Page 3 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 3
Miss ElizabethSimkins '.-:.M.fJ_ ·re]J;;5tyo;~ Respetts- Tradition is a word that most \Vestern Marylanders take very THE GOLD BUG lightly; but respect is a word that they treat with more serious; ness. In the case of Assembly dismissal a tradition grew out of respect; respect for scholastic standing in the form of classes, In ~!~;~C~;~~~h~rr ~b;;:;!; at~~::lu!~n;Sins~:~7c~ht~~I'V"'o-"L-47:0-,"'N:-o.--:2:-------"W"'E"'S=TE"'R CC Nc-;MC;A"R"'Yc-LA"N"D-C;oO"'LL::-E=G"'E-, W=E=ST"'M"""'NS=T=E=R,c-;MC;A"."'Yc-LA:-N"D:----"O"ct-,ob:-e-r-;:5-, =10"60:2 and~~::~,a;~r::va;IYAI~~n~~';;l~~~~:~~:t~';'t';:,~d:;;;t':~: V.enrBe,n:..r Earhart Re·.gnsOv/er Hornec·orn·.ng· can honor the class above them. underclassmen l~tl·t,LAWiwr.l'S G ~~;,:~:~hr~:;:~n~,:h~;::::;;~'~':;!bil;'~Ji~ml~:ati~:~:I:::::;:' I u. :J"'" P d B II H' hi' ht D , to be reminded to be rrJ II fkain from leaving before their class' turn to leave. u. U~ arne ara e a Ig.g ay Is it necessary for coJlege students ~:~::::'U~";l~~d;:'~~~~t~:n;,p~~~:i~h~~!~~~"n~~tu"~YJt''fi~:::;;n,:::;t'~~~f;l,~;' , , , * F..,.L r.l·t sixth session with the annual Barbara Earhart, a biology- hails from District i Preder- and plans to major in art Fall Tuesday, education from major Convocation, - l tleTS .0 ."e ~'" 0,-- ;:f~:~~:;:~de~~s :a~~nfac~~ ~~ekal~II~.~i~ne~~!u~~I~O~o~~~~~:!~:e~at:~s·da~~~·~~n~nds\~as e Cultural Coordinator provide tickets to those inter- ty, Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, Prest- Barbara was a ROTC sponsor active in high school and com- To the Editor: ested well in advance, and per- dent, introduced to the student in her freshman year and a munity dance groups. The recent rise of folk music haps, at reduced rates, I know body the faculty members who May Day attendant in her Homecoming 1962 will on this campus brings to the of few people who would pass are new to our campus this sophomore and junior years. into swing next Friday, fore the fact that many up their favorite entertainment year. She is a Trumpeter and has ber 12, featuring a pep rally WMC'ers aren't purely rock 'n' if it were convenient to them. Dr. William R. Riding-ton served her class as vlce-presi- and bonfire under the direction rollers and do have broader in- This group would make your presented several merit awards dent for three years. This of Carolyn Webster .• After a terests in entertainment. Many favorites accessible. to various recipients from the year she was chairman of the parade through Westminster, students do enjoy rock 'n' roll. Richie Klitzberg faculty and student body. Freshman Advisory Council the cheerleaders and porn-porn ~~~~;el~s th:~~·:~jOyal~~~~~~~ Assembly Traditio~ S~uhdeent~i:ece~:~e:ChOi;:~~i~:1 :~d ~~: ~~o~el~Oa~ am~~~:~ea!f giJ~~ft~~~o~~a~c~~:iS:~;:!~~. nies, folk tunes, jazz or foreign To the Editor: / Book Award, made annually by Phi Alpha Mu and 'I'rt-Beja. The annual Homecoming pa- enter-tainer-s. Some, and this Every school year there the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity, Senior attendant, Judith Cal- rade wilJ begin at 1 pm Satur- includes the faculty, in part, seems to be a problem in our was presented this year to lahan, hails from Sparrows day, featuring the queen and l'm sure, enjoy nothing more maintaining the tradition of ~enedict Laurence. The aw~rd Point. M.ajo.rin~ in biology, her court, the v.:-estern Mary- than a good,lecture on an en- classes leaving after assem- IS made to an outstandlllg she was JUJJl')r auchess on the land Band, majorettes, porn jO~'able topic of interest. blies. I feel somewhat obli- s?phomore athlete who, during May Court last year. Judy is pom girls, the Honor Guard, We here at WMC are not af- gated to write this letter about hLs freshman year, stood aca- an Argonaut, member of Phi and floats from the classes, so- forded frequent attractions that the problem because of the demically among the top four Alpha Mu, and