Page 1 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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WLSitil: ~,mlA1,O CIIu.mE UBIWIY C;Ol W, M, C, VB. COME BACK! OCT, W, & J, 1, AWAY Vol. 5, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Sept. 29, 1927 Fine Sermon Given To Freshmen Girls Under TERROR LEADER Recital Given by Music. M~re Than One Hundred Freshmen by Prof. Ranck Rules by Sophomores Speech Departments Freshmen Have Enrolled CHAPEL SERVICES OPEN RELI· The ]'reshmen girls became "rats" A rCt!i1al arranged h.r Ihe d~pnrbneuts "FROSH" WEEK THIRD IN are- GIOUS EXERCISES ON HILL 011 Wednesday evculng when t.hey were TORY of .\[uSlt und ~peeeh. w,,~ ghen by }.fiss gi,'en thcir rules Ily the Bopbs. Each Proie$sor Jumes Ranck prenehed the F'rcshie was presented with a green boll', Violet Hertzunm and Miss Esther Smith 'rhe thj,'([ Prcshmun Week in the bls fir~t sermon to the 'Presluuen in Baker in Alumni nail, _F'riday, September 28, torr of W.eslerll IIhll'ylaud College WIlS the Chapel, Suuday evening, September 18, taught sign the of ~tel) her by inferiority, she "'Ullt nnd greet W:IS "I elghr ctclcck. ushered in Tu~sday, September 13, at which Hi~ thelll~ was "Who is H Clu-lstinu f !" Sophomores. POl' rue nlln,ber of the pro 1 p. m., when !henrweomers on the Hill "Most. of the people of the United Th~ "rllt" rules are as followa: g"lilll Xllss at the sel- to register, The registratton, tn- Stales would be iusulted if heard er-ted Beethoveuvs "Souata, __ revealed tlre flirt thut, there it anid thai we a ru not a na- 1. Preshmcn must reeognize th~ fae· from which she plavcd the 1l10\'~meDh (Ire more young ladies thnu ~'O\l11g men, liou," said Peofesaor Ranck. "We say lI[lper classmen l!nd SOphomores at "lLIlegl')1 ('-ou Bri()" nnrl "Adiagon 'J'he OfYidHI recent shows thnt th~tl' are wr believe in Christianity, but wlmt is CUll ~Jol ExpresBione." Her aeeoud sixty four \1'01lleH, 1\'here~~ th!'re nrc but il~ Is it the holding of a certain set _. Prcshmeu mUSI kuow all W, ~L 11'<111 "The Tshlllrl Bpell"" forr~' nine men, The tot-nl number of uf views, he those ~iell's tundnmenta} songs and yells within three (l~rs. Johnlrellln(). rr eshmeu is therefore 113, whieh i~ ap i~1 or modcruist f No, holding an elab 3. },'rc!lhmen must wear green bcwe th~ some number tllli! enter· ...,mte s~t of intelleef ual eoneeptions doea i!ud their numcs pinned on their left Instye:>r. not uw.kl'" Christi>ln," ShOllldfTS IJ~I'.large sl'fery pins, A 1'1'1'." wcll·r(lunl1ed progr')l1l wus 1'111'· "Does Christianity e{)n~isl of memo 4. Pr~Bhmen IIIl1st nlwnys plllC~ lhei.r ,.ip(j Ollt during thi~ week of lI,t rodu~ bl'rship in u ('enaiu thurch and attend hllndson their hends nUll tnrH nronnd iioll. nn,1 lhe frl'sl!n1l'n nndnlll)tedly reo nm'e iht'reY Xo! Wr rannot gllin en· wh~llerer Ih~~' meet 1\ Sophomore. oI1theirspCllrs l'eiye!! mllll.l· h ni1r as to what they migllt tram'e to heaven simpl~' sn:,-iug, Chri~ti;]ns. 'I'he exped in the fnture. The rnol'lliags were ,'i. Jo'reshmcn mnst not sl'l':lk 10 'Lord. Lord.' It takrs more Ula!. ,I'(lUng- men e,,,,cpt in the djlling ro01l1. lo\·~r was [llllnl,)f're(] among ilel'oled to tll'its. the ~fternoons to lee "Who theu are Ch1'isti~nsf Only lind must not hal'e dates. par!)·. Tures On the l'nrion8 ph3sea {If college those who ton1<{·iously imitnte the spirit 6. }'reshmcn lIlust use no <:oh'metits 1bdllll!lninoff'" "Lila~g" :!nd Prank IiI'", :lnll the I"'pning" to reereation. of Christ. fn nIl 9g~b' men h:I1'e grOJl' norellrllheirhnir. bridges' "_}'il'~Hic~" wen' two lightrr President Ward gJI\-e ,I rrl'eption to 1'(1 after God :Illd philo$ophizml nhonj pr.'stlltlltiOll8 by .\lisB 1l~rtz1l1:ln. A Ih" freshmen nn\l fa~uh)' on ~\Te-dnesdny Rim lout in Christ we han. thq b~$t i. f'reshmrl1 llimll ,,·.,.nh Iheir hnir "'Or~ scrimlS ,Utc} deep stirring sele<;lion l"'('lling ,II 7.30 in :\I(-Dnnicl Hall, The aO:l$l1ottoelses pressions "f Iln AIU~riran stlUlent 'l'ltis SC:I~on N~ul \)ids fuir 10 rcpcal tlltioll. i\tnn~' disenses hu\'~ pra.I'ticnlly )'l'jl Illerting was heir! in Smith llall. lllJroad. He told how greatly the pen· "::rring to ourselves I"~ noblest and gnllldcst ford, in wh.ith f(trty nationalities are Frosh Are Given Our "hu.l'hes are plauued for Ilr(,hitee· "y" trrm,l','er llsed-a Chrislinn<' lutal helluty; enn our filling stations the Hnlldbooks, "'hi~h were dis· rI'presrnted, ure working to make llossi· Formal Initiation 11'." to Nlillbiue be:lIlt.