Page 2 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., September 19, 1940 The The Freshman GOLD BUG Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday, semi-monthly during October, No- • Here it is-Bang-another year and we begin as usual vember, February, March, April, May, and monthly dur- with something akin to refugee confusion. Crowds and ~~g\~:~::~benia~yi~~dbC~Ii~~~,JW~:t~in~kr:h~i!~~~:~~~ pile-ups, dormitory traffic jams and general riots go on Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Post while new students and old as well "get oriented", dis- Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. cover new neighbors and untangle their baggage. All SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR sorts of people arrive--some who look "all of a piece" and completely assembled and those who arrive as we do in EDITORIAL BOARD boxes, bags, and barrels, and still can't find a complete set EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . Henry C. Triesler, '41 of anything. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Ruth Mansberger, '41 . To add to the confusion, here is a new column to be MANAGING EDITOR .. . Isaac Reber-t, '42 NEWS EDITOR ... .._.__ Jane Fraley, '42 oriented and put into it's 'place. To perch a new column FEATURE EDITOR Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42 in a corner of a page is always daring. A regular feature SPORTS EDITOR .. ..William Robinson, '41 is taken for granted and, whether it is read or not, the page doesn't look natural without it. We'll start this out u~unNUD 'DR NATIDNALADV~RT'.'HQ U .In the fifth column because it seems timely, but if it National Advertising Service, Inc. doesn't seem at home here we'll shift is somewhere else ColI.g. Publishers R~pr~s... ,lIli,,~ till it begins to look at home. The joy in writing like this is that no one can argue back until Thursday evening and then who cares. Two-thirds of the stuff we write we BUSINESS STAFF .will probably destroy ourselves; publication will probably BUSINESS l'IlANAGER Edward Weant, '41 kill the other third. ADVERTISING MANAGER Werner Orrison, '43 CHANGES TO CAMPUS CIRCULATION MANAGERS William Vincent, '42 ewe Mary Louise Asbury, '41 want to forewarn you that a few things have changed during the summer months. McDaniel Hall- with the shrubbery by the lounge gone and prim ever- To The Class 01 '44 green trees in their stead-looks cold. Andy Bohle won't be able to give vent to any more tirades from the stump ITt~! ~~I~it~rri~i::t~J~r~~g:oJ~eo~i~~~~f; ~~ at Science Hall steps because the stump has given way the Faculty, this advance word of welcome to to beautification plans. The women's dorms are spark- ling with new wall-paper in pastel shades and there'll be Western Maryland College. We have chosen each no more pictures pasted on Blanche Ward plaster walls. other. You have chosen us from out of the many The kicking post is holding up nicely under its years of colleges in this territory which would have been ON and will not return to school. punishment and that crumbly corner of the mourners glad to receive you. We have chosen you from bench hasn't given way yet. "Hessey" says that at among hundreds who have applied. We didn't THE BoBaugher acquired the Maryland publication there is nothing in the Grill but dust, but not choose our families, nor our country, nor our high Junior Tennis Championship. schools in most cases, yet we are happy and proud RECORD • for long. And within a week the Gold Bug office will be piled high with waste paper and misplaced copy, and we'll to belong to each of them. We ought to be even be able to find things again. more happy and proud, it would seem, to belong A far from complete list of summer Among summer arrivals- BIG BROTHERS A girl born to Jane to those we have chosen. marriages includes that of Reid and Charles Reid. Cowperthwait .In May the women of the campus did or did not, as Cooper Stout and Frances For now you do belong to Western Maryland, Raymond Taylor. A girl born to Mary Brown Sher- their spirits moved them, sign- up for little sisters; but and Western' Maryland belongs to you. Her Polly Long and man and Robert Sherman. . someone must have lost the sheets on which those whom buildings and grounds, her faculty, her sopho- Clarence E. Robertson. the spirit moved signed because no one seems to have more, junior, and senior classes, her alumni and Mildred Baumgardner and heard from anybody about anything. Little sisters will friends, her traditions, are yours. But her ideals, Teddy Jester. During the third week in August, probably have to be informally adopted after everyone her attitudes, her atmosphere, her spirit during Mary Anna Brown and Delta Sigma Kappa and Sigma Sigma arrives. Don't ask us; we don't know. this school year are to be very definitely influenc- Ensign C. F. McGivern. 'l'au sororities held their annual sum- But the Big Brother movement has really boomed. ed by what you as a class bring to the campus. We Catherine Stuller and mer house parties at Ocean City, Harper LeCompte of the S. C. A. whipped out postcards look forward to the opportunity of contributing Homer Myers. Maryland. Bad weather discouraged all summer to old students and new ones and paired them to the furthering of your education and the sym- Dr. Edwin K. Schempp .end many from attending, but Ocean City up in an amazing and efficient manner. These guardian- metrical development of the personality of each Miss Marie Wanner. ... was still. well-populated with West- ship systems are great stuff. one of you. And, realizing that we ourselves are ern Marylanders. Anyway, it'll an come the registration. neither completely educated nor completely de- veloped, we await with eagerness the contribu- The engagement of William Dur- Eloise Wright and Grace Kelbaugh OPEN LETTER tion to our individual lives and to the life of the rett and Doris L. White of Baltimore "saw America first" this summer College which you will bring. has been announced. when they spent the month of July This give and take, this sharing with each driving to California and back. I To The Freshman Class other in mutual trust and respect, is at once both Among the summer Illnesses-c. a high manifestation of religion and the essence William Anthony's siege with ty- Oh you freshmen, of democracy. We sincerely hope that this col- phoid fever. Phi Alpha Mu Sorority held its an- Freshman year is really the educational berries. lege year will see a great growth of both of these Shirley Belle