Tri-Beta. rorities, fraternities, and other I please all. Many of us com- many remarks that have been varsity letter winners of his Lois Chilcoat has been chos- groups. plain about the assembly speak- made to me personally. class. en as the junior attendant. The Western Maryland " crs or the calibre of show we do The tradition of seniors, jun- The HarL'y Clary Jones She is an English-sociology Green Terrors will meet Hamp- ':':'".:,'::C C,.,':::::,,'·:: sponsor. In view of the fact iors, sophomores, and freshmen Scholarship, awarded each year major from Rockdale. Lois is den-Sydney on Hoffa field at that this campus is ~Iocated leaving assemblies in this order to one or two students at the a member of Phi Alpha !'.-Iu. 1;30, with an annual- half-time near two metropolitan centers, is not forgotten by the student beginning of their senior year Sophomore attendant will be show in which the queen will by Alpha Gamma Tau, which aside from several of the East's body every year, I don't believe, for proficiency in chemistry Judith Jones. Judy served as present Mrs. Ensor with her will be in Gill Gymnasium. finest colleges, I would like to but instead is overlooked with or physics, was presented to freshman attendant on the bouquet of flowers. After the Semi-formal drcss is appro- propose t.he formation of an or- the feeling that no one will Ha~vey Weiskittel, a physics Homecoming Court and fresh- game the ISC will hold a tea for priate for the non-corsagc organization. The sole purpose really mind. I think one of the maJO:, and J.oseph Downey, a man duchess on the May Day the court. Open house will dance, which will be from 8:30- of this would be to coordinate primary reasons behind the chemIstry major. court. An English major from take place in the clubrooms 12 pm. this campus' cultural activities tradition is to show respect for Outstanding Student Baltimore, she - sings in the and 90rms during th~ after- Dance In Miller Manner with neighboring colleges anrl the class or classes above you. and Teacher choir and is a member of Sig- noon. Miss l"IIassachusetts will be the many entertainment centers For this reason alone, members Nancy Ann Mengel was the rna Sigma Tau. The highlight of the added attraction as guest ill Baltimore and Washington. of the classes and some mem- recipient of the Felix Wood- Carolynn Akagi will serve end will be the· I with the renowned This group would find out bers of the administration be- bridge Morley Memorial as freshman attendant. She Homecoming dance, of Ft·ed Perry. and inform those interested, of come irritated at the abuse of Award. This award is made . favorites will be any speaker or entertainment this tradition. Spe,!lking on annually to that member of the the musical rendi- ~~ in::~~:~tto ~~e/;CUlt~e~;r~ ~~~~~ lffe t~oea~~n~~~;~~~s're~ ~:~;i~anju:l~~~dw~~m~:~o:o:; _ News Of The Week In Brief _ I be ~~:op~:c~;.a:~~gse!~~:e events are oft-times advertised spect for this tradition. the college community. Estab- Heading the committees for in the local papers, but this 0:>:- Thank you. lished in 1952 by Mr. and Mrs. Social Sciencers, Hark ant city editor of the Los the week-end are; Mara Dllson eanization would be pre-in- Dave Humphrey Felix Morley. the award is in Pi Gamma Mu, the National geles City News Service, and David Drobis, co-chair- formed and therefore able _ to President, Senior Class memory of their son, who was Socia! Science Honor Society, is a~ a reporte~ on the San Fran- men; Eugene Willis, publici- parade at the College dur- now members. ct.Sco Chromcle. . a freshman Allen Jones, new marshal; accepting ,. II "~I..r r..1. ~~~2.the academic year, 1951- ~:~~e::~pal~~edel~~~~~y ifse~ee~~ lR~ro~~~,:s be!~r ort~~iZ!Jea~'; ~;rb[l~~bel~:tsc~~~~' h~fi\~t~~~~ t.ollene rrlt ~CODSrOCUlt"· The Distinguished Teaching tel' hours in the four social sci~ Co-chairmen Carol!n Ho~cker entertainment; Helen Holmes, II :I' Joercs, r,•. .1 II. • t l'AlA./.