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Librarv -: Q "t'iO''PJ,:l tIcryland - ce tn. ;[6" nr , iJd.. FOOTBALL qoUBay SGA PICTURE HEADS .... PAGE 3 PAGE 4 -------------------------------------------~------~--~'--------------------~ Vol. 32, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 21, 1954 College Adds Four To Staff I School H~ads Directory I 615 Enroll For Fall Semester Of Faculty For '54_'55 Term Student Government Association As Orientation Week Closes President, Henry Taitt Harriett Vice President, Student Christ.ian Association Cooley Four new members have been added to the administrative and President, Al Hagenbuch Six hundred fifteen students are enrolled for the first semester faculty staff. They are Dr. Ralph B. Price, Capt. Leslie D. Carter, Vice President, Millie Eckhart of the 1954·55 academic year, according to figures from the Regis. Mrs. Arthur W. Ewell, and Miss Jane B. Humbertson. Dr. Thomas GOLD BUG trar's office. . Marshall has returned this year to the English Department. Editpr, Gus LaMar Freshmen and other new students account for 215 of this total. Dr. Ralph Price will replace Dr.' Philips as the head of the Business Manager, Jim Marshall nu~~:/b!~eg s~g~~~ ~~~i~st enrollment since the war, the smallest Economics Department. Dr. Price was formerly with the Institute 1955 ALOHA f of International Education. Editor, Bea Ford / I Freshman Orientation Week ended yesterday. Under the direction Capt. Leslie Carter, Inf. U. S. A., Business Manager, Phil La)Vycr ~ of Dean of Men William David, Dean has been assigned as the Assistant Cabinet Revises Blanche Ward Hall r Manarin Leads of Women' Helen G. Howery, the SGA, Professor of Military Science and President, Char Eggan and the F AC, the five-day session in- Tactics. He is a West Point graduate Auto Regulations McDaniel Hall Local Cadet Unit cluded a battery of achievement tests, to as well as varied social activities and served with the 508th Airborne. President, Mary Lee Younger acquaint incoming new students with New House Director At a recent Student Government Freshman Advisory Council Louis Manar-in has been chosen as life on the hill. Blanche Ward Hall's new house di- meeting the cabinet discussed new Chairmen, Bill Tribby Cadet Commander oi the Western During the week, new students at- rector is Mrs. Arthur W. EwelL Mrs. regulations for automobiles kept on Charlotte Davis Maryland ROTC unit for this year. Lt. tended several special meetings, in- Ewell is a native of Westminster. Her the campus by the student body. Inter- Fraternity Council Col. Speaks also announced a few eluding an address of welcome Friday husband was a Methodist minister and It was decided that a special group President, Bert Springstead changes in the Military Department. by President Ensor. a graduate of the Westminster Theo- of three students, to be appointed by Inter-Sorority Council Two new groups in the organization Orientation Ended logical Seminar-y. Mrs. Ewell has three the cabinet, will be in chargt of col- President, Gretchen Pierson will be a drill team, consisfing of Orientation ended yesterday with grown children. letting the fines and dealing with Dclta Sigma Kappa l.Nlve men and a leader, and a Wom- the pep rally and mixer last night in President, Gretchen Pierson Replacing Miss Greta Smith as as- habit.uul offenders. Policemen appoint- '10ta Gamma Chi an \ Sponsor Corps. Blanche Ward Gym. Also on Jast sistant librarian is Miss Jane B. ed by Dean David will give out tick- President, Jimmie Rae Mister l'~e .d:ill team ";ill be a volunteer week's schedule were the annual rae- Humbertson. Miss Humbertson is a ets. Phi Alpha Mu proposltlOn depending on try-outs to ulty tea and reception, and a picnic in native of Mountain Lake Park .....I1Id., The sophomore, junior and senior choQs\ the best twelve men. With the Harvey Stone Park. and a graduate of Washington College classes wil! be represented in the President, Mimi Whitfield aid Of }!:!ecial equipment and uniforms, Upperclassmen back early to assist in Chestertown. She received her Ii- group. This year there will be two.... Sigma Sigma Tau the t~a~ll perform at various June- in orientation were members of the Gloria Bunting Rreeident, brary of science degree at the Carn- boys and one girl appointed for the Alpha Gamma Tall Lions suc\.al\football games. SGA, FAC, and campus organizations. egie Library School of the Carnegie job. President, Bert Springstead The Wom'_n's Sponsor Corps wi!! They are Charlotte Davis, Shirley Institute of Technology. Fines will be collected nightly, and consist of a sponsor for the entire Goote, Kay Holt, Barbara Hoot, Nan- appeals may bc brought before the Delta Pi Alpha corps and individual sponsors for each cy Kemmerer, Priscilla McCoy, Char- Dr. Marshall Returns traffic court once a week. President, Charles Phipps fcompany, the band, and the drill team. lotte Ridgely, Marie