!h~~:~;:1~1la{;~s~h~'a~n~;~~ke~O~~~: ~:~1"~ll.T~?~t1:~11~UZ;'~O~1~tae~;~~~11'~::'1,;~leU\~,~~~\th~U~p'~~~ ~tro~~~Sh!~rt~~~ettoNa~t fi;~~:~~~s\~~~~~1~£~:;~~~~~~Va:d~11~~r~~~:~~;!_~:;~~~l~~r~~~I~~~~:a~~, :;:~~uiti~~ y~~td~\~~~t,il~~, mg was be~onllng acccpte? as a scraped off the Asian earth of death' causes difficult prob- putting the hurt on ~'OU. He normal th~ng; nobody. U~P~I'- with an emory board. But the lems.")? Five years ago who'd ~vas s~lf-accc!)ted, self~actual- ~ent $::h~~ed z: w\~~:;~~t~::o~vndn~~tit~~.e~~:-;n;~i~~:n:;t. ~~.:~t;o~/P,G:~~h z: ~eet,; ~~:~~ed:n~e~~~~.e~!.~d~th!:~:r~~~ rlunkI~g along), all o.f a eud- Action. A golden age. Bob Dylan, "The Loved One"? never blew any of It---e\-en.whcn den t.hings bcgan poppme- ., Never happen. Back then we they began whipping nails to People stopped buvning their .~Il:e you noticed that yo~ I'C had Fail-Safe and 198.1, (good him .. And., although he i~ not draft cards and started burn- ~l"lnkmg more now but enjoy- horror stories-mainly because an "in" thmg, those who do not ing themselves. .S 0 m ~ ~ o.d y mg it less? Well, don't get you knew they could never hnp- heal' my word seem always to plugged the airccnditionlng bugged-so IS everyone else. pen) and Soupy Sales, lind Bus- be out of it. tel' Brown and Froggy {hivs., This word is for yon, man- hiya kids), and SUperman, and this word of Love. Captain Marvel, and then -there ~~~sC~I:~~~:C~e~~~~:r;~~~v~~;!~~ Wilson Reminisces·t,~O {~~~s c~;nr~~at~~:Pl~eb~ (Continued from page 2) hel'e?) ~~:~' :t~~lS.yo\V~:~n~ltav~ejl~~~~ When Mommy and Daddy done? Was there enough time told you that the SO-foot Mar- or were you bored? When you Ilnn with the ray-gun could go, what will you leave behind? never happen, you believed Have you helped anything? them. "It can't happen here!" Were you just 11 "do-goode»,' You believed them when they or were you a "go-getter"? Did told ~'Oll that a Illonstel' didn't ~'Otl accomplish your purpose really devour Cleveland. ,·It or did you have one? can't happen here!" You be- You Are Home ey ~~::d f,~~~m~vh~: a: di~~~ You wake up and find your- You t,1] H· hi· h ~::~I~o:a~~e ~~~:~t~m~IO~;\~ :~~ o\~'O~~~I~'~;~~vb~i~ll:t e~~~;: d-S·d I· ht I o.m 0. footbQl1. Color me. Victory. eo"ld do ",t. "Jt ",,·t I",p," und g'" '" q",kl". Ig Ig ts an I e Ig S ~================~lhCl"{,! 1'0\1 did believe them, people whllt J'OUhave don~:.. 1- -lidl:'t you? Didn't you?!! 1 ~;~~~dc~~I~',~~add~;'" th;~u ~~~i . . . "ELL, FORGET IT; BA~Y. them, "We had H trash pro- by Ed Lowry men fightlllg f?r positions. The Se1'ving You: It call ~~ppen kh:re'h B~av~ g1'1lm," 01' "We put up a basket- Football is 11 game of second first match Will be at Towson New (~~~;ti(n\~~u~n;~g;;)ae ~:~,I~at~~U;~,'~a't';'theJ' bl~;s~~~:I;,~~~r~r~~~1 t~!~:~s ~~~ea~v~! ~~ gl~c'D4~mf;iS;n,c~~1:s~ti~~e~~1~ Maryland Hotel 11,----------, don't really know. it felt like Blum's most tremendous in effort Steve State Teachers, * and Towson. vividly seen How .. * you tell them what in ELDERSBURG Supply Co., Inc. RADIO ~~i;;eo~~g:ft~ii~~~l:'ina:d d~,:..t~~ f~;·s;~\.;:d ~:ss D;;:~~I end on ga~i:~e!~ f~~'ethc~v~:oe~~:::t~:~ for • I;el'haps nevel' to be seen agam? athletic be obtained • • frOlll the It's Ill\Po~sible.. tickeets Jim King carned the defensive department. The Wasn't it worth It? Yes!!! lineman of the week awal·d the Towson game on December RCA VICTOR Good was done beeuuse an ef- while Gal'!.' Kulick and John 16 will be on sale after Thanks- 225·227 S. Hanover Street DUMONT - EMERSON rOl't w~s )l;ade. Forty-?ne ~ays Heritage were nallled offensive giving vacation and until De- Fast Radio Service out a lIfet1me. . a sho~t bme, linemen of the week. Coach eember 10. Tickets fol' the Wash- 185 E. Main but pa~ked full of ~Ieanmg .... Tones stated t.hat this wns one ington College game on Janu- Baltimore, Maryland TI 8·3066 not a t1ll1eof watcl~mg and talk- of Gary's finest performanc2' ary 6 have to be purchased be- ElderSburi9~~~~~~g Center ~.l;!ib~~ °s:~'v~!ed~~~~ . lear~i~~~ at offensive lackle. ~:~eC::i:~~~l~t ~~e:~i;;~rtL~~~ POULTRY - MEATS ~I~st~e"el' to be forgotten te~;~s ~;op~~~~I:~:i~t~:~d(~~t~ ~:~monbYthbo~;;,~!~hi~I~.~viecer.- was a 58 yard attempt) show" * • • FROSTED FOODS Cha'ries Lindsay's LECKRON that the team has not been This sports writer would like Coach Jones and moving into good field position to congratulate HOMESTEAD INN GULF SERVICE which would make the field his staff for a job well done. goal a more effective weapon Also I would like to congratu- 15 Washington Road I\". ~IAIN & PENNA. AVE. * .. .. late the telllll for an exeitin~ wrestling The 25 and well played season. has team Westminster Westminster, TI 8-9876 ,,~::::::::::::::=~===~;;;:; Md. Serving the Finest Foods rT !,_1i929 Pizza ;11!~:::iches Road FINE ENG~~I~:ONE Service DEPA RTMENT STORE HOYAL DOULTON STUDENTS WELCOME MINTON COFFMAN- AYNSLEY FISHER CO. SHELLEY HAIRCUTS IWl'C WTTR RHOTEN'S T. W. MATHER BARBER SHOP 11 E. ]\fain Street & SONS AM - FM Westminster Shopping Westminster, Md. 31-35 E. Main Street Center - In Arcade \Vestminster, HOllrs; Mon. _ Wed. 9 _ 6 WESTMINSTER Thurs. _ Sat. 9 - 9 DOUG HHOTEN, Prop. MARYLAND Phone TIlden 8·3620 STUDENTS: SHOW YOU CARE ENOUGH TO ATTEND THE VERY BEST· The switchables . SUPPORT THE TEAMS those marvelous wardrobe backboners. Here, a brushed pullover V'd with heavy stitching. 75% wool - 25% mohair in (yes!) switched·on colors, 32·40. 0/ Colonial Jewellers 8.00 Leggetts c w. MAIN STREET Westminster Shopping Center w M WESTMINSTER, MD.
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