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~rtw n".,.l'Y ;::estern lliBrylahdColle ,/(;gstminster, Md. SPORTS PREVIEW • SHORT STORY PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Vol. 28, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September22, 1950 Faculty Members Vacation, Study 700 Enroll For Fall Semester; While In European Countries Freshmen Top Other Classes Several members of the college "fae- also Shakespeare's Measure for Mea.· Approximately 700 students have enrolled this fall at Western ulty spent their summer vacationing sure at Stratford-on-Avon. This made Maryland College. Of the 215 new students, 112 are men and 103 women. and studying in Europe. the 22nd Shakespearean play that Dr. The transfer students number 46 Miss Grace Murray and Miss Mar- Marshall has seen. among whom there are 25 sophomores, garet Snader flew from New York to While in Paris, the Marshalls had Four N.,w Members 17 juniors, one senior and three spe- Luxembourg, where they spent a dinner with Miss Mary Ann Hollend- cial students. night in a 9th century castle. From er, '49, who is there with the Ameri- Add.,d To Facuity; With these ncw 'VMC'ers, there are there they traveled to Heidelburg and can Embassy. more students from other countries visited the Red Ox Inn, scene of the In Italy the Marshalls visited Rome N.,w Nurs., Appointed than the school has had in recent Student Prince. and Venice. years. Enrolled are three women and Miss Murray and Miss Snader then In addition to new students, the fall three men from foreign countries and went to Austria, where Miss Murray Royer Studies Abroad semester also brings five additions to two women from U. S. possessions. spent the month of August studying Mr. Philip Royer is another mem- the college faculty and staff, Mr. Don- Sonia Da Silva is from Santos, Bra- Arelene Hagge- Miss ald Bailey, the harpsichord with Gunther Ramin ber of the music department who meier, Lt. Colonel Robert S. Redfield, zil; 'I'aeko Kamiyama from Tokyo, at the Mozartein in Salzburg. studied abroad this summer. He at- Professor Thomas A. Thornton, and Japan; and Eva Lindhal (sister of Miss Snader continued her tour tended the different music festivals Miss Virginia Stoner. Helen Lindhal , Class of '49) from through Germany, France, Belgium, throughout Europe. Katrineholm, Sweden. and l then rejoined Miss Murray in Miss Roselda Todd, assistant pro- Bailey To Teach From South America Miss Grace Murray Luxembourg. fessor of physical education, also Two of the men students arc from Mr. Bailey, a graduate of Western Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall spent some time in Europe this sum- Maryland, Class of 1950, will be an South America. George Daviglus is Mr. Lawrence B. Avison spent July and August abroad motor- instructor in dramatic art. Miss Hag- from Cochabanba, Bolivia, and Aiv- ing .through . England, France, and gemeier, who wiU teach in the music tonio Lopez makes his home in Cara- To H.,ad Fund Campaign Italy. Thcy saw many new plays and department, graduated from Oberlin cas, Venezuela. Hermann Sauerbrei Germany. comes from Bavaria, In order to raise funds fot- the col- College and also studied at the Diller- Joan Bentz from the Panama Canal lege, Western B. Avlson as the Resi- Leaders Head QuaiIle School in New York. She is Zone has done previous work at a has secured Maryland Mr. Lawrence replacing Miss Helen Brainard. mid-western college and now comes to dent Director of the Fund Raising Campus Clubs Coming from Fort Riley, S. Caro- WMC. Shirley Woodruff, a day stu- Campaign. lina, Lt. Colonel Redfield assumes the dcnt now living in westminster, has Last year Mr. Avison conducted position of Professor of military sci- recently moved from the Canal Zone. such 11. campaign at Saint Lawrence Following is a directory qf the ence and tactics. Before being sta- Low Enrollment University, New York. Previously he leaders of the various campus organi- tioned at Fort Riley, he served as organized similar campaigns at Da- zut.ions and clubs. commander of the Second Battalion, The 1!150 enrollment is the lowest vidson College, North Carolina, and Editor of 1951 ALOHA 87th Infantry and the 25th Ficld Ar- since the war. One of the reasons for the University of Colorado. Mary Ruth Williams tillcry Battalion. As commanding offi- this is the low number of high school Mr. Avison arrived on the campus Business Manager of ALOHA cer, he was commandant of the 10th graduates due to the establishment of the twelve year system in many Mary- September first and is now building Phil Kable Infantry Division Leaders Course. the organization "getting the best land County schools. Also, most of men and women behind the drive." Editor of GOLD BUG Redfield To Head ROTC the veterans completed college in Nancy Lee Winkelman This campaign will continue until the Business Managers of GOLD BUG Colonel Redfield is a graduate of 1950, and there are only 25 new vets this. fall to replace them. end or June, 1951. Betty Lovelace the University of Alabama and a for- Miss Manahan, Registrar, pointed Three days have been set aside for mer student of University of Alabama Lal"J"YBailey Homecoming acfivities this year, No- President of Blanche Ward and University of Chicago schools of out that the teacher-student ratio is vember 17, 18, 19. However, Satur- now much better and allows for a· day will be the big alumni day not Lodie Hicks medicine. closer .selationship between the stu- only in events but also in promotion President of McDaniel Mr. Donald Bailey Thornton, Econ Prof dents and the faculty. Miss Perry, the Meredith Audrey of the mid-century fund raising drive. President of Inter-Frat Council assistant registrar, said that WMC of was set up for a normal capacity At this time President Lowell S. En- Malcolm Meltzer Thomas A. Thornton, Captain 000 before the war and with this SOl" will make an important announce- President of Inter-Sorority Council U.S.N.R. (Ret.), has been appointed year's lower enrollment the school is ment concerning the drive. Angela Crothers Store Invites All assistant professor of economics. He returning to the pre-war status. Mr. R. J. Whiteford has been se- President of Student Christian Asso- is a graduate of the Uniyersity of lected as general chairman of this ciation To Open House Pittsburgh where he received his Mid-Century Advanced Program. His Russ Deragon Bachelor of Science degree. Upp.,r Classm.,n Rdurn cabinet will consist of outstanding President of Women's Athletic Asso- To welcome back the college stu- From 1941 to '43 he was Executive citizens, clergy, alumni and parents, ciation dents, Murphy's Five and Ten will Officer in District Intelligence Office To Aid In Orient"tion who have not been named. Peg Brown have its annual "open-house" celebra- for 4th Naval District. Mr. Avison is looking forward to Prcsident of Delta Sigma Kappa tion September 25th from 7 p. m. to To help with the many activities meeting student leaders and the stu- Angela Crotbers 8:30p. m. Served Overseas during Freshman Orientation 'Veek, dent body. He confidently expects stu- President of Iota Gamma Chi In '42 Captain Thornton was sent fifty-eight upper classmen returned of the manager Mr. R. K. Will, dents to take an active part "to un- _ June Beever store, cordially invites all members of overseas to set up and maintain joint early to the campus. dergird this small, independent, Chris- President of Phi Ahlha Mu the faculty and student body to come. Army and Navy Intelligence Center Representing the SGA are Bill tian college in its significant produc- Charlotte Janney There will be refreshments and fa- for Joint Chiefs of Staff headquarters Simpson, president, Mary Jean Ru- tion of men and women of character President of Sigma Sigma Tau vors for all the guests. Also therc in Cairo, Egypt, and his territory pert, vice-president, Virginia Hale, and culture for lcadership in an Mary Kay Wills covered North Africa, Middle East, Lois Hicks, Audrey Meredith, Sonja American way of living through add- President of Alpha Gamma Tau will be two door prizes for the malc Arabic countries, the Balkans and Wine, Jack Lambert, Thomas Page, ing needed buildings." and fcmale winning of the grand and Louis Pietroforte. Malcolm Meltzer drawing. Palestine east to India. l'resident of Delta Pi Alpha "Your Headquarters for College Miss Virginia Stoner, a graduate Paper Staff Arrives Simpson Urges President of Gamma Bela Chi Needs" is looking forward to the big of Western Maryland College, comcs who anived to work on the first issue Harry Le Few Members of the GOLD BUG staff from Women's Hospital in Baltimore Lou Pietroforte Handbook Use President of Pi Alpha Alpha reunion at Murphy's on Monday as new director of the infirmary. are Nancy Alice Yearley, Larry Bailey, \Vinkelman, editor, June night! Beaver, Willard LesCaliette Traditions and policies on the Hill Stan Bowlsbey, and Philip Kable. are determined by standards of the President of Alpha Kappa Alpha SCA President Explains Organization The students working on SCA students here. Through the years cer- Lou Pietroforte projects include Russell Deragon, tain regulations concerning conduct President of Argonauts by Rus8 Dcragon preSident, Kitty Lou Olewiler, Ruth Fred Keefer and dress have been formulated into President of Tri-Beta tional in the past years. Lee, Karin Nowack, Elizabeth Schu- both written and unwritten I·ules, Lodie Hicks It has been said that, "The greatest In the line of Christian scrvice and bert, Estelle Zies, Paul Dawson, Ro- which the student body has initiated President of Camera Club joy in the world is in being used for a wclfare there is an annual fund rais- land Fleischer, and Thompson Lang. and organized undcr the Student Gov- Maurice Cubberley purpose that you recognize as a great ing campaign for the World Student President of the Women's Athletic ernment Association. These regula- President of. Classics Club one." The purpose of Christianity is Service Fund. Through this organiza- Association, Peg Brown, also returned tions, along with much information Doris Rothhaupt to give meaning to one's life. Here on tion, money is provided to assist stu- carly. Asso- Christian the Hill the Student about available facilities and extra President of Futurc Teachers of dents in other countries in cal"l"ying Others Help curricular activities, are in·cluded in America ciation hopes to afford a religious out their educational aims. Others helping this week include: the current edition of the Student Dave Buffington outlet for everyone. Dining Hall, Elsic Davis, Ann Davis, Handbook of WMC. President of Home Economics The program of the SCA is intend- Pan·Hel Award Elizabcth Lovelace, Doris Reek, Sally Thc Student Government Associa- Mary Kay Wills ed to provide activities of sufficient Begun last year was a plan by Griffin, Mary Ruth Williams, Jean War- Beverly Shear, tion requests that all students be fa- President of Lc Ccrcle Francais, variety to appeal to all students and which the SCA has stimulated the Dennison, Pat Wiley, Katharinc Wiley, Helen ner, miliar with their handbooks, and that John Seiland faculty, whatever their Christian pan.hellenie organizations to use Paul Farnham, Thompson Lang, they follow the suggestions for a suc- President of Canterbury Club background. their talents and abilities in serving cessful and happy college lifc. Fresh- Elizabeth Thomas Three Unit Program others. Mickey McCall, Arthur Shanklin, men, especially, should carry their President of Lutheran Student Asso- An example of our third aim is our Harry LEiFew, Keith Radcliffe, John Beeker, Herbert James Klinger, handbooks with them whenever. Ifs- ciation Generally speaking this program Fireside Programs provided every Moore, Paul Peshkoff, Edgar Scat- sible, and they should know the in- Pat Huddle may be divided into three units: Wor- Sunday evening after Chapel. The tuck. formation contained in them. Fresh- President of Methodist Student Move- ship and Study, Service, and Recrca- first is to be held this Sunday evening, In the Bookstore and Post Office man hazing rules, of course, will be ment tion. at which time the returning students are, Evelyn Hoyle, Janet Preston, announced at a later date. Libby Schubert With these things in mind a brief can become further acquainted with Ashby Collins, Malcolm Meltzer; Keep the standards of conduct and President of Sunday School vesper service was held Monday eve- the newcomers. Girls' Dormitory Offices, Peggy Stack- dress high, looking to the upperclass- Lincoln Justice ning on the brow of the hill. At ap- The· SCA exists for yQtl. Only you house, Elizabeth Thomas; Library, men to set the pace. Support the ex- President of WesleyaneUes propriate times throughout the year can decide what value .you will derive Dorothy StackhQuse; Office of the tra_curricular and social activities Betty Mae Shepter special services of divine worship will from it. The SCA cordially invites President, Jane Wullschleger; De- and at the same time remember that President of Wesleyans be arranged in addition to the period and encourages your participation in partments, Dorothy Arnold, Dottie scholastic achievement is thc most im- Ken Tyson of morning meditation between break- all of the Association's activities. Phillips, and Mary Laux. portant! fast and class which have been tridi-
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