Page 6 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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The Gold Bug! Oct. 12, 1962 . ·WELCOME ALUMNI· Four Campus Coeds Visit Europe; Spotlight SG~ nrlc um Some of you are returrring- aftC" many yeo", absence, '1 Exper."enceS mer of E "hment 62-63KICk-Oil hi1 others have been making the traditional fall pilgr image to your , !~~ah:~:t;~~%::;e:~~:e~~~r~rsi~::eY~~~eg::~~~~~n~iSi;So t~~~: Shows Al't,;~ Hill, the campus has changed very littJe from the last time you by Barba?'a C()()k Her main objectives were to she visited the theatres, and in • IV. saw it. If, however, it has been several years since you have The summer months of 19G2 improve her command of the Rome she visited the past. She by Dorothy Beck ~~~~:est~~o~: a~~~a~~~ec~~grounds, you will notice many vast' !~~n:et~~:; :::~~~~e:~~na~~~ ~~cfe:':~nd~~: o~a~t~ ap~; ~:c~~!en~~pe~:~:!ingto fr:~ The fi;st meeting of this In the past ten years, several new buildings have been con- people. of Europe. Two. went While in Paris, where she heat. ,~~~~~; n~~~;ve;~;ff ::oot~~~ structed, the faculty has received numerous additions, the cur- to their respective countries for spent a few weeks prior to her In retrospect, Pat eteted that ntroversy and' 1 gr _ ~~~U:ash:el~~~le rt~~s~:wa~~e~~~~e~1aS~!:;.t1YY::~~nep;~~~~;I; ~~e:'~~~~~=t,Ofa~~U~~~O~tpe~e~~~~~~es~~e ~~e: ~~d t~~a;:d ~~~a~:~ Nc~~:~~:snd~~t SC::ci ~~ng i~eas. severa "" notice the greatest change in the physical aspects of the college. hve With a family. "the traditional tourist," seeing that she would like to return President Jack Blackburn In 1955, Daniel MacLea Hall, located on the quadrangle across Carolyn Hoecker- spent three all the sights of Paris. there some day for study. stated that the book exchange from Albert Norman Ward Hail, was erected and now houses months traveling around ten She also spent a few weeks Roeder Lived in Germany, was a success-nearly 200 ~:~ ~~;fst~.~:~~ r;:~l~h~e~~~:n~fs:~~e~t~·atBt~~e~e!~~~~at~?I~~:~~ ~urs~~~e/~~~~;eSat~~e g~~t ~:ill!~~ r:di~~~:,ne~~ein f~::d Sandra ~oeder visited Ger- :::;: t~~rdO~I~~s.a~?I ~~iuS!~ campus area in 1958. versity of London. The ma- 28,000 other Americans at a many for nm~ week~ as a part $20 ~ p~ple who haven't com,e p When the class of '60 arrived back at campus in the fall of jority of her trip was spent in convention, so she traveled to ~fthe ~:rp.eflment m Interna- to pick It u. ,,,though, I can t Iv~~gos:~::a;:'beH:~ '59, Old Main was a thing of the past. The remaining parts of England where she was w~th Saint-Raphael near the Riveria p~~~Ple dP r· understan~ It, Jack puzzled. the building had been torn down during the summer giving way 140 students from 23 countries where she saw the French b ith f Library Hours to th;ho:~~r~:~~t~~:\~~! ~~i~h~:el';5~h~~:\he 'Win:low Student :;~~~~~~ at;;~n;i~~h ~e:s~~~yi~~twistingSt;!