Page 2 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt Thoughts at Random VARIETY BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE OF A REVIEW By Hazel and Hazelnut wel, wel, and wel=-we're grown a fine who'd a thunk it1-we sure back agen- STATE FAIR they have to marry to wisdom. but Wayne is had anxious Emilie, she, real- vakashon, an we hope ya did tu-- By, Phil. Stonq. Literari) Guild Selection izing how completely different they and congradulashons ar dew "Hump", she f01' May, 1932. Reviewed by Katlllyn Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday their lives are, refuses, telling him it is during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, is an ant now-ov a for pound baby- MeUm-. better to part remembering beauty than Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. now wat ya think ~-"Mil German" lost Since there seems a decided trend in to remain together learning hate. On SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR hur toncils in the hospitul!-"Maudry literature toward stories of simple folk the other hand, it is Margy who makes Willis" sed thet hur grandmuther died plainly told, State Fair is a good book the decision for Pat and herself. He, agen, and "Hissey" wuz left behind (~) in spite of his former affairs and adven- EDITORIAL STAFF to read with the advent of fall, leading Edito?'-in-Ohief _ _ __. _ _. _ _. _ _ _.M. S. STROW, '33 at ten one nite- up to the subsequent perusal of more turous type of temperament, wants Associate Editors _ __ ESTHER V. RIGHTER, '34, WILLIAM G. PYLES, '33 here yet here yet "AI Sadusky" wuz worthwhile Iiterature. The style of the Margy to run away with him. But News Edito?'s _ _ ELSIE BOWEN, 3'3, ROBERT HIMMER, '35 try in' to imitate George Washington at tale is 'very plain, w ith an almost as- Margy, with the wisdom of womanhood, COP'lJEditm-s . _. _ MARY ELLEN SENAT, '33, CHARLES L. WHITTINGTON, '34 the Taneytown celebrashon - "Hazel- tounding lack of descriptive narration. realizes they could never find happiness. SPO?·tsEditors _.. H. TROY HAMBSCH, '33, EUGENE WILLIS, '34 Hut" sez thet he hurd thet "Betty Al- Because of its simplicity and in spite of So Wayne and Margy go back to their MAKE-UP STAFF lan" wuz the hart ov the land ov the some rather sordid details, the book is own life, to their own people-and re- Managilng Editor .. , _ _. _. __ _.. _.WILLIAM H. SPARROW, '33 evergreens-but, "Hazel" sez thet she refreshing. member. Assistant Mamaging Editor __. _ C. RUSSELL HERBST, '33 hurd sumthing better thet "Ann John- State Fair is the presentation of one In spite of the fast-moving drama of Stenoorapher __ _ FRANCES GLYNN, '35 son" wuz "the spirit (') of prosperity" week's interlude in the lives of a mid- the country fair, the book is concerned at the Salisbury celebrashon- die-western farmer's family. As the BUSINESS STAFF chiefly with the philosophy of the rural we dunt beleve it, but "Dunn" and story begins, lye find Abel Frake and folk and, woven here and there, the Business Manager _ DAVID TRUNDLE, '33 Adve?·tising Manage?'s _ _. _ ROBERT CAIRNES, '34, DONALD TSCHUDY, '35 "McNally" sez thet they resqued five his family preparing for their annual Storekeeper's belief that everything Ci?·cl.1ation Mamage?' _ _ _ _ LORA OUTTEN, '3'4 women, and let thre men drown-"BoT- week's trip to the state fair grounds. that happens, happens for the worst. chers" sez thet he 'fished' fifteen out ov Abel is fattening a hog with which he "He thought of God as a slightly per- Assistant Circulation Managers cascade lake-since "Dixon" is among hopes to capture the grand prize, verse child, brcaking his jam-jars all GLADYSE L. SOMERS, '33 M. R. S'rEVENS, '35 the missin' the skool haz decided tu "World's Champion Hog". 