Page 10 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 10
2 The Gold Bug, Oct. 19, 1962 Terrors Trip Tigers on Walter's Field Goal ne Editol".s' ~O~'tS ~®)_P)(!~ J. C. PENNEY CO. Fri. -Mon. Nick Adams Suzy Parker Stefanic Powers 56 West Main St. "THE INTERNS" COLONIAL DINING NOW THREE WAvs Patrieia R...,er ROOM COpy Readers Jeannie Hillman KEEPSAKE Naney Thorn ... TO SHOP & TYJ)inlf Editor _.__ Diana Pettill'rew 59 W. Main St. Typists: Naney Lngar, Barbara Mouat. ARTCARVED Jackie Elier, Honor Norton, Kathie RavelH, Maureen Hiekey, Nancy Layaway. Cash or Charge Recommended by Whitworth, NancY
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