~~d '~~o;:u!:eling_" ~; f~~aO::'m~:~:' WI a a~- th~t~~ti~:YI6~n:1~:e~n~;~~~ Center, which attempted to house the offices and facilities once lecturers came from all over At the lm.titute in Tours she She traveled on the sam.e ShIP handles miscellaneous husi- found in Old Main. Many feel that even thought it is an archi- Engla:r:d, and she had the op- studied grammar and diction that. took Pe~ ZacharIas to ness) said th~t plans are afoot tectural improvement, "it just: isn't the same!" portufilty. to meet many modern and lived in a modern dormi- RUSS,ISalong Wl~ 1100 other to have the library ~pen Sun- who ~e~~\~~~~:~r:v'~i~l ~:i::;:~fo~~~tS~~~~I~~:~~d !'~t~:h~~~ !~1ter:.rt~sts, composers, and ~~:~ t~!t~o:';r~~e :~~ :~~;~~!:;d~~:e :;:~t ?:Y:rie~~ ~:e a~~~o;~:n:!~=;~:, s;~~~ tion of library moving day. Attended Festival ceived her certificate she re- tatlOn seSSIons on the cult~re fUrther utilization of that Monuments to the past are being erected to remind the In her lei~ure time she went turned to Paris. While there, and la!lguage of the respective building's ~cenent facilities classes to come of those who went before. There is the urn near sightseeing at Stratford, Cam- she witnessed a ~astille Day countfles. would be one of the most com_ the flag pole which lists the members of the graduating classes bri?ge, the Lake District, and celebration and dancing in the Wh!le. with her family .in m:ndable steps ever taken on of 1883, 1884, 1885 and 1886. Portraits of the past presidents Ed~nburgh. Sh~ attend~d the streets. Tros~lflglfl~ she took severa~, ht- thIs campus. ~~~I:t~;\~~~~g~fo~~~al:~!~~~el~aal~Sn~~~l'~~~lail~i~esT::a;:r~~~ !~nb~~~.h ~:~~dalD:~~rees s~~ eX:~;i:~e~e:e~ort~em!~::sab~~ ~~et~:eG!~~:na~:a~:";h~o f::~ ch~~!a~a~f "~~: a~~~~~ R~~: stone for Old Main was even placed on a pedestal at a central English 241 fame. France and the extreme blue of pay them fur their hospitality, tions Committee, A discussion place of interest-in front cf the Chapel. "I love the English people; the Me?iterranean:. Her worst and as a part of the program, ensued as to whether policies Last spring the Jay Walk between Memorial and McDaniel they are very friendly ilnd was bemg locked lD th~ bath- she. took one ~e?Iber of t~e and action on integration would Halls was dedicated at a brief ceremony in honor of Mrs, Virgie helpful," stated Carolyn. room at a student hostel m Am- famI!y on a trIp mto Austna, originate in the-committee or Jefferson, who retired as house m9ther at McDaniel after 20 "However, opportunities for sterdam on the return trip, Lucerne, and the. Ba- the SGA. In connection with years. Recently the corner stones and date markers of the var- new ideas are more limited.