Upperco, Mary Dr. Thomas Marshall is back after The rules as they now stand are Gamma Beta Chi 'Fhey will be elected by the members Warren, Jean Wooten, Bob Crush, President, a year's absence. Dr. and Mrs. Mar- subject to revision by the cabinet. Pi Alpha Alpha Ed Smith Jf each unit. The method of choosing Gene Funk, Hugh Howell, Dick Huf- shall spent last year in Greece where In g-ener-al, however, they are as President, Dick Brenneman them has not yet been determined. fines, Mike Leftwich, Charlie Luttrell, he taught at the University of Athens. follows: Argonauts , \ \There are two restrictions, however. Jim Pearce, Ken Smith, Bill Tribby, A faculty conference was held last' All cars must be registered with the President, Don Rensler Al'~ur classes must be represented, - Jack Turney, and Les. Werner. Tuesday and ·Wednesday. The topic Dean of Men's officc. No rcsident Canterbury Club of the disct.:ssion was "Improving freshman may have a car on campus President, Betty Shepherd "~~:ra:;e~l~~~o~:s~lilc!~I~.upper half of Also Jean~:I~t~~r~I~~;y Ely, Jean Scholarship", and tIle main speaker or in the near vicinity. Stickers which Lutheran Student Association was Dl.. Myron F. Wicke, the Secre- must be displayed in the lower left tin~~i:egi~l~if:;~s~e a~~tfi:~:~r i~u~i:~ ~:~:;~s, J~~:ry~:~:b~ft~ ~~;~~:~ Dottie Rach President, tary of the Department of Higher corner of the rear window wiII be is- Methodist Studeni. ;\fovernent consist of presenting awa)'ds to the Quinn, Ruth Ridinger, Dorothy Snyd· Edut.:ation of the Board or Education sued free of charge. President, Irma Lee Hohmann units and appearing in uniform at er, Flora Jean \Veiss, Paul Ensor, Dick of the Methodist Church. The specd limit is 15 milcs per hou;·. Baptist Student Union . reviews. Graham, Stan Greenberg, Charles The conference was held in "an ef- From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. automobiles are The Queen and her court for the Kcighton, Tom Llewelyn, Dave Os- fort -to enrich the scholastic atmos- not to be used to drive from one point President, Lou lIJanarin Military Ball on November 20 will be good, Sam Reed, Mike Savarese, and phere at Western Maryland." on the campus to another. Future Teachers of America selected from these girls. Instead of Brant Vitek. Roland Hays President, Automobiles are to be parked in the Home Economics Club being limited to upperclassmen, the Back for the GOLD BUG are Gus parlling spaces adjacent to the dorm dance will be a project for the entire LaMar, Carol Coleman, Mary Lee President, Doris Tuckwood . Fulbright Awards in which the student resides. off by yel. Le Cercle Francais corps. should con- C)'aig Schmall. Younger, Kay Mehl, Jim Marshall, and spaces marked Girls who are interested Parking President, Offered For '55 low lines are for studcnt parking, and Beta Beta Beta Larry Crist tact Louis Manarin. enrollment, riett Cooley, Char Eggan, Jim White- SGA helpers are Henry Taitt, Har- those designated In view of the freshman by white lines arc for the iaculty. President, Nancy McWilliams there will not be a cadet regiment as hurst, and Sue Dorsey. Opportunities for more than 900 Thc spaces in Iront of the recrea- Classics Club previously plalll1ed. Returning for work on the SCA are Americana to undertake graduate tion hall are for visitors only. IRe President, Lany Crist The following men received commis- Al Hagenbuch, Millie Eckhardt, and study or research abroad during the The following penalties are tenta- sions last spring at graduation: the rest of the cabinet. 1955-56 academic year under the terms tive: President, Bill Adams Donald Chambers, Arthur Gernand, Other upperclassmen back early of the Fulbright Act have been an- Failul'e to register automobile, Sunday School David Gwynn, Arnold Hayward, David wel'e the clloir and the football team. nounced by the Departm'ellt of State. $5; faiJUl'e to report all a new license President, Charles Clark The most recent Western Maryland number, $2; excessive speed or reck- Senior Class Hottenstein, John Lambertson, James graduate to receive a Fulbright Schol- President, Jim Whitehurst Levay, William Pfeifer, J. Richard Choir Rehearses atship is Beverly Stringfield, '54, who less driving, $5; illegal parking, $1. Junior Class Carvel, Joseph Ravenis, and Charles wil! spend this year in Clermont-Fer- President, Hugh Howell Taylor. John C. Berends, William For Fall Concert Also rand, France, doing graduate work in WMC Plays Host sO~~::;::t,C~:S; Reed l?rench literature. Campbell, Fred Harry Grander, Donald Practice for the combined concert Kelly, Edward Haut, Hubach, WMC Winners To F~reign Students G C M urp y Howard Linton, Arnold Needleman, of the Baltimore Symphony Orches- h C o. Last year, Fulbright scholarships . • Donald Radcliff, Alex Trevethen, and tra and the 65 voices of the Westel"l1 Choir, under the direction Maryland was host To Hold Open House were awarded to