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\ THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 3 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Oct. 21 '24 CROWDS SEE ST. JOHNS LOSE Varsity Entertai,ned Or W~rd GI'vesRe"eptl'on (111"''','1'0:11110118 PIL," UP THLUTEExl I . l'OI:ol1'S 8.;}o'0".: Kt:COUD <:UOWI) 0 IJ The largest crowd of spectators that ever The Varsity F'~am was Iven an I --, - galh"red for the annual Alumni Home-l t tand! ! g, Last Saturday evenmg , October 18th.. as coming game and one of the largest crowds ~J\l s) ~:lg ,~ll~Lac~m~nlt Saturday ,evenf1a grand cttmax to the football vtctory over ~:~. ~~ea~~I~'~Y:rg~~c~~~~et:~rH~~a aFI:i~o~Jit~~~et~~~I~n;l~d't~eb~'Oh~nlll!rl~e~~F~a~~-~~~~~.~~e~a~!V:~v!"; l~eOc~~)~io~~I~o~~~~i~:~~ ')~;::kSovOerl~ll~e~~~~T~~hl~lt~~~:~Safr~~m~~;' :~~~~;aSre:O~~~~dat~I~Iil~~:!~i~t~ ~~q~\~n'?reJ:~ I ra~~:!Y:h~~ld;~~m~!\ii:ti!~~ar;:!~1 r~:!te:ullY of the men we~e still stiff from the rough team, ~'orthY of vi~tor e ~~w and f~~rZv~~~:I de~orated wlt,11 fi?~ers and leaves whitl! treatment received at tlle hands or the is far too small but. ItYls not th act uier fOl~led a ver , striking background for the George wasntngtou crew, these same game counts, it is ~he tho"u ht that it e c~n'ieyS var-ious color~ .and .hlles o~ the gowns, hlds put up a wonderful battle, and out- That thought is. 'We :I'e hack of you tean; II in. the receiving nne. beatrte Dr, and Sirs. ~~~~y:~or~~in~f~~~~!~\sb~hZll~~~1~~~~en~~~~ to ~~.I.eB~~:~~;'."Coa~h Shroyer, and Captain ~~?:'~;"t~~. 1~:~;S~Il;~~il~i~e(re~sese~an.~r,:\1~:;H~ ~~lm~O~~i~~~:~~t~fkf;;g'~~~~:n~:~ra~h~h~::~~~ ~~~s~l~e~~~(~o~~~~~ea:ti~~el~:::~nJht~e ~e~~ :~~:.~..\~~~it:~O/d ~~h~~e:o~~~~sOfor\~~:hi~lg~~~: goal. that proves o.f greatest valne. "With, cheer,~ 'I ~'~=s~:~~~JlOfa~~epat:~IO~~~li~~:~~f;~,~II'an:! J,Ollg, ,Uerr!ll lllltl Slilell UI'hthl l,hcilts. lug Rlla IlacklJlg. men, march 011to I'lctory, Tile receDtion was novel lor several The Shroyer machine ~tal~ted O~lt as -_._._-- reasons, ~~irst, m,HlY Ilew students wel'(! though it would s\\'amp the chesty crew El'nOPE 'I't) t:linOPE 'l'nO'I\~'t:H V1S11'S met, old st\ldent~ renewed acquaiutallces from the Callitol. :VierI'm kicked off for W • .11, C. laUd discussed (Iolllgs of the past summer, Western :V,aryland to 81. Jobns ten yard 1I11~(_'o\'ered FUeell 'l'hOllsund ,"Ile~, \\'hile "old grads" met old anti new anI! toU lille, The visitol's fa!1ed for first down and Polisll Globe tl'ottel', :vlr. Bafl;lukiewicz, or their !lIany experiences. Second. It was jlullted. iJut Bona blocke(1 his big frame Into who Is visiting the countries of the world the tll'st time some had occasion to meet the, hall aIHI St. .Johns l'ecovered on their fol' the intel'est oC Poland, arrived in .west- the new members of the faC..\lltY,'Professor own ten .\'a]'(1 line. A series of passes minster Thursday, a_tel' fiUeen I.housand and ">liss Wanen of the Chemistry depart- failed. wheu "Shorty" Long l'eceived Weg- miles of hiking with his best friend his ment, Profe~sol' Berthotf and MISS E:nmert nel"s punt and made a beautiful run throngh dog, who twice saved his IHe. Mr. Borsu- j of tile Biology 'departmeIlt, and Yllss Reese :). mas!! or orange jackets, bringing lhe ball kiewicz spoke to the student body of West- I of til£: department of MusIc. withlU striking distance of the goal where ern :t1aryland College on his experienceS'j Everybody seemed happy and gay. and the Sille!! punched it ol'er with u series of off- aud had his llog give sel'eral stunt!! on tile resuit!! of "!-lome-coming Day" and vletol'y tacklQ plnys, ]JlatforoL ~lr. Borsuklewicz Is but twenty- henmed on all the fH:e,'!, Dr, Ward him- :\lerrlll missed try for point. his kick hit- one years 01(1 and a, stl1dent speaking five seIr. telt like a student again. After ra- ting the bar in the exact center and bound- (lifl'erent languages. Every fourteen days freshmen Is were served. Ihe ent! of a per- i!,U; back. Back down the field Western he wear!:! ant one pair Qf shoe sales, show- fect day had been reached. and all agreed ~'I:ll'yland kl'pt the ,hall moving with an oc- mg the amount of walkiag he. is undertak- tbat the "old (·allege ~pil'Tt," the "lIghUng caslonal long punt ai' attempted forward Ing. From Westminster Mr. BOl'sukiewicz team." and "victory" WCl'enot things .of th~ pass. with ~erril'l! long puntS getting lhe went tn G~ttysbllrg Battle Grounds, ast for We~tern ~rarylaud. but still llve 0:1, Imll agaill within striking distance, where He started rroIll Wal'saw, Poland, 1921, -_._._- Rillen plowed through with another six and walked thru Germany, Denmark, Sl'A'J'I!iI'I'H.'S (IF SA1'Ul{TlA Y'S GA:tI.E ~1~l!He~~~rl~~~!l~I~O:\I~!\~~~::~;il;~3~:~I~: ~S1:~::~::~~~'r:o~~a~:ds~~!~8n;7e~~~~!~JI~:~ ~e?:ga:~.I~o:m~~~I~~I~;I~c~oai~.~1!~~;t~~tt~I~i- once when :'YIerriH intercepted a forward Se~t~le, Wl!_sh.,to. O~eg~n, California, and ~Ii\~al~,br~'UgJhOth~~~utt~heG;:~;est e:tlt~~~a!~~~ !~r~{I,f~:~:::~~~~::~~'~~~f~~tt!~~~~~~~~'~':~(f~:~I~~~i~~1~~~::~~cE!~~~;I~:l~~i:~,~I~~rzl.~fl!ii ~~ ?eO!~dltl~~~,uf:~~~,,~\~~e~~~f~Wi::~e~~~~.~~ . . Paso, Texas, taking three months to walk 011 allen ance an
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