- home.. vanan Alpil wh~re s.he enJoyed the integration issue, Jack ious wings and halls of Old Main and other campus buildings they are much more traditional Raver Jomed Tour a twenty-five mIle hlke_ Blackburn explained that a were incorpcrated into a brick! memorial to support the class bell and harder to change than us." Pat Raver also took a seven- Visited East Berlin Negro was admitted this year from Old Main which used to be rung by hand to indicate the Previous to her stay in Eng- week student tour as a part of Later Sandy and her group as a. transfer student, but after change of classes. It is a gift to the college from the Baltimore land, she took a tour of ten the American Youth Abroad spent a weck as guests of the receiving his letter of admis- Alumni Association. European countries. During plan. She went as a tourist, city of Berlin. She went into sion, he elected to remain at Buildings have been constructed and others have been torn this time, .carolyn. yodeled in and her itinerary included fif- East Berlin, saw the Wall, and the college he wail attending. down; instructors have come while others have retired or gone on Switzerland, rode a gondola in teen Europcan countries, was present at the demonstra_ There was a. brief argument to other pursuits; and many classes of students have passed Venice, swam on the Riveria, Sbe journeyed with 25 other tions over the death of the about sorority and fraternity through the colleg~ doors. The basic intangible atmosphere, and took a cog rail train trip stude~ts, living, in hotels and eighteen-year-old boy who was officers appearing on the SGA however, has remamed the same. There is still the' friendly up the Swisl! Alps. traveling by bus. Before en- shot while escaping over the hlotters to the omission of other smile, the kind word, and the true feeling that "college ties can Emmel SiLwFrance tering the various countries Wall and allcwed to die, organizations and dates of cul- ne'er be ?rO~en ... ," which makes our college seem the same Carolyn Emmel spent two they ~vere giv~n some eJemen- She and one -companion took tural programs, Jack curtailed today as-It dId years ago. PAO and one half months in France. ta-ry mtroductlon to the lan- a boat trip down the Rhine vis- the discussion and there was a _ LET T ERS TOT HE EDITO R _ mW~i~:s'jn London and P;ris :!~n~f Sandy's one year of Ger- look in~it~~~em;!~:~ndl =================...:.....:..========I~~~1~~h b:O~I~h~eo~::~v~~ ~~~~ ~~;~:gesCa~~le:he~nae:,a~ih ~~~ ~~o~m:=~:~ntht~: as:~~;~~ \Vorld University Service tions last year aver?~d 20 One of the best things that can' _ • . _ onR~~h~ero:~:~b:~gth~a~~:~ To the Editor: cents per student. ThiS l5 not happen to a person before he 1J,.IJ ... n..II... ftet'••~'R "11 QJlj coordinating committee he 3Ug- WUS _ World University enough! Ye.t, .the amo?n~ is ~eac.hesadulthoodistheexper- /(.UUk ••:lI" ••~ /(j U.J '" nkll gested in last week's Gold Bug, tJ'm- A I.. Service. This is no insignifi- not an end m ltself -:- It lS. a lencmg of d.oubt, doubt so de.ep r .. IAI!t~LIJ· One function of this group t .. t' S d means to an end. It IS the lIfe and upheavmg that since child- 'ter~emeslerrrl H "UlnS would be to arrange for West- 61Jery !~~iono:lf;\l~~a~~~."Y"P~~:o~~_ ?lood of Ilome student sitt~ng gle value ch;rished em Maryland students to at- ~~~i~~~ralS!