Page 3 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 3
The Gold Bug, Oct. 9, 196~ t:l}) Stu'dents Derive National, Loca_l;.RecognitionForPuerto Rican Summer by Judy U11derwood The sacrifices that such a fam- entation for our work. The To see, but not to know ... ily had to make to have us ganization was rrelatively To observe, but not beeon-e a there we~'eso much greater than and welcomed help part ... To talk, 'but not redly the s.acl'lfices we l:._adto make ing children's communicate . To travel, but that It made us very humble. possibilities But our stay in Puerto Rico selves and was much more than an ex- To Serve As 80S team members we were not in Puerto Rico com- munities to pleasantly exist. One aim had .directed QUI' work and that of fifty other devoted s-tudents during the college I JI~~;;iI~~;.;..j~ -to serve. This we felt we could realistically and effective- ly do through the establishment go faster. of a n,ceded library; and this we ~h~t~;iV,~.~:~thht;I~P~~~Pl~Yt~lS~~i~a~lthl)!~;I~.elP,~~ tl~~eTc.~~:~ average traveller or tourist. a,nd encouraged th~ pa.rticipa- For such R person, Puerto Rico tion ,o,f th,e people m, our com- is not so different from other mum~les '" the setfing ,up tourist attractions. It is seen U~e h?I'RnCS, knowing thts w i in group work-swim- Although we went to Puerto and realistically these goals by the tourist as the Island of vital If each .communlty. was ming, physical education, ~::e~s~n~~~~t~~'!~~ti~~u~~~~~?~~ ;~~ePt~k~hepr\~~·a:~d ai~~~~S~~~ ~~~~ot~~o,~~:!!n~~asses. ~~~::7~gw~n~~~~~geoU:~~IV~~d:~~;:ael~toS~~cop:.~j!~: ~~~~~~J~li~ :~~~:~t~ea~:~c b:c~~e . in~~f~:~ ming pools and gorgeous bench- It. W~ recrult 7 d YOU;;gb?ys. to ties for service. Not only did standing in ways never expect- completed; and its success is in the world search for under- ~~icba~a~::d~a~~e;ery and his- ~~~ ~~f~i~~pa~~':IVae~;~~:~~~:~ ~~t :~~~Yco~~~~~~di~o~~el~;=:isOe~~Ed. As work closely with not accidental. During the past standing among people. To the eight members of the the te~chers and st?~ents, en- al Eng)ish classes and physical SOS field team, however, Puerto couragmg class VISits; and activities during the students' Rico became much more than a activity period. "touristy" Isle of Enchantment To Learn by Diawne Briggs -it became our home! During our six week stay in two small Under new leadership and Puerto Rican communities, we loaded with new ideas this year. were afforded the cppm-turrity the Student Government shall egain attempt to take the helm not only "to observe," but also "to become a part" of the of campus life. The big word . is simplicity·-simplici- Puerto Rican culture. By living with Puerto Rican . executing, and families that ranged in socio- through with our economic status from the lower Work has already to the upper class, 'we were able this big simplification to gain much insight into the area of lost anti sociological aspects of their economy, community develop- ment, and group relationships. Puerto Rican 'Ve traded the tourist's plush vantage of new ~~!~~si~n~'h~;:h:o~~ub:f ~o: a~ helped t? organize Dean Zepp Sees Civil Rights Groups In Action; i~n;e~a:i~;~d c~~~k~~~h:; ~~i:~ ~~~n:nuvn~~~O~~toa and where we learned to live rrritbee to carryon the ells of peep South's Problems and Prej~dices ~~~~~~tinth:hebe~~~~e~f ~~~n\~,! te~v\:e\~:~:. fortunate \yel"e living in a 'home-not a from our main 'Phis summer, four CIvil snys that the cnurch has no rIO thiS, they must haH~ educatIOn mere house, hotel, room, or each of us was Rights groups banded together Jatlqn to the state, and should und a chan.-:e to practice then pl~ce. To us, .the plivilege of out into areas .. We had ill 1\hSSISSlpPIto take on two pot be dIctated to by It, thiS l~ vocatIon WIthout dlscrmlln~~Hm bemg accepted mto sue~ a home close a~soCiahon the summer projects The/" four Ihe confOlmlst Idea Fmally, To a great extent, he says, The not claimed wlthm two weeks ~ar sm'passed any m~onve~- YM~~ m our l"espect~ve co~- groupS were CORE, NAACP, lh.ere IS the Middle Way. Th~se North IS usmg ~he South as a Scheduling: All scheduling of lences that accompamed It. mumties and thus I'ecelved OIl- SNCC (Student's ~on-violent ~11H"jstersfeel that segrE'gatlOn scapegoa.t ~~r Its own covert campus events has been author- Coordinating CommIttee), ~nd IS, and. they want even- ~egregatIon. He also feels ized to the SGA also. Any or- ~~~~rshi~Sou6~~~~il).Chr~~1~~ ~~:lls t~:;g;~~iOi~' t~e~~st ~~i~~;~~~t~r~~!~ac~tto i~:q~~~ ;~n~z:et!~nm~e:t~~f ~~t S~h~~~~ dual purposeS were voter regis- tude, because the Mar.tyrs wh(, tlOn IS the legal o?e. Too many in the SGA office and will be 5 ;'~l~!~do:d 1hc~~~i:.~lis11*~:sO! ~~~ ~~r~~~~g:rutinofat~~~:ec~~r~~ ~~~~~eIO:e~:~~n %:Yonfyn~va~ai~ ~~!!~e~IO~s;~:~ 1o~~ss~~let~~ schools were __petup to upgrade anythmg, but the. one .'~ho dp-segregate I~ ~'hl(l~lgh Justice. month notice is urged from all edu<:ationa\ level of ~he. t:do"t3 a lc~~ aggl'es~l~e posItIon He puts, a dlshnctJ?n organizations; in fact, a semes- them WIth can help hl~ <:hurch III the fu- des~greg"'-tlOn Iln~ .~nteglUtlOn, ter's list of all planned events ~~:;'te~OU~~~~~~;:~ tUT\ack of Underst:mding ;~~i'~;~?~~J~~~~~lgal~l~~1c:~iO~~ !~~:~~~h f~;::e w~~~~o~~f!~~ . mainly from the North Dean Zepp, who has some but. It IS o~ly the people the.m- scheduling (the major exception . West who spent their su.m- ".ery id 7 us on the que2- ~eh:es,. ~o~IVate.d by love, '''ho to these scheduling proce'dures therc ?n thc project, WhlCh bon of fJlvil RIghts, feels th"t can tlul~ lllteglUte. the fraternities, who will ~~~i~~~lffig:~~Ci~n~t~~~:c~e~~e ~1~~:~~o~h~~J:I~I~~~~d~~e;~:r~;; ATTENTION thr°:O~~d;~~::~'i;;;h!~~ Dean Ira G. Zepp, who went two SIdes. Northerners oftC'r. to Jackson this summer, ob- fail to recognize the fact thht how group participation makes ~e~:e~n!h:~er~~~~jt~~.tsN~ngr~:~o~~~eCh~l~gl;n~la~s,b~~ner~~~~.~~dn~~ ;,;;;;;;;;;================ ~:tet\\~OeS:~~~i~~asc~::~!~rel~~: :~~!~~edo~e~~r;~~~ a ~~p;~S~~I! they did register, they faced want S chance to be decent citi- zens and to m<
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