\' witll lise. Hut trilmted .during th~ first pllrt of the ble better 1I11derstnnding, week, After ~ingil1g Ihl.' Ahull )'[atcr, CHANGES MADE IN I'ACULTY w~ IIPed to de\'c\o[i ns sl'nsitil'e 1I feel· The IHnjor part of )fr, ),Ioor's wlk ing ilf right and wrong-to reaet as the fl'C£Ohmen d~$persedl ~ud a very ~ue· Professor F. )1. ~!iller, the new Dean WllS on the 1',nious student lII(JI'cmeufs Last night, Septembor fUll slarled lit 1U,3(1. whell the el'il and 'yes' 10 the good." are 111'0 groups," said Dr, Ward. "T.hto Professor E. B. Jenkins, A, }.1" frQm Consider it nel'easnry to ehoosc onl~' one !';ophg ~(1!1(IUI'tNI tht' frC5hm~n \0 tit.! E're!lhe Il(>rth end of ~lc-Uaniel Uall. where n· Congratulations .\!r. Warfield ~\·c ~)(~I:~~:l~tt;le;! g;:~!:3;I'!~~!',.e;h:: ~~s ~:~: He 1m!! almo»l completed the work for world ns he would llll\'e it.'· bl'lllire was ill full 1)lu8t. HHl'the wi_j;h ~·ou llU1.ny ]'1'111'$ of eonnnbial bliss. ll'ge eourses. The other group is made his DOC'tor's Degree ai th~ l'ni..-ersit)· rnls gllYe a series of dancing Ilnd sing· up of uppcr e1assmen who have success· of North Carolina iug Ilumbcl'l:< which 11':1$ n fl'l'ellltiun af full;' j)aS'Sed a eomprehellBi\'e examilla· Prafes~or L.):I. Bertholf, Head of the those ~tts such as few Itave ever wit· tioll Hud lire pursuing some IllI.rti~ullll' De[)art1l1Ent of Biclogr, lias been gr:mt WESTERN MARYLAND, WASH· nessed. One freshll11l11 couhl not con NOTICE phase of eOllege work ednleanofabseuceforl9:172Stodo INGTON AND JEFFERSON t.~in hi$ IIrdor all(} ofl'o.>red a m:uril1g(' President Wnnl spoke of the elub life, rt'lll'l!rch work at the Johul! Hopkill~ prop08lllto fllle(}fthefilirspeetntora. Ilthletie neti"ities, lmd lilernrr aud so· GAME TO BE BROADCAST Unin!rsity. 1-l1l- WfiS Jlersu~ded to desist until n more If yuu wanl the GOLD BrG this <:illl life /lnd th!!ir important roil'S ill PrCif. C. l" Benninghof, A. 11., De BY WNBO opportnno,> time. Allothcr sc&Ied ~ tree rear, killlllr send in yonr subserill' college life, but emphllsized the bct IJI'rtul~"t of Zoolog~', Uniwrsity of Cili· for sllfet)' or ttl defeud D~rwill-we IIo tiOll immedintely in order t(l receive thllt "cndemi~ work. shpuJd und llIusl eagfl, i~ the Utting helld of t.he Depart nnt knuw II'hirh, '\'Ile rllts tbfl1 pla,l'CII ·th~ a~,.t eQP~'. 1I1ail Bul}serivtion to "OlIlP first ill th~ program. EdUelltion ment of Biolog~' during Profea~or Ber· th~mltithl 1udi:1n gaml' :;f rUJlui:1g ti,e The Western Maryla.nd, Washing Circulatillll "':mager, THE GOLI) BUG and ~hntflder huildiug are lhe menns lh&lf's nbaelille. ton and Jefferson football game will glllflltht. 'rhe so!,hs were kind pno:lgh \\'I'st~rn ,\lar~'lal\{l College towarlt the ltryelopment of II higher lYJle ).Iiss KlltIll'rinl'):!. Broll'nl', A. M., of 1ft pl'oyide the g\luntleL Aft"r tlli.'!. a (If indi,·idual. Mankind must follow ill ('(,[umbill '[iniyersity, is assistillg in the be broadeastad play by pla.y direct Irip ,10"'1IOILl Wllo D"",e<~ary to satisfy Westmillstet, )'Iarylaud, the fQotsteps of the Great Tenther who Department 01 Biology. from college field, Washingtou, th~ de~ire (Jf the rats tl.' see th~ir new holds the fuurrellf the hUHlall ruellill _~Ii~s .Margaret Su(uler is spending Penna., a.t 2 o'clock, Saturday, Octo· «m'irunmtnL On the way d,,"ll [he;' 'Name his hnnds. "Don't ben fool, bea milS' Sllllle nmeM her home in Nell' Windsor sang and yelled lustily for defl~ olJ W, ierof)'llnrselfllnd master of those ber lilt. ,The game will be broad Ilfler hll\'ing:t pleasant "aClItion IlbrOlld. )1. C. Tilt';' eougreg'llleli in front (jf about rou," s..,id Dr. Ward, • eaated from station WNBO, 1420 )Irs. GCQrge Pletcher, formerly Mi88 C,'lIch Hllrlow's ;,01llJ;> and ga\'c smue At. Dr.>s re
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