~:~~on~~~~;tTo~~ ~~raa;o~~'u::~~n,s~~~'o~:r~~:~ ~~tOd:~C:~i~~~~~d ~.Jhe s::~~~~ by 3!c.ry Cra1l!ford guide A~amemnon home. af.ter !:~l:~:te~~r:I~~~OI~!g:e;::::.. ~;n~i ~~~" and th~ Newn:a~ ~~:~~hc! ~;~r:~~~u;ff::dn~~ ::;~e~vi~~~~I:~::i~g I:~e~~~~~ w~~twe;;ni~~ti:;I~~r ~:y ~~ ~i~hO~:o~~~ 5=~r~Ui~~h~:~~ ~~~fe~g ~~~v;!o~asw~~sl~ ~~~~ It u, 'd f ISt t a br~~ds~n. to communism. s u c h as-objective-as-possible classes through f rain, wind, the Ridingtons got lo~t.) , work :..nth faculty members in (at1~E:~ ~;~~~~e~~ond;~osiit~~~ an~ ~~~iv~~:iJ~s toor:::;:t~~~: ~~~~TI~!nc:~~~;vi~~:I~sPectedby ~I:;~:~~ ~l~~~rfs~~~;S~i:.s a~ci th~~:!fo~:ae; ::K ~~;f~:n:~~ !~:selection of assembly speak- ~~~t~ t) ce~ ;s d o~ dap~- challenge. Frcedom can only The ideals that d'o survive Mrs. Ridington, began a tour Lion Gate, and th~ "Bee hive" Response to Ritchie's pro- n h s ~he~ ~ , 0 .ee s utaen s survive here when we insure its this aspect of growing up are (The GOLD BUG representa- tombs where the archaeologist posal was E'nthusiastic There ht ~vn:t: se:~;~s~ea::1:rs t: s:~~e~ existence in other parts of the worth having, tho).lgh they are tiv~ w~,swarned not to say "vn- Heinrich Sehli.emann di~covered was a brief discussi~n over ~f ".cruc{;Gsareas. (In parts of ~~~~Itd,jsan~y t~~vi~~stt!l~ceac:~ ~e:r~qU~:~~~~~elYBU:r::r ~:~~ ca~~~jg ~~r:Ut~?p~~:;P:~Oidtd be s;~~~to~ -;'~I:~e~n~~I.leved to ~~~th~:m~~tt~:ti~ou~~ t~:n~~; d cat~~~aal prcgr?~n~~~~c~n i: r~deI_Dicfree~om-freedom. to !n- people, lon?,-eherished ideas the standa.rd tourist attracti~ns I Cruised' to Troy this matter, the Social Commit- direct defiance of some of the ~Ulre. 1 Buc he cannot mqulre cannot surVIve, and there is a!ld c?ncentr~ted on claSSical Leaving the mainland of tee winning by a majority. government's po1icie~s ecial_ if he has no books, no teache~s! tormo:;nt in. knowing that solid sltes-m PaIlS, for. example, Greece they cruised to Troy, In answer to a question by Iy in regard to segregati~n.i lsi Peggy Zachal'las answers Will n~ver a~ain be they pas~e~ up the Elffel Tower where the guide pointed out the Peggy Z a c h a ria s, it was The SCA has tra~H:i.onally Laundry Clean-Up Needed? !~~~~';~v~t :::nt;:;t~y WIll neve_r i~M:~t ~;d~~!toc~/~n~~~.)r;ai: ~~~ed;:~ein~e~:o:;!;~ horse ~~~~~~( ~:t~st~:: ~:m~~t;!~~i; ~~f:i~~d f~~~S r~~On~~tIS~Y.;'! TOI:~:e!~itt:r~e that the We~t at W:~ a:g:ol!:~:r:tu,~:nt:ho~~~ ~;::e Of;l:o~I~~s:~p:~!he:~J~ of ~~eC~~I~;:e:f s:r7n!~,e~~!~:~~tiO!ac;,~:~ i~~u~:~~g t~~~ y_o~U~m~'~Y~'~"m~'~m='"~.~oo~n~t"~'h~U-.lminsterLa u n dry Servi~e: question every aspect of life held. . Mary R;nault, i.n ThAJ King ~ampden-Sydney ~as- _ which manages the majority of that confronts us. How much Vlew~ Aq~educt Mus.t Dw. descflbes Theseus' ler to beat than SUsquehanna, G0 L0 BUG thc students' laundry, needs better to doubt than to sell our T,hey arfl~ed m Provence sla~ng of the ~inot~ur. Ac- and more alumni would return orr' . ~~~ne;:~~g~~iZs~~~~i forH~~~~ :~~~P~~::Y~fP~;~:is~ ~~:ua:::;; ~~;~~~lythae:Ol:!7~~:::~ne~~:~ ~~~~~~:gstoh~~' ~~la~ils?re~: ;:a~~~i:;a~~~~s :a;~di~hi: M~~I~lndtc~ii'!ce~e;!b~~h~/~'!'lc~te;.:weeks now, r don't see any lsI Pat Lawson of W~f's all-sea.son weather. Ridington explained that thf'Y highly successful Homecoming. ~~'t':,~!