· Awal>d, presented annually by ences---economics, political sci- and Ben Greene WIth the help invitations; judging; Dagmar Frederick and t~e BaltiJ~lOre Alumnae of the ence, history, .or. Price; display sociology- of faculty advisor _rID"S rllTIe y VI uVISOrS Sigma ~Igma Tau Sorority, with a grade averpge of "B" or permanent officers wli.l be elect- Wooden and Denny Kephart, went thIS year to DI·. Jean higher. Among the projects ed at the second meetmg .. Also tractors. by Ill-Advi.9cd sort of thing. 11(.'1also nice to Kerschner, of the biology de- underway for this year is the planned are talks on Ind!a, the ========= One of the first questions be able to take whatever you partment. The sorority makes binding and cataloging of out- Common J',fa~ket, and Chma, ~s confronting a newly-arrived darn please. the award to commend a facul- standing honors papers in the weB. as movies and panel dlS- Juniors Sponsor freshman on the Hill is, "Who's Finally, there is the coopera- ty member fo.r excellence in the social sciences. CUSSlons. your advisor?'" It is a rare tive soul who not only lets'his field of teachlllg. Officers. elected fo~ 1962-6.3 --,,----: Day ForParents freshman who knows, and an advisees decide what they ~L B are Leshe Alperstem, Grants Provide ~::~;y ~~ I~~;~~o~.h~~e:he~a~~~; ~~:n e~:nwi\~~ea~~e~. schedul~ liorotuy eel( ~~~Si~i:~\~~S~d~~~er;e~!~~;h~:~ de!i~r~~I~a~a~~Oa~meilcan stu- ItST~~I~J~l':ll o!~:~Z o?~~! even rarer one who knows want the advisor to teach them n .1_ dent; Jackson Day, 1st Vice Foreign Study d d . I h f al~~~~ Edits Contrast t t d . b h· . p. student body, Saturday, Octo- a~~r;ors ~~tt~~:w~~tT~ t~~~i;y 8:;;~8eTh;:;~~nBll;U:; ;:~::a ~tu ::;'~~J;r~o~ta~~ on~ ~~r!~rsue fo;t~~S! u bel' 20, as the junior class spon- matters a bit, the major types the ji1·st 10 acknowledge the . . 01 these persons. . ~~~. th:r.~c~!~~elan.n~~n:eal"c~~;~ ar;. d~sc~~bed~elo~: ~. fi",!c job done by the facu~y Ead- th~O~~;~Jon B~~; e~~~I~r_i~:~~~~~ Candles To Be Made from 9-10 am for regis- exp~~~ wh:r:v;i~s t;e ~a~~~n~ V1.8ors. . .B. of "~ontl"ast" after l';o years A demonstration on candle Hays of allE::~~or\~'ill deliver valuable man-hours by h~nding as l!ter~ry e~ltor;_ She has making will be held, Monday r 0 u n d - t rip· at Alumni Hall at a1- 0 R· ~:: :~;~se:: t~e~~m:;:ie~eS:t~~~~ Volkov To Speak ~.~~~!a~~~nc~;nt~l;~t~~ihal~~ep~~=~~e~~:~tm~~~~~;rS8ho~~i~~30C~::~!~nst.enance, tuition. and then magnanimously French n ussla VS. US ~~bly the format of the maga- tel" meeting room. The application forms lows the'!l to. substitu~· '. lit 1" r ·ntere t en- Edith Christensen, a Co-op quire considerable time to . ~~~t.Russlan If there IS no con- "Russia and the .Uni~? c?m~a~:e~ a. eV:l"~t~ of .~ctiVi- f:~: ~~i~J~~as:~ ~~~~ ;~.~ RSi~~~~~on~e. Somewhat related to the first We Do Busmess. tIes, ~s she IS feature edItor of hand to show the actual process Memorial Hall, as ~~~e~~s~heindtee~~!~Vh~w~l~s ~il~ ~v~~,b~o~:!~us:~~i~: ~~?t:rV~i ~~\~~?J~~iO~UF~l~~~S~~O-j~~fo~~?:hi~~u~l:gGI:~~~~I~ ~,~~ i~~ :~bl;o;~SO~lt~~rbe ch:rges whtt th~rre tgoing to ~:~~:e~: A%a!~~lnriall,asMO~=~i~t!: ~:pph~S~~:~I~t/f De~ta di~~:nie~~~;:rac~~~I~~. open to Novembe_'_l_. _ ta e-;;ar e ;e. . IS y~~ c~n day, October 8, during the reg- Bruce Drenmng, a semor anyone interested in learning County Sponsors Vaccine ~~~~g~r;:;s t~e cI:~~~dv:I~ car~ ular assembly period. ~~.~~e~~tof c~~~~naUe~ai~n~~eTcaa~how to ;nake. these beautiful Through a program >urreptitiously (there is a rea- Mr. Volkov, born in Moscow, . Yf b . conversatIOn-piece candles. sored by the Carroll son for doing it in pencil) /once will c~ver the ideolo~i~al, psy_ ~~~I\~g t~e ne~!lnpe:iti~a~;g:~~ ---- . l\-1e?icaJ Society, students football game on Hoffa Field !;~;~~out in the fresh air ~;:~fe~l.c~~th:n~itU:~~~c:~ wOe~i~~ta:O~h~~s~;:ssM~;~~:g~ay;~!~ DI-.P:~f:e:m ~~::;:t~r, as- :::~~r~Zt~heo!e;h;ab~~u~::1 ;;;Ul~~~~ A step away from these two as ~omtu'g .ou.t reasons for "Contrast's" subscription cam- sociate professor of music, will vacc]]"~efree or for a nommal half-time our pompom _ girls / ~!illth:ea~~:if~~v;e~!le:;;:naf~ve~~ ~auust~~au;ec:~~:~~mtrou~~:~ a~~ ~v~~~naWi~ys~:~li;ticOc~~~:~t:r~~r~·e.