'I'ho farm is over the Storekeeper's Iif'e. He gathered OLIVE MAY BUTLER, '35 AR~'HUR V. DOWNEY, '34 replace the sidewalk on colluje avenue CARL EVERLY, '34 CECIL H. MARK, '35 in a bustle of preparation. up the pieces and shook his finger at dew tu the crouds (') thet kom in on Encamped at the sta te fair, Melissa, God." REPORTERS the W. M. R. R. "Bill Griffin" haz Abel's wife, is busy all day cooking and The story is worth reading if only to Betty Allen, '33; Susanna Cockey, '33; Tes ie Cox, '33; Anne Wolverton, '33; muved hiz stor nearur TU the stashon so· gossiping with her neighbors-for-the- lead up to the epilogue, when the Store- Dorothy Paul, '34; Martha Harrison, '34; Kathlyn Mellor, '34; Louise Needy, '34; thet he kan ackommodate them-"Kar- week Abel is intent upon the care of keeper, riding home from a short call Margaret Yocum, '3'4; Dorothy Hahn, '35; Edith Forney, '35. per" sez thet he iz sure thet "Pope" and Wilson Murray, '33; Pat Mahoney, '34; Clarence Bussard, '34; Brady Bryson, Blue Boy, the hog. The young daugn- on the Frakes, desiring a cigar, throws '35; Carlton Brinsfield, '35; Keithley Harrison, '35. he ar single yet-Dr. Elderdice sed thet tel' and son are left to amuse them- away his only match, unlit, "because," hiz roof leaks-we dunt wunder aftur selves. Wayne, a boy of about eighteen, as he mutters to himself, "it would on- "Hassel" their wuz galleries Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. mer-"Stallings" up claims with hiz he ham- wanders to the shooting with Emilie, where ly go out anyway". and thet acquainted one he becoems "Hitchie" ar nevur going tu git mar- of tile spectators. She is several years E D I T o R I A L ryed, but "Hazel" haz ideal'S of hur younger than he, but infinitely more We might begin the year with a brief own- father Her sophisticated. is a cheap sum of the stu dints like deer 01' W. stock-show managel', a professional list of the summer's outstanding books: To the Class You future ,¥estern Marylanders-can you realize M. C. so much thet they just kud,ent gambler-a derelict of society. Her In the field of poetry, there is Laura E. Rhymes Richard's T,erra Libra, Old and stay' away frum of '36 what you already have to be proud of? Certainly, not luk at 'em-"Sadusky", summer skool; just motln'r having died when she was a N,e,w. Mrs. Richards (did you know1) "Punch Brown", until you have some idea of the past history of "\-Vestern "Duphorne", "Helmstetter", "McBride", Child, Emilie travels with her father is eighty, aud has long been famous rather Maryland can you anticipate the splendid future you, as a class, have "Bowen", and "Longgr1dge" - "Amos" and is natmally is gaudy and independent. for her absurdly spontaneous rhymes- epitomizes She cheaply before you on the Hill. had tu kill tu, birds wlth one stone, so for Wayne the glamorous life of the And there's also Margaret Fishback's For ,¥estern Mary land is, if one can characterize it by a single he got graduaded and marryed the same city. He falls in love ,,-itlt her and new collection of light poems entitled, phrase, a growing college_ It is not the aim of its administrators to day- Or> • under her experienced guidance, they "I Feel Better Now"_ Amusing! Of increase the enrollment indefinitely. Rather, they firmly believe in the "Gladyse'- ommers","i "Helen Whit- haye an affair. the pl'ize novels: Ann Bridge's P,eking ideal of the small Liberal Arts college, as you will understand' when mOI'e", and "Gert Rogers" hav joined In the meanwhile, Margy meets and Picnic, winner of the Atlantic MOOlth- prize and a you have lived on the Hill a short time. But in every phase that can the "Missiw AppendjZk Klub"-hey! falls in love with a young tabloid re- ly's $10,000 is beautiful and first novel. characteri- Description make your Alma 'Mater worthwhile to you and more than that, beloved hey! we ar goin' tu git brown bred in porter, Pat Gilbert, who has been every- zation vivid--Dawn Powell writes of rume by you, Western ,Maryland is growing-year by year_ Standards of the dinin' 'z proprieter this ov yeer-"Rizpah fur where, seen evel'ything, and is a bit Rmall town folk again in The T,enth Wicks" a haven scholarship are ever being raised higher and higher. New ideas in ad- stray W. M. C. peoplr-:-we found an world-weary. His idea of life is "to Moon. She, as usual, makes them heart- ministration of studies are boldly used in ercperimentation to put them answer tu the song- up ill Atalantic dore Dreiser, Ernest Boyd, Jim Tully, In short, though we are but few in number, and