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~ COl M. Vol. 6, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. Sept. 27, 1928 WESTERN MD. ENTERS SIXTY-SECOND YEAR NOW IN DR. WARD ADDRESSES OPENING FOURTH FRESHMAN WEEK ASSEMBLY PROGRESS UPON BUILDING ERA Several Changes in :Faculty FRIDAY, COLLEGE CALENDAR Wedncsda.y, September 19, the stu- USHERS IN SCHOOL YEAR 28- SEPT. On Tuesday, September 11, Western SoeialIIour!l----6:.10 to 8:00 P. M. dent body and faculty assembled in Western Maryland definitely entered :Maryland College offioially began its Smith Hall for the delivery of the In- College life really began for the upon her second building era during eix ty-seeond year with the r egiatra- Teachers Recital, Music and ductory lecture by Dr. wncd. The ud- Frcshmen when they stood in. line at the past summer when work was com- tion (If the class of '32. III relation Speech Departments. Alumni. Hall dzeas opened Western Maryland's sixty- the library waiting to be registered on 8:15P. M. menced upon the new science and din- with the raised standards of the school sj)cond year. Tuesday afternoon, September 11th. ing hall situated to the north of Me- lIlany 'applicants were refused admit- SATURDAY, SEPT. 29- The assembly opened with tile aing- 'I.'he Preahmen entered still more into Daniel Hall at the top of the front earn tance in order to allow those whose Social Hours-6:00 to 9:00 P. M. iug of "America?', followed by the reci· college life when they appeared at pus. Those who saw the picture of the seecndnry school records were acccp- tation of. the Lord's Prayer. Smith Hall for chapel services on Wed· proposed grouping shown duringthcpast table the first chance of registration MONDA Y, OCT. 1- Dr. Ward opened his address by ncaday morning. Here they were given commencement exercises have the gen- The freshman class is large and prom Women's Literary Societies; 6:30 greeting the students in tho name of a word of welcome to Western Mary· eral idea of tho new building plan. The iees to develop into first class ccuegc P. M. education, college and character build- land and an explanation of the purposes top of the hill will eventually be the material. Men's Literary Soetct.ies, 1:00 ing. He stated that ten millions of of Freshman Week. Professor Wills campus, surrounding which will be the Many changes were necessary in the P. M. persons in thls county are of couege spoke on College Aims. Professor new buildings. The architecture will be teaching staff. Dr. Lloyd Bcrtllolf, who age, but only seven hundred and fifty Ranck told about the honor system, uniform. The foundation and the first completed his work at Johns Hopkins TUESDAY," OCT. 2- thousand of this number are entering stating that each member of 1932 floor of each structure will be of lime University for the doctor's degrees, has Soeial elubs--7:30 P. M. college this year. Fi,'e millions of the should be honor born and need no erg- atone and the upper stories of brick. again returned to the Hill to take WEDNESDA.Y, OCT. 3- ten millions do not desire to attend ing to npliold the system. The dining room now under construc· charge of the Department of Biology. college. The. remaining four and a quar- Later in the morning the Freshmen tion will be equipped with the newest Miss Emily Emmart, who was formerly Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meetings, ter millions desire to attend college, but were given psychologcial tests. After and best devices that can be used to assistant in this department, is continuo 6:30 P.M. circumstnnees will not permit them to lunch they were addressed by Dr. Berth advantage in a modern dining hall. It ing her work leading to tne doctor's de- do so. The students of Western Mary- off 011 orientation. When one comes to will have a capacity of six hundred and gree. land were congratulated as being privi· college he is faced in the right direction, will be equally adaptable to cafeteria Owing to ill health, Miss Margaret of- DR. WARD DELIVERS FIRST lcgcd above many for cduea- the dircettou of education. Just as ser-vice and thc usual service by wait- Minerva Robinoon, for a number tion has become the for tbe bees, when a light is flashed on them, ers. The plan of serviee now looked years Dean of "Women, at "Western SERMON OFCOLLEGEYEAR great life. face about and go toward it, so college upon with favor by tho administration Maryland, was compelled to tender the The relation between the teacher and students, when their profes-ors show is to have the cafeteria style for break· Board her reeignation in the spring. the student was discussed. "'rhe etu- them the light, should fullow it. fast and lunch, then to have a formal nf!'ll. Fannie May Stover, at the time Dr. Ward preached tlJe sermon for the dent must educate declared Professor Schaeffer, the next speaker, dinner in the evening. assistant Dean, was chosen as her auc- opening chapel service of the year on stressed the budgeting of college ex President Ward. "The ia bnt a Let us make an imaginary trip ceesor. Miss Thelma Shreiner, who is Sunda.y evening, September 23. The sign post to show the way." It was pensea and the keeping of strict ac- through the new b~ilding. As we roam ru graduate of the class of '28, was ap· painting in the chapel of "Clirist and stated furthcr that anyone could edu· count of all expenditures. He distribut- through the basement we find modern, pointed Assistant Dean, and has charge the R.ich Young Ruler" afforded the r.ate himself, college merely providing ed mimeographed sheets containing well equipped kitehens, bakeshops, of the M~in Building'. Mrs. Stover'~ theme of the sermon. Dr~ Ward de· the best way for doing this. questions, and various suggestions con· store·rooms, salad rooms, and an aux· headquarters are in McDaniel Hall. scribcd how this certain young man, cerning money matters at college. He iliary dining room with a seating cap· Miss Elsie Dorst, formerly Instruc· who possessed power, wealth, and posi· Dr. "\Varu deplored the tendency to gave the following quotation about aeity of 50 people. The dietitians office to", of Voice, was also forced to resign tion, things which Christ especially view education as a mere meane for what he would expect of its young em· money·making. In the words, "NotlIing is also conveniently located here. because of illness, and hns been suc· needed for his work, asked the vital is so rich as poverty, nothing is so ener' ployees; As we enter the building on the first ceeded by hl.iss Ruth Sherman Jones, of question, "What shsll I do to inherit \'ating as riehes.' , He lauded po\'erty as "To do the right tiling, at tIle right floor we pass through portals like those Olney, Maryland. Miss Jones; received eternal lifeJ" CJlrist, resisting the an author of books, as a creator ef ar· time, in the right way; to do some oj' )JcDaOli:::, Hal, int<) a lobby. Thcre her training at Peabod_v. n,iR "PT'ortunit.y offered and mles, a5 a tea~her ;1\ a gre,,~ schooL t.llblgS toctter th ..." tl,,'y ,"rr" """f