Page 7 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 12, 1962 3 Magazine To Oller (ash, NY Trip,Job Open Letter To Twenty Talented (ollege Students ing, the problem casing on this campus of .Twenty st?dents will ~ons for choosing your dream Entries must be no larger dent writing. Due to finances, ::~d G~e:!thE~~~~i~I:S i~a1l1:}= lob.g. Answer questions ~, 7, or ~~~~Je~s~ac~ ~la~:e~~~ :::o~~ ~~~~~:i~~:t~;e~~::~tl~~ t~~ If bUh.Ulet1J JfYMll by Carolyn Conkli'ttf/ My roommate calls her Hag- ~:!I~~p~~:n~r~orOf~iC;:~~ ;ra;v~:~drawings or photo- ~ay e~:rYUs:ig~ith . ~~~ni~:;\o T~:~~!Or~:p;:~e~~or Be:o~uflaesa;o~ ~earty mar-a name of' questionable manent job with Mllc. Ten 10. Design and write an in- Include a separate publications in order to eneour- ~~rr,~m~ chances out connotation derived from her will win Honorable Mentions of formative booklet which a lIR- name, college, creative writing. These 1 IS "fh ~~c,~burn. fervent and intense desire to $25 and consideration for jobs. tional advertiser might diatrib- year, and . will be issued as rna. ?ne on h a III prevent us, her fellow house dwellers, from appearing be-- :~~li~~!~a~~tr~~.l be paid for ut~l~oCc~~~~~e~!~d~~~ion item t::~'job a~to cha~~~ ~~h~;e ~:SSt~f her in official capacity. steadfastly her The twenty-fifth ann u a I and select ten unusual fabrics college S'?,',nt'l positk m, maintains eon- group of Guest Editors 'will to give the item ten different addresses of town against pretty travel to New York in June to identities. newspapers. that hair- work with the regular staff in 12. Write a. critique of either All entries will be judged editing the August, 1963, issue. ~he July, 1961, or July, 1962, the Mue. editors on the basis The competition consists of Issues of Mlle. dear thinking, three steps. The first assign- 13. Write a travel feature special talents. ment is due November 30, 1962; describing a five-day trip. of .the College the second, completed only if 14. Plan and write copy for tion' judges will be final. tbe first selection is accepted, a series of twelve one-page ad- If requested, any entry, is due February lEi, 1963; the vertisements. companied by a stamped third, submitted after accept- 15. Redesign the layouts of self-addressed envelope, will ance of step two, is due April five pages from the editorial returned, I, 1963. sections of any 1962 issues of Send ali entries to: If interested, select from the lIflle. College Board Competition following list the topic that 16. Prepare a booklet ex- Mademoiselle best exhibits your abilties and plaining how to work with a 420 Lexington Avenue submit for assignment one: College Board. New York 17, New York 1. The major concern of to- 17. Hlustrate any story or ===,.",;:";";";",.::,:,;::"",,,!,==,,;,,,;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,;:::::;= ~!t~oJo~~e~~lv7~;~~ and their ~:;i~~e Mlle. dur- - Sick, Sick, Sick ;- 2. Plan and design a 40- 18. Write a review of a cur- by Dorothy Beck pound travel wardrobe. rent movie, When 8'!mny days allured us, 3. Plan a store promotion to 19. Describe in detail an And we doffed our coats in glee, sell a 40·pound wardrobe to a ideal party you have given or Our sneezinu 800m a8sured us, college student. would like to give. Infirm we soon would be. 4. Analyze you r college 20. Plan a fashion feature of lVe trekked. to Mrs. Stoner newspaper. ten fashions that are important And joined the endless Iine; 5, Report on an exciting at your school. To corzeee our pil/.8' and -nasedrope planned event. Eligibility is determined by And gargle glasses of britw. per~~n~fi~sean: gi~ent;:~o~~?- th~. f;~~\V:!t f;:t~r~~oman UIi- f~~=soo~;~~n;~:rlOU~:erted; sons for wanting to meet hi~ dergraduate of an accredited The rest all had kL'Y'yngitis, or ~~rEXPlain the differences CO~~g;o~r~~~io~o~o~:g;~aduat. And geT11UJflew about in the crowd. between 1962 college s,tudents ing before May, 1963. , But lest thi$ story be somber, lines I can pen: Hopeful and those of past years. 3. You must be able to work ~~!.n~~~~/:!U~ :ce;~~~in. 8. D~scribe and give rea- in New York by June, 1963. Reflections of Telstar Remember the picture above? [t flashed across your success that glowed brightly on the faces of all who television screen on. a h?t. night/ last Ju[y., Perhaps shared in the project. you remember that It originated from France. And Their engineering, administrative and operations that it reached the U. S. via Telstar, the world's first skills created Telstar and are bringing its benefits private enterprise communications satellite. down out of the clouds to your living room. Since that summer night, the Bell System's Telstar These Bell System people, through their talented/ has relayed electronic signals of many types-tele· dedicated efforts, make your phone service still better, vision broadcasts, telephone calls, news photographs, more economical, and more useful. and others. The reflections of Telstar are many. But there's one Telstar reffection' you might have missed. look into the faces of the Bell System people below and you'll see it. It is the reflection of Telstar's ® Bell Telephone Companies Girls' Sports news comes this will be October 16 at 5 :15 pm from the WAA and the in Memorial Hall 307. Mem- Alexan- bership is open to all women Women's students, and it is hoped that , 'an· more girls will participate this meeting year than in the past. Physi· I,--------, :~ia~~u~~~:~ t:;!~:S a~r~t!:= Visit the est in the organization. Girls hockey manager, Shar. AVENUE on Fischer, is "optimistic" about the coming season and BARBERSHOP hopes that women Iltudents will be eager to participate in the ~=======::;intramural program. Attend. r a:nce at four practices, which are held every day on the hockey field at 4:30, are neces- J. C. PENNEY CO. :~~ !~~~:~s~~u~:~~sa~~:p:~ 56 West Main St. selected next week. NOW THREE WAYS PATRONIZE TO SHOP OUR Layaway - Cash or Charge ADVERTISERS
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