though ,Vestern Sity-"Brownie" iz stuclyin tu be an over, and the Frake family must go Clal'ence Darrow, and II. L. l\Iencken_ Maryland is not richly endowed, we lay claim to being a progressive elektrical engineer at Ne\\'ark Teck- home. The way in ,,-hich 'Wayne and Last part is a short miscellany of brief group, ready to consider and judge the ne"", to combine it with the best "Blanch Nic'hols" nlade an impromptu Margy solve their rcspectiye problel1ls essays on eyerything and what-have- of the old and then to blaze new trails on and on. Ours is not a tradi- vizit tu Ocean City-how duze "Caplcs" is surprising-sholdng that in five days youi tion of moss-grown, ivy-covered buildings and staid, placid acceptance ackount fur thet1-\\-at cha think~- of the facts expounded by our learned professors. vVe have our tradi- "Dot Paul", "Sprague", and "Mary tions, but if some must go into the discard because of the changing Parks" wuz teachin' bible skool this TID B IT5 FROM CAMP needs of present times, we do not cling vainly to empty forms. summer-ain't thet grand ,- Your place in 'Western Maryland, more than in any institution we "Lee Nelson" con t l' i but e d SUIll lmow of, is the one you make for yourself. Of course, not everyone, songs at the Plimhinllnon durillg th~ told Those can be a campus leader-that's a theory the fallacy of which you summer-sumbody got ambishus and 10ll"s that senior boys I"ho same the fcl- l1lind dancing from 8:30 to 11:30, but as camp skool-- was col- the understood long before you ended college preparation. But everyone did snm wall papering around the missin' lege only no classes had better make just try to get them to walk for three expected thoze tn be among who wants to, can make himself a true \Vestern Marylander, with a Ilonrs, and heal' 'em growl! 301' "Cohen", "McAlpine", "Calaghan", thcmsf'h-es inconspicuous, for the R. O. Captain Holmes should publish a host of others. Identify yourself with worthwhile activities, hold fast "Brownie", "Patterson", an "Katzie"- T. C. boys didn't call getting up at rook-book-at least there \\"('1'0 quite a to the ideal of sound scholarship-the good times will bring themselves if we furgot any names, put them ill 5:30 like getting up at 8:30 at college. few new dishes sen-ed for which th~ along, too-and you'll be living up to what your college expects of ureself- There I,as a ramp within a calllp 1,o,l"s are still hunting the names_ you. now fur the advice tu the luvlorn:- down at ::\Ieade this summer-Camp Will Murray kept the name of West- Class of 1936, we envy you for your four years of gl'o,,-th with , 'Mary Ellen Senat" rites-" What am I Hooligan or the bro,,-n ~tone residences ern Maryland on the map by his con- ,'{estern Maryland. Give to your college the best that you can, and it gonna do since "Dixon" isn't here f' ,- of the hash-slingers_ sistent winning in the good ole Army will repay you a thousandfold. lYe dunt knO\, exactly, but \l'h)' not make Speaking of hash-slingers, it was in- Game. him kom back tn school '1--" Helen deed funny to see Slidill' Bill Capks Dongess" ,ery anxchously rites-" How waiting on tables on the mOl'llings after After all, Denton, Maryland, is only can I cure" Red" (Commerford) of his the night before. No, Henry didn't get a short distance from Camp Meade. Perspective Sometimes we furtively shed an editorial teal' when we blushing?' '-you sure got us stoped up at 4:30-he just came in and According to rumors, a certain boy, consider the tasks our job calls us to. For instance, their,-o, 0, maybe if he gits a coupla changed his clothes and went to work. dressed in full R. 0_ T. C_ regalia one Annapolis to fel'l'Y from conventionally, we suppose we should start in now and exhort the re- gud cases of 'shock' it wil git him out 0,- Camp officials sent word to Mr. and day took the place. At Annapolis, the the abol-e turning upper-classmen to make the most of what remains of their col- the ha bit--" Oliw Butler" telz-" I MI·S. Sunday not to let "Stu" play with midshipmen, and eyen gatemen, ga\"e lege courses, or maybe we should mention the depression and how am worried about "Loss" oYen,orking a cap pistol any more, as you could him a clicking military salute. Three grateful we ought to feel that we're coming back at all. 