Page 4 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. SPORTS Soccer FOOTBALL Intra-Murals SPORTS Large Squad Reports for Practice as VARSITY FOOTBALL SIX GAMES BOOKED GOOD ATHLETIC SEASON Green Terrors Begin Training Camp SCHEDULE FOR TERROR BOOTERS FOR W. MD. CO-EDS IN Oct. 1. St. Thomas College, Coaching Falls Upon Stahley and KOPPE, CAPTAIN OF '32 TER- Scranton, Pa. Despite the loss of five regulars from VIEW THIS COMING YEAR College, Clarke, as Harlow's Illness Oct. B. Marshall Huntington, W. Va. last year's soccer team, the Green and Keeps Him Inactive ROR ELEVEN Oct. 15. Mt. St. Mary's, Gold boo tel'S are looking forward to a Co-eds at Western Maryland are successful season. Of the five men lost faced with brighter prospects for ath- Westminster, Md. FIRST GAME OCTOBER FIRST Oct. 22. Georgetown University, through graduation, the loss of Captain letic activities this year than in any Washington, D, C. Heruick will be felt most keenly. Besides previous year at the college. With a Aspirants for the Green 'I'error foot- Oct. 29. Loyola College, acting as captain, Hernick also filled the highlv: successful 1931-32 season just ball team assembled for training camp Baltimore, Md. position of coach, doing a very creditable passed, new sports and innovations in- Monday, September 1~. Since that date, Nov. 3. Bucknell University, piece of work. Likewise the high caliber troduced, a well-organized association practices have been held twice each day. Lewisburg, PH. playing of Etzler, Townshencl, 'Woolley, backing all projects, and two enthusias- Owing to the lateness in reporting and No\'. ] 1. Boston College, and Noble will be grea tly missed. tic physical educa tion teachers, there is the handicap of the illness of Head Coach Boston, Mass. 'I'h is scason's team will be built around no reason why the sun of Western "Dick" Harlow, a double burden is Dec. 3. University of Maryland, Captain Martin, assisted by Chandler, Maryland women's sport shouldn't be placed upon the athletes. They must be Baltimore, Md. Leitch, George, Routson, Bussard, Spiker, whipped into shape by October 1, be- J aeger, and Randle, all of whom played very n~uch on the ascendant. cause on that date they get their first as varsity bootcrs last season. With these A resume of the past year's activities baptism of fire, opening against St. INTRA-MURAL SPORTS nine men ancl subs to start practice, Cap- will be of interest to old as well as' new Thomas College, at Scranton, Pennsyl- tain Martin should be able to build up a students and will show what ,V. M. C. vania. PROGRAM PLANNED FOR winning' team. Also much valuable mater- offers in the way of sports. Then on successive Saturdays come ial should be secured from the incoming Part icipa tion in the throo major sea- Marshall College, Mt. St. Mary ts (home- FALL SEASON ACTIVITIES freshmen, as soccer is the major sport in sonal games, hockey, basketball, base- coming game), Georgetown University, many of the high schools from which ~ ball, and in volleyball, tennis, track, Loyola, Bucknell University, Boston Col- Organization of Tearns Will Be the number of West ern Marylaud college stu- and hiking_, is sponsored by the Worn- lege, and finally, the traditional game dents come. _ en's Athletic Association and the physi- with the University or Maryland "in Bal- Same as That of Last Year This sea son t he squa d will in all pro- tim ore on. December 3. A glance at this Harold ("Big Chief") Koppe, a bability have to be coached by oue of the cal education instructors, Miss Mario array of opponents finds no soft spots; fighting leader, towering into the atmos- The past collegiate year at Western students or players. A coach for soccer Parker and Miss Rose Todd. Regula- therefore, there can be no let-up on the phere to a six-foot one-inch elevation, :JIaryland saw the organization of Men's would indeecl make this year's team ~ tion inter-class tourna ment.s are held part of tHe Western Maryland gridders. Intra-mural sports. This had been at- winning one. However, if Captain Martin for all of these, except hiking. Hiking Conditions this year are somewhat dif- and tipping the scales at one hundred tempted for the past several years but will undertake this duty as did Hernick is an all-yea r-roun d activity, open to ferent from last year, when the squad ninety pounds, will captain the Western without much success until 1931-1932. of last year's squad, a ve'!'y creditable all students and is considered as impor- 'I'as yery small. Every position has a ful! Mary land warricrs this year. The aim of the Intra-mural sports pro- record should be macle. Martin has playeaT ago by winning the Fred- ficient to some illllocent Frosb maidens1 Stahley is a former Penn State star. erick City championship from a field of Tha t ea pt. Koppe and John 0 'Leair He is completing his third year at this extra good tennis stars. Hre going to be very strict in the candy institution, having been a successful bUsiness. Football players, watch your Frosh coach, end coach, and assistant +0 step! Harlow. Therefore, he has assimilated capable of filling the places I!'ft vacant and is able to put into practice Dick's 'rhat the football game and call to war theories. These two capable men work iu by graduation. Aided by the veterans brings many hard sighs, but ,,-hen once in p!'rfect harmony and the squad is round- left, who will act as a calming influence, armor-well, 'the}- 're pel'fectly happy. the team should make their opponents ing into splendid shape under their direc- Tha t "Chuck" Kaddy and Tony Dik- tion. step, before the schedule is terminated. sa spent their vacation in replenishing Pushed forward by the incenti,-e to better Coaches Stahley and Clark, after being their stock of jokes. If you can bear them asked concerning the training period, the record made by last year's team, and they are at your service. made this statement: "The boys are co- out to equal those made by former Har- operating ,yith us to the fullest extent; low coached squads, it should be a scrap- That~Joe Lipsky will cross the street to th!'y are showing a wonderful spirit and ping outfit. One thing everybody can rely avoid the opposite sex. What a man! ,\'e're expecting great things from on, the team that takes the field wi].] be Tha t there's nothing to compal'e with th!'m." one of eleven fighting, well-trained men, the hearty hand-clasps and comradeship In l'etrospect, the spring training rc- and a team with these qualities will be no displayed by the boys, dUl'ing their first waled the fact that the new men are very push-over to any opponent, few days together. 'l'hey are one big hap-