/~~mse!,":Jecl~~!,ha7t~~\r::~ reason why this service cannot Coke Machines _ TILT' The .chlef ~ttractJon there was were built. in the days of sky- The intensive rivalry elimi- ~~;r ~~~c~f;ae::hts~;79.MaryJand. f:.erate effectively and efficient- To the Edito.r: .' ~:. r;:~u" d?R.O~=~d,af~:~~~~ ~~o:~~ :~~c~f wt~net~~ih~10~~~~ na~hde::~AH~~~~s t!a:e~etting Subscription Price $3.00 a Year wa~~h:v:~o:l!e~~~~n~~;ea~~ei~ pr~t;;~~~d t~~eG~L~ei::ig c~z.. Wh~~~mDrpr~~~~c~to~h:;a~l::;e pe~~:~rning to the mainland, ~!t-0n Itth~I!~c~~~yP::=i~~ Pnscilla Ord lmens returned to them' Then, cernmg the campus coke ma- down the coast of Italy, tem- they drove up through Yugo- thIS meetmg IS conttnued, the Allen Jones Edltor-m-Chlef ~::ne~hYI:hO~~drt!~en~U~~I;:; ~~I~~~y ~~~~n~n !~~~e ~~;:~~~~ ~o:;l~~~ a~~-Pc~~~l~ !o~efe:~; ~~~,;a u:.: Td:~I~~:ath~~~~~r~ ~:~:~z~~I~~6~~~~ld make gIant Samuel Case Managmg EdItor Must we be forced to acc"llt contraptJons, I would hke to to Greece, where they VISIted ed several Etruscan tombs, m-I~======== of the blue horse KAMPUS Busmess Ed t Imens which have been dam know why the person or per- nearly all the fabled places of cludmg the one WIth the fam_'~ EDITORIAL STAFF lor aged dUrI;Jg the washmg' sons who are responsIble for the ancient world FIrst th"y ous paintmg NewsEd,tor JOY""Russell These ale Just a few of the their mamtenance does not keep spent two months In Athens, Joined Vergilian School KWIPS ~=}:!e:~p:7u;~:,~~ [iZ;:tht;~~k ~~;y p~~~lP~~~:: II h:~;e h~~:~ ;~:~ t~~/d~t~~t °:a~~i:l~ps~~~ ~~~m~~~ l:~~~~~~IYan~an;~~:~ N!~~~ w~e:ree:~:: J~l~o;det~~ ~::O~J::tusfe;;,~~~d~ni~I:A1:~ r::: ;~~~e~~:h~:l~: ~~~~10;~0~ ~~t~~e~;ytho~v~~sou:o~~:a~~endl~~~~:;~s s~~~~mt~:shOu~~rPh~~~~ ~:~~:::~a, ~:h:~ch ~::y l;::~~~ i?::ma~' nS~,aM~b~t": :robces home, we need a laundry serv- sh~utlOn k d h raph~ng the entrance of the IS buIlt on the foundatlOns of It looks as though someone's *~;ard~t'C!ro~elk":!h~rds~:tb~~~:~~~yWh~~~v;-;~1J~:e ,~s satJ~fac- IS 1~~~ngpI:VI~~et::o~?ot ~~e r~~y :::s~ two months they :n te~~~~c~!a:!~rc~~p~~~ea~:~ ~:e~l!~ ~~ncede~ t~e fact ~'1at ~~~~;:. ;;~l~:ms:n,:',:n Barbars thiS? n we ave chines In Ocean ~Ity Only also made several SIde trips to In the back yard at Western s:r:rYI~~g as me SportsEditor__ .J""ephSpen lsI Jill Fredholm here, If you hit the Jackpot, all such histone' spots as Mara- WhIle m thIS neIghborhood '" '" '" ' ~;~~E::~~;~~~:::!n~~~ry;L~~e WM 193 ~~~ ~~e;:~~:ro;n~~:y~a;;l~~s ~~o~heT~:;I~p~}a~p~~~ ~te~~;_ :~;n:~:.e~h~~:~~~l hao~~e~~~l1t}i:o~:g=~t~ ::!';:; Co~;~l"EdlJ,.'!nn W'lfordI',;:~g~~~~DoubtinI!: Faith Live Faith ~~11l doubtless b~ame 1 theIr phi th;y wele shown an under- has chIldren's drawmgs on the h