~~~~~ip~:~~ r~e~;a~:f:i:!~ do~~~o~~st .dose is av~ilable at ~~~r ~~~js~rt~iJt~i:vi\~~ell~~~~i~: noon _to plan every subject Red Chma. canvass at 5 pm. ance will begin at 8:15 pm. the Westmmster Jumor lined routines with the accom- you're going to take, and what . A cons~nt student of Rus- Carolyn Hoecker, a senior Her program will include: School Sunday, October 7 of the band. The period you're going to take it, sIan affatrs, Mr. Volkov has Delt and former member of the Sonattl, Op. V, Johann Sebas- 14, 12 noon. to 4 pm. T~e comes when the for the next four years. served as ~ consultant to sev- literary staff, succeeds to the tian Bach; Sonata, Op. 101, ond dose WIll be offered III chalJenges the Next we have the enthusiast eral agencIes of the US Gov- position of literary editor. Beethoven; Et1ldc de Concert, vember. class to a tradition- who exuberantly urges you to ernment, including the State The llew editor has desig- f "Il1_inOT, Liszt; La. Campanerla, Thof!e l!n_der 21 yearf! of take 18 hours (20 for honor Department and the Depart- nated Theodore Pokorny as the Paganini-Liszt; and Sonata l~USt obtam rxurental ~ •.m;•. I···'::.'O the day visitors visit the dorms :!~d~:t~) d~ec:o'::' :~~kli~oer~ :uet~~r of o~ef~~~:·raIHe a;;ic:~s~ :~r~~i;::'~i~;S!o~~~/~!~~: e!~ jl.Jf:~i~~~~~t~is invited to the ~::.~01~ 1~~160C~~:~~~ M"",,wna,I "lubm,"". and sorority change!" StOl·.I~S,and thre~ plays. In cution of a cover, and any art redtal, for which there is no ~hots .Wlll recewe Then there's the cynic who a~dtbon .to ~ll:vmg traveled used in the magazine. Ted, a charge. 1~11J.!mtt1l. lr~ln the , of the junior class ~ae~t:_i~~f~~~~~ w:~~ rde:;!~t ~~~~s ~~Vlt~e ~~~o~: :;co::;!~ t~~:'~r~t~r~7t~~r of Pi Alpha IRe Meets ~~~' :~~~ Bj~I~~ inRe~~~rg;l"eoS~de~t~ mental ones that he established. n.led .Premler Khrushchev on Sophomore Dollie Ann Ray- The International Relations whwh cause 110. I supervise the buffet lunch- Other than his pet peeves, hIS tnp around the country. field will assume the responsi- Club' will enter its thirtieth A ,":oluntary eon; Helen Holmes, vice-presi- which!may keep you from grad- During World War II, as an bilities of copy editor, another year of activity on the Hill c,;nts IS.encouraged to help dent, has organized the half- uating if you're not careful, he officer in the 'Russian Air newly-created p03ition. She with a meeting on the Alliance dlspenslllg costs. time activities; Carole Richard- doesn't care much what ~'OUForce, Mr. Volkov flew eighty- and her staff will be charged for Progress, October 11, in the son, secretary, has planned the take. six bombing missions against with proofreading and typing Student Lounge. Speaker for Cheering Additions toffee Hour; Carole Davis, Also in this category are the the Germans and rose to the the material. the occasion wm be Mr. Mi- Carolyn 'Vebster, captain of SGA representative, is over- ;::~~~~~~~~h:a~SI~!\m~~~~! ~~~~fs~:~t1y Ofaft!~eu:~~a~~d ~~o~~~ fO~o:~ie e~i~!ri~\SOas~~:~anat,n:~~ ~~~r~ J6~c~~ne~~, t~ePu:::fa~!~ i~fIO~~i:e;le:::r~dd~t1~~~c:~ ~~: ~:~~:. Sr~~is;~;;~~~~~t~;:,P~!~ what the requirements are--or war the editor defected to the has selected sophomore Martha Mr. Connelly has worked as a squad: senior Barbara Ear- been wOI'king on publicity; who their advisees are. This West, and has lived in the Carhart for thi~ position. staff cOrl"espondent with the hart; junior Judy Firestone; William Penn, treasurer, has can be a wonderful experience United States since 1945. He Martha was active on the mag- United Press, as a publicist and freshmen Carol Jennings, devised an efficient method of in responsibility and all that became a citizen in 1954. azine her freshman year. with CBS Television, as assist- Joyce Neff, and Pat Thompson. parking cars.
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