a professor and a This SUlllmer \Vestern Maryland's Howard Zimmerman. of Professor Alfred DeLong, have be- student at 'Vestern Maryland. Dr. Department of Education Following summer camp, Donald Thomas F. :Marshall received a visit- to 11ine Swedish students. DI.. Joseph G. C. Murphy and Co., in Westmin- James, Joseph Schneider, and Warren gUll. The first concert will be October 22 ing professor grant to the Uiliversity Builer was in charge of the visit which ster, will hold its annual open house Bimstefer also received commissions. at 8:15 p. lll. in Alumni Hall. The of Athens, Greece, as Professor of was under auspices of the Experiment to welcome college students and facul- following night the program will be American Literature and Civilization in International Living, a non-profit ty Monday, September 27, from 7 to Work Starts On presented at the Lyric Theatre in for the academic year 1953-54. The educational-travel organization. 8:30 p. m. Baltimore at 8:30 p.m. other grant was awarded to Henry The visit was from August 6 to 20, Mr. R. K. \Vill, manager of Mur- The programs will feature the mu- body to attend. New Men's D,orm Ernest, '53, for graduate study in the- following a stay in private homes in phy's, has invited all members of the sic of Rogers and Hammerstein. The ology and philosophy at the Univer- Kcene, N. H. faculty lind student selcctions will be from Carow;cl, State sity of Edinburgh for the same aca- During their visit here they attend- Refreshments and favors for the Fair, The King and 1, V'ictory at Sea, demic year. ed classes and WCTO cntertained one guests are plaml€d, door prizcs arc to The construction of the new men's South Pacific, Me und Juliet, and Thes9 grants are made by the De- weekend in the homes of friends of the be awarded, and gift certificates will dormitory was started this stimmel' by Ok[{!./roma! partment of State under the Fulbright college. They visited Annapolis, Wash- go to winners of a grand drawing. the Land and Simmons Co., of Balti- Act (7!Jth Congress) with funds made ington, and went to the Hilltop The- more. The estimated cost of the build- is ing furnishings) including (not available by surplus property sales atre. They were particularly impress- I College Calendar I abroad. ed by ice cream, they said. $400,000. be located opposite Albcrt HELP WANTED It will Graduate Work on open Positions are The awards will enable students in w:s~:r~iS~:a~I~I~~ ~~:n~~l~ ~~;~o~~~~ Tuesday, Scpt.ember 21 Norman \Vul·d Hall, which was GOLD BUG staff for reporters, the erected ill 1939, and will be similar in all fields of graduate work and those venture by the Experiment in this Fall semester begins. design to ANW. feature writers, typists, and with specialized research projects to part of the country. Fall Convocation, 11:30 a.m., Alum- The 170' x 37' construction will study in foreign institutions and uni- ni HalL house approximately 140 men with a copy readers. versities tinder renowned professors Saturday. Sept<-mbcr 25 Also needed are students in- and specialists. Grants are also avail- Fall Convocatio~ Football, Dickinson, home. to,tal floor space of 31,00 squarc feet. terested in working in the busi- _ able to students with records of ac- Monday, September 27 There will be four steries constructed ness department of the paper, complishment in sueh fields as music, Marks' New Y;ar G. C. Murphy Open House, 7 to 8:80 of steel and cinder block with a brick such as advertising, circulation, exterior. art, architecture, and drama. p.m. All the "OOlllS will be for double- and advertising copywriting. Interested students presently en- Western Maryland's annual fall Make-up Tests, 6:45 p.m., Science Freshmen and other new stu- rolled in Western Maryland College convocation was held today in 'Alumni Hall, 203._ occupancy except those on the feurth dents are especially urged to should request application forms at Hall. Saturday, October 2 floor, which will hold three nren. There visit the GOLD BUG office, in once from Dr. Ridington, Western This is a yeady ceremony, officially Football, Penn Military College, will be dormitol'y rooms and frater- McKinstry basement Thursday, Maryland Fulbright Program Advisor, marking" the beginning of the school Away. nity rooms ill the basement. Septcmber 23, after supper. whose office is loeatcd in Lewis Hall. year, and follows traditional convoca- Sunday, October 3 Funds from the Mid Century Ad- Or see Jim Marshall or Carol The closing date for receipt of appli. tion procedure, highlighted by the pro- Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Baker vance Program will 'supplement up- Coleman any time before then. cations by the Fulbright Program Ad-_ cession of faculty members, and ad· Chapcl. propdntions from the Mal"yland Gen- visor is October 15. dl"es~es. Chapel, 7:15 !:I..m.,Alumni Hall. eral A~sembly.
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