Page 18 - Contrast1988Spring
P. 18

"A Christmas Carol"

                  "Silly Out-Of-Season Poultry"

                Christmas comes but once a year,
             Bringing songs, good times and cheer,

                   Gifts on credit--have no fear.
              And poems much like this poem here.

                 A Christmas poem right you are!
                 The best you'll ever hear by far.

                   Recite it as you drive you car,
                  Or quote it at your favorite bar.

             'Cause everyone loves Christmas time!
                  A time to sing, a time to rhyme!
                  A time when retail's at its prime,
                 And muggers opt to forego crime.

                 So gather up your favorite friend.
                 Grab your credit card and spend!
                Your buying frenzy shouldn't end,
                Nor should your festive spirit bend

                    Until December Twenty-four
      You've bought, then borrowed, bought some more;

                Rushed pell-mell from store to store
               Fed up with Christmas song and lore.

                On Christmas day you sit and stare,
                  As those around you rip and tear

            Their gifts to shreds--each got their share.
                 Then settled down without a care.

                                         Contrast Spring 1988
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