'V ell, we're himself, what should I do about itf"- ncYer tell where he was going to shoot. guesses-the first two don't count. members may new Two all tired of that depression line anyway. and we have a whole year and dunt do Iluthin', he iznt wurrin' about the Long FiSh-Story Telling be added to At last it has been prOl'en that all Club. These sixteen issues ahead for the exhortations_ Let's save the sentiment and it--, ,Terp Ward" rites" Can you ten h,o are Puro and Leitch, ,,-ho made mankind is not descended from the ape take a look around instead'. me from whom I can take a graduate course in fancy dancing" '-I,e no ov a themsel\-es popula r by going around family, for at camp, we learned that Four months should have done something for us besides giving us gud instrucktor-why not take the korse sa~'ing, "We like it." Dic k l\Iartin belonged to the four- nice coats of tan. We've been away just long enough that we ought to entitled "Graceful and Fancy Dancing Mess formation was the best forma- legged, long-eared clan-yes, mules, or be able to view things with a little perspective, for we have all the con- ~Iade Easy"-by "Kesmodel"--any tion of all. We Iyonder why with six- "'hat have you ~ ditions of our respective college lives in mind, without the befogging questions thet you hav wil be answered in teen -Western Marylanders at camp, that Punchy O'Leair beliel'es that the best detailfl of college living. That's where we have the advantage over the order receil-ed-send all questions to us thE' first sixtpen ill line were all ,Yest- It ay to lick the enemy is by saying men. freshmen. But just be sure that you have an unblurred view of your- kare 0, the gold bug- dirt we got fur ern Marylaud from the It must have been "Boo". For on a night problem, John practice old dining-room the hey! watta lotta hey! stop him, as didn't selves in your little niche up at Western Maryland. 'rhere's no use you this time-just luk at it all--" L. l'ush. lost his gun but that back to find it. he sent the captain g0ing into greater detail to describe the shape and elevation of each D_ Patterson" wu:G pilotin' Austins Delaney carried off the honors when The boys say that two dates should particular niche_ They vary, and we, for instance, probably wouldn't around theze parts--" Bill Pyles" WOIl it came to rifle shooting-223 out of a be added to the list of important dates fit into your niche at all. But any intellectually honest person who furst prize fur pick in ' apples fur the possible 250_ Bet "Es" will just love in history. Those dates are June 17 thinks a moment can see himself as he really is, asset or drawback to 4-H klub--wat Yl1' think~-' 'Potty a 11 those medals. (beginning of camp) and July 28 his college, as the case may be_ And if you d'ecide you're just a bit of a Routson wuz playin' ball fur the" Buck- "Chirp" will be asking advice from (close of camp). This last one should drawback, you can't very well feel as though you're going to make the eystown Field Mice' '--' , Don Seitz" the girls on walking home from rides·- be in rE,d ink, we believe. high places when you leave, can you? klaillls the hospitalit3" rekord fur the only this time it was a boat ride and Head-lines should read: J. John 0'- "Plum' '-he sed thet he had no less one of the oars broke_ He might han) Leair shot-John was holding his rifle -Now, now, we're not exhorting. We're just indulging in a than twenty-five-- waited until the water froze_ (no,,- it bird's eye view of ourselves against the background of Western Mary- "Helen Pyles" and "Trundle" sed Some dances-those R. O. T. C. af- him, and is a rifle, not a gun) a behind blank, it went off-only land. If it isn't a pleasant view, then, for your own mental satisfac- thet they wuz wurkin' at the Poolesville fairs. It "'as a diversion from pick-'elll luckily. John felt much better after tion, d'o something to better it before your next "look around". (Contillue(l on Page 5-Co1. 3) -up and put-'em-down. The boys didn't they told him that blood was red.