Reese, Winifred Co- nual houseparty the third week in There is something distinctive about being a senior and Eleanor berly, Blair, Bud Wheeler, things among us. and Bud Smith's appendectomies. June at Ocean City. there's something special about being a freshman, but Sincerely yours, Donald Humphries' tonsilectomy. these middle years that I'm stuck with now are as stale Lloyd M. Bertholf and glamorless as cold potatoes. Dean of the Faculty Professor Hugh S. Elderdice of But I want to owe- you a few tips, kid, like everyone James Elliott of Laurel, Delaware, the Chemistry department has been elae has been shooting it to you. YOU know, "welcome", was injured in an automobile accident called into the National Guard. and "become a member of our college- family" a?ld all that like iti a?ld you oppreciaie Gold Bug On Weekly Schedule stuff,' it'8 okay amll this is the straight stuff without it 'cause trim- it'8 slncere. But CAMPUS LEADER mings. You rl»n't know what you're getting mto; but I~~i~eer~:i~~eo~;~~~~if~otS:\vt;~:v~l~rfe~gaf,~~;: take my word for it, you'll like it. Though sometimes y()'/t to publish material that the students would be may womIer whether you're progressi11g, retrogressing, or interested in. In the past, however, it has been Here is the man who says the of- ju.rl digres8ing. difficult to ascertain exactly what features or ficial as well as his personal "hello" There's been a lot of advice bandied around but, as articles were read-hence the "reader-interest" the freshmen on September 23. I always say, advice is something freely given and never questionaire which was distributed among the Lloyd M. Bertholf ... leader, teacher, taken. But there are a few things I could put you wise women last year and which will be given to the scientist, keeper of the bees and ca- on. There's always speculation about each new class but men this year. pable thumper on the big bass viol. I'll lay my money on tJ1.emevery time because new faces From your answers to the questions on this Dr. Bertholf has just rounded out and new ideas go over big with the school in general. A sheet, we members of the staff are able to deter- his sixteenth year at Western Mary- good percentage of the new class regularly annexes up- mine what the student body reads and so include land. For more than ten years he has perclassmen in on~ way or another. material of this sort in the paper. been in charge of the Freshman Or- Of course the sophomores will be Simon Legrees for Several changes which were recommended by ientation Program. All the exami- a while but they're swell fellows. To date, they're only the women last year have been incorporated in nations and quizzes diluted with ad- freshmen who've paid their bills. Maybe you can outwit this issue, and other improvements will be gradu- dresses and social hours are- organ- them. Rock Rawlins, '43, exercised his I. Q. this summer ally introduced. Constructive criticism and sug- ized by him, and each year the job when on his first day in a vegetable packing plant he gestions are always welcome. becomes more complicated as the nailed a hatchet in an outgoing crate. The Rock was docked $2.45 before he earned that much. We have always thought that a weekly paper, school seeks new ways to orient the because of the resulting timliness, would result incoming freshmen. Take advantage of the two or three days Without be ready And in a mo're useful and interesting paper. In the educational field, Dr. Ber- c/.a.sses--it'll never happen again.. up because there's to send home half the stuff you bring only so For financial reasons a weekly Gold Bug has tholf's line is that of biology. His many drawers aml closets per student, you know. Some never been successfully attempted to date. This present specific problem is bees and people have a kn.a-ek for getting things in their rooms. year, the present staff is putting the paper on a since 1922, both at the college and LLOYD M. BERTHOLF Someone had an organ, an archeological coll.ectian aml a Beltsville at under weekly schedule. during summers of Agriculture, he has son has retained the forsaken trom- haven for stray animals in his room laBt year-but, as the Department This was made possible by increasing the ad- been cataloguing their whys, where- bone and a daughter sings and ec- I say, he had a. "knack". vertising rate, a larger appropriation from the ac- fores, and howabouts. Asked about companies on the piano. Bone up on conscription-it'll be the talk up here. tivities fund, making an effort to solicit subscrip- the odors noticeable at times around "I haven't many activities outside And find out what "shoot two", "rack up", and "imagine tions, and a new national advertising contract. Science Hall he countered, "Those home, school, and ehureh ... I like that action" mean. Don't get interested in 5 :30 radio If for financial difficulties this weekly schedule aren't caused by anything we are do- to tinker in the shop. I used to dab- serials because that's electric razor time. And in the cannot be continued throughout the whole school ing with the bees. Dandelion honey ble in model steam engines. But no dining hall, sit near the head of the table but beware of term, we will revert to the old bi-weekly schedule. causes some of it. It's all natural." golf. .. I have a lawn that takes up the water pitcher. Don't buy any tickets-reserved or This will not be done, however, until after we Some years ago his forte was the all my golf time." otherwise-for Sunday chapel. They're free. The sophs have exhausted every possibility. trombone, and he led the college band. Dr. Bertholf is Dean of the Facul- have to have their fun with you; they probably bought Also, this year the Gold Bug will distribute Colw Then a bass fiddle vacancy in the col- ty. He built a lovely home three years out the house last year. legiate Digest, a rotogravure picture supplement lege orchestra prompted him to take ago on a hill over-locking' the cam- You can find out the rest, issued by Associated Collegiate Press. The op- a stab at that unwieldy instrument. pus . Stony Vista ... possessing An upperclassman. portunity to distribute this publication is offered He has been playing with the college a priceless view and, as all newly P. S. If any senior militarie8 load you up with du- to a limited number of outstanding college news- orchestra in that capacity for five landscaped lawns, a chronic case of ties-try "Lawdy, suh, Ah'se a. kag fuk that stu.ff"-It'll papers. years. His I!! a musical